Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

The consistency comes when you decide at what age kids become capable of making health decisions for themselves.
Personally I dont ant to see kids getting chopped up or making lifelong decisions until they are ready.
But you are not offering me anything to back that up. You are just saying no and that falls way short.Where is the thinking,where is the science ?

You misunderstand the OP. My argument has been the opposite of what you state. Arkansas should not intervene in the decision between the child,parents and doctors. Perhaps you agree with that ?

If a child or really anyone for that matter walked into a doctor's office and told the doctor that they felt their left hand was an alien hand and wanted them to cut it off, do you think that doctor would be doing the right thing by entertaining that request? Or would that doctor refer this patient to a psychologist to fix whatever mental issue this patient is clearly having? And even after that patient spent years in therapy if he still thought his hand was an alien hand do you think any doctor would schedule that person for surgery?
If a child or really anyone for that matter walked into a doctor's office and told the doctor that they felt their left hand was an alien hand and wanted them to cut it off, do you think that doctor would be doing the right thing by entertaining that request? Or would that doctor refer this patient to a psychologist to fix whatever mental issue this patient is clearly having? And even after that patient spent years in therapy if he still thought his hand was an alien hand do you think any doctor would schedule that person for surgery?
You are off down the rabbit hole.
So your position is that parents can make decisions that you agree with. But you are a better judge on other stuff.

Where does that fall on the conservative freedom spectrum ?

The government already established that when they created the whole concept of child welfare agencies.

How is letting a kid neuter themselves chemically or mutilate their sex organs surgically any different than letting them swim in sewage or cut off their hands?
You know, there is a simple diagnostic people can use here if they are at all self-aware and reasonably honest.

All they have to do is ask themselves if they supported all this crap 10 years ago.

That this entire fad has been foisted upon our culture in SUCH short time should alarm any thinking person, who would then ask why. As we can see, though, the need to virtue signal outweighs all other considerations for those who do not actually think at all, but merely react in the ways they have been programmed to react.
We have had trannys over here for 50 years at least. So have you.
The government already established that when they created the whole concept of child welfare agencies.

How is letting a kid neuter themselves chemically or mutilate their sex organs surgically any different than letting them swim in sewage or cut off their hands?
Kids being abused tend not to have their doctors,parent and the whole medical establishnent supporting their abuser.
You have not put forward a solution.
You misunderstand the OP. My argument has been the opposite of what you state. Arkansas should not intervene in the decision between the child,parents and doctors. Perhaps you agree with that ?

So the state has no business protecting children from sexual abuse?

If a man is hiring his thirteen-year-old daughter out as a prostitute, does the state have no business interfering with that parent's right to make choices on behalf of his child?
So the state has no business protecting children from sexual abuse?

If a man is hiring his thirteen-year-old daughter out as a prostitute, does the state have no business interfering with that parent's right to make choices on behalf of his child?
The state is "protecting the child from their psychiatrist,doctor and parents. They have more credibility than right wing religious loons ho basically dont like trans people. That is what all this is about.
You have no case and that is what this whole issue is about.
It is never as simple as you are stating.
On the one hand you have a youngster who wants to change sex. Most parents would want to disuade them from that.
But by doing so the child becomes depressed and possibly suicidal.
We would all prefer a kid who changes sex to a dead child.
Arkansas is taking that option away from families.
Its well intentioned but brutal.
List the statistics of children under 12 who committed suicide because they couldn't change genders.

What a load of horse shit. But fine, prove it.
The parents are supporting their kids against creepy politicians.

No. Sorry but it's creepy to be excited about your kid wanting to mutilate themselves.

and it's even worse that they won't be getting what they think they are getting, only a crappy facsimile of what they want.

Have you ever seen a picture of a surgical penis or vagina?
The parents are supporting their kids against creepy politicians.
The schools need to quit their indoctrination of the 92 genders.
They need to quit asking what gender the child wants to be at 8.
Let children be children as you and I were growing up, and protect those children from anyone, or any
government who tries to indoctrinate them. Children are easily swayed by an adult with ill intent with
ill persuasion. It's too early for them to be making decisions regarding life long consequences.
The schools need to quit their indoctrination of the 92 genders.
They need to quit asking what gender the child wants to be at 8.
Let children be children as you and I were growing up, and protect those children from anyone, or any
government who tries to indoctrinate them. Children are easily swayed by an adult with ill intent with
ill persuasion. It's too early for them to be making decisions regarding life long consequences.
My sister is raising two adopted children and one of them, a girl, has always exhibited a HUGE amount of attention seeking behavior. You know the type - always trying to dramatic and cute, but irritating as all get up.

Guess who is now identifying as a boy?
That's really what drives this entire child tranny thing in a nutshell.
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This is pretty devastating stuff and most people will be on his side.
But the lady has a point of sorts but doesnt make it very well.
It comes across as big government interfering and I generally support that. But you need to have a basis in fact to do that.
It didnt look like she had anything. But I do understand what she was trying to do.

Does John Stewart and his dembot cultist not realize that the AG of a State doesn't make law? Legislatures make laws, based on hearings etc....not the AG, the AG is part of the executive branch, not legislature
The schools need to quit their indoctrination of the 92 genders.
They need to quit asking what gender the child wants to be at 8.
Let children be children as you and I were growing up, and protect those children from anyone, or any
government who tries to indoctrinate them. Children are easily swayed by an adult with ill intent with
ill persuasion. It's too early for them to be making decisions regarding life long consequences.

Consider the Afghan tradition of bacha bāzī—young boys feminized, and forced to serve as sex slaves to old pedo-faggots.

Now, ask yourself why any American wants to feminize young boys, confuse them about what sex they are, and also have them groomed to think that homosexuality is normal and acceptable. Pedo-faggots are not exclusive to Afghanistan.

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