Josh Duggar And The Message Of Forgiveness

makes you wonder...........

if molesting children then pontificating against others as a danger to children isn't "evil" -- ?

then what is..??

oh right, those who rebuke his agenda, of course... :cuckoo:
Well. I was always taught that Jesus especially frowned on those that harmeD innocents.

'cept if you say you're a believer. Thump that bible and you can diddle all the little girls you want.

Anyone else notice that not one of our "christian" thumpers has addressed the fact that this cult says the victims are to blame?

Is that because they also blame the little girls are to blame?
This is what fundie Christian theocracy would look like. 'Christian' child molesters getting a pass.
And getting congrats for it.

Jesus would actually require Duggars to submit to the law.

They did
Uh, no, they did not.

Yeah they did. They reported it to the authorities when they found out about it.

If you're too lazy to learn the facts of this disgusting case, STFU.
none of our opinions have the power of any law to 'give passes' or 'severe' our heart?

what does it mean to DEMAND when you are merely giving your opinion, you can't demand others agree with you..?

laws exist which seek to protect children like those sisters from any harm as clinically defined within the law.

their personal forgiveness is typical and does not preclude the law yet the law has not demanded penalty.

the reason duggar is being highlighted lately is because the creep did what he did and still has the nerve to politically pontificate over what is supposedly harmful to children...

maybe you could search your heart for understanding why others soundly rebuke his agenda.

Sorry, but I am of the school that a good idea is a good idea, a good concept is a good concept regardless of who thinks it up or who promotes it. I can appreciate that he has been a strong advocate for children while at the same time I have not, will not, cannot excuse or defend what Josh Duggar did. I don't expect anybody else to.

He has been publicly humiliated. He has resigned his professional position because of all the negative publicity and because he would be a detriment to the organization. But I simply refuse to pile on and join personal attacks on a person who has openly confessed and repented of his bad acts as a young teenager and for who there is no indication that he has ever continued in those bad acts.

If the victims of those bad acts now say there was no lasting harm, who say they have forgiven him and love him very much, who are we to continue to demand--"demand" defined as "an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right:" or the insistence that he must now pay for his crimes--that he continue to be punished?

At what point can any person be allowed to live as the person he/she has become rather than as the person he/she once was?
And in fact it's not without harm that scoffers continue to vilify who God has forgiven. Jesus gives a grave warning about idle words, that men will give an account of every idle word spoken. We're not talking about colloquial conversation, we're talking about destructive words and condemnations, especially against the house of God.

Satan continually accuses those who God forgave, and when the unregenerate of heart do the same, they demonstrate that they are indeed his servants.
How do know God forgave Duggars

Why should our forgiveness depend upon God?
Are you fucking kidding me?

Why would I be kidding?

God can forgive whomever He chooses to. He is all knowing. He knows their hearts.

We don't know the hearts of others. We often don't know our own. We have been commanded to forgive our trespassers.

If we are supposed to forgive our trespassers, how much more should we forgive those who don't trespass against us?

Josh duggar has not sinned against me. He confessed to his victims and to the authorities years ago. He even did what he could to get them counseling to help them heal and make them whole.

Why should I hold it against him?

"By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them." (D&C 59:43)

As far as I can tell He has met that criteria. Even if He hadn't my responsibility would be to forgive and seek the welfare of his soul and not tear him down.

So what has he done to you to hurt you?
This is what fundie Christian theocracy would look like. 'Christian' child molesters getting a pass.
And getting congrats for it.

Jesus would actually require Duggars to submit to the law.

They did
Uh, no, they did not.

Yeah they did. They reported it to the authorities when they found out about it.

If you're too lazy to learn the facts of this disgusting case, STFU.

I did. You're the ones pretending he didn't go to the authorities
It's a load of bullshit...Since society does not forgive, nor forget any crime or slight against society..Your deluding yourself to think that this so called Christian nation has the capacity to forgive...Unless you have a great PR man...

Then we should change that.

I've thought we should motivate criminals to change their ways by permitting more expungement of records.

Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Recidivism of Prisoners Released in 30 States in 2005 Patterns from 2005 to 2010


Which is precisely my point. People serve their time but they still have their record hanging over them. So they are in a position where lose opportunities they could have had. So what do they do? They end up going back to their old ways.

