JUDAS! Dallas Morning News endorses Demoncrat for president for 1st time ever!

Most reasonable people in America find Trump repulsive.
Possibly. I think Judas was misunderstood though. (-:

BBC - The Passion - Articles - Judas

Judas simply did his part in an agreed prisoner exchange -- swap Jesus to the Romans in exchange for them sparing "Jesus Barabbas" ("bar abbas" = son of the father), or as we would say in English, Jesus Junior.
yeah, that's one interpretation. Certainly supportable. I just think Jesus was more a subversive social revolutionary, who was misunderstood by everyone. Certainly the various actors (Mary Magdalene perhaps excepted) had expectations of their own of what the would do, and he universally disappointed every one of them during his physical lifetime. Irony. His mother had no expectations beyond a broken heart, and she got that.

I think Mary Magdalene was his wife, the mother of "Jesus Barabbas", that the wedding at Cana was his own ("thou hast kept the good wine until now") and that Jesus was very simply a revolutionist making yet another in a series of Jewish attempts to overthrow the yoke of Roman rule and establish a "kingdom of God on Earth", meaning exactly what it said, home rule by Jews. This he tried to effect by starting a riot in the temple ("money lenders") just before Passover when the Jewish population would be peaking but Roman reinforcements would not have yet arrived. Crucifixion, after all, was specifically reserved by the Romans for exactly that element, to put down resistance in their colonies.

Big deal they endorsed McCain and Romney in the last two elections it didn't help them.
They were Republicans and The Dallas Morning News always endorses Republicans but apparently, the paper couldn't endorse someone who represents a real danger to the nation even if he claims to be a Republican. I noticed the Houston Chronicle is also endorsing Hillary. I wonder what the effect will be of endorsements by the two largest newspapers in the state.
Big deal they endorsed McCain and Romney in the last two elections it didn't help them.
They were Republicans and The Dallas Morning News always endorses Republicans but apparently, the paper couldn't endorse someone who represents a real danger to the nation even if he claims to be a Republican. I noticed the Houston Chronicle is also endorsing Hillary. I wonder what the effect will be of endorsements by the two largest newspapers in the state.
None the reality is few if any care about or pay any attention to endorsements anymore.
Big deal they endorsed McCain and Romney in the last two elections it didn't help them.
They were Republicans and The Dallas Morning News always endorses Republicans but apparently, the paper couldn't endorse someone who represents a real danger to the nation even if he claims to be a Republican. I noticed the Houston Chronicle is also endorsing Hillary. I wonder what the effect will be of endorsements by the two largest newspapers in the state.

Perhaps there is some number of people so out of the loop that they make a voting decision based on a newspaper they trust, but I suspect such endorsements in today's world of 24-hour buzz represent more the cart than the horse, that they serve more as a reflection of what (in this case) Texans are already thinking than initiating it.
Big deal they endorsed McCain and Romney in the last two elections it didn't help them.
They were Republicans and The Dallas Morning News always endorses Republicans but apparently, the paper couldn't endorse someone who represents a real danger to the nation even if he claims to be a Republican. I noticed the Houston Chronicle is also endorsing Hillary. I wonder what the effect will be of endorsements by the two largest newspapers in the state.
None the reality is few if any care about or pay any attention to endorsements anymore.
I have to agree with you when it comes to individual voters for president. However, in local and state elections endorsements can make a huge difference for judges and candidates running for various boards. I saw a study done by a local university about how voters decide on candidates for obscure less publicized races. 35% said they follow the recommendation of a local newspaper or just don't vote.

Although endorsements may not influence the individual voter in presidential races, they still play an important role. They signal a candidate’s level of support among party leaders, and prod deep-pocketed donors to open their checkbooks.
Big deal they endorsed McCain and Romney in the last two elections it didn't help them.
They were Republicans and The Dallas Morning News always endorses Republicans but apparently, the paper couldn't endorse someone who represents a real danger to the nation even if he claims to be a Republican. I noticed the Houston Chronicle is also endorsing Hillary. I wonder what the effect will be of endorsements by the two largest newspapers in the state.

Perhaps there is some number of people so out of the loop that they make a voting decision based on a newspaper they trust, but I suspect such endorsements in today's world of 24-hour buzz represent more the cart than the horse, that they serve more as a reflection of what (in this case) Texans are already thinking than initiating it.
There is one group that still values newspapers, older readers. This might be of some significance for Trump voters as the average age of Trump supporter is significantly older than the average Clinton supporter.

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