Joy Reid admits she got into Harvard via Affirmative Action

That's awful!
At least Harvard made good use of Kushner money.
Putting more Harvard AA morons into society.


Criminals too.
It’s rather unbelievable that his insufferable dumb c**t has a degree, much less from Harvard. Just shows how worthless these degrees are.

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Great example of Affirmative Action producing dumbasses with degrees.

It is one thing to have the dumbass be a commentator on TV tht you can simply turn off but would you want your doctor or airline pilot to be one? How about the engineer that built the bridge that you have to travel over?

In Admissions, Harvard Favors Those Who Fund It, Internal ...

View attachment 801200
The Harvard Crimson › article › 2018/10/18
Oct 18, 2018 — Getting into Harvard is hard. But it's a lot less hard if your family promises to pay for a new building, according to internal emails presented ...

The Story Behind Jared Kushner's Curious Acceptance Into ...

View attachment 801202
ProPublica › article › the-story-behin...
Nov 18, 2016 — At the time, Harvard accepted about one of every nine applicants. (Nowadays, it only takes one out of twenty.) I also quoted administrators at ...

My book exposed a grubby secret of American higher education: that the rich buy their under-achieving children’s way into elite universities with massive, tax-deductible donations. It reported that New Jersey real estate developer Charles Kushner had pledged $2.5 million to Harvard University in 1998, not long before his son Jared was admitted to the prestigious Ivy League school. At the time, Harvard accepted about one of every nine applicants. (Nowadays, it only takes one out of twenty.)

I also quoted administrators at Jared’s high school, who described him as a less than stellar student and expressed dismay at Harvard’s decision.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former official at The Frisch School in Paramus, New Jersey, told me.

“His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not.”
Generic Graduates

Why not eliminate both legacy admissions and race-based admissions? In fact, the third Affirmative Action is for people who want to spend four years working (studying) without pay and living like teenagers who are afraid to grow up. But the ruling class doesn't assign any of its mouthpieces to protest that.

Sacrifice has no merit; it is nothing but brown-nosing to the economic bullies.
Generic Graduates

Why not eliminate both legacy admissions and race-based admissions?
In fact, the third Affirmative Action is for people who want to spend four years working (studying) without pay and living like teenagers who are afraid to grow up. But the ruling class doesn't assign any of its mouthpieces to protest that.

Sacrifice has no merit; it is nothing but brown-nosing to the economic bullies.
I must say I congratulate her. And all others who managed to be admitted into University, via affirmative action or not.

And let me do a what about here.

Mr. Donald J. Trump, who graduated in ECONOMICS, managed to go bankrupt about 5 times during his business lifetime, added about a Trillion Dollars in debt during his 4 years in office.

THAT is really learning everything they taught him.

No affirmative action, but definitely (Like Bush and others) make use of the wealth their parents had )

Except that when she got in due to affirmative action, she took the place of a better-qualified middle-class white kid. Why should she get the opportunity due to her skin color, and the white kid be robbed of it due to his - when the white was the better student?!

That‘s what all you bleeding heart libs overlook. You focus on the opportunity given to a black individual and give a shrug to the white individual who was a better student but rejected for being the “undesired” color.

I was in an admissions-related job, and the case that killed it for me was when they were letting in tons of middle-class black kids with 3.2s and 3.3s - and rejected a bright Jewish boy who had almost straight As and had lost his mother to cancer when he was a young kid.
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Except that when she got in due to affirmative action, she took the place of a better-qualified middle-class white kid. Why should she get the opportunity due to her skin color, and the white kid be robbed of it due to his - when the white was the better student?! He faced more obstacles growing up motherless than a black kid with both parents in middle-class suburbia.

That‘s what all you bleeding heart libs overlook. You focus on the opportunity given to a black individual and give a shrug to the white individual who was a better student but rejected for being the “undesired” color.

I was in an admissions-related job, and the case that killed it for me was when they were letting in tons of middle-class black kids with 3.2s and 3.3s - and rejected a bright Jewish boy who had almost straight As and had lost his mother to cancer when he was a young kid.
"Except that when she got in due to affirmative action, she took the place of a better-qualified middle-class white kid."

How do you know that? Show evidence.

How about Legacy admissions? How do you know that better qualified White students did not lose entrance to the Elite, wealthy Whites who have their children go through due to this Legacy admission system?
Harvard’s 20th-century antisemitic Jewish quotas were a key part of the Supreme Court’s decision to gut affirmative action on Thursday, as the winning litigant and two conservative justices cited them in the landmark case.

The 6-3 decision Thursday, authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, bars universities from using race as an explicit factor in considering admissions, but allows race to be cited by applicants in essays describing their life experiences.

Students for Fair Admissions, the conservative advocacy group that brought the cases against Harvard and the University of North Carolina, claimed that the holistic admissions approach Harvard uses — which includes seeking a “extraordinary and diverse class of undergraduate students by conducting a wide-ranging review of every aspect of each applicant’s background and experience” — had its roots in the 1920s quota system “to discriminate against Jewish applicants.”

In 1922, Harvard’s president, A. Lawrence Lowell, noticed a precipitous rise in the number of Jews accepted to the university and proposed accepting a quota of only 15% Jewish students. Other American and Canadian universities followed suit.

At least two justices were sympathetic to the SFFA argument. Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas each raised the Jewish quotas in separate concurrences.

“According to then-[Harvard] President Abbott Lawrence Lowell, excluding Jews from Harvard would help maintain admissions opportunities for Gentiles and perpetuate the purity of the Brahmin race,” Thomas wrote.

