Jordan Neely Was on ‘Top 50’ List of at-Risk New York City Homeless People

Nobody's going to miss this jerkoff. The world is a better place without him. But the bottom line is, you're taking your chances every time you let your tough guy instincts take over. I feel bad for the marine because he was standing up for what is right, but when the guy died you can't just ignore his role. In the end, I wish the marine could have got probation and anger management classes. How about a little leniency for a guy who did society a favor.
Nobody's going to miss this jerkoff. The world is a better place without him. But the bottom line is, you're taking your chances every time you let your tough guy instincts take over. I feel bad for the marine because he was standing up for what is right, but when the guy died you can't just ignore his role. In the end, I wish the marine could have got probation and anger management classes. How about a little leniency for a guy who did society a favor.
Where’s the indication that the Marine needed anger-management classes? He subdued the savage criminal who was threatening everyone on the subway car. It’s not like he lashed out at an innocent person.
Who the hell is a government forcing people to take "anger management" classes? People who started this just put another mode of control on us. Never forget the power structure who accuses you and takes from you. It will turn around at some point.
Who the hell is a government forcing people to take "anger management" classes? People who started this just put another mode of control on us. Never forget the power structure who accuses you and takes from you. It will turn around at some point.
What the Democrats have done is not only allow criminals to roam free, and not only demonized the police to neutralize them in their efforts to prevent their actions, but now has shown what happens to any brave, willing, and able patriot who steps up to defend the community from the thugs and lunatics roaming around.
What the Democrats have done is not only allow criminals to roam free, and not only demonized the police to neutralize them in their efforts to prevent their actions, but now has shown what happens to any brave, willing, and able patriot who steps up to defend the community from the thugs and lunatics roaming around.
People who have strong mental issues are not dealt with in a professional manner. Ways to put individuals into forced care is controversial. Many end up in prisons. Which is not what they should be in. Mental institutions may be needed again but done in affordable ways.
People who have strong mental issues are not dealt with in a professional manner. Ways to put individuals into forced care is controversial. Many end up in prisons. Which is not what they should be in. Mental institutions may be needed again but done in affordable ways.
True, but until we get back to mental institutions, these people should be in prison. The priority should be protecting innocent people from dangerous lunatics - especially after they’ve committed violent acts.
People who have strong mental issues are not dealt with in a professional manner. Ways to put individuals into forced care is controversial. Many end up in prisons. Which is not what they should be in. Mental institutions may be needed again but done in affordable ways.

True, but until we get back to mental institutions, these people should be in prison. The priority should be protecting innocent people from dangerous lunatics - especially after they’ve committed violent acts.
i am not sure what you mean by getting back to mental institutions. I am not sure what states you all live in, but we have them where i live. People are routinely placed there…and sometimes against their will.
i am not sure what you mean by getting back to mental institutions. I am not sure what states you all live in, but we have them where i live. People are routinely placed there…and sometimes against their will.
Where I live, they emptied the city’s mental institution long ago. Most of the homeless here are mentally ill.

Another sad thing is that the liberals believe and enable their delusions. We had one who panhandled every day at the Walmart for years, and he claimed to have been a doctor. He was quite well-known in the area, and the liberals referred to him as “the homeless guy who used to be a doctor.”
True, but until we get back to mental institutions, these people should be in prison. The priority should be protecting innocent people from dangerous lunatics - especially after they’ve committed violent acts.

The documentary, "Seattle Is Dying", suggested a perfect way to deal with the problem in Seattle. McNeil Island in Puget Sound has a spacious, empty federal detention center. Put them on an island with a program geared to rehabilitating their drug issues, and do not let them off that island until their drug and violence issues are dealt with.

If, within a reasonable amount of time, they prove that they cannot be rehabilitated, then place them in lifetime federal lockup where they will be unable to destroy any more of what's left of decent society.

Has anyone ever heard a word about a movement towards this?

Not a word.

The money that could have funded this great program is in the pockets of crooked demonicRAT politicians.

I await the burning of Seattle.


The documentary, "Seattle Is Dying", suggested a perfect way to deal with the problem in Seattle. McNeil Island in Puget Sound has a spacious, empty federal detention center. Put them on an island with a program geared to rehabilitating their drug issues, and do not let them off that island until their drug and violence issues are dealt with.

If, within a reasonable amount of time, they prove that they cannot be rehabilitated, then place them in lifetime federal lockup where they will be unable to destroy any more of what's left of decent society.

Has anyone ever heard a word about a movement towards this?

Not a word.

The money that could have funded this great program is in the pockets of crooked demonicRAT politicians.

I await the burning of Seattle.

Is it possible to restore Alcatraz? We could at least clean up San Francisco by placing criminals there.
Is it possible to restore Alcatraz? We could at least clean up San Francisco by placing criminals there.

Excellent idea.

Riker's Island? Perfectly functional.

Now if some demonicRATs would get some balls before their city burns.


Excellent idea.

Riker's Island? Perfectly functional.

Now if some demonicRATs would get some balls before their city burns.

Or, maybe we could kick all the illegals out of the shelters we are paying for, deport them, and build up the shelters to serve as permanent housing for the mentally ill. We’d kill two birds with one stone: 1) get rid of the illegals, and 2) get the dangerously deranged off the streets.

I have lots of good ideas.
Or, maybe we could kick all the illegals out of the shelters we are paying for, deport them, and build up the shelters to serve as permanent housing for the mentally ill. We’d kill two birds with one stone: 1) get rid of the illegals, and 2) get the dangerously deranged off the streets.

I have lots of good ideas.

You sure do! I'd suggest you run for public office but you are too decent to be a politician!

Where I live, they emptied the city’s mental institution long ago. Most of the homeless here are mentally ill.

Another sad thing is that the liberals believe and enable their delusions. We had one who panhandled every day at the Walmart for years, and he claimed to have been a doctor. He was quite well-known in the area, and the liberals referred to him as “the homeless guy who used to be a doctor.”
sad…sorry to hear

i bet those same liberals don’t bother to donate food or their time to the soup kitchen or food bank in your area to help even feed the guy

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