You're certifiable.

He's a sexual predator and his victims are little baby girls. You really believe that pretending he didn't do it will make him stop doing it?

I'd like to know how many of you thumpers would say the same thing about a neighbor of yours who sexually assaulted your own 4 year old daughter.

Honestly, would you say its her fault and let the molester go?

Would you?
makes you wonder...........

if molesting children then pontificating against others as a danger to children isn't "evil" -- ?

then what is..??

oh right, those who rebuke his agenda, of course... :cuckoo:
Well. I was always taught that Jesus especially frowned on those that harmeD innocents.

'cept if you say you're a believer. Thump that bible and you can diddle all the little girls you want.

Anyone else notice that not one of our "christian" thumpers has addressed the fact that this cult says the victims are to blame?

Is that because they also blame the little girls are to blame?

If you are right, why do you feel the need to lie about blaming the victim?
It's a load of bullshit...Since society does not forgive, nor forget any crime or slight against society..Your deluding yourself to think that this so called Christian nation has the capacity to forgive...Unless you have a great PR man...

Then we should change that.

I've thought we should motivate criminals to change their ways by permitting more expungement of records.

Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Recidivism of Prisoners Released in 30 States in 2005 Patterns from 2005 to 2010


Which is precisely my point. People serve their time but they still have their record hanging over them. So they are in a position where lose opportunities they could have had. So what do they do? They end up going back to their old ways.

You're certifiable.

He's a sexual predator and his victims are little baby girls. You really believe that pretending he didn't do it will make him stop doing it?

I'd like to know how many of you thumpers would say the same thing about a neighbor of yours who sexually assaulted your own 4 year old daughter.

Honestly, would you say its her fault and let the molester go?

Would you?

Who is pretending he didn't do it?
This is what fundie Christian theocracy would look like. 'Christian' child molesters getting a pass.

Hey, its not as though they're fetuses, you know.

Not surprising that the least "christian" of our posters think poor little victim Josh should be allowed to continue molesting little girls. Happily for Josh is that his wife will crank out new victims once every year or so.

Do you have evidence that he has continued to molest girls?

Otherwise you are just lying your butt off.
In all fairness you have no idea what you would do. It's easy to lecture other parents what they should do with their children, but when it's your child, that's a whole different story.

My oldest boy turns 12 this week. Almost a teenager. His mother and I have done our best to teach him right from wrong, but we still fear for the decisions he will make in the coming years. I have to wonder how many of these people so eager to condemn the Duggar parents are themselves parents. I think not many, for real parents like myself would be a little more understanding. My kids already know if they commit crimes they will go to jail and we won't protect them, but secretly if the stakes were high, I don't know what I would do.

It seems more and more this issue isn't about liberals and conservatives, it's about parents vs those who have no idea what it means to be a parent and be up at night worrying about them. It's why we real parents don't judge so quickly.
If my son diddled his 5 year old sIbling he'd be in a world of hurt. Sad that you would excuse YOUR son.
I never said I would excuse him. Why is it you have to lie? The truth not working out for you?
none of our opinions have the power of any law to 'give passes' or 'severe' our heart?

what does it mean to DEMAND when you are merely giving your opinion, you can't demand others agree with you..?

laws exist which seek to protect children like those sisters from any harm as clinically defined within the law.

their personal forgiveness is typical and does not preclude the law yet the law has not demanded penalty.

the reason duggar is being highlighted lately is because the creep did what he did and still has the nerve to politically pontificate over what is supposedly harmful to children...

maybe you could search your heart for understanding why others soundly rebuke his agenda.

Sorry, but I am of the school that a good idea is a good idea, a good concept is a good concept regardless of who thinks it up or who promotes it. I can appreciate that he has been a strong advocate for children while at the same time I have not, will not, cannot excuse or defend what Josh Duggar did. I don't expect anybody else to.

He has been publicly humiliated. He has resigned his professional position because of all the negative publicity and because he would be a detriment to the organization. But I simply refuse to pile on and join personal attacks on a person who has openly confessed and repented of his bad acts as a young teenager and for who there is no indication that he has ever continued in those bad acts.

If the victims of those bad acts now say there was no lasting harm, who say they have forgiven him and love him very much, who are we to continue to demand--"demand" defined as "an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right:" or the insistence that he must now pay for his crimes--that he continue to be punished?

