Jordan, Meadows Refer Cohen To AG Barr For Alleged Perjury At Oversight Hearing

Tucker pwns the filthy, lying democrats! The point is why isn't it illegal for democrats to lie to the American people, for over two years? Rush said today two sources told him Swamp Rat Mueller threatened to put Cohen's wife in prison for years if he did not "become" a democrat overnight.

Attacking Cohen's credibility at this point does not make any sense at all. The House Oversight Committee members and members of the Intelligence Committee will make their own credibility determinations regarding Cohen and proceed from there.

By the time Cohen reports to prison, he will have finished singing his song. He will have given the information that he has to the committees, which might help furnish a direction for their investigations, particularly as to whom he believes they might want to interview next.. He is also assisting the folks of the SDNY.

Jordan's and Meadow's complaint to Barr, following their decidely poor performance during the public hearing, reeks of retribution being their only motive. I seriously doubt that any indictment would stem from their very thin complaint. They seem quite desparate.
Once a liar, always a liar.

I still can't figure out why the Dems used a known liar as their "star" witness.

Who would believe one word coming out of his mouth?? I sure wouldn't.
How many threads just like this will be started in the next 48 hours?

I'm betting a dozen, easy.

Somehow you snowflakes get your your GOP talking points and think you're going to be the 1st one to have this "epiphany" and never check to see if there's 10 more threads on the same subject. Why is that?
Why is it that you are so threatened by how many people want to talk about Pelosi's 'star witness' - in the very 1st committee hearing she holds as Speaker - is an admitted, convicted Felon Perjured who was convicted for lying to Congress the 1st time he testified ... and who is now going to be indicted for the same thing again after Democrats bring him back to testify yet again?

Probably because it makes Pelosi and the Democrats look like shit, staging a heinous slanderous attack on the President using a proven criminal / perjurer to do so in Pelosi's freak show political circus theater.

Nancy Pelosi didn't pick the witness - Donald Trump did when he hired Michael Cohen to do his dirty work. That's how criminals get arrested. Other criminals turns state's witness against them. If Donald Trump hadn't surrounded himself with liars, thieves and criminals, there would be a better class of citizen testifying against him.

Good honest people don't participate in criminal schemes or sell out their country to a foreign adversary, so I'm afraid the only people being called as witnesses to the criminal activities of Donald Trump, will be other criminals.
Hillary Pal Lanny Davis set the whole thing up, got Cohen to agree to testify again, and when he told Pelosi to make it happen she saluted Hillary's 'General' smartly and followed orders!

She had the power to stop the freak show political theater big top, but she didn't...and as pointed out, it will be HER NAME as Speaker everyone remembers, who let a convicted perjuror before Congress return as their star witness to do it again.


You stupid fucking Russian!! This is the House Oversight Committee. Nothing to do with Nancy Pelosi, you stupid asshole.

This is the Elijah Cummings Show. He is the Chairman of this Committee whose job it is to make sure that the White House is acting within the law and not overstepping their Constitutional Authority. This wasn't happening under the Republican House, who ignored the White House shennanigans, and actually covered up Trump's illegal activities and attacked the Judicial Branch.

That's not going to happen under the Democrats. The American people are going to get REAL oversight, and criminal activities by Donald Trump and members of his administration will be aggressively investigated and prosecuted.

Pelosi and the Democrats are a joke. What they just held was a freak show political circus big top starring a convicted felon who committed Perjury the last time and committed perjury again while testifying a 2nd time.

Their stat criminal witness also destroyed all their false narratives - No collusion, No crime, No evidence, Cohen proved the Dossier was a lie, and Jordan appropriately rebuked the Democrats for running a circus where their star witness was a convicted liar.

It was one big embarrassing joke.
Are you talking about the dossier that was started by Marco Rubio as opposition research against Trump?
Once a liar, always a liar.

I still can't figure out why the Dems used a known liar as their "star" witness.

Who would believe one word coming out of his mouth?? I sure wouldn't.
I’m confused. Are you talking about Trump?

Because you can’t believe a word that comes out of that liars mouth.
No, I am talking about the Russian authored propaganda piece Hillary paid a foreign spy and the Russians for in an attempt to alter the 2016 presidential election.
Once a liar, always a liar.

I still can't figure out why the Dems used a known liar as their "star" witness.

Who would believe one word coming out of his mouth?? I sure wouldn't.
Oliver North...........waving at you.
No, I am talking about the Russian authored propaganda piece Hillary paid a foreign spy and the Russians for in an attempt to alter the 2016 presidential election.
The word is "hacked" now. Clinton and Obama tried to "HACK" the 2016 Election.

I prefer Hijack, but you get the point.

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