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Judge Bans Use Of “Illegal” and “Aliens”

Proposition 8 is not the topic of this thread. I thought you might find the letter to the judge interesting because you didn't seem to understand why the term 'illegals' and 'aliens' would be considered inflammatory.

Take it easy.

I'm still not talking about Proposition 8, nor was I ever.

I sincerely doubt that anything is going to make me think that referring to someone who is an illegal as an illegal is "inflammatory". It's a clear, concise description of their US residency status. If they don't wish to fit that label, perhaps they should consider that before entering the country illegally. Just a thought.
I'm still not talking about Proposition 8, nor was I ever.

I sincerely doubt that anything is going to make me think that referring to someone who is an illegal as an illegal is "inflammatory". It's a clear, concise description of their US residency status. If they don't wish to fit that label, perhaps they should consider that before entering the country illegally. Just a thought.

a perfect example of pre-QBAMA logic.. in a post - OBAMA world....sorry it just doesn't cut it... so get with the newspeak...they are ..unregistered immigrantssee doesn't that feel better...hardly sounds like a problem at all...really...
a perfect example of pre-QBAMA logic.. in a post - OBAMA world....sorry it just doesn't cut it... so get with the newspeak...they are ..unregistered immigrantssee doesn't that feel better...hardly sounds like a problem at all...really...

That might work . . . if I had any feelings.
I never made that claim. Re-read the post. It was at the specific request of someone who suggested that being here illegally is not a crime. It is, in fact, a criminal offense (misdemeanor), punishable by up to 6 months in jail. Learn to read.
You made it at least twice on this thread:

"Residing here illegally and working - FELONY offense."

"If the little maid is in fact working here illegally, she is guilty of a felony."
I lived in Mexico for awhile, with a Mexican family. They are a wonderful people. Their values and morals are a bit different than ours, but they have a beautiful culture. Some of their architecture just blows ours away. I will however, say that I will never again go to a bullfight. I see nothing "heroric" about it. I should have listened to my Senora and not gone. The only good thing about it is when the bull is killed, the meat goes to the local orphanage.

I've suggested before that these that want the illegals here sponsor them and their families so they can come here legally. They could organize a websight and people could volunteer to sponsor people from the websight. Heck, we'd even sponsor someone, perhaps a whole family.

I cannot and will never condone the behavior of sneaking into our country illegally or staying passed your visa just because you want to. Elvira was middleclass in Mexico. She had a college education and was building a house but she came up here and stole an American's ss# to work so she could send money home and build her home faster. She had a kid here and collected welfare on him, probably still does. If an American stole someone's ss#, they'd be in jail. She should have had to do jailtime before being deported. It's time we got tough on these criminals so that it would discourage others from doing the same thing.

BTW, I'm all in favor of punishing those who hire illegal aliens or rent to them or aid them in anyway.
Well it isn't going to happen now, with lop ear the liberal junior hitler President elect. Illegals will be given amnesty and DL's next. We should see another 10 or 15 million new ones cross the border, and coming in with them the next terrorist attack. Course the lame brained liberals don't give a shit about that.

The issue is using the term 'illegals' as a noun to describe the personhood of human beings. I agree that some folks who enter the US without our governments knowledge and consent are considered undocumented or illegal immigrants.

Do you understand the difference between an adjective like 'illegal' and the improper use of the adjective 'illegal' in a sentence as a noun like 'illegals'?

If we are going to demand that our citizens and citizen candidates speak english we ought to be more concerned that our judges use proper english in the courtroom.

This noun adjective line is pure psychobabble. No one gives two shits about whether or not it's proper english. It is however a proper description. Illegal because they've entered this country ILLEGALLY, and alien because they are not native born to America which makes them an ALIEN. Put the two together and you have an ILLEGAL ALIEN. Each word onto it's own 100% accurate in it's description. Face it.
I thought that was obvious... explaining to you why I support the judges opinion. Those of you who think he is wrong, well then you think he is wrong... But based on what? That it just bothers the heck out of you a group of Hispanic Americans didn't like the "adjective" - illegal... because it projects prejudicial opinions by some people against a specific group of Americans...and therefore you don't see their civil rights abused..all just so you are happy!