At what point can any person be allowed to live as the person he/she has become rather than as the person he/she once was?
And in fact it's not without harm that scoffers continue to vilify who God has forgiven. Jesus gives a grave warning about idle words, that men will give an account of every idle word spoken. We're not talking about colloquial conversation, we're talking about destructive words and condemnations, especially against the house of God.

Satan continually accuses those who God forgave, and when the unregenerate of heart do the same, they demonstrate that they are indeed his servants.
How do know God forgave Duggars

Why should our forgiveness depend upon God?
Are you fucking kidding me?
You sound like that little boy in the Papa Johns commercial. Only he didn't use profanity.

demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case.

none of our opinions have the power of any law to 'give passes' or 'severe' our heart?

what does it mean to DEMAND when you are merely giving your opinion, you can't demand others agree with you..?

laws exist which seek to protect children like those sisters from any harm as clinically defined within the law.

their personal forgiveness is typical and does not preclude the law yet the law has not demanded penalty.

the reason duggar is being highlighted lately is because the creep did what he did and still has the nerve to politically pontificate over what is supposedly harmful to children...

maybe you could search your heart for understanding why others soundly rebuke his agenda.

Sorry, but I am of the school that a good idea is a good idea, a good concept is a good concept regardless of who thinks it up or who promotes it. I can appreciate that he has been a strong advocate for children while at the same time I have not, will not, cannot excuse or defend what Josh Duggar did. I don't expect anybody else to.

He has been publicly humiliated. He has resigned his professional position because of all the negative publicity and because he would be a detriment to the organization. But I simply refuse to pile on and join personal attacks on a person who has openly confessed and repented of his bad acts as a young teenager and for who there is no indication that he has ever continued in those bad acts.

If the victims of those bad acts now say there was no lasting harm, who say they have forgiven him and love him very much, who are we to continue to demand--"demand" defined as "an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right:" or the insistence that he must now pay for his crimes--that he continue to be punished?

At what point can any person be allowed to live as the person he/she has become rather than as the person he/she once was?
And in fact it's not without harm that scoffers continue to vilify who God has forgiven. Jesus gives a grave warning about idle words, that men will give an account of every idle word spoken. We're not talking about colloquial conversation, we're talking about destructive words and condemnations, especially against the house of God.

Satan continually accuses those who God forgave, and when the unregenerate of heart do the same, they demonstrate that they are indeed his servants.
How do know God forgave Duggars
Because he asked. That's the point of this thread. Forgiveness is there for you too. Jesus paid a dear price to offer it to you for free. He loves you and wants to embrace you as a long lost child if you let him. Say yes to Jesus, I urge you.
When Michael Brown of Ferguson stole cigarillos, the Right dubbed him a thug who deserved to die.

Josh Duggar fingers a 4th grade girl and the Right makes him temporary Jesus.

Talk about perversion.
Michael Brown deserved to die when he attacked a police officer and attempted to wrest his weapon. Stop lying.
Meh. Duggars deserved to die when he molested a five year old.
We have all incurred a debt we can't pay. We are all guilty before a holy God. But God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will not die but live forever. It's something you don't seem to grasp. None of us are better than Josh Duggar. We are all sinners in need of forgiveness. Josh asked for forgiveness. So have I. And you can too. All you have to do is ask. Please pray and the Lord will answer.
makes you wonder...........

if molesting children then pontificating against others as a danger to children isn't "evil" -- ?

then what is..??

oh right, those who rebuke his agenda, of course... :cuckoo:
Well. I was always taught that Jesus especially frowned on those that harmeD innocents.

'cept if you say you're a believer. Thump that bible and you can diddle all the little girls you want.

Anyone else notice that not one of our "christian" thumpers has addressed the fact that this cult says the victims are to blame?

Is that because they also blame the little girls are to blame?

If you are right, why do you feel the need to lie about blaming the victim?

Stop reading about your own cult and read about his. They're very clear that if a girl is "spoiled", its her fault and she is like a "cup of warm spit" or a "used bicycle".

It's a load of bullshit...Since society does not forgive, nor forget any crime or slight against society..Your deluding yourself to think that this so called Christian nation has the capacity to forgive...Unless you have a great PR man...

Then we should change that.

