Jordan, Meadows Refer Cohen To AG Barr For Alleged Perjury At Oversight Hearing

And this was trumps guy. Birds of a feather...
No evidence but you have an old adage....

:p Good for you.
No evidence? He worked for him for 10 years. You'd have to be a real dumbass to employ that guy for 10 years in a real important position right?
I'm talking about YOU, snowflake.

As far as Cohen goes, he destroyed every Liberal false narrative out there.

No collusion.
Debunked the Dossier.
Trump did not ask or tell him to lie.
He said he has no evidence of a crime.


No wonder you're pissed off. :p
And this was trumps guy. Birds of a feather...
No evidence but you have an old adage....

:p Good for you.
No evidence? He worked for him for 10 years. You'd have to be a real dumbass to employ that guy for 10 years in a real important position right?
I'm talking about YOU, snowflake.

As far as Cohen goes, he destroyed every Liberal false narrative out there.

No collusion.
Debunked the Dossier.
Trump did not ask or tell him to lie.
He said he has no evidence of a crime.


No wonder you're pissed off. :p

But Cohen is a liar and cannot be trusted, so all those things are a lie. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
How many threads just like this will be started in the next 48 hours?

I'm betting a dozen, easy.

Somehow you snowflakes get your your GOP talking points and think you're going to be the 1st one to have this "epiphany" and never check to see if there's 10 more threads on the same subject. Why is that?
Why is it that you are so threatened by how many people want to talk about Pelosi's 'star witness' - in the very 1st committee hearing she holds as Speaker - is an admitted, convicted Felon Perjured who was convicted for lying to Congress the 1st time he testified ... and who is now going to be indicted for the same thing again after Democrats bring him back to testify yet again?

Probably because it makes Pelosi and the Democrats look like shit, staging a heinous slanderous attack on the President using a proven criminal / perjurer to do so in Pelosi's freak show political circus theater.

Nancy Pelosi didn't pick the witness - Donald Trump did when he hired Michael Cohen to do his dirty work. That's how criminals get arrested. Other criminals turns state's witness against them. If Donald Trump hadn't surrounded himself with liars, thieves and criminals, there would be a better class of citizen testifying against him.

Good honest people don't participate in criminal schemes or sell out their country to a foreign adversary, so I'm afraid the only people being called as witnesses to the criminal activities of Donald Trump, will be other criminals.
How many threads just like this will be started in the next 48 hours?

I'm betting a dozen, easy.

Somehow you snowflakes get your your GOP talking points and think you're going to be the 1st one to have this "epiphany" and never check to see if there's 10 more threads on the same subject. Why is that?
Why is it that you are so threatened by how many people want to talk about Pelosi's 'star witness' - in the very 1st committee hearing she holds as Speaker - is an admitted, convicted Felon Perjured who was convicted for lying to Congress the 1st time he testified ... and who is now going to be indicted for the same thing again after Democrats bring him back to testify yet again?

Probably because it makes Pelosi and the Democrats look like shit, staging a heinous slanderous attack on the President using a proven criminal / perjurer to do so in Pelosi's freak show political circus theater.

Nancy Pelosi didn't pick the witness - Donald Trump did when he hired Michael Cohen to do his dirty work. That's how criminals get arrested. Other criminals turns state's witness against them. If Donald Trump hadn't surrounded himself with liars, thieves and criminals, there would be a better class of citizen testifying against him.

Good honest people don't participate in criminal schemes or sell out their country to a foreign adversary, so I'm afraid the only people being called as witnesses to the criminal activities of Donald Trump, will be other criminals.
Hillary Pal Lanny Davis set the whole thing up, got Cohen to agree to testify again, and when he told Pelosi to make it happen she saluted Hillary's 'General' smartly and followed orders!

She had the power to stop the freak show political theater big top, but she didn't...and as pointed out, it will be HER NAME as Speaker everyone remembers, who let a convicted perjuror before Congress return as their star witness to do it again.

How many threads just like this will be started in the next 48 hours?

I'm betting a dozen, easy.

Somehow you snowflakes get your your GOP talking points and think you're going to be the 1st one to have this "epiphany" and never check to see if there's 10 more threads on the same subject. Why is that?
Why is it that you are so threatened by how many people want to talk about Pelosi's 'star witness' - in the very 1st committee hearing she holds as Speaker - is an admitted, convicted Felon Perjured who was convicted for lying to Congress the 1st time he testified ... and who is now going to be indicted for the same thing again after Democrats bring him back to testify yet again?

Probably because it makes Pelosi and the Democrats look like shit, staging a heinous slanderous attack on the President using a proven criminal / perjurer to do so in Pelosi's freak show political circus theater.