You have GOT to be kidding me... AMERICANS? Please... tell me you did NOT refer to ILLEGAL ALIENS as AMERICANS!
One thing stands out here about the pro-Illegal alien crowd. To quote one of these fine people: "Using the term ILLEGAL ALIENS is dehumanizing..." But these same people don't hesitate to imply opponents on this board are NAZIS. Funny how that works, isn't that? That double standard seems to be a symptom of a schizophrenic mind set. It is also apparent that these same folks don't have to deal with the many problems illegal aliens cause. I love how they minimize the simple fact Illegal aliens CAN JUST AS WELL IMMIGRATE LEGALY.But they don't, because....well, it's no big deal...? Like, being an illegal alien is akin to some minor infraction, like littering or jay-walking. Some of us disagree. It is a felony...If illegal immigrants want to be treated fairly, it's only fair they follow international immigration laws. Why not? Nobody out there in blogger land can rationally answer that simple little question. But, illegal aliens are only half of the problem here. The people that hire them, that look the other way, that smuggle them or glowingly support them morally are the other part of the problem. I am sick and tired of the circular set of arguments that solve nothing. I can only give all you Illegal alien supporters this advice: get a good realtor, and find a nice barrio to live in. Do it for 15 years, then we'll see how well that supportive attitude lasts. By the way, I did that, and that is why I am against ILLEGAL ALIENS . And banning that word smacks of Orwell and foolish naivete. They are human, yes. And they are foreign nationals that entered another country without consent. They are not legitimate immigrants and deporting them is not some sort of genocidal pogrom or racist persecution. Some of you folks are sort of exaggerating just a wee bit.
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The National Association of Hispanic Journalists is concerned with the increasing use of pejorative terms to describe the estimated 11 million undocumented people living in the United States. NAHJ is particularly troubled with the growing trend of the news media to use the word “illegals” as a noun, shorthand for "illegal aliens". Using the word in this way is grammatically incorrect and crosses the line by criminalizing the person, not the action they are purported to have committed. NAHJ calls on the media to never use “illegals” in headlines.

Shortening the term in this way also stereotypes undocumented people who are in the United States as having committed a crime. Under current U.S. immigration law, being an undocumented immigrant is not a crime, it is a civil violation. Furthermore, an estimated 40 percent of all undocumented people living in the U.S. are visa overstayers, meaning they did not illegally cross the U.S. border.

In addition, the association has always denounced the use of the degrading terms “alien” and “illegal alien” to describe undocumented immigrants because it casts them as adverse, strange beings, inhuman outsiders who come to the U.S. with questionable motivations. “Aliens” is a bureaucratic term that should be avoided unless used in a quote.

NAHJ, a 2,300-member organization of reporters, editors and other journalists, addresses the use of these words and phrases by the news media in its Resource Guide for Journalists. The following are excerpts for some of the terms prevalent in the current news coverage:


A word used by the U.S. government to describe a foreign-born person who is not a citizen by naturalization or parentage. People who enter the United States legally are called resident aliens and they carry alien registration cards also known as "green cards," because they used to be green.

While Webster's first definition of the term "alien" is in accordance with the government's interpretation, the dictionary also includes other, darker, meanings for the word, such as “a non-terrestrial being," "strange," "not belonging to one," "adverse," "hostile." And the Encyclopedia Britannica points out that "in early times, the tendency was to look upon the alien as an enemy and to treat him as a criminal or an outlaw." It is not surprising then that in 1798, in anticipation of a possible war with France, the U.S. Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, which restricted "aliens" and curtailed press freedoms. By 1800 the laws had been repealed or had expired but they still cast a negative shadow over the word.

In modern times, with science-fiction growing in popularity, "alien" has come to mean a creature from outer space, and is considered pejorative by most immigrants.

Illegal alien

Avoid. Alternative terms are "undocumented worker," or "undocumented immigrant." The pertinent federal agencies use this term for individuals who do not have documents to show they can legally visit, work or live here. Many find the term offensive and dehumanizing because it criminalizes the person rather than the actual act of illegally entering or residing in the United States. The term does not give an accurate description of a person's conditional U.S. status, but rather demeans an individual by describing them as an alien. At the 1994 Unity convention, the four minority journalism groups – NAHJ, Asian American Journalists Association, Native American Journalists Association and National Association of Black Journalists – issued the following statement on this term: "Except in direct quotations, do not use the phrase illegal alien or the word alien, in copy or in headlines, to refer to citizens of a foreign country who have come to the U.S. with no documents to show that they are legally entitled to visit, work or live here. Such terms are considered pejorative not only by those to whom they are applied but by many people of the same ethnic and national backgrounds who are in the U.S. legally."

