Jonathan Turley on the Unsigned 4-3 Colorado Decison Regarding President Trump.

Who said anything about Mike Johnson…or the federal Congress? I’m talking about state legislatures and courts. If Colorado can just determine that trump can’t be on the ballot, then, so can the legislatures of the 26 Republican controlled states, to keep Biden off their ballots.

Is this the game we really want to get into?
You brought up Section 3 that it was the responsibility of Congress to pass the legislation. If you didn't want it commented on though, don't post it. My intent was to emphasize that the Speaker and GOP majority in the House would not help Colorado's supreme court do this injustice.

Sorry I was confusing.
You brought up Section 3 that it was the responsibility of Congress to pass the legislation. If you didn't want it commented on though, don't post it. My intent was to emphasize that the Speaker and GOP majority in the House would not help Colorado's supreme court do this injustice.

Sorry I was confusing.

No, you’re fine. Maybe I was confusing. I’m mostly talking about how the Colorado court played this. I agree that it’s a federal issue but Colorado doesn’t that’s the game they want to play, then both sides have some teeth in that fight…the Republican just have bigger teeth in this case..
Who said anything about Mike Johnson…or the federal Congress? I’m talking about state legislatures and courts. If Colorado can just determine that trump can’t be on the ballot, then, so can the legislatures of the 26 Republican controlled states, to keep Biden off their ballots.

Is this the game we really want to get into?

Exactly the point.

We'll basically hold the election in the SC of each state.
Better read the 14th again, shitass.
Did you vote for Kerry when he was running against Bush? Have you sent a letter to Congress demanding the removal of Kerry?

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability
shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same

It seems to me that without any person convicted of insurrection or rebellion that neither actually took place. Until that occurs, all we have is opinions, from which no one should be denied their civil rights and that includes the right to run for office, any office including the presidency. We're talking about a criminal act here, and in this country under our judicial system, each of us is presumed innocent of any charges until proven guilty in a court of law. And a Congressional impeachment is a political decision rather than a criminal one.
Of course, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment does not apply here, for several reasons, in fact.

Maybe that's why the decision is unsigned? None of the 4 of the 4-3 majority wants to own it.

trump's actions were in support of the nation and Constitution ? Fake news is crazy !
Better read the 14th again, shitass.
The 14th amendment does not give a state court the authority to select who can be on a state ballot, dumb-ass.

Election related laws and regulations are left up to a state legislature. You wouldn’t know that because you’re an ignorant partisan hack as well as a dumb-ass.
We just had a clean fair election and your guy lost so; you claim it was there's that fuckup.
With critical states changing their election laws DURING THE ELECTION CYCLE in ways that broke their own laws,
It seems to me that without any person convicted of insurrection or rebellion that neither actually took place. Until that occurs, all we have is opinions, from which no one should be denied their civil rights and that includes the right to run for office, any office including the presidency. We're talking about a criminal act here, and in this country under our judicial system, each of us is presumed innocent of any charges until proven guilty in a court of law. And a Congressional impeachment is a political decision rather than a criminal one.

Yep. Trump has not been convicted or charged with anything mentioned in Section 3 of the 14th. Second, Trump was not an "officer". Trump was not appointed but was voted into office by voters. Also, Trump was exercising his free speech just as Democrats exercising their free speech by indirectly saying kill those damn Jews.
Because there’s nothing in the US constitution which gives the Colorado court that power. The justice department has conducted an investigation and determined that there was no insurrection or rebellion.
Actually, the states have every right to determine who can appear on a federal ballot.

In the 1860 election, Abraham Lincoln didn't appear on the ballot in most of the Southern States. He won anyway.

In this case, however, there are certain federal standards to be president. You have to be born here. You have to be at least 35 years old. And you have to have not participated in an open insurrection against the US Government.
I gotta ask, who gets to decide there ever was an insurrection in the 1st place without a conviction? Just cuz some democrat stooge(s) says there was? And where is the indictment from a Grand Jury for participating in an insurrection? Seriously, you guys on the Left believe that they can deny an otherwise eligible American to run for president by merely charging him/her with insurrection? No trial, no conviction, the person is guilty cuz you said so? And that is your idea of true democracy?

I don't need a "conviction" to see that what was attempted on January 6th was an insurrection.

Again- Section 3 doesn't require a conviction. Mostly because the Federal Government didn't want to try everyone who served in the Confederate government and Army with insurrection, but they didn't want them showing up in Congress, either.

A true Democracy, we wouldn't be in this mess. Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016, and if we had followed the will of the voters, you'd have all written him off as another loser like Romney and McCain.

INSTEAD, you guys are desperately trying to validate your mistake, making excuses for his every failure, because you just don't want to admit you were wrong.

We followed a bad rule in the constitution to put a manifestly unfit man in the White House, and despite two impeachments and the 25th Amendment allowing a mentally unstable person to be removed, Republicans proved too cowardly to just remove the guy and be done with him. Nixon was ten times the man Trump is, but when it was found he violated the law, he had to go. Even Republican agreed to that.

So here we are... using a clause in the constitution we never thought we'd have to use because we never thought we'd have a president who would violate his office as much as Trump did.
The 14th amendment does not give a state court the authority to select who can be on a state ballot, dumb-ass.

Election related laws and regulations are left up to a state legislature. You wouldn’t know that because you’re an ignorant partisan hack as well as a dumb-ass.
The Constitution gives the states control over the elections and to remove those who have been insurgents against the country. SCOTUS will uphold this,
Did you vote for Kerry when he was running against Bush? Have you sent a letter to Congress demanding the removal of Kerry?

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability
Kerry beat up the man in an officer's mess for cowardice who later made up this canard about him.

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