Jon Stewart says Trump has "a very good chance" in 2024

So why can't anyone say how the election was stolen?
We already know how it was stolen.....nothing can be done about it at this point. But hey....just like with Reid majority rule....if these are the new rules of the game then so be it....they are the new rules.

The outlier odds of the three major swing states turning over from 10 pm to 4 am all in the same way on the same day are greater than those of you winning the Powerball three weeks in a row. You need no other information dude. Those odds do NOT EXIST ANYWHERE FOR ANYTHING EVER.
I understand everything doesn't always work out perfectly. That's why a real leader adjusts instead of doubling down on everything. Biden is doing pretty damn good with a hard job.
OH my f'ing did not just say this crap. BIDEN IS doing a crappy job from hell...everything has gotten worse since he stole the election.
So why can't anyone say how the election was stolen?
Stuffing ballot boxes with people who don't live in state, who voted multiple times, weren't legal voters. An audit of the VOTERS would likely show the ballots were just fraud.
OH my f'ing did not just say this crap. BIDEN IS doing a crappy job from hell...everything has gotten worse since he stole the election.
I wonder what they'll say when he starts showing Depends undergarments through his suit pants......they definitely did not kick the tires first on this one
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Stuffing ballot boxes with people who don't live in state, who voted multiple times, weren't legal voters. An audit of the VOTERS would likely show the ballots were just fraud.
There were numerous methods used...including electronic tampering, box stuffing and vote changing. IT doesn't matter because it's too late to do anything about it and I'm pretty sure this was well planned for four years knowing that the legal recourse to it would be too cumbersome and too slow to make any difference. However I say beware.....if this is the new set of rules....then everyone will play by them now....that simple.

We already know how it was stolen.....nothing can be done about it at this point. But hey....just like with Reid majority rule....if these are the new rules of the game then so be it....they are the new rules.

The outlier odds of the three major swing states turning over from 10 pm to 4 am all in the same way on the same day are greater than those of you winning the Powerball three weeks in a row. You need no other information dude. Those odds do NOT EXIST ANYWHERE FOR ANYTHING EVER.
Your claim is just dumb. When you consider that write in votes weren't counted until after the votes cast that day the odds that they wouldn't all change are astronomical. Your claim has been shown to be bullshit.
OH my f'ing did not just say this crap. BIDEN IS doing a crappy job from hell...everything has gotten worse since he stole the election.
Hysterical claims from an idiot who believes THE BIG LIE. Totally expected.
Your claim is just dumb. When you consider that write in votes weren't counted until after the votes cast that day the odds that they wouldn't all change are astronomical. Your claim has been shown to be bullshit.
I don't think so..... I'm not talking about the ballots dude....I'm talking about the actual odds.....they don't exist. That is not Bullshit it's called empirical Data Collection and it follows very well worn and time tested methods. Had this discussion with Professor Fortfun already. His opinion was that I am a love that pronoun!
Stuffing ballot boxes with people who don't live in state, who voted multiple times, weren't legal voters. An audit of the VOTERS would likely show the ballots were just fraud.
Really? You want to go door to door, and ask each person who they voted for? That's just nuts.
I don't think so..... I'm not talking about the ballots dude....I'm talking about the actual odds.....they don't exist. That is not Bullshit it's called empirical Data Collection and it follows very well worn and time tested methods. Had this discussion with Professor Fortfun already. His opinion was that I am a love that pronoun!
I wouldn't say you are a charlatan. That would imply someone who knows better, but spreads bullshit anyway. I think you are just another conspiracy theory nut who actually believes all the bullshit you spout. The sad part is that you are too stupid to accept reality.
I wouldn't say you are a charlatan. That would imply someone who knows better, but spreads bullshit anyway. I think you are just another conspiracy theory nut who actually believes all the bullshit you spout. The sad part is that you are too stupid to accept reality.
Sure..... go study up on Statistics before you come back child.....At least Fortfun knew what he was talking about and was able to make an intelligent objection. You just avoid the technical stuff by doing the kindergarten finger point and the " You're a pooh pooh head " it.

Really? You want to go door to door, and ask each person who they voted for? That's just nuts.
Of course and it is logistically impossible I said....the new rules are here now. So then.....everybody will play by them. Let's just call it the Reid effect.
Sure..... go study up on Statistics before you come back child.....At least Fortfun knew what he was talking about and was able to make an intelligent objection. You just avoid the technical stuff by doing the kindergarten finger point and the " You're a pooh pooh head " it.

To be fair, you are a pooh pooh head. A batshit crazy pooh pooh head.
Heh heh heh ....don't like the idea very much do you? lol...... Dominion led the way and they will be followed by dozens of others now that there is money in the game.

You bet bubba. Just keep that tinfoil hat on tight, and you will be just fine.
Hysterical claims from an idiot who believes THE BIG LIE. Totally expected.
Bull, what do you want to argue?
Is it that you don't that Biden is doing a crappy job despite all the evidence of one failure after another?

Or do you want to argue that the election wasn't stolen---when we all know that it has. Biden lost about 1/2 the counties that Hilliary supposedly won but somehow a record number of votes? Didn't happen dear...
You bet bubba. Just keep that tinfoil hat on tight, and you will be just fine.
There's a lot to be said for tinfoil....but not much for your total failure in this it .... you posted nothing. Dodging the reality that the Odds do not exist and once again doing the " You're a pooh pooh head " thing....really doesn't help you're argument much....oh that's right ... you never presented one of those. Typical idealist.

Bull, what do you want to argue?
Is it that you don't that Biden is doing a crappy job despite all the evidence of one failure after another?

Or do you want to argue that the election wasn't stolen---when we all know that it has. Biden lost about 1/2 the counties that Hilliary supposedly won but somehow a record number of votes? Didn't happen dear...
I'm laughing too hard to argue. You are crazy, but it's funny crazy.

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