Jon Stewart to Republicans: You Can't Exploit 9/11 Anymore


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Jon Stewart to Republicans: You Can't Exploit 9/11 Anymore

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with an impassioned rant against Republicans for blocking a Congressional bill that would've provided health care for 9/11 first responders. Stewart then implored the GOP to never again exploit the attacks for political gain. Watch inside.

Video after the jump. Jon Stewart tears apart the GOP for putting partisanship over the 9/11 first responders. On a related note, Mike Enzi should be ashamed of himself.

A.) Why do the Republicans need to alter it? So they could of done more of this?

Lately, the GOP has attached language on abortion, immigration and other hot-button issues that divide the Democratic Party.

Whatever happened to just voting on a bill?

B.) That article and vote was from July. This is the more recent where the GOP voted no, again.

King is full of bologna. What they wouldn't allow is for the GOP to attach a rider which would have required us to check the immigration status of people who indisputably worked in the pit.

He can call it whatever he wants... but the reality is the GOP didn't want to give NY that kind of money.... same as when Trent Lott was running the show and they gave Idaho equal money to 'fight terrorism' as they gave us.

The GOP has no right to campaign on 9.11 anymore. I agree with Stewart.
so you think republicans hate the 9/11 responders? is that it?

Not only is that a deflection from the point of the thread but a non-issue. Do I think all Republicans or Conservatives hate 9/11 responders? No. Do I think the Republicans in the Senate are playing political games by voting no on the 9/11 responders bill? Yes.

However, my personal opinion has nothing to do with this thread.

9/11 responders bill defeated by Senate GOP filibuster -

Washington (CNN) -- Senate Democrats failed Thursday to win a procedural vote to open debate on a bill that would provide medical benefits and compensation for emergency workers who were first on the scene of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

The motion for cloture, or to begin debate, needed 60 votes to pass due to a Republican filibuster, but fell short at 57-42 in favor.

The motion for cloture, or to begin debate, needed 60 votes to pass due to a Republican filibuster, but fell short at 57-42 in favor

needed 60 votes to pass due to a Republican filibuster

Republican filibuster


All on them.

Republicans complained that the $7.4 billion price tag was too high, while Democrats said the government had an obligation to help the first responders to the deadliest terrorism attack in U.S. history.

Here, let me once again make that bigger so it can be seen better:

Republicans complained that the $7.4 billion price tag was too high
It appears Rdean has stolen Modbert's handle.

Again, I would criticize the Democrats just as much as if they blocked this bill. Do you think the $7.4 billion price tag is "too high"? Yes or no? Instead of deflecting away from the issue or trying to make this about me, why not discuss the issue at hand?
Why aren't the Dems just sending this up for a straight majority vote? Apparently it would pass as a simple majority vote...

Why play games and require a super majority vote?

Oh, I see... Democratic games = acceptable...

Never mind...
Why aren't the Dems just sending this up for a straight majority vote? Apparently it would pass as a simple majority vote...

Why play games and require a super majority vote?

Oh, I see... Democratic games = acceptable...

Never mind...

because they would rather make people look bad then take care of 9/11 responders.
Sooner than anybody realizes it's coming, 9/11 will see its 10 year anniversary. TEN YEARS.

Nobody has the right to campaign on 9/11 anymore, and hasn't for a very long time.

What's truly pathetic is more than 9 years later, first responders still aren't being cared for. There is still no memorial or redevelopment of the WTC site. We're still in Afghanistan, still in Iraq, and still arguing over petty partisan BS instead of taking care of business.

It's no wonder these people have to reach back going on 10 years to find something worth running on, and that involves wrapping themselves in the bloody flag of 3,000 murdered people and shamelessly using their memories for personal gain. Disgusting.

It's a sad, sad world we live in sometimes.
When did we ever exploit them? This bill is exploiting them.
Ah. Comedy Central. One of the primary references of the left in political, government, and foreign relations matters.
Ah. Comedy Central. One of the primary references of the left in political, government, and foreign relations matters.

Ah yes, a non-answer that does nothing to address the issue of the thread.
How many hundreds of millions do these first responders need. This is a shakedown through and through. I'm guessin al "the baffoon" sharpton has his hands in this.

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