Nancy Pelosi didn't pick the witness - Donald Trump did when he hired Michael Cohen to do his dirty work. That's how criminals get arrested. Other criminals turns state's witness against them. If Donald Trump hadn't surrounded himself with liars, thieves and criminals, there would be a better class of citizen testifying against him.

Good honest people don't participate in criminal schemes or sell out their country to a foreign adversary, so I'm afraid the only people being called as witnesses to the criminal activities of Donald Trump, will be other criminals.
Hillary Pal Lanny Davis set the whole thing up, got Cohen to agree to testify again, and when he told Pelosi to make it happen she saluted Hillary's 'General' smartly and followed orders!

She had the power to stop the freak show political theater big top, but she didn't...and as pointed out, it will be HER NAME as Speaker everyone remembers, who let a convicted perjuror before Congress return as their star witness to do it again.


You stupid fucking Russian!! This is the House Oversight Committee. Nothing to do with Nancy Pelosi, you stupid asshole.

This is the Elijah Cummings Show. He is the Chairman of this Committee whose job it is to make sure that the White House is acting within the law and not overstepping their Constitutional Authority. This wasn't happening under the Republican House, who ignored the White House shennanigans, and actually covered up Trump's illegal activities and attacked the Judicial Branch.

That's not going to happen under the Democrats. The American people are going to get REAL oversight, and criminal activities by Donald Trump and members of his administration will be aggressively investigated and prosecuted.
And this was trumps guy. Birds of a feather...
No evidence but you have an old adage....

:p Good for you.
No evidence? He worked for him for 10 years. You'd have to be a real dumbass to employ that guy for 10 years in a real important position right?
I'm talking about YOU, snowflake.

As far as Cohen goes, he destroyed every Liberal false narrative out there.

No collusion.
Debunked the Dossier.
Trump did not ask or tell him to lie.
He said he has no evidence of a crime.


No wonder you're pissed off. :p
Another trump criminal going to jail. Birds of a feather....
Meadows lies about not being a racist:

Jordan lies about his wrestlers being sexually assaulted:


I think Meadows and Jordan both need to be investigated.

Who knows what else these guys are lying about?

They don't even try to defend Trump. They just attack Cohen. Cohen may bury them all.
Sean Hannity to Trump in tonight’s interview, on Michael Cohen and the hush-money payments: “I can tell you personally, he said to me at least a dozen times, that he made the decision on the payments and he didn’t tell you.”
It was SOOOOOOO BORING!!!!!!!!!!!! Much better event on the other channel...

And this was trumps guy. Birds of a feather...
No evidence but you have an old adage....

:p Good for you.
No evidence? He worked for him for 10 years. You'd have to be a real dumbass to employ that guy for 10 years in a real important position right?
$100000 payments in a Mega-company and he looked after the tradies?? That is NOT an important position though such minions are necessary ...but still a minion.

Apparently he was operating as an Unregistered Foreign Agent for his own little scam of a company...he lied about that in a both a disclosure form and a security background check which he failed. One of the reasons he was rejected and left in the dust by President Trump.
"Apparently" Cohen wasn't!
It was Meadows who was lying and Cohen told the truth, and Meadows knew he was lying when he lied about Cohen because he was waving the disclosure form at Cohen and threatening to read it. But if you notice he never did read it because he knew it would prove Cohen was telling the truth!
How many threads just like this will be started in the next 48 hours?

I'm betting a dozen, easy.

Somehow you snowflakes get your your GOP talking points and think you're going to be the 1st one to have this "epiphany" and never check to see if there's 10 more threads on the same subject. Why is that?
Why is it that you are so threatened by how many people want to talk about Pelosi's 'star witness' - in the very 1st committee hearing she holds as Speaker - is an admitted, convicted Felon Perjured who was convicted for lying to Congress the 1st time he testified ... and who is now going to be indicted for the same thing again after Democrats bring him back to testify yet again?

Probably because it makes Pelosi and the Democrats look like shit, staging a heinous slanderous attack on the President using a proven criminal / perjurer to do so in Pelosi's freak show political circus theater.

Nancy Pelosi didn't pick the witness - Donald Trump did when he hired Michael Cohen to do his dirty work. That's how criminals get arrested. Other criminals turns state's witness against them. If Donald Trump hadn't surrounded himself with liars, thieves and criminals, there would be a better class of citizen testifying against him.