Illegal immigrant

While many national news outlets use the term "illegal immigrant," this handbook calls for the discussion and re-evaluation of its use. Instead of using illegal immigrant, alternative labels recommended are "undocumented worker" or "undocumented immigrant." Illegal immigrant is a term used to describe the immigration status of people who do not have the federal documentation to show they are legally entitled to work, visit or live here. People who are undocumented according to federal authorities do not have the proper visas to be in the United States legally. Many enter the country illegally, but a large number of this group initially had valid visas, but did not return to their native countries when their visas expired. Some former students fall into the latter category. The term criminalizes the person rather than the actual act of illegally entering or residing in the United States without federal documents. Terms such as illegal alien or illegal immigrant can often be used pejoratively in common parlance and can pack a powerful emotional wallop for those on the receiving end. Instead, use undocumented immigrant or undocumented worker, both of which are terms that convey the same descriptive information without carrying the psychological baggage. Avoid using illegal(s) as a noun.


Avoid. Alternative terms are "undocumented immigrant" or "undocumented worker." This term has been used to describe the immigration status of people who do not have the federal documentation to show they are legally entitled to work, visit or live here. The term criminalizes the person rather than the actual act of illegally entering, residing in the U.S. without documents.


Similar to reporting about a person's race, mentioning that a person is a first-generation immigrant could be used to provide readers or viewers with background information, but the relevancy of using the term should be made apparent in the story. Also, the status of undocumented workers should be discussed between source, reporter and editors because of the risk of deportation.

Undocumented immigrant

Preferred term to "illegal immigrant," "illegal(s)" and "illegal alien." This term describes the immigration status of people who do not have the federal documentation to show they are legally entitled to work, visit or live here. Some Latinos say this term more accurately describes people who are in the United States illegally because the word points out that they are undocumented, but does not dehumanize them in the manner that such terms as “aliens” and “illegals” do.

Undocumented worker

Preferred term to "illegal alien," "illegal immigrant," or "illegal(s)." This term describes the immigration status of people who do not have the federal documentation to show they are legally entitled to work, visit or live here.

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists
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Skydancer: We are talking past each other. You are talking about abstractions. I am talking about reality. Besides all that obvious rehearsed twaddle, what real experience do you have on the issue? I am real as these people. And I still advise all of you nice people to move out of those all- white gated communities and live in the real world with the rest of us plebes. Admit it, honey, you don't actually...live with these charming folks, do you? You can give the pedantic lectures a break. Please.
That was pretty interesting, Sky. So it actually behooves the Republicans to continue using that terminology...it will help them rebound with the hispanics they lost last election.

That was pretty interesting, Sky. So it actually behooves the Republicans to continue using that terminology...it will help them rebound with the hispanics they lost last election.


I don't know. I think it's entirely possible that Republicans and Democrats use that terminology.
Wait, I thought the Dems were pc? I'm pretty sure I've never heard a Democratic politician railing against "illegal aliens."

I think it's a hard claim to substantiate or qualify. "All Dems are this, all Reps are that."
Skydancer -- in both references where 'avoid' was advised, the word that was being 'avoided' is ILLEGAL. Do you seriously not get this? This is all a bunch of leftist bullshit to reword the truth. If you change what you call illegal aliens then you reduce their being here as 'no big deal'. Newsflash -- it's a helluva big deal.

These people have zero rights in this country. None. They have no rights as to what term they are called. Undocumented vs. illegal. Illegal is self-explanitory -- NOT LEGAL. What's undocumented? Hmmm, maybe illegal but hey, maybe they just forgot to get their paperwork in order before crossing the border, maybe they just forgot to mail something in, maybe this, maybe that. Give it a rest. This is just one more far-left- illegal-alien-hugging load of crap.
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I think it's a hard claim to substantiate or qualify. "All Dems are this, all Reps are that."
True enough. But I would be amazed to hear a Democratic politician giving speeches against illegal aliens. Certainly many of them are for tightening the borders and sending home those that aren't citizens. But their terminology is a lot less reactionary.
Wait, I thought the Dems were pc? I'm pretty sure I've never heard a Democratic politician railing against "illegal aliens."

