Jon Stewart Eviscerates Rand Paul for Blocking 9/11 Victim Funding

All news and politics are now predicated on the "awwwww" factor. Juvenile and asinine. It is felt that nobody can say "no" if a victim is involved.

Even more juvenile is the liberal awe, once again, for comedy writers and celebrities. They want so bad to have an aristocracy to bow to.

Hollywood, the liberal media and Democrats...a huge circle jerk each trying to impress the other.
Jon Stewart has balls where the rest of Hollywood has failed here.

Jon Stewert is a coward. It isnt brave to suck up to power. He would become a quivering mess if he found himself even for a day in the the shoes of a typical American standing against the rich, wealthy, powerful cabal opposed to us. That goes for most liberals. They love being on the side of power.
Jon Stewert is a coward. It isnt brave to suck up to power. He would become a quivering mess if he found himself even for a day in the the shoes of a typical American standing against the rich, wealthy, powerful cabal opposed to us. That goes for most liberals. They love being on the side of power.
Earth to DOTR.....Jon Stewart is the one standing up to power.
Your twisted view of reality has nothing to do with this subject, so run along and
walk your dog or something.
Jon Stewert is a coward. It isnt brave to suck up to power. He would become a quivering mess if he found himself even for a day in the the shoes of a typical American standing against the rich, wealthy, powerful cabal opposed to us. That goes for most liberals. They love being on the side of power.
Earth to DOTR.....Jon Stewart is the one standing up to power.
Your twisted reality has nothing to do with this subject, so run along and
walk your dog or something.
Rand Paul is the one standing up to irresponsible spending and bankruptcy.

Rand is a showboating jackass that is in love with himself....
All news and politics are now predicated on the "awwwww" factor. Juvenile and asinine. It is felt that nobody can say "no" if a victim is involved.

Even more juvenile is the liberal awe, once again, for comedy writers and celebrities. They want so bad to have an aristocracy to bow to.

Hollywood, the liberal media and Democrats...a huge circle jerk each trying to impress the other.
Jon Stewart has balls where the rest of Hollywood has failed here.
Jon Stewart is a virtue signalling asswipe....He's doing exactly what all other liberoidal asswipes do: projecting.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7
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I don't give a fuck what happens or who has to suffer.

You want more spending? CUT SOMETHING!!!

Good idea. Start with the CIA and work our way down.

Amtrak would be a good start, that would be four billion, we could afford to cut all corporate welfare for that matter. Then we could cut 25% across the board. We should not be spending more without cutting out.
Jon Stewert is a coward. It isnt brave to suck up to power. He would become a quivering mess if he found himself even for a day in the the shoes of a typical American standing against the rich, wealthy, powerful cabal opposed to us. That goes for most liberals. They love being on the side of power.
Earth to DOTR.....Jon Stewart is the one standing up to power.
Your twisted view of reality has nothing to do with this subject, so run along and
walk your dog or something.
He's not standing up to it...He's going begging to it under the cover of the appeal to emotion.

You're falling for it just like liberoidals do.

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