Joseph Prince- Osas (eternal Security) Part 1 Vid (heb. 6)

You do realize that Joseph Prince is a false teacher and a servant of Satan, right? If you are listening to him? You need to wake up and realize he was sent into the church to deceive the body of Christ. You're way off listening to this guy. He is bad, bad, BAD news! Listen to @Derideo! Joseph Prince is making money off of people who don't know their bibles, he is the poster child of false teachers warned about in the book of Jude and people who buy his lies are paying to be deceived! What a shame! Truly a shame.

You had better believe you can lose your salvation. The bible warns of it repeatedly. Jesus warned of it even in the last book of the bible! The Revelation of Jesus Christ! Who are you going to believe? The Word of God or a servant of Satan? Seriously! Wake up!
I disagree completely, I think He understands the grace of God better that any preacher I've heard. What do you think he preaches that is contrary to the grace of Christ? And did you see the line up of preachers in the front row when Prince was here in the states? Notable preachers that can smell a fraud a mile away. They wouldn't support him, if they weren't like minded about the message.
He is not directed by Satan just because He believes, even though you don't, that God grace is greater than the law.

You and I don't agree on the issue of works vs grace, but we don't label each other because of it. Prince is bringing hordes to the foot of the cross. I can't imagine God not being pleased with someone who preaches Christ's love.

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