Jonathan Turley on the Unsigned 4-3 Colorado Decison Regarding President Trump.

I was shocked, now I'm pissed that my state's supreme court would do something so OBVIOUSLY political driven and illegal. Biden might have dementia but rational members of such august body as a state supreme court know what they posited was illegal unlawful partisan political bullshit. And they must think they will get away with it, because here we are.
I think what we're seeing is the willingness on the part of the Dem / Socialist politburo to go full Stalin-mode.

It's clear the Dems colluded to get this ruling from leftist appointed judges at the Colorado Supreme Court. There's just no pretense of integrity or respect for the law with lawless Dems / Socialists.
Hollie, you sound like a little shitass.

The conservative SCOTUS will handle this.

And your fascist buddies want to do the same in the red states to kicking Biden off the ballot.
That's the democrat goal.
Let’s be thankful that Trump’s achievements are still helping us. Thanks to him, we have a SCOTUS that follows the Constitution, and this disgraceful move to keep a qualified person off the ballot will be overturned.
Let’s be thankful that Trump’s achievements are still helping us. Thanks to him, we have a SCOTUS that follows the Constitution, and this disgraceful move to keep a qualified person off the ballot will be overturned.
If not, then the Colorado GOP just won't have a primary vote. They will go to caucus and just select Trump.

Anyone who thought this decision would keep Trump off the general election ballot is wrong. This was to keep Trump off the PRIMARY ballot.
I see the globalist warmongers hand's in this. Take Trump off the GOP primary ballot to hype up Haley. Liberals and globalists need their endless wars and will stop at nothing to get them.
If not, then the Colorado GOP just won't have a primary vote. They will go to caucus and just select Trump.

Anyone who thought this decision would keep Trump off the general election ballot is wrong. This was to keep Trump off the PRIMARY ballot.
They can do that?
So let's start removing candidates by personal opinion. Preach to us some more about that democracy thing democrats love....until they don't.
Better yet….let‘s start removing members by personal opinion. Arlette goes first because… opinion….she is a POO-POO head!
sure looked like one to me.

does SCOTUS really want to open the door to people angry with its rulings being able to storm the building?

You mean, like what democrats do all the time? This equals 'insurrection' now? That's pretty weak, as is the insinuation that 'stand by' REALLY meant 'storm the Capital, overtake the US government.'
It's amazing that the Democrats keep saying that they are saving our "democracy", whilst they stuff ballots and remove opponents from the ballots.
The Democrats fear clean fair elections.
too bad they don't fear God

"Fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom"

Proverbs 1 --I believe

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