joni Ernst family received 1/2 million dollars in government handouts

I read it just fine Dot.
It was the commit you made that she is a deadbeat living off a Dem's program of which none of it goes to the family but to the farm.
A deadbeat would be someone living off of welfare that does nothing

Here lemme post this - maybe you missed it:

Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.

I think that small independent farmers should get help, but the not big commercial farms (this is what should be cut back in that program).

Great idea! Government subsidies to prop up inefficiencies of scale! To bad Studebaker never thought of that!

A car company does not go broke because of the weather like droughts or early freeze like our crops do.
Crops are for all of us.

Peach, you are talking about crop insurance. That has absolutely nothing to do with crop subsidies, which prop up crop prices..

go gripe to your party about. they could of ended this when they had full control of congress. instead they shoved another MONSTER government entitlement onto our backs by LYING to us and hiring people like Johnny Gruber, with OscamCare. don't see you all wailing over that
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“I don’t think you would have ever seen the Bush daughters in dresses that short. Class is completely absent from this White House.”

Yeah. Republicans don't make personal attacks. Right.

Whoa....How quickly we forget. Damn, you people have the memories of gerbils.
The Bush sisters got into a fight at the Raw Deal, a bar in Austin. I used to go there years ago in the 1980s.

Bush daughters cited in Texas


By Tom Kenworthy, USA TODAY

"""AUSTIN, Texas — President Bush's 19-year-old twin daughters were charged Thursday with underage alcohol offenses after an incident in a popular restaurant known for its Tex-Mex food and ice-cold margaritas.
It was the second alcohol-related citation against Jenna Bush in less than five weeks. Police accused Jenna Bush of attempting to buy alcohol with false identification and Barbara Bush of being a minor in possession of alcohol.

Both charges are misdemeanors punishable by a fine of up to $500, attendance at an alcohol awareness course, community service and a 30-day suspension of a driver's license.""" - Bush daughters cited in Texas
More tea party hypocrisy.

"Joni Ernst, the new Republican senator from Iowa who
delivered the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night, called in her address for cuts in government spending and described how her views grew out of her own “simple” upbringing, one in which her family diligently watched ever scarce penny, to the point where she owned only one pair of shoes.

But an investigation of public records by the Washington D.C.-based District Sentinel online news site showed that between 1995 and 2009,
Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.

“I had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic bread bags over them to keep them dry,” Ernst described in her State of the Union rebuttal Tuesday.

“But I was never embarrassed. Because the school bus would be filled with rows and rows of young Iowans with bread bags slipped over their feet. Our parents may not have had much, but they worked hard for what they did have.”

Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts

First, are you trying to imply something illegal took place? Second, Joni was 24-25 at the time, she was in the military and had her own family. So what the fuck does this have to do with anything? You fucking assholes try to smear anyone who doesn't toe your line, especially women and you claim republicans have a war on women, what a fucking hypocrite.
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More tea party hypocrisy.

"Joni Ernst, the new Republican senator from Iowa who
delivered the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night, called in her address for cuts in government spending and described how her views grew out of her own “simple” upbringing, one in which her family diligently watched ever scarce penny, to the point where she owned only one pair of shoes.

But an investigation of public records by the Washington D.C.-based District Sentinel online news site showed that between 1995 and 2009,
Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.

“I had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic bread bags over them to keep them dry,” Ernst described in her State of the Union rebuttal Tuesday.

“But I was never embarrassed. Because the school bus would be filled with rows and rows of young Iowans with bread bags slipped over their feet. Our parents may not have had much, but they worked hard for what they did have.”

Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts

First, are trying to imply something illegal took place? Second, Joni was 24-25 at the time, she was in the military and had her own family. So what the fuck does this have to do with anything? You fucking assholes try to smear anyone who doesn't toe your line, especially women and you claim republicans have a war on women, what a fucking hypocrite.

they have NOTHING else. they just lost Congress over this kind of shit. so hey let them continue. only helps Republicans like it did the last TWO elections

Dammit. My family only got half a million dollars in handouts. I need to go to Washington and take some food stamps out of some babies mouths so I can look after my family. I only have one pair of shoes, and they are camouflage shoes.
More tea party hypocrisy.

"Joni Ernst, the new Republican senator from Iowa who
delivered the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night, called in her address for cuts in government spending and described how her views grew out of her own “simple” upbringing, one in which her family diligently watched ever scarce penny, to the point where she owned only one pair of shoes.

But an investigation of public records by the Washington D.C.-based District Sentinel online news site showed that between 1995 and 2009,
Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.

“I had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic bread bags over them to keep them dry,” Ernst described in her State of the Union rebuttal Tuesday.

“But I was never embarrassed. Because the school bus would be filled with rows and rows of young Iowans with bread bags slipped over their feet. Our parents may not have had much, but they worked hard for what they did have.”

Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts

First, are trying to imply something illegal took place? Second, Joni was 24-25 at the time, she was in the military and had her own family. So what the fuck does this have to do with anything? You fucking assholes try to smear anyone who doesn't toe your line, especially women and you claim republicans have a war on women, what a fucking hypocrite.

I would say that when a senator makes a speech to the nation which includes tales of going to school wearing bread bags on her shoes to show how hardworking and frugal her family was, while not mentioning half million dollar government handouts to her family, makes it pretty relevant, especially since her speech was intended to vilify the other party for gross government overspending.
I read it just fine Dot.
It was the commit you made that she is a deadbeat living off a Dem's program of which none of it goes to the family but to the farm.
A deadbeat would be someone living off of welfare that does nothing

Here lemme post this - maybe you missed it:

Yeah, when someone I like feeds off the public trough, it's:
"So what"
"Others do it too"
"what about so-and-so who does it"


Turning it into a partisan pissing match only GUARANTEES that we will never make any meaningful progress toward a balanced budget.

I think that small independent farmers should get help, but the not big commercial farms (this is what should be cut back in that program).

Great idea! Government subsidies to prop up inefficiencies of scale! To bad Studebaker never thought of that!

A car company does not go broke because of the weather like droughts or early freeze like our crops do.
Crops are for all of us.

Peach, you are talking about crop insurance. That has absolutely nothing to do with crop subsidies, which prop up crop prices..

Farm subsidies are for rental payment.
Retail prices for when crops drop
Disaster payment.
EWG Farm Subsidy Database
Wow, you could buy a lot of bread bags with that. Rows and rows.

Wow, you idiots really eat up that BS. By her "family" you actually mean her parents and grandparents who, like thousands of other small farmers, received agricultural subsidies over many decades so they wouldn't lose their farms. Kind of puts it in perspective, eh? But don't let that interrupt your propaganda mill...

Read the article, idiot:

"".....between 1995 and 2009, Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.""

Read more at Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts

How about "uncle" instead of "family?" Or would that spoil your little deception?

If it was her uncle then why did you say parents and grandparents?

I was mistaken by underestimating the duplicity of the OP. I assumed that at least a minimal degree of accuracy was included in the use of the term "family;" thus I believed that parent and grandparents must have been included in the otherwise disingenuous article. As it turned out, even this low standard was not met: The vast majority of these "government handouts" involved her uncle's farm, from which she received no direct benefits. Does that clear up your befuddlement?
Wow, you could buy a lot of bread bags with that. Rows and rows.

Wow, you idiots really eat up that BS. By her "family" you actually mean her parents and grandparents who, like thousands of other small farmers, received agricultural subsidies over many decades so they wouldn't lose their farms. Kind of puts it in perspective, eh? But don't let that interrupt your propaganda mill...

Read the article, idiot:

"".....between 1995 and 2009, Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.""

Read more at Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts

How about "uncle" instead of "family?" Or would that spoil your little deception?

If it was her uncle then why did you say parents and grandparents?

I was mistaken by underestimating the duplicity of the OP. I assumed that at least a minimal degree of accuracy was included in the use of the term "family;" thus I believed that parent and grandparents must have been included in the otherwise disingenuous article. As it turned out, even this low standard was not met: The vast majority of these "government handouts" involved her uncle's farm, from which she received no direct benefits. Does that clear up your befuddlement?

Oh, Absolutely! And now that she is a senator, I am anxiously waiting for the day when she drafts a bill ending all such subsidies, as the tea party no doubt will favor! I figure that this will happen on the same day that the sun freezes and the earth burns!
I think that small independent farmers should get help, but the not big commercial farms (this is what should be cut back in that program).

None of them should be getting help. If you can't stay in business without a government subsidy then you don't belong in business.
More tea party hypocrisy.

"Joni Ernst, the new Republican senator from Iowa who
delivered the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night, called in her address for cuts in government spending and described how her views grew out of her own “simple” upbringing, one in which her family diligently watched ever scarce penny, to the point where she owned only one pair of shoes.

But an investigation of public records by the Washington D.C.-based District Sentinel online news site showed that between 1995 and 2009,
Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.

“I had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic bread bags over them to keep them dry,” Ernst described in her State of the Union rebuttal Tuesday.

“But I was never embarrassed. Because the school bus would be filled with rows and rows of young Iowans with bread bags slipped over their feet. Our parents may not have had much, but they worked hard for what they did have.”

Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts

First, are trying to imply something illegal took place? Second, Joni was 24-25 at the time, she was in the military and had her own family. So what the fuck does this have to do with anything? You fucking assholes try to smear anyone who doesn't toe your line, especially women and you claim republicans have a war on women, what a fucking hypocrite.

