joni Ernst family received 1/2 million dollars in government handouts

Exactly which beliefs is she professing that she does not hold?

Have you not read the topic? Do you have a vision problem due to partisan blinders?

Ernst whines about government pork, yet she supports government pork programs which benefit her family.

Exactly which "government pork programs which benefit her family" does she support?

Ethanol, which, incidentally, uses more non-renewable energy than it saves.
Despite Campaigning on Pork-cutting Family Living Within Our Means Sen. Ernst s Kin Took Over 460 000 in Farm Subsidies THE DISTRICT SENTINEL news co-op
Exactly which beliefs is she professing that she does not hold?

Have you not read the topic? Do you have a vision problem due to partisan blinders?

Ernst whines about government pork, yet she supports government pork programs which benefit her family.

Exactly which "government pork programs which benefit her family" does she support?

Ethanol, which, incidentally, uses more non-renewable energy than it saves.

I agree that ethanol is a farm state boondoggle that should be eliminated along with other government subsidies which skew energy markets. This is essentially Joni Ernst's position (ahough she wants them all eliminated, not just ethanol). I doubt she personally benefits from ethanol, but it does present a chicken-and-egg dilemma of which subsidies get cut first. This may constitute a philosophical compromise, but it is certainly not the rank hypocrisy that the OP alleges.
Exactly which beliefs is she professing that she does not hold?

Have you not read the topic? Do you have a vision problem due to partisan blinders?

Ernst whines about government pork, yet she supports government pork programs which benefit her family.

Exactly which "government pork programs which benefit her family" does she support?

Ethanol, which, incidentally, uses more non-renewable energy than it saves.

I agree that ethanol is a farm state boondoggle that should be eliminated along with other government subsidies which skew energy markets. This is essentially Joni Ernst's position (ahough she wants them all eliminated, not just ethanol). I doubt she personally benefits from ethanol, but it does present a chicken-and-egg dilemma of which subsidies get cut first. This may constitute a philosophical compromise, but it is certainly not the rank hypocrisy that the OP alleges.
And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
Media Ignore The Government Subsidies Helping Joni Ernst's Family Farm

Ernst's Family Farm Benefited From Substantial Farm Subsidies. Ernst's family farm in Red Oak, Iowa received over $460,000 in farm subsidies between 1995 and 2006. Family members received conservation payments, commodity subsidies, and agricultural aid.
And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."
And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."

Is THAT the ONLY response - somebody else did it too?

Does that justify it? Does it make it OK?

Two wrongs make a right?

And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."

Is THAT the ONLY response - somebody else did it too?

Does that justify it? Does it make it OK?

Two wrongs make a right?

No they're both equally wrong, but Jodi is a frigging lunatic AND hypocrite.
And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."

Is THAT the ONLY response - somebody else did it too?

Does that justify it? Does it make it OK?

Two wrongs make a right?


Ernst's family did nothing wrong. What is wrong with you stupid people? Seriously.

The farmers don't ask the Federal Government for money, the Federal GOVERNMENT ASKS THE FARMERS to put their land in soil bank which is now called --

Conservation Reserve Program - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I need to start a stupidity exorcist business. All my clients would be dimocraps but, hey!

Gotta deal with the stoopid if you wanna make money

dayum but you people are stupid
And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."

I never heard her positions because she wasn't running in my state. So I'll wait to hear but taking this from a leftnutter is taking the words of Hypocrite. If she was a farmer she might have got something as has Dan Rather and any member in congress who runs a farm. don't know and don't really care. Too bad they weren't so upset over Feinstien, Harry Reid who has made millions on his position, and the beat go on and on and on

But this is how the left operates. they have nothing good to run so it all comes down the smears. woman, black, doesn't matter to them
Last edited:
Really funny watching the mental gymnastics of the hypocrites:

"When I take the money, or when one of my friends take the money, it's OK. But if someone I don't like takes the money, THAT'S bad."

And I think some of them are actually stupid enough to believe they can get someone else to believe it.

Too funny
And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."

I never heard her positions because she wasn't running in my state. So I'll wait to hear but taking this from a leftnutter is taking the words of Hypocrite. If she was a farmer she might have got something as has Dan Rather and any member in congress who runs a farm. don't know and don't really care. Too bad they weren't so upset over Feinstien, Harry Reid who has made millions on his position, and the beat go on and on and on

But this is how the left operates. they have nothing good to run so it all comes down the smears. woman, black, doesn't matter to them

Do you live in California?

