joni Ernst family received 1/2 million dollars in government handouts

Dammit. Joni wears camouflage shoes and has a -R after her name. That makes it okay for her family to get government gifts. I forgot.
Farm subsidies have been with us since FDR's New Deal.

JFK and Nixon debated over farm subsidies in the 1960 debates.

And farm subsidies are still with us.
hear that CrusaderFrank ? Your peoples standard bearer is a deadbeat living-off of an FDR program :rofl:

Too bad all that money goes into running and managing the farm crops that the Federal agriculture regulations demand instead of cloths and food for the family eh?
And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."

Is THAT the ONLY response - somebody else did it too?

Does that justify it? Does it make it OK?

Two wrongs make a right?

No they're both equally wrong, but Jodi is a frigging lunatic AND hypocrite.

I fail to see what Joni Ernst has done to qualify her as a lunatic, other than having the gall to hold different political views than you.
Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.
And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."

Is THAT the ONLY response - somebody else did it too?

Does that justify it? Does it make it OK?

Two wrongs make a right?

No they're both equally wrong, but Jodi is a frigging lunatic AND hypocrite.

I fail to see what Joni Ernst has done to qualify her as a lunatic, other than having the gall to hold different political views than you.
I dunno maybe the manic look in her eye and Lindsey Graham giving her castrating equipment.
Can someone tell us what Mrs Ernst has done to deserve all this nonsense against her, besides giving a rebuttal to Obama's speech. I mean really are these people so desperate to find dirt on someone?

If she took advantage of this it is a LEGIMATE Government program. You want to bitch get Obama and Democrats to get rid of it
Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.
She just got elected.
What have Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, both of whom also feed at the trough done to stop?

Geezus, every Republican who takes the home mortgage deduction is a hypocrite to these assholes. Shows how completely desperate they are.
Can someone tell us what Mrs Ernst has done to deserve all this nonsense against her, besides giving a rebuttal to Obama's speech. I mean really are these people so desperate to find dirt on someone?

If she took advantage of this it is a LEGIMATE Government program. You want to bitch get Obama and Democrats to get rid of it
She spoke out against Obama. She is a successful female off the Dem reservation. She must be defamed at all costs.
Farm subsidies have been with us since FDR's New Deal.

JFK and Nixon debated over farm subsidies in the 1960 debates.

And farm subsidies are still with us.
hear that CrusaderFrank ? Your peoples standard bearer is a deadbeat living-off of an FDR program :rofl:

Too bad all that money goes into running and managing the farm crops that the Federal agriculture regulations demand instead of cloths and food for the family eh?


Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, was given $14,705 in conservation payments and $23,690 in commodity subsidies by the federal government–with all but twelve dollars allocated for corn support.

Joni needs to castrate her father.
Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.

But that is exactly what the Left doesn't want, so they resort to smokescreens and mirrors.
Straight out of Saul Alinsky's "rules for Radicals".

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.
She just got elected.
What have Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, both of whom also feed at the trough done to stop?

Geezus, every Republican who takes the home mortgage deduction is a hypocrite to these assholes. Shows how completely desperate they are.

Here lemme post this - maybe you missed it:

Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.
Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.
She just got elected.
What have Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, both of whom also feed at the trough done to stop?

Geezus, every Republican who takes the home mortgage deduction is a hypocrite to these assholes. Shows how completely desperate they are.

Here lemme post this - maybe you missed it:

Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.
The only ones turning it into a partisan pissing match are the liberals on this board.
Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.

But that is exactly what the Left doesn't want, so they resort to smokescreens and mirrors.


BOTH REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS are spending like drunken sailors on leave. The ONLY difference is who the checks are made out to.

THEY LOVE IT when their useful idiots refuse to address this and stay bogged down in partisan bitching and moaning.
Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.
She just got elected.
What have Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, both of whom also feed at the trough done to stop?

Geezus, every Republican who takes the home mortgage deduction is a hypocrite to these assholes. Shows how completely desperate they are.

Exactly, they never run on their OWN Representatives records. You have to wonder why that is? oh wait, their records just got them kicked out of congress in a HISTORIC amount of seats lost under Obama in just SIX YEARS. I think I answered my own question. they're losers, waaa
And Diane Feinstein's husband is going to make Billions off her position in government they didn't blink an eyelash..

You can't take these Democrat sheep/tools/leftnutters serious anymore.
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."

Is THAT the ONLY response - somebody else did it too?

Does that justify it? Does it make it OK?

Two wrongs make a right?

No they're both equally wrong, but Jodi is a frigging lunatic AND hypocrite.

I fail to see what Joni Ernst has done to qualify her as a lunatic, other than having the gall to hold different political views than you.
I dunno maybe the manic look in her eye and Lindsey Graham giving her castrating equipment.

When all else fails, resort to potty talk...
She's a disgrace, but Fienstein didn't run on taking all the handouts from these "takers."

Is THAT the ONLY response - somebody else did it too?

Does that justify it? Does it make it OK?

Two wrongs make a right?

No they're both equally wrong, but Jodi is a frigging lunatic AND hypocrite.

I fail to see what Joni Ernst has done to qualify her as a lunatic, other than having the gall to hold different political views than you.
I dunno maybe the manic look in her eye and Lindsey Graham giving her castrating equipment.

When all else fails, resort to potty talk...

where's the "potty talk"
Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.
She just got elected.
What have Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, both of whom also feed at the trough done to stop?

Geezus, every Republican who takes the home mortgage deduction is a hypocrite to these assholes. Shows how completely desperate they are.

Exactly, they never run on their OWN Representatives records. You have to wonder why that is? oh wait, their records just got them kicked out of congress in a HISTORIC amount of seats lost under Obama in just SIX YEARS. I think I answered my own question. they're losers, waaa

Yeah, and the GOP NEVER does that huh?

They are still running against Obama and he can't even run again.

The notion that one side is doing anything particularly better than the other is kool-aid that is mixed up by that side.

It is our choice to drink or not to drink.

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