I would say that when a senator makes a speech to the nation which includes tales of going to school wearing bread bags on her shoes to show how hardworking and frugal her family was, while not mentioning half million dollar government handouts to her family, makes it pretty relevant, especially since her speech was intended to vilify the other party for gross government overspending.

Bullshit, how responsible are you for your parents actions after you left home? One has nothing to do with the other except in the warped minds of people like you.
lol, I went to this site. I found it interesting how the claim it's taxpayers handouts. You ever hear them call people on Welfare getting TAXPAYER HANDOUTS?


one of the comments with loonyleftytoon article

  • Former President Jimmy Carter’s family farm, Carter’s Farms Inc., has received $272,288 in farm subsidy payments between 1995 and 2012.
be warned: that site is as nutty as the rest of them on the left
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More tea party hypocrisy.

"Joni Ernst, the new Republican senator from Iowa who
delivered the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night, called in her address for cuts in government spending and described how her views grew out of her own “simple” upbringing, one in which her family diligently watched ever scarce penny, to the point where she owned only one pair of shoes.

But an investigation of public records by the Washington D.C.-based District Sentinel online news site showed that between 1995 and 2009,
Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.

“I had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic bread bags over them to keep them dry,” Ernst described in her State of the Union rebuttal Tuesday.

“But I was never embarrassed. Because the school bus would be filled with rows and rows of young Iowans with bread bags slipped over their feet. Our parents may not have had much, but they worked hard for what they did have.”

Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts

First, are trying to imply something illegal took place? Second, Joni was 24-25 at the time, she was in the military and had her own family. So what the fuck does this have to do with anything? You fucking assholes try to smear anyone who doesn't toe your line, especially women and you claim republicans have a war on women, what a fucking hypocrite.

I would say that when a senator makes a speech to the nation which includes tales of going to school wearing bread bags on her shoes to show how hardworking and frugal her family was, while not mentioning half million dollar government handouts to her family, makes it pretty relevant, especially since her speech was intended to vilify the other party for gross government overspending.

well of course you do. Just like you wanted to see someones Tax returns. but not ask a democrat to show all their RECORDS, like Obama . then we are told it's their PERSONAL business. she could have been five years old and you people would still fall for something off a leftwing hate site... you're the hypocrite.
You think we'll see them blowing a gasket over something like this?



A powerful New York Democrat, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, was charged with fraud and other criminal actions on Thursday. The court stated that Silver, who has acted as Assembly Speaker since 1994, tried to hide "corrupt sources" of outside income as well as inducing others to offer bribes and kickbacks in order to secure his help.

As a result of the court’s decision, the Thursday session of the Assembly was canceled. Silver surrendered to authorities Thursday morning; he could spend a maximum of 20 years in jail on each charge, according to a spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara. Silver’s attorney, Steven Molo, stated, "We intend to vigorously contest the charges and Mr. Silver looks forward to his day in court."

any bets?

all of it here:
Powerful NY Democrat Accused Of Corruption Truth Revolt
THIS is what's going on folks. so you can EXPECT more threads such as this one. THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE. they just got kicked out of POWER by, you the people and they are gunning for anyone and everyone. petty dirt or not. Keep on your toes

Leftist Attack Group Targets Gohmert

all of it here:

Leftist Attack Group Targets Gohmert Truth Revolt
go gripe to your party about. they could of ended this when they had full control of congress. instead they shoved another MONSTER government entitlement onto our backs by LYING to us and hiring people like Johnny Gruber, with OscamCare. don't see you all wailing over that

anything to say about the OP Staphanie :eusa_eh: Stephanie
More tea party hypocrisy.

"Joni Ernst, the new Republican senator from Iowa who
delivered the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night, called in her address for cuts in government spending and described how her views grew out of her own “simple” upbringing, one in which her family diligently watched ever scarce penny, to the point where she owned only one pair of shoes.

But an investigation of public records by the Washington D.C.-based District Sentinel online news site showed that between 1995 and 2009,
Ernst’s family received nearly a half-million dollars in government handouts, payments targeted toward subsidizing farms with taxpayer funds.

“I had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic bread bags over them to keep them dry,” Ernst described in her State of the Union rebuttal Tuesday.

“But I was never embarrassed. Because the school bus would be filled with rows and rows of young Iowans with bread bags slipped over their feet. Our parents may not have had much, but they worked hard for what they did have.”

Joni Ernst On Welfare GOP Senator s Family Grabbed 460 000 In Taxpayer Handouts
Would you like to know how much farm subsidies went to Hollywood liberals for bogus "farms" they declared? The Ernst Farms are doing nothing more than million of other farmers are qualified for. Your thread is a fail and doesn't deserve further debate.

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