New Deal Farm Laws




Because President Roosevelt's advisors believed that the economic depression had been caused by an economic slowdown in farming, much of the New Deal was intended to help farmers. In the alphabet soup of agencies, several were intended to help farmers, and the impact of these New Deal programs continues today.

  • AAA, the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
  • CCC, the Civilian Conservation Corps of 1933
  • FSA, the Farm Security Administration of 1935 and 1937
  • SCS, the Soil Conservation Service of 1935
  • And the REA, Rural Electrification Administration

The basic outlines of each of these programs have continued into the 21st Century. So, historians can look back and identify the New Deal programs as the fourth major period of U.S. farm policies.

In the first years after America was founded, the federal government concentrated on distributing new "frontier" land to settlers who were migrating to the new nation. One of the major problems, of course, of this effort was how to deal with the Native Americans who were already living on the "new" land.

The second major period began in roughly 1830 when the government began to help farmers grow more crops. The U.S. established new universities that were supposed to find better methods of farming.

The third major period began in the late 1800s when lawmakers were forced to impose new regulations on the agricultural markets, just as they did on business trusts and monopolies.

Even before the New Deal, the federal government supported farmers directly. President Hoover's administration tried to support farmers by providing them better credit and then by buying farm produce to stabilize the prices. But that just caused farmers to grow more, which in turn lowered prices even more.

When Roosevelt became president, the belief was that low prices were caused by high production. The supply of crops and livestock was much higher than the demand for those products, and so the prices dropped.

To this day, the basic policy of the federal government has remained to keep prices up by keeping production down. And this is a very real way in which the Great Depression continues to affect those of us growing up and living today.

New Deal Farm Laws




Because President Roosevelt's advisors believed that the economic depression had been caused by an economic slowdown in farming, much of the New Deal was intended to help farmers. In the alphabet soup of agencies, several were intended to help farmers, and the impact of these New Deal programs continues today.

Jodi's a dem! And here I thought she was pig farmer with a fascination with testicles and a TPM fav. Who'd a thunK!

  • AAA, the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
  • CCC, the Civilian Conservation Corps of 1933
  • FSA, the Farm Security Administration of 1935 and 1937
  • SCS, the Soil Conservation Service of 1935
  • And the REA, Rural Electrification Administration

The basic outlines of each of these programs have continued into the 21st Century. So, historians can look back and identify the New Deal programs as the fourth major period of U.S. farm policies.

In the first years after America was founded, the federal government concentrated on distributing new "frontier" land to settlers who were migrating to the new nation. One of the major problems, of course, of this effort was how to deal with the Native Americans who were already living on the "new" land.

The second major period began in roughly 1830 when the government began to help farmers grow more crops. The U.S. established new universities that were supposed to find better methods of farming.

The third major period began in the late 1800s when lawmakers were forced to impose new regulations on the agricultural markets, just as they did on business trusts and monopolies.

Even before the New Deal, the federal government supported farmers directly. President Hoover's administration tried to support farmers by providing them better credit and then by buying farm produce to stabilize the prices. But that just caused farmers to grow more, which in turn lowered prices even more.

When Roosevelt became president, the belief was that low prices were caused by high production. The supply of crops and livestock was much higher than the demand for those products, and so the prices dropped.

To this day, the basic policy of the federal government has remained to keep prices up by keeping production down. And this is a very real way in which the Great Depression continues to affect those of us growing up and living today.

Jodi's a new deal dem? And here I thought she was a tea party fav with a strange fascination with testicles.
More tea party hypocrisy.

"Joni Ernst, the new Republican senator from Iowa who
delivered the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night, called in her address for cuts in government spending and described how her views grew out of her own “simple” upbringing, one in which her family diligently watched ever scarce penny, to the point where she owned only one pair of shoes.

But an investigation of public records by the Washington D.C.-based District Sentinel online news site showed that between 1995 and 2009,
Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.

“I had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic bread bags over them to keep them dry,” Ernst described in her State of the Union rebuttal Tuesday.

“But I was never embarrassed. Because the school bus would be filled with rows and rows of young Iowans with bread bags slipped over their feet. Our parents may not have had much, but they worked hard for what they did have.”

Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts
OMG! IT's the end of the world!
Resign! Resign!
For the record there is no hypocrisy here.
Joni needs to castrate her dad and her uncle. They got pork from DC. Handouts.


Suuuuuuu-ee! Here daddy daddy daddy! Suuuuu-ee!

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