Judge Cannon has blown it.

Not if she gets kicked off the case...

This is a pretty open shut case at this stage...

A new judge will set a trail date and bang it is done...
Trump Defence team wouldn't get any more delays.

A smarter judge could have slow walked (if they wished) this far better... Cannon is really inexperienced.

If Cannon was smart, she would get a top class legal expert (which she could get easily), she would have found some point of law and run it up the ladder..

Personally, I think Smith knew this was screwed timewise as soon as she was appointed... She has slow walked this now for 9 months.. 7 months more to go...
Wow, when are you getting that done?
I fullly support prosecution of FPOTUS#45, POTUS Biden, Ex-VP Pence, and any past President holding classified information.

However FPOTUS#45 isn't being prosecuted for having classified information.

How elected official handle classified information needs a total overhaul from the ground up. This two tiered handling of classified information must end. There definitely should not be one standard for everyone else and a different standard for elected officials.

I get it…so, who would you have the President answer to?
I get it…so, who would you have the President answer to?

FPOTUS#45 isn't President. He is not charged with any crimes while he was present. His Espionage Act indictments are all for crimes committed after he became a civilian again.

The President is an elected official, (s)he is not an emperor or a dictator, therefore (s)he answers to the law. Just like everyone else. Any special immunities for the position end at the end of the term of office for crimes committed after leaving office.

FPOTUS#45 isn't President. He is not charged with any crimes while he was present. His Espionage Act indictments are all for crimes committed after he became a civilian again.

The President is an elected official, (s)he is not an emperor or a dictator, therefore (s)he answers to the law. Just like everyone else. Any special immunities for the position end at the end of the term of office for crimes committed after leaving office.

I’m asking you who you would have a President answer to for declassification authority? Clearly, the things Trump is charged with began while he was president…So, are you trying to be cute with this one?

Do you want a president to be looking over his shoulder when making decisions?
I’m asking you who you would have a President answer to for declassification authority? Clearly, the things Trump is charged with began while he was president…So, are you trying to be cute with this one?

Do you want a president to be looking over his shoulder when making decisions?


No one.

However the President must tell someone or document the declassification.

No such thing as secret and mental declassification as CYA to after you left office.

FPOTUS#45 is not charged with any document crime for anything he did while in office.

As you know, since you said you handled classified information...

Some people that don't understand what "classified" shows. Documents are not "declassified" it is the information in the document that is declassified. The document is a piece of paper, it is the information that is important.

For example let’s say that there are 6 copies of a specific document containing specific classified information. One located in the White House, 5 located amongst various agencies which also need the document. In addition there are subordinate documents that contain (either in part of in whole some of the same classified information).

Under a normal process when the information contained in a highly classified documents is declassified (or downgraded) that impacts all copies of the document (its information, and subordinate documents containing the same information in whole or portions of a subordinate document).

So If the FPOTUS "declassified" a document, he is really declassifying the information in that document. If the FPOTUS, while acting as POTUS, "declassified" the information without telling anyone (either directly or in writing) for that specific document, you end up with:

  • One copy of the information located at the White House (or one of his Country Clubs) being "declassified", and
  • Five copies of the information located at the responsible agencies still being classified as the responsible agencies will not know the information was declassified because the FPOTUS (while POTUS) just mentally declassified the information in his head.
The result is someone could be prosecuted for improper handling of classified material for actions related to the 5 responsible agency documents, but not for improper handling of the exact same document if the source of the document was the White House. But they contain the same information! By this we are talking about the information in the document and subordinate information which sourced the document which can have even wider reaching impacts.

The national security infrastructure cannot function in a reasonable way if the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time simply because the POTUS chooses not to tell anyone.

Kind of a Schrodinger's Classified document where the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time until someone asks the FPOTUS to find out if he mentally and secretly declassified it without telling anyone while still POTUS. Normal people wouldn't know just by looking at the document.

Not if she gets kicked off the case...

This is a pretty open shut case at this stage...

A new judge will set a trail date and bang it is done...
Trump Defence team wouldn't get any more delays.

A smarter judge could have slow walked (if they wished) this far better... Cannon is really inexperienced.

If Cannon was smart, she would get a top class legal expert (which she could get easily), she would have found some point of law and run it up the ladder..

Personally, I think Smith knew this was screwed timewise as soon as she was appointed... She has slow walked this now for 9 months.. 7 months more to go...
LOL, there will be no "new judge".
You Stalinist ASSHOLES are FLAILING.

No one.

However the President must tell someone or document the declassification.

No such thing as secret and mental declassification as CYA to after you left office.

FPOTUS#45 is not charged with any document crime for anything he did while in office.

As you know, since you said you handled classified information...

Some people that don't understand what "classified" shows. Documents are not "declassified" it is the information in the document that is declassified. The document is a piece of paper, it is the information that is important.

For example let’s say that there are 6 copies of a specific document containing specific classified information. One located in the White House, 5 located amongst various agencies which also need the document. In addition there are subordinate documents that contain (either in part of in whole some of the same classified information).

Under a normal process when the information contained in a highly classified documents is declassified (or downgraded) that impacts all copies of the document (its information, and subordinate documents containing the same information in whole or portions of a subordinate document).