I've thought we should motivate criminals to change their ways by permitting more expungement of records.

Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Recidivism of Prisoners Released in 30 States in 2005 Patterns from 2005 to 2010


Which is precisely my point. People serve their time but they still have their record hanging over them. So they are in a position where lose opportunities they could have had. So what do they do? They end up going back to their old ways.

You're certifiable.

He's a sexual predator and his victims are little baby girls. You really believe that pretending he didn't do it will make him stop doing it?

I'd like to know how many of you thumpers would say the same thing about a neighbor of yours who sexually assaulted your own 4 year old daughter.

Honestly, would you say its her fault and let the molester go?

Would you?

Who is pretending he didn't do it?

You're the one who said "I've thought we should motivate criminals to change their ways by permitting more expungement [sic] of records."

Pretending it didn't happen isn't much help to the victims of crimes.

This is what fundie Christian theocracy would look like. 'Christian' child molesters getting a pass.

Hey, its not as though they're fetuses, you know.

Not surprising that the least "christian" of our posters think poor little victim Josh should be allowed to continue molesting little girls. Happily for Josh is that his wife will crank out new victims once every year or so.

Do you have evidence that he has continued to molest girls?

Otherwise you are just lying your butt off.

Would you be willing to bet your own baby's safety on him being that one child sexual predator who didn't do it before or after he was caught?

I've asked this before and none of you idiots has been able to answer:

Why do you think adult child molesters come from?

I believe it is the duty of adults to protect children. As usual, you phony christians want to give a pass to other phony christians and make no mistake, real Christians agree with me that the safety and welfare of children are responsibility of loving adults.

If you get your way, Josh Duggar will go on molesting little baby girls for the rest of his life. Same with his protectors - his parents, his cult and the Huckster- all of whom agree with you that he should be given free rein to do whatever he wants to innocent babies.

Remember that his own father said "a lot" of his friends in the cult have had the same thing happen in their families, and that they said they have had "a lot worse" happen.
demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case.

none of our opinions have the power of any law to 'give passes' or 'severe' our heart?

what does it mean to DEMAND when you are merely giving your opinion, you can't demand others agree with you..?

laws exist which seek to protect children like those sisters from any harm as clinically defined within the law.

their personal forgiveness is typical and does not preclude the law yet the law has not demanded penalty.

the reason duggar is being highlighted lately is because the creep did what he did and still has the nerve to politically pontificate over what is supposedly harmful to children...

maybe you could search your heart for understanding why others soundly rebuke his agenda.

Sorry, but I am of the school that a good idea is a good idea, a good concept is a good concept regardless of who thinks it up or who promotes it. I can appreciate that he has been a strong advocate for children while at the same time I have not, will not, cannot excuse or defend what Josh Duggar did. I don't expect anybody else to.

He has been publicly humiliated. He has resigned his professional position because of all the negative publicity and because he would be a detriment to the organization. But I simply refuse to pile on and join personal attacks on a person who has openly confessed and repented of his bad acts as a young teenager and for who there is no indication that he has ever continued in those bad acts.

If the victims of those bad acts now say there was no lasting harm, who say they have forgiven him and love him very much, who are we to continue to demand--"demand" defined as "an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right:" or the insistence that he must now pay for his crimes--that he continue to be punished?

At what point can any person be allowed to live as the person he/she has become rather than as the person he/she once was?
And in fact it's not without harm that scoffers continue to vilify who God has forgiven. Jesus gives a grave warning about idle words, that men will give an account of every idle word spoken. We're not talking about colloquial conversation, we're talking about destructive words and condemnations, especially against the house of God.

Satan continually accuses those who God forgave, and when the unregenerate of heart do the same, they demonstrate that they are indeed his servants.
How do know God forgave Duggars
Because he asked. That's the point of this thread. Forgiveness is there for you too. Jesus paid a dear price to offer it to you for free. He loves you and wants to embrace you as a long lost child if you let him. Say yes to Jesus, I urge you.

So what?

So some imaginary sky fairy says its okay that he's a serial child molester.

I live in the real world and so do his victims.

If Jesus is God and can resurrect himself whenever he wants, how is dying a "dear price" for Jesus?

