Journalism school dean: The First Amendment ends at insulting Mohammed


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Typical fascist liberal against free speech. No surprises here.

legal limits on their own profession. When the New York Times refuses to run a cartoon goofing on Islam, they don’t want the reason to be government censorship. They prefer to be censored by more sympathetic agents, like violent Muslim radicals.

To be precise here, though, DeWayne Hickham, the dean of Morgan State’s J-school, isn’t demanding a “Mohammed exception” to the First Amendment. He’s demanding an exception for all speech that would make the audience so angry that they might react violently — exactly the sort of slippery slope on censorship that people like you and me worry about when images of Mohammed are suppressed. Actual line from this op-ed, regarding the new cover of Charlie Hebdo: “The once little-known French satirical news weekly crossed the line that separates free speech from toxic talk.”
Journalism school dean The First Amendment ends at insulting Mohammed Hot Air

And, OF COURSE, what constitutes "toxic talk" with a liberal is ANYTHING that might offend their constant butthurt world, or make them take to their "tolerence smelling salts."

You ever notice liberal cries for tolerance, NEVER include the tolerance of speech they don't like?????

So, this is typical. If they had their way, they would re-write the 1st Amendment to suit them, which would mean they can talk all they want, but anyone who says something they disagree with, would be jailed.

Liberalism = Fascism.
Yea if libtards had their way they would ban talk radio, fox news and the blaze
Typical fascist liberal against free speech. No surprises here.

legal limits on their own profession. When the New York Times refuses to run a cartoon goofing on Islam, they don’t want the reason to be government censorship. They prefer to be censored by more sympathetic agents, like violent Muslim radicals.

To be precise here, though, DeWayne Hickham, the dean of Morgan State’s J-school, isn’t demanding a “Mohammed exception” to the First Amendment. He’s demanding an exception for all speech that would make the audience so angry that they might react violently — exactly the sort of slippery slope on censorship that people like you and me worry about when images of Mohammed are suppressed. Actual line from this op-ed, regarding the new cover of Charlie Hebdo: “The once little-known French satirical news weekly crossed the line that separates free speech from toxic talk.”
Journalism school dean The First Amendment ends at insulting Mohammed Hot Air

And, OF COURSE, what constitutes "toxic talk" with a liberal is ANYTHING that might offend their constant butthurt world, or make them take to their "tolerence smelling salts."

You ever notice liberal cries for tolerance, NEVER include the tolerance of speech they don't like?????

So, this is typical. If they had their way, they would re-write the 1st Amendment to suit them, which would mean they can talk all they want, but anyone who says something they disagree with, would be jailed.

Liberalism = Fascism.

He's right. The First Amendment isn't absolute. You can't yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre either. And if mocking Mohammed results pretty predictably and assuredly in riots globally, that's even worse than shouting "Fire!"
Just a month ago or so you people were claiming the first Amendment ended where the protestors in NYC supposedly incited a man to kill 2 policemen.

Which is it? You people flip flop more than a boated fish.
It's a crime in France to mock Jews, but you won't see the Islamophobes bitching about that.
Typical fascist liberal against free speech. No surprises here.

Liberalism = Fascism.

You really shouldn't use words you don't understand.
Please educate yourself.


noun (sometimes capital)
any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
Just a month ago or so you people were claiming the first Amendment ended where the protestors in NYC supposedly incited a man to kill 2 policemen.

Which is it? You people flip flop more than a boated fish.

Yep. We also saw a lot of them saying people should not be allowed to protest. Some of them don't know the difference between protests and rioting. And some have said equal rights should not be extended to those of color.

Indeed, the wish for INequality is pretty much all we read coming from the RWs here. Marriage equality, equal pay, vote suppression and more.

Its the hallmark of the right wing.
Typical fascist liberal against free speech. No surprises here.

legal limits on their own profession. When the New York Times refuses to run a cartoon goofing on Islam, they don’t want the reason to be government censorship. They prefer to be censored by more sympathetic agents, like violent Muslim radicals.

To be precise here, though, DeWayne Hickham, the dean of Morgan State’s J-school, isn’t demanding a “Mohammed exception” to the First Amendment. He’s demanding an exception for all speech that would make the audience so angry that they might react violently — exactly the sort of slippery slope on censorship that people like you and me worry about when images of Mohammed are suppressed. Actual line from this op-ed, regarding the new cover of Charlie Hebdo: “The once little-known French satirical news weekly crossed the line that separates free speech from toxic talk.”
Journalism school dean The First Amendment ends at insulting Mohammed Hot Air

And, OF COURSE, what constitutes "toxic talk" with a liberal is ANYTHING that might offend their constant butthurt world, or make them take to their "tolerence smelling salts."

You ever notice liberal cries for tolerance, NEVER include the tolerance of speech they don't like?????

So, this is typical. If they had their way, they would re-write the 1st Amendment to suit them, which would mean they can talk all they want, but anyone who says something they disagree with, would be jailed.

Liberalism = Fascism.

He's right. The First Amendment isn't absolute. You can't yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre either. And if mocking Mohammed results pretty predictably and assuredly in riots globally, that's even worse than shouting "Fire!"

yeah, riots globally and those doing the mocking are the problem.
Just wondering, as a public service to the liberal left, does free speech now also stop at mocking Jesus?
Just a month ago or so you people were claiming the first Amendment ended where the protestors in NYC supposedly incited a man to kill 2 policemen.

Which is it? You people flip flop more than a boated fish.
The flipflop is between your ears. Inciting riots or murder isn't a protected right. Shouting fire in a crowded theater isn't a 1st Amendment right. Your rights are not supreme, they cannot trample someone else's right. That's something a fifth grader would know.
Just wondering, as a public service to the liberal left, does free speech now also stop at mocking Jesus?

Don't tempt fate. I got some zingers handy for mocking Jesus, and the other guy. :)

Are you too scared of the riots if you use them?

No I'm too scared of violent nutjobs knocking on my door, or blowing it up altogether. I'm not exactly in hiding or anonymous. :) I see the line, and make sure I stay on the not-suicidal side of things. :)
Just a month ago or so you people were claiming the first Amendment ended where the protestors in NYC supposedly incited a man to kill 2 policemen.

Which is it? You people flip flop more than a boated fish.
The flipflop is between your ears. Inciting riots or murder isn't a protected right. Shouting fire in a crowded theater isn't a 1st Amendment right. Your rights are not supreme, they cannot trample someone else's right. That's something a fifth grader would know.

So if mocking Muhammed incites murders, or terrorism, it's outside the 1st amendment?
Just wondering, as a public service to the liberal left, does free speech now also stop at mocking Jesus?

Don't tempt fate. I got some zingers handy for mocking Jesus, and the other guy. :)

Are you too scared of the riots if you use them?

No I'm too scared of violent nutjobs knocking on my door, or blowing it up altogether. I'm not exactly in hiding or anonymous. :) I see the line, and make sure I stay on the not-suicidal side of things. :)
Oh, a coward. Okay, thanks.

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