So If the FPOTUS "declassified" a document, he is really declassifying the information in that document. If the FPOTUS, while acting as POTUS, "declassified" the information without telling anyone (either directly or in writing) for that specific document, you end up with:

  • One copy of the information located at the White House (or one of his Country Clubs) being "declassified", and
  • Five copies of the information located at the responsible agencies still being classified as the responsible agencies will not know the information was declassified because the FPOTUS (while POTUS) just mentally declassified the information in his head.
The result is someone could be prosecuted for improper handling of classified material for actions related to the 5 responsible agency documents, but not for improper handling of the exact same document if the source of the document was the White House. But they contain the same information! By this we are talking about the information in the document and subordinate information which sourced the document which can have even wider reaching impacts.

The national security infrastructure cannot function in a reasonable way if the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time simply because the POTUS chooses not to tell anyone.

Kind of a Schrodinger's Classified document where the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time until someone asks the FPOTUS to find out if he mentally and secretly declassified it without telling anyone while still POTUS. Normal people wouldn't know just by looking at the document.

I don’t know why you felt the need to tutor me on classification, but I’ll chalk it up to informing the board, and not me personally…

But, you said he has to tell someone….who? Who does the President, the CiC, have to report to?
I don’t know why you felt the need to tutor me on classification, but I’ll chalk it up to informing the board, and not me personally…

It was, no offense intended. We all sometimes post not necessarily to the specific poster but to the board in general.

No offense intended.

But, you said he has to tell someone….who? Who does the President, the CiC, have to report to?

This is where breakdown is.

It's not a "report to", it's an "inform" so that the declassification process for information can occur. There is no such thing as secret and mental declassification of information.
And again, FPOTUS#45 has not been charged in the Espionage Case with any actions taken as President. All charges stem from after he became a civilian.

It was, no offense intended. We all sometimes post not necessarily to the specific poster but to the board in general.

No offense intended.
None taken, I knew what you were doing..
This is where breakdown is.

It's not a "report to", it's an "inform" so that the declassification process for information can occur. There is no such thing as secret and mental declassification of information.
And again, FPOTUS#45 has not been charged in the Espionage Case with any actions taken as President. All charges stem from after he became a civilian.
what we saw during the Trump administration was that the bureaucracy undermined him at every turn. The left worked against him when they could. What makes you think he didn’t declassify these things, and those people weren’t informed?
None taken, I knew what you were doing..

what we saw during the Trump administration was that the bureaucracy undermined him at every turn. The left worked against him when they could.

FPOTUS#45 is not charged with anything while in office in terms of the Espionage indictment. So what did or didn't happen during his term isn't applicable.

What makes you think he didn’t declassify these things, and those people weren’t informed?

What I think is irrelevant.

What he claims in court is. And at this point he has made no indication to the court that he declassified the documents prior to Noon on January 20, 2021.

I would love for him to make such a claim, that will allow prosecutors to then investigate and prepare counter testimony to impeach the claim. For each and every one of the dozens of documents in the case:
  • What was declassified,
  • When was it declassified,
  • What was the manner of declassification,
  • Who was informed,
  • What documentation exists?
The idea that even the President can "secretly and mentally" declassify information without telling anyone isn't going to fly.

So yes please, make the claim in court. Petty please.

Oh and just to note - Nation Defense Information != Classified. Something can be unclassified and still National Defense Information under the Espionage Act.

However the President must tell someone or document the declassification.
There is no law that says that. Nor is there any regulation, or executive order that says that and binds the president. You see that claim on message boards, and I'm sure in the mainstream media, but always without support.

It something that message board posters believes because it makes sense to them that he would have to do that. 'It's clasasified stuff, duh!' they think. "Why he cain't just . . ."

But they don't understand that the president is the sole authority on what is and what is not classified. No law was passed to give him that power, presidents assumed it as part of being the Commander in Chief, and the courts backed them up stating clearly that it is an executive power separate from the congress.

I have no idea if Trump thought about declassifying the documents as he sent them to Mar-a-Lago. I do know that if he claims he did, it will be a up to the jury to decide if he did. Judge Cannon will have to instruct the jury - based on case law - that he had the power to do so, and it is up to the jury to decide whether they believe that he is lying. Matter of law, matter of fact.

They question for the Judge I'm guessing will be what standard to apply to that, i.e. "preponderance of evidence," or "beyond a reasonable doubt," or some other standard to decide whether he is lying.
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FPOTUS#45 is not charged with anything while in office in terms of the Espionage indictment. So what did or didn't happen during his term isn't applicable.

What I think is irrelevant.

What he claims in court is. And at this point he has made no indication to the court that he declassified the documents prior to Noon on January 20, 2021.

I would love for him to make such a claim, that will allow prosecutors to then investigate and prepare counter testimony to impeach the claim. For each and every one of the dozens of documents in the case:
  • What was declassified,
  • When was it declassified,
  • What was the manner of declassification,
  • Who was informed,
  • What documentation exists?
The idea that even the President can "secretly and mentally" declassify information without telling anyone isn't going to fly.

So yes please, make the claim in court. Petty please.

Oh and just to note - Nation Defense Information != Classified. Something can be unclassified and still National Defense Information under the Espionage Act.

Well, this so far is all speculation…I do agree that Trump if this makes it to the end has a mountain to climb. I just don’t think it’ll make it that far…

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