Jonathan Turley on the Unsigned 4-3 Colorado Decison Regarding President Trump.

No, they aren't. Media needs a close race to sell ads. They are weighting the polls to get that race. tRump, in reality, hadn't got a prayer.
hahaha yeah that's's all a mass conspiracy by the media that shows people hating Xiden and his demafacsit war on democracy and the working class...that's it.
hahaha yeah that's's all a mass conspiracy by the media that shows people hating Xiden and his demafacsit war on democracy and the working class...that's it.
Wow, you drank all the Kool-Aid again, didn't you.
Turley is a $10.00 whore.

Well, you'd be wrong. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't require a conviction, mere participation in an insurrection is adequate. Trump was impeached and indicted for his participation in January 6th.
You are incredibly stupid.
What's so obvious about it?
Because there’s nothing in the US constitution which gives the Colorado court that power. The justice department has conducted an investigation and determined that there was no insurrection or rebellion.
Wow, you drank all the Kool-Aid again, didn't you.
Jimmy is probably right again.

Banning Trump from the ballot is designed to spark riots & civil war so the establishment can take away more rights & change the way we are governed. We already live in a surveillance state cuz of 9-11, and now they want us scared, on edge & begging for the government to completely control us in the name of safety.

You can’t overstate how serious this is and how everything the establishment says Trump is doing is projection & actually a confession of what they are doing.

Most people are going to fall for this cuz you have the Billionaire controlled media endorsing it as “normal” & pushing it. - Jimmy Dore
Because there’s nothing in the US constitution which gives the Colorado court that power. The justice department has conducted an investigation and determined that there was no insurrection or rebellion.
The Constitution gives the states the right to run the elections, not the federal government.
Turley is a $10.00 whore.

Which is why you can't afford him.

Of course, this what all you morons call people who don't agree with you.

You are very good at helping to expose the fallacy that the left is tolerant.
No, they aren't. Media needs a close race to sell ads. They are weighting the polls to get that race. tRump, in reality, hadn't got a prayer.

I know you meant to attach your support this dumbassed claim.

Somehow you forgot.
So…apparently they can only count to 3, because there are 2 more sections after that one.

Section 5 says that CONGRESS shall enforce the provisions of this ammendment with appropriate legislation. 18 US 2383 is that legislation. Trump has not been charged and convicted with the insurrection act….so…Colorado SC gets this authority…where?

Non the less, let’s hope you all didn’t open a can of worms because…other courts can also determine that Biden is disqualified for various reasons. Your support of a court not using the appropriate means to disqualify a candidate means that other courts can do the same.

So, how many of the repunlican controlled states will follow suit and remove Biden?

The left were the ones screaming about disenfranchisement, and if this holds up, they will have disenfranchised many voters in Colorado.

lol…can of worms folks…can of worms..
Well good luck on getting Mike Johnson's GOP majority in the House to introduce and pass that bill. :)
I think this is how it will break out.

Alito, Thomas and Barret will vote to overturn.
Jackson, Sotomoyor and Kagan will vote to uphold.

The real question marks are Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Roberts. They've all shown signs of being actual jurists from time to time.

On the legal question, there's really no doubt. Trump formented an insurrection. He did this openly on Twitter and national TV. We all saw him do it.

The problem of Trump is that he's always been a person who is manifestly unfit for the presidency, but since 1974, respect for the Presidency as an office has declined so much that it doesn't matter to people.

Bullshit. Trump said to peacefully protest.

The GOP better grow some skin and remove Biden from states they controlled. This is only the beginning. This country is in desperate need of another winner take all civil war. There would be no reconciliation or reconstruction bullshit. We need a massive purge starting with Soros. Time to reopen the internment camps.
Well good luck on getting Mike Johnson's GOP majority in the House to introduce and pass that bill. :)

Who said anything about Mike Johnson…or the federal Congress? I’m talking about state legislatures and courts. If Colorado can just determine that trump can’t be on the ballot, then, so can the legislatures of the 26 Republican controlled states, to keep Biden off their ballots.

Is this the game we really want to get into?
Who said anything about Mike Johnson…or the federal Congress? I’m talking about state legislatures and courts. If Colorado can just determine that trump can’t be on the ballot, then, so can the legislatures of the 26 Republican controlled states, to keep Biden off their ballots.

Is this the game we really want to get into?
Sadly, GOP needs to play this game. To deal with leftists effectively, gotta fight fire with fire or release a wolf to catch the fox.
Turley is a $10.00 whore.

Well, you'd be wrong. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't require a conviction, mere participation in an insurrection is adequate. Trump was impeached and indicted for his participation in January 6th.

I gotta ask, who gets to decide there ever was an insurrection in the 1st place without a conviction? Just cuz some democrat stooge(s) says there was? And where is the indictment from a Grand Jury for participating in an insurrection? Seriously, you guys on the Left believe that they can deny an otherwise eligible American to run for president by merely charging him/her with insurrection? No trial, no conviction, the person is guilty cuz you said so? And that is your idea of true democracy?
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Sadly, GOP needs to play this game. To deal with leftists effectively, gotta fight fire with fire or release a wolf to catch the fox.

Sure, if that’s where they want to go, then yes, you have to. Of course, the country will suffer for it but, it’s bad to be in a one sided game..

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