It is similiar to saying I gave you the exhale of my lungs, but that probably have more value to me than Jesus life is to him for the obvious reason that I have a limited number of breaths. Jesus has, theoretically, an infinite number of resurrections at his disposal.
By giving him a pass, telling him its okay that he molests little girls, you are making it all but impossible for him to get treatment for his compulsion. That guarantees more victims in the future.

If you loved him as you preach you do, you would want him to get treatment.

If you loved his victims as you preach you do, you would want him to get treatment.

Do you believe that all child molesters should have their records expunged, get a pass, be told its okay that they assault little kids because your god says so?

Do you want to tell the victims that?

Or do you agree with his cult that its the fault of the little children?

If Jesus is God and can resurrect himself whenever he wants, how is dying a "dear price" for Jesus?

It is similiar to saying I gave you the exhale of my lungs, but that probably have more value to me than Jesus life is to him for the obvious reason that I have a limited number of breaths. Jesus has, theoretically, an infinite number of resurrections at his disposal.
Incorrect. Jesus was raised from the dead as the first of many to follow; to show that death has been conquered so that we too may rest in the sure hope of rising too. "O Death, where is thy sting?" is the song of the redeemed, who have stepped into the light of Christ. For if we are crucified and buried with him (the process of our conversion) then we shall be raised with him incorruptible. Read the Bible, pray, and encounter the risen Christ for yourself.
He also frown on being unforgiving.

In fact He clearly taught that not having forgiveness was one of the worst things you can do.

duggar is the "unforgiving" one who has been actively pontificating his political agenda which you'd rather ignore.

not ignoring his harmful hypocritical agenda is not being ''unforgiving'', it is recognizing reality.
Since so many threads have been created about this issue, I thought I'd create a new one with a new perspective.

Of the many aspects of this scandal that have been debated, very few have touched on the fact that Josh Duggar knew what he did was wrong, repented of it, and asked forgiveness. He then walked free from his sins. It seems the gospel of Christ has been presented so often that we become jaded to it, but this serves as an opportunity to emphasize that what Josh Duggar did is available to anyone.....just for the asking.

Why is this in the politics section and not the religion section? Because those who with the greatest passion heap scorn and ridicule on Josh Duggar need to hear this message, that the Bible tells us clearly that all have sinned, every person incurring a dept that he or she cannot possibly repay. While we pat ourselves on the back because "at least" we didn't molest several underage girls when we were teenagers, it can easily be lost on us the sobering reality that EVERY SIN IS EQUAL IN ITS CAPACITY TO SEPARATE US ETERNALLY FROM THE LOVE OF GOD.

And though it might not seem fair for somebody else to pay in our stead the debt we amassed and by all rights should be made to pay for by ourselves, Jesus Christ offered up his life in atonement for the sins of humanity.

Yes, amazingly, HE LOVED US THAT MUCH!


Josh Duggar has experienced this incredible and free gift. So have I. And it's something that cannot be bought, earned, or worked for, it can only be received by asking. And those on this board so quick to condemn ought to consider that they themselves are guilty of sin, but also that they themselves can receive complete absolution for all their sins, just as so many have, by opening their heart to the mercy of God in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Just imagine how incredible it feels to have every terrible thing you ever did completely wiped clean, so that with unsullied hearts and minds, we can freely and without shame approach the glorious throne of God and look forward to the day we spend eternity with the joy of his friendship. Although I'm very rancorous on this forum in political debates, this is a time for me to be sincere and urge you with all my heart to give your lives to Christ and become a New Creation.

It's yours for the asking.

Faking liar. Wannabe strawman. Iternet troll.

If Jesus is God and can resurrect himself whenever he wants, how is dying a "dear price" for Jesus?

It is similiar to saying I gave you the exhale of my lungs, but that probably have more value to me than Jesus life is to him for the obvious reason that I have a limited number of breaths. Jesus has, theoretically, an infinite number of resurrections at his disposal.
Incorrect. Jesus was raised from the dead as the first of many to follow; to show that death has been conquered so that we too may rest in the sure hope of rising too. "O Death, where is thy sting?" is the song of the redeemed, who have stepped into the light of Christ. For if we are crucified and buried with him (the process of our conversion) then we shall be raised with him incorruptible. Read the Bible, pray, and encounter the risen Christ for yourself.

Uhmmm--so who raised Jesus again?

We are talking abut the trinity based theology here, right?

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