Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Someone, I don't recall who has already called for the Federal Government to cease funding NPR. I agree with that notion. The Federal Government should uphold the first amendment.
You people are honestly about as dishonest, or stupid, as it is possible to be. If he had made the same comments about any other group, including whites, Christians, Jews, Latinos, women, etc...he'd still have exposed himself as a stupid bigot and been fired.

That's bullshit and you know it. People say whatever they want to about Christians, Jews, and women in this country and most of the absurd bigoted hateful shit comes from the left.
Really? Show me one NPR employee that has made similar comments about another group and kept their job.
You people are honestly about as dishonest, or stupid, as it is possible to be. If he had made the same comments about any other group, including whites, Christians, Jews, Latinos, women, etc...he'd still have exposed himself as a stupid bigot and been fired.

That's bullshit and you know it. People say whatever they want to about Christians, Jews, and women in this country and most of the absurd bigoted hateful shit comes from the left.

Only a liberal, could disagree. :cuckoo:
I'm afraid of 30 year old white males in black trench coats with sun glasses. I think we can all agree that there are some "looks" that people have that might make others uncomfortable, that's probably natural.

Juan made the point however (if you watch the tape fully) that we shouldn't let these natural feelings get the best of us and make us start treating people differently. Because that's what America is about acknowledging and respecting our differences and working together despite them. If we have more discussions with the tone that Juan Williams was using on O'Reilly's show America would be so much better off.

I don't think that the "NPR" types and the majroity of the corporate media (FOX included) are interested in the realities that the majority of Americans face. They're pompous college types who believe we all operate like tools and can be controlled using manuals and text books. There theories soon enough going to come crashing down before there eyes. However, hopefully those theories come crashing down, before this nation does.
I'm no fan of Williams, it wouldn't bother me to never hear another of his utterances.

From the articles I have seen, he went to great lengths to point out his own discomfort with his personal fear of Muslims on airplanes. He advocated for no restrictions, prohibitions, or any negative point of view. It is foolish to use these remarks to dismiss him from his employment.
You people are honestly about as dishonest, or stupid, as it is possible to be. If he had made the same comments about any other group, including whites, Christians, Jews, Latinos, women, etc...he'd still have exposed himself as a stupid bigot and been fired.

That's bullshit and you know it. People say whatever they want to about Christians, Jews, and women in this country and most of the absurd bigoted hateful shit comes from the left.
Really? Show me one NPR employee that has made similar comments about another group and kept their job.

What other group other than radical Islam would be accurate as a worldwide threat these days? Anybody who named anybody else should be fired for stupidity, not bigotry.
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Someone, I don't recall who has already called for the Federal Government to cease funding NPR. I agree with that notion. The Federal Government should uphold the first amendment.

I also agree with that. We earn that money and our taxes should go to enhance the lives of ALL Americans, not just a portion...
You can lose your job for insulting customers.

He insulted all of their Muslim viewers

Really? National Public Radio has a lot of viewers?

NPR's fortunes have actually increased over the past decade, mostly because of the upsurge of liberal fervor in an "I hate Bush" culture and because of the failure and demise of Air America which was pretty much the only other national outlet the statists and political class had. The last I looked at the market shares, some 20 million people will have tuned into NPR over a 24-hour period which is certainly respectable and would make them viable if they were a commercial entity. However, in the cooldown after all the Messiah fervor, it remains to be seen if NPR will continue such success.

Certainly if they pull many more stunts like firing Juan Williams, they will lose a lot of their conservative base which most likely makes up at least half of their audience. There's a limit to how much blatant bias a mostly conservative America will tolerate. I certainly don't look to NPR for much comprehensive news and commentary, but they do carry some on air live broadcasts of interest to me that I can't get anywhere else and I enjoy some of their music and educational programming.

The Williams thing is so disgusting, however, that it is off putting and makes me think more negatively of NPR. Will that cause me to tune to that station less? It could.

That's all good and well, but it's radio! Radio has no viewers, zero... It's radio... Radio has listeners.

Man, you take all the fun out of fucking with TM... :lol:
You people are honestly about as dishonest, or stupid, as it is possible to be. If he had made the same comments about any other group, including whites, Christians, Jews, Latinos, women, etc...he'd still have exposed himself as a stupid bigot and been fired.

That's bullshit and you know it. People say whatever they want to about Christians, Jews, and women in this country and most of the absurd bigoted hateful shit comes from the left.
Really? Show me one NPR employee that has made similar comments about another group and kept their job.

Chris Hedges warns against a radical minority within the Christian right. Hedges talks about ... Copyright © 2007 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only.

Author Argues Christian Right Hurts Democracy : NPR
Joe Carter explains why NPR is objectively better than commercial talk radio. I agree with almost everything he says. Part of it is the commercial element and the fact that callers have nothing to say. Callers on NPR vary, but many of them have real questions of shows' guests or engage in a real discussion. Hannity, Limbaugh, et. al. are just looking for dittos from unthinking thralls or a punching bag at whom to rant. The people who fill these roles seem to fill them admirably. Those drawn to call such shows are exactly the type the hosts want calling. Anyone with anything intelligent to contribute just doesn't fit the format and won't likely be listening anyway.
Author Argues Christian Right Hurts Democracy : NPR
... Chris Hedges warns against a radical minority within the Christian right. Hedges talks about ... Copyright © 2007 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only.

Author Argues Christian Right Hurts Democracy : NPR

That was on the 1st page of a quick search.
Really? National Public Radio has a lot of viewers?

NPR's fortunes have actually increased over the past decade, mostly because of the upsurge of liberal fervor in an "I hate Bush" culture and because of the failure and demise of Air America which was pretty much the only other national outlet the statists and political class had. The last I looked at the market shares, some 20 million people will have tuned into NPR over a 24-hour period which is certainly respectable and would make them viable if they were a commercial entity. However, in the cooldown after all the Messiah fervor, it remains to be seen if NPR will continue such success.

Certainly if they pull many more stunts like firing Juan Williams, they will lose a lot of their conservative base which most likely makes up at least half of their audience. There's a limit to how much blatant bias a mostly conservative America will tolerate. I certainly don't look to NPR for much comprehensive news and commentary, but they do carry some on air live broadcasts of interest to me that I can't get anywhere else and I enjoy some of their music and educational programming.

The Williams thing is so disgusting, however, that it is off putting and makes me think more negatively of NPR. Will that cause me to tune to that station less? It could.

That's all good and well, but it's radio! Radio has no viewers, zero... It's radio... Radio has listeners.

Man, you take all the fun out of fucking with TM... :lol:

Oh sh*t. I forgot to put the grin in up there. I did catch that. And it was good. :)
When any of you board a plane, what is the first thing you look for? Just curious :eusa_shhh:
The truth often becomes a casualty in the war for idealism

Very true words. It's been replaced by Political Correctness out of FEAR. And can we face fact here? Statists/Liberals Fear Religion...and they FEAR jhihadists in the form of Muslims that practice it as not to prevoke them.

And interesting they are taking up the wrong cause? However? What are Jhihadists but Fascists/Socilaists that rule by FIAT similiar as Statism exists here? Either tow the line or be slammed.

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