Good honest people don't participate in criminal schemes or sell out their country to a foreign adversary, so I'm afraid the only people being called as witnesses to the criminal activities of Donald Trump, will be other criminals.
Hillary Pal Lanny Davis set the whole thing up, got Cohen to agree to testify again, and when he told Pelosi to make it happen she saluted Hillary's 'General' smartly and followed orders!

She had the power to stop the freak show political theater big top, but she didn't...and as pointed out, it will be HER NAME as Speaker everyone remembers, who let a convicted perjuror before Congress return as their star witness to do it again.


You stupid fucking Russian!! This is the House Oversight Committee. Nothing to do with Nancy Pelosi, you stupid asshole.

This is the Elijah Cummings Show. He is the Chairman of this Committee whose job it is to make sure that the White House is acting within the law and not overstepping their Constitutional Authority. This wasn't happening under the Republican House, who ignored the White House shennanigans, and actually covered up Trump's illegal activities and attacked the Judicial Branch.

That's not going to happen under the Democrats. The American people are going to get REAL oversight, and criminal activities by Donald Trump and members of his administration will be aggressively investigated and prosecuted.

Pelosi and the Democrats are a joke. What they just held was a freak show political circus big top starring a convicted felon who committed Perjury the last time and committed perjury again while testifying a 2nd time.

Their stat criminal witness also destroyed all their false narratives - No collusion, No crime, No evidence, Cohen proved the Dossier was a lie, and Jordan appropriately rebuked the Democrats for running a circus where their star witness was a convicted liar.

It was one big embarrassing joke.
Jordan and Meadows are a national disgrace.

The disgrace was the Democrats whose star witness has absurdly zero credibility as he is going to jail for already having committed perjury before Congress previously.

Despite bashing Trump several times, Cohen still desttoyed all of their false narratives.

It might as well have been a. Weekly THBHS meeting (Trump-Hating Butt-Hurt Snowflake rehab meeting where they all say around and shared their FEELINGS.

Congratulations, Michael Cohen, For Being Dumb Enough To Be Talked Into Testifying Under Oath Before Congress Again by Hillary Pal Lanny Davis On Your Way To Prison After Being Convicted Of Committing Perjury The Last Time You Testified Under Oath Before Congress, You Are Being Indicted...AGAIN...For Committing Perjury - Lying To Congress Under Oath...AGAIN!

View attachment 248186

"Republican Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Mark Meadows of North Carolina referred Michael Cohen to the Attorney General William Barr on Friday, alleging that the president’s former attorney perjured himself in the course of giving testimony at Thursday’s hearing before the House Oversight Committee.

“Mr. Cohen’s testimony before the Committee on Oversight and Reform on February 27, 2019, was a spectacular and brazen attempt to knowingly and willfully testify falsely and fictitiously to numerous material facts,”
the letter to Barr from Jordan and Meadows states.

“His testimony included intentionally false statements designed to make himself look better on a national stage. Mr. Cohen’s prior conviction for lying to Congress merits a heightened suspicion that he has yet again testified falsely before Congress,” the letter concludes.

The letter details six distinct points supporting an investigation into whether Cohen’s testimony Wednesday before the committee was truthful."

This is a attempt to intimidate a witness and nothing more. If anyone needs to be investigated, it is Meadows and Jordan. They have abused their authority to protect Trump.
How many threads just like this will be started in the next 48 hours?

I'm betting a dozen, easy.

Somehow you snowflakes get your your GOP talking points and think you're going to be the 1st one to have this "epiphany" and never check to see if there's 10 more threads on the same subject. Why is that?
Why is it that you are so threatened by how many people want to talk about Pelosi's 'star witness' - in the very 1st committee hearing she holds as Speaker - is an admitted, convicted Felon Perjured who was convicted for lying to Congress the 1st time he testified ... and who is now going to be indicted for the same thing again after Democrats bring him back to testify yet again?

Probably because it makes Pelosi and the Democrats look like shit, staging a heinous slanderous attack on the President using a proven criminal / perjurer to do so in Pelosi's freak show political circus theater.

Donald Trump has lied so much that even he cannot keep track of them all. Why do you think Giuliani wanted written questions from Mueller instead of questioning him directly. They knew he would lie under oath.
No lazy Beast loss and no "Dossier", no FISA fraud, no spying by OBAMA ADMIN, no investigations. No bogus charges dredged up for political hit jobs. If the IRS or FBI or DOJ did not want these guys before DJT? Huh? They would go on and on like all other DC slime do. The whole thing sickens me.

Lying to Congress? Oh the!

This is a attempt to intimidate a witness and nothing more. If anyone needs to be investigated, it is Meadows and Jordan. They have abused their authority to protect Trump.
Actually, it is enforcing existing law and holding people accountable for their crimes.

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