Joy Reid admits she got into Harvard via Affirmative Action

In many of the Democratic cities around the Country public education is dismal. MAYBE they should be more concerned about the quality of education they receive grades 1-12 so they will be in a better position to compete
It’s no secret that top Universities are rejecting Asians because they make up a largely “ disproportionate “ student body compared to their overall populations
ONE EXAMPLE; Jon Wang..,Received a TOTAL of 1590 on the SAT’s, GPA 4.65 , extracurricular activities and was REJECTED by MIT, HARVARD, PRINCETON, CARNAGE MELON and PRINCETON . See anything wrong 😑 with that? I do!!!
"Except that when she got in due to affirmative action, she took the place of a better-qualified middle-class white kid."

How do you know that? Show evidence.

How about Legacy admissions? How do you know that better qualified White students did not lose entrance to the Elite, wealthy Whites who have their children go through due to this Legacy admission system?
I don't want a surgeon operating on me who got in medical school because of AA. How about you?
How old are you? Were you born in the 1980s or 1990s?
What does my age have to do with it? Please tell me why a more qualified male should be rejected from a chosen school 🏫 or not get the promotion
I don't want a surgeon operating on me who got in medical school because of AA. How about you?
I would want the ASIAN who graduated with a 4.65 ) in High School, 1590 on his SAT’s and QUALIFIED to get into a IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL and top notch MEDICAL SCHOOL 🏫
I would want the ASIAN who graduated with a 4.65 ) in High School, 1590 on his SAT’s and QUALIFIED to get into a IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL and top notch MEDICAL SCHOOL 🏫
My Cardiologist is an Asian lady and she's one sharp woman. She's a beekeeper, artist, and fixes hearts. I totally trust her.
You seem extremely young.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not. IRONICALLY, IF I were young I would be FOR Affirmative Action. You see NOTHING wrong with that Asian Student who got rejected by 5 top Ivy League colleges? You are obviously a DEMOCRAT. 😢
Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not. IRONICALLY, IF I were young I would be FOR Affirmative Action. You see NOTHING wrong with that Asian Student who got rejected by 5 top Ivy League colleges? You are obviously a DEMOCRAT. 😢
I was a Republican up until that cheerleader invaded Iraq. Dumbest foreign policy blunder since 1950. So much for ivy league and legacy students.
I was a Republican up until that cheerleader invaded Iraq. Dumbest foreign policy blunder since 1950. So much for ivy league and legacy students.
NOTHING to do with my posts. See nothing wrong with someone with a 4.65 GPA and 1590 SAT’s being rejected by 5 TOP COLLEGES? Keep trying to convince yourself it had NOTHING to do with his ethnicity ( Asian)
Except that when she got in due to affirmative action, she took the place of a better-qualified middle-class white kid. Why should she get the opportunity due to her skin color, and the white kid be robbed of it due to his - when the white was the better student?!

That‘s what all you bleeding heart libs overlook. You focus on the opportunity given to a black individual and give a shrug to the white individual who was a better student but rejected for being the “undesired” color.

I was in an admissions-related job, and the case that killed it for me was when they were letting in tons of middle-class black kids with 3.2s and 3.3s - and rejected a bright Jewish boy who had almost straight As and had lost his mother to cancer when he was a young kid.
The Ebonic Escalator

Don't believe the Liberal lie that Aframs have to prove themselves after they get their White-Replacement admissions. That would be inconsistent; race-traitor professors pad their grades.
Her 'degree' makes her Millions of Dollars per year.
This ^^^ dumb c**t out powers you sweetie.
She is on Network Television, just like your buddy Hannity.
You are on a message board.

Your degree...... LOLLOLLL, does it make you Thousands of Dollars per year.
It proves her degree is WAY more valuable than yours.
Also Begging the Question. The Netrix Cancels Logic.
The OP proves yet again Harvard and the rest of them aren't worth the money. You get better educations from many Jr. Colleges and by just reading a lot on your own. Credentialism has had a bad effect on both corporations and academia.

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