Jordan Peterson forced to goto "social media training" class by Canadian government.

“DKE” I dont reconize

But “cult” seems to be your goto word when you get on trouble
I was born on trouble bra.

But yeah, Peterson’s a cult leader, and his rubes lap his spittle like it was liquid gold. :puke:
If you’d checked the links, you’d have seen I’ve not only heard this pathetic freak speak, but have sited some of his most bizarre raving.

But psychopaths like Peterson can be as clever as they are cowardly, yes.
I don’t check you links. I’ve heard him speak too. He’s mostly spot on. It’s your tragically distorted perception of reality which leads you to your numerous idiotic views

And there is no hint of cowardice in his commentary. You’re saying so is just you being ridiculous some more.

Our Canadian posters love to flaunt their nation as being better.
Except here is Mr Peterson being forced into a re education camp for acceptable speech or lose his license to practice.

Very communist of Canada eh.... 😆

Peterson isn't being sentenced to take media training because his personal beliefs are odious. He's being order to conduct himself in a respectable manner, or lose his professional license to treat people with mental illnesses. Given that his behaviour is the antithesis of what a practicing licensed psychologist would ever say to a patient, he cannot say these things and keep his license.

If he were to say similar things to a patient he was treating, he would be punished for malpractice.

And like all authoritarian assholes, Peterson is deliberately provoking these hearings so he can claim victimhood, and how his free speech is being violated, when in fact, it's his hate speech that's being censored. Peterson himself admits he gave up treating patients years ago when he became famous, so what other reason does he need the license for, and why is he provoking the licensing review board in such a way?

This is little more than a fundraising grift by a right wing conman.

These are the slanders, slags, lies and insult tweets that got Peterson into trouble for promoting himself as a clinical psychologist:

  • Referring to Catherine McKenney, an Ottawa city councillor, who prefers to use they/them pronouns, as an "appalling self-righteous moralizing thing."
  • A tweet in which he used the dead name of actor Elliot Page, stating: "Remember when pride was a sin. And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician."
  • A tweet in which he referred to Gerald Butts, the former principal secretary of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as a "prik" (sic).
  • His tweet in response to a Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover of a plus-sized model, in which he said: "Sorry. Not Beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that."
If you want a clue as to how badly Canadian “justice” system is skewed toward the state, there is no better example than some stupid Canuck court “ordering” Peterson to get some “re-education.”

It is disgraceful. I’m partly of Canadian heritage. And now I feel some shame.
If you want a clue as to how badly Canadian “justice” system is skewed toward the state, there is no better example than some stupid Canuck court “ordering” Peterson to get some “re-education.”

It is disgraceful. I’m partly of Canadian heritage. And now I feel some shame.
He is guilty of WRONGTHINK.
You have no link

If ONLY I would post the links I’ve posted that you’ve already admitted you were too lazy/brainwashed to read...

THEN we could defeat those filthy communists!

You crazier than the other Mac, Mac.

But yeah, Peterson is a pathetic self-castrated super-cuck whining about the inevitable consequences of his lunatic narcissism. :)
I don’t check you links.
That’s the spirit! :)
I’ve heard him speak too. He’s mostly spot on.
He’s the king of crazy cuckspeak to be sure.
It’s your tragically distorted perception of reality which leads you to your numerous idiotic views
Spoken for - sorry.
And there is no hint of cowardice in his commentary.
He’s a pathetic whining narcissistic freak and his own worst enemy.
You’re saying so is just you being ridiculous some more.
Flattery… :)
Peterson isn't being sentenced to take media training because his personal beliefs are odious. He's being order to conduct himself in a respectable manner, or lose his professional license to treat people with mental illnesses. Given that his behaviour is the antithesis of what a practicing licensed psychologist would ever say to a patient, he cannot say these things and keep his license.

If he were to say similar things to a patient he was treating, he would be punished for malpractice.

And like all authoritarian assholes, Peterson is deliberately provoking these hearings so he can claim victimhood, and how his free speech is being violated, when in fact, it's his hate speech that's being censored. Peterson himself admits he gave up treating patients years ago when he became famous, so what other reason does he need the license for, and why is he provoking the licensing review board in such a way?

This is little more than a fundraising grift by a right wing conman.

These are the slanders, slags, lies and insult tweets that got Peterson into trouble for promoting himself as a clinical psychologist:

  • Referring to Catherine McKenney, an Ottawa city councillor, who prefers to use they/them pronouns, as an "appalling self-righteous moralizing thing."
  • A tweet in which he used the dead name of actor Elliot Page, stating: "Remember when pride was a sin. And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician."
  • A tweet in which he referred to Gerald Butts, the former principal secretary of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as a "prik" (sic).
  • His tweet in response to a Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover of a plus-sized model, in which he said: "Sorry. Not Beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that."
I object!!!!

To the incompleteness of your list.

His odious rantings are far more extensive and troubling than even the above would indicate.

But thread win.


If you want a clue as to how badly Canadian “justice” system is skewed toward the state, there is no better example than some stupid Canuck court “ordering” Peterson to get some “re-education.”

At least you wrote “ordering” however. :)
It is disgraceful. I’m partly of Canadian heritage.
This explains a LOT. :eek:
And now I feel some shame.
You should, as you’re behaving like an idiot.

And clearly you hate our Constitution, and generally oppose the right to freedom of association as being exercised by our northern moose lovers. :(
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