How about Cesar Chavez?

SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Op-Ed > Ruben Navarrette Jr. -- The Arizona Minutemen and César Chavez

Here's the ironic part: Despite the fact that Chávez is these days revered among Mexican-American activists, the labor leader in his day was no more tolerant of illegal immigration than the Arizona Minutemen are now. Worried that the hiring of illegal immigrants drove down wages, Chávez – according to numerous historical accounts – instructed union members to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service to report the presence of illegal immigrants in the fields and demand that the agency deport them. UFW officials were even known to picket INS offices to demand a crackdown on illegal immigrants.

And in 1973, in one of the most disgraceful chapters in UFW history, the union set up a "wet line" to prevent Mexican immigrants from entering the United States. Under the guidance of Chávez 's cousin, Manuel, UFW members tried at first to convince the immigrants not to cross. When that didn't work, they physically attacked the immigrants and left some bloody in the process. It happened in the same place that the Minutemen are now planning to gather: the Arizona-Mexico border.

At the time, The Village Voice said that the UFW conducted a "campaign of random terror against anyone hapless enough to fall into its net." In their book, "The Fight in the Fields," Susan Ferris and Ricardo Sandoval recall the border incident and write that the issue of how to deal with the undocumented was "particularly vexing" for Chávez.

Or, Barbara Jordan, the first African American member of Congress from Texas:

In 1995, Representative Jordan chaired the Commission on Immigration Reform. Jordan was quoted in 1995 before the committee as stating "Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: Those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave."
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And, here's another one:

Brad Carson, a former Democratic Congressman from Oklahoma.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democrats Must Fight Illegal Immigration

By recognizing the harmful effects of illegal immigration on low-skilled citizens and by supporting legislation to prohibit untrammeled immigration, Democrats would boost the economic prospects of their core constituencies while driving a wedge into the Republican base. Democrats could even oppose illegal immigration while welcoming legal immigration, especially of the high-skilled variety. Immigration presents Democrats with an unusual opportunity to shake up the coalitions that have guided the political parties for a generation, while proving to the struggling middle and working classes that the Democratic Party is serious about reclaiming its historic role as their champion. The overclass might frown, but I would bet that millions and millions of American workers would reward the Democratic Party with their electoral gratitude.
Kitty, I'm getting sleepy again. Can you show me where any of those people used the term illegal alien? btw, Chavez was not a democratic politician.
Actually, sir, words are weapons in a propaganda war. "Illegals' and "aliens" are more derogatory terms. Calling people 'trash' is another derogatory term. Your post is full of those kinds of terms.

There is a difference between an adjective and a noun.

The word 'illegal' is an adjective. It describes an unlawful action. The term 'illegals' is being used as a noun.

Undocumented immigrants are people who are coming here to work without proper permission. Undocumented status describes people who came here legally and did not renew their visas.

By the way, does it bother you at all if a heterosexual man has anal intercourse with his consenting wife? What business is it of yours?

if a non-US citizen is here who has not gone through the official immigration process & has not received official permission to be here, they have violated our laws & thus, are here ILLEGALLY. That is why the term "illegal alien" exists.....you libs can be so dumb sometimes.....:cuckoo:
Kitty, I'm getting sleepy again. Can you show me where any of those people used the term illegal alien? btw, Chavez was not a democratic politician.

Of course Chavez wasn't a democratic politician. He was FAR to the left of any elected democrat in this country, even Kucinich. You asked which Democrats might be opposed to illegal immigration, or at least, that was my understanding of your comment. And, my point is that MANY have opposed it, historically, and they are correct in doing so.

Currently, the Democratic party has sold out to the cheap labor philosophy that serves only one group in America: multinational corporations. It certainly doesn't benefit the underclass in America. Hence, my opposition to illegal immigration, as someone who has worked professionally with unskilled inner city youths for the past 19 years.

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