Gorsuch quoted the advocacy group’s findings in his concurrence. “Harvard made this move, SFFA asserts, because President A. Lawrence Lowell and other university leaders had become ‘alarmed by the growing number of Jewish students who were testing in,’ and they sought some way to cap the number of Jewish students without ‘stat[ing] frankly’ that they were ‘directly excluding all [Jews] beyond a certain percentage.’”

Gorsuch also brought up Jews in a different context, to ridicule what he said was the incoherence of affirmative action. “There are also decisions granting Hispanic status to a Sephardic Jew whose ancestors fled Spain centuries ago,” he said, referring to a 1995 case in which the Small Business Administration certified a business as minority-owned because of the applicant’s Sephardic heritage.

Two Jewish groups also raised Harvard’s post antisemitism in amicus briefs, but to opposite ends. The Anti-Defamation League said the quota system was an inappropriate analogy because Harvard was seeking the opposite effect — to ease the entry of minorities. The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law said the analogy was apt, claiming that the effect of the current policy was to exclude Asian students.

“We are deeply disappointed with the Supreme Court’s decision finding that the admissions programs at Harvard and the University of North Carolina are unconstitutional,” Steve Freeman, ADL’s senior counsel, said in a statement. “This decision reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the history and present realities of racial discrimination in this country and the reasons why affirmative action is still needed.”

The Brandeis Center’s director, Kenneth Marcus — who as the chief civil rights officer in the Trump administration’s Department of Education worked on multiple cases involving Israel and alleged antisemitism — called the decision “commendable for its moral clarity.” In a release, Marcus quoted the brief he helped author.

“Just as Harvard used methods in the 1920s and 1930s to identify applicants of sufficient ‘character and fitness’ as a pretext to discriminate against Jews, Harvard’s current use of the ‘personal rating’ to pursue student-body diversity is a pretext to discriminate against Asian Americans,” the brief said.

Another four Jewish groups also criticized the decision: the American Jewish Committee, the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, and the Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action.

“As a multiracial Jewish community, we know diversity is our strength and recognize that ignoring race will only perpetuate racial injustice,” said Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, the RAC director, in a statement.

"Except that when she got in due to affirmative action, she took the place of a better-qualified middle-class white kid."
Odds are that she did. Two out of three blacks admitted to Harvard would not have been accepted if they were white. That means she likely took the place of a white, who was rejected for his skin color.
How do you know that? Show evidence.

How about Legacy admissions? How do you know that better qualified White students did not lose entrance to the Elite, wealthy Whites who have their children go through due to this Legacy admission system?

Legacy admissions are not racist policies. So what we basically have are:

1) Legacy admissions, open to blacks and whites alike

2) Regular middle-class blacks, who were given priority due to skin color, and were accepted with grades and scores that would have had them laughed out of the admissions committee if whitr

3) Regular middle-class whites (and more recently Asians) who had to be near-perfect to get in, while they would have been welcomed with open arms if black

The ones who have been robbed of opportunities due to skin color were middle-class whites.
“As a multiracial Jewish community, we know diversity is our strength and recognize that ignoring race will only perpetuate racial injustice,” said Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, the RAC director, in a statement.

Indeed. We're seeing a lot of that strength in Jenin.
In Jewish thought. compensating individuals for past deprivation is both an obligation and a tradition

(full article online)

Yes, but blacks getting in under Affirmative Action haven’t been deprived of anything. They were born in the 21st century.
Your point?
Her point is that two generations ago, there was a need for Affirmative Action, but that white woman moved beyond that after Grandma and POSSIBLY Mama got benefit of her gender, and now Daughter hasn’t needed the special “boost” after all that favoritism.
Her point is that two generations ago, there was a need for Affirmative Action, but that white woman moved beyond that after Grandma and POSSIBLY Mama got benefit of her gender, and now Daughter hasn’t needed the special “boost” after all that favoritism.
You are writing out of some belief, not based on facts, about Blacks, Jews, Asians, Women, etc, etc.

Read the articles I posted.

Everything you post lacks that Jewish feeling which Judaism is built on.

All you worry about continues to be Black people. Blacks, Blacks, Blacks.

Research, educate yourself, and stop assuming that you actually know how certain groups faired before Affirmative Action.
Leftists need to take a look at the poorly-run federal government where blacks are overrepresented. Many of them are part of a two-income government family, with an income of $250,000 - $300,000 and enjoying steakhouse dinners and McMansions, and “work” from home four days a week.

They are hardly deprived. Why should their kids get benefit of their skin color when applying and accepted to Harvard, when thousands of white valedictorians with SATs of 1520 are rejected? Glad it’s finally coming to an end.
I am not seeing the evidence.
That’s because you have blinders on. The charts showing how blacks are accepted with SUBSTANTIALLY lower grades and test scores than whites and Asians have been posted here many times.
You are writing out of some belief, not based on facts, about Blacks, Jews, Asians, Women, etc, etc.

Read the articles I posted.

Everything you post lacks that Jewish feeling which Judaism is built on.

All you worry about continues to be Black people. Blacks, Blacks, Blacks.

Research, educate yourself, and stop assuming that you actually know how certain groups faired before Affirmative Action.
Oh, so now I’m not a good Jew. I lack the proper “feeling.”

I don’t prioritize one race over another. ALL people deserve an opportunity, and people of one race shouldn’t be jumped ahead in line.

And I focus on blacks because in my line of work, the racism that ADVANTAGED them over others was most prominent in that group.

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