Judge clears way for Trump commission to collect voter data

This whole mess is because of Trump's ego. He can't handle that he lost the popular vote, and he can't handle that he got a leg up by his crush Putin.

Trump tweeted in 2012 that the electoral college is a disaster for democracy, and now that he is caught with his tiny dick in his tiny hands over that tweet, he has to salve his bruised ego by claiming he won the popular vote when he clearly didn't.

No... sorry... it has to do with states like kullyfornia handing out DL's to illegal aliens and also registering them to vote at the same time.

When this BS is cleaned up you progs will never win another election.
This whole mess is because of Trump's ego. He can't handle that he lost the popular vote, and he can't handle that he got a leg up by his crush Putin.

Trump tweeted in 2012 that the electoral college is a disaster for democracy, and now that he is caught with his tiny dick in his tiny hands over that tweet, he has to salve his bruised ego by claiming he won the popular vote when he clearly didn't.

No... sorry... it has to do with states like kullyfornia handing out DL's to illegal aliens and also registering them to vote at the same time.

When this BS is cleaned up you progs will never win another election.
And with the DLs we know where to pick them up!
THIS is the BULL SHIT that's going to get CLEANED UP... ILLEGAL VOTING... ENCOURAGED by the AMERICA HATER HIMSELF... the little muslim DOG TURD...

It's not going to enable the Commission to get any more information than the states have already agreed to provide. It in effect makes no difference.

unless they want to start telemarketing you or sell your info.
Sorry that happened to you. My state is refusing to give them anything. We can't--the governor would no doubt love to, the Trump ass kisser. But it's a law the information cannot be disseminated to the general public, which the Commission states will be available to all and sundry.
It's not going to enable the Commission to get any more information than the states have already agreed to provide. It in effect makes no difference.

unless they want to start telemarketing you or sell your info.
Sorry that happened to you. My state is refusing to give them anything. We can't--the governor would no doubt love to, the Trump ass kisser. But it's a law the information cannot be disseminated to the general public, which the Commission states will be available to all and sundry.

You don't have to be sorry, I didn't even get any calls during the campaign from either side, my wife did but she is registered as Republican. This call caught me completely off guard when I asked who was calling, a man sounded older. Our governor is an Trump ass kisser and just about everyone in our state government.
I am a register "no party affiliation", my state released them weeks ago, I received a telephone call today asking for me and as always said I wasn't here and could I take a message. The caller on the other end said he was with Trump campaign in D.C. and would call back later. I asked how they received mine (his) name and they answered through the information my state had provided. It's one thing for them want to see if I'm legal it's a fucking other thing to start calling me. Spoke with an attorney friend and he is going to look into this. I don't take unsolicited calls from anyone I don't care if it's God himself.

Thing is, most voter fraud happens when cheaters use some of the unused ballots from legally registered voters. Only about 1/3 of the eligible voters even bother to cast a ballot. The only way to find out how much cheating is going on is to find out how many of the legally registered voters actually used their ballots. No need to know how anyone voted but it would be necessary to see if each person actually cast a vote under their own name.

When Franken won after a trunk load of ballots for him was discovered weeks later, I suspected that cheaters had simply filled out unused ballots from people on the voter rolls who never showed up to vote. No one would be able to prove fraud because the ballots would appear to be from legally registered voters.

There were lots of reports of dishonest poll workers filling out ballots and boxes of ballots had been delivered to a private address.

Time to make sure there is no fraud.

I think we need to stop motor voter registration and have people take the time to register on their own. If a person doesn't vote, they won't bother registering. That way, there wouldn't be millions of legally registered voters who don't vote and allow their ballots to be used by dishonest people.

If we want our voting system to matter, we have to make sure that each ballot is considered sacred and not used by anyone other than the legally registered voter. Otherwise, it's all just a corrupt means of electing people.
Anyone else observe the repetitive game?

Cause: Liberals desire this, while Trump does that.

Effect: Trump wins & is vindicated.

Nice way to prepare yourselves for any end to TGWH (The Great Witch Hunt).
3-5 million Illegals voting - busted!
3-5 million Illegals voting - bullshit!

It's funny how you tards will ignore a tsunami of evidence and testimony the Russians meddled in our election, but will drink Trump's piss that five million illegals voted for Hillary just on his say-so.
Seth Rich was a Russian agent that revealed how the leftard clown posse was trying to steal the election???? Are ya sure you want to run with that? You are claiming that the ROOSKIES cheated for exposing the cheating of the DNC??? ROTFLMAO!!!!
It's not going to enable the Commission to get any more information than the states have already agreed to provide. It in effect makes no difference.

They will find their 3 million voters, so they can declare Trump the winner of the pop vote. As we know, no Pubs voted twice, and no voter suppression took place. Makes me ill.
This whole mess is because of Trump's ego. He can't handle that he lost the popular vote, and he can't handle that he got a leg up by his crush Putin.

Trump tweeted in 2012 that the electoral college is a disaster for democracy, and now that he is caught with his tiny dick in his tiny hands over that tweet, he has to salve his bruised ego by claiming he won the popular vote when he clearly didn't.


Crooked Hillary lost because Trump ran a better campaign and had a much better message for the American people.

The butt hurt pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats are blaming her loss on the Russkies instead of taking responsibility of putting up a corrupt, dishonest and incompetent candidate. .

Exposing the millions of illegals and ineligible voters that cast their ballot for that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary will go a long way towards putting the record straight.

Good for Trump.
A federal judge on Monday cleared the way for President Donald Trump's commission on election fraud to resume collecting detailed voter roll information from the states.

Judge clears way for Trump commission to collect voter data


It makes a big difference you fucking wicked murdering kuuunt.
Yep- to Conservatives- that is what women are- just 'kuuunt's.

Meanwhile- She did not say that any states must comply with the commission's request.

Still looking for those mythical 3-5 million illegal votes President Snowflake made up.

Nice to be able to start a commission to try to find evidence for presidential fiction.
A federal judge on Monday cleared the way for President Donald Trump's commission on election fraud to resume collecting detailed voter roll information from the states.

Judge clears way for Trump commission to collect voter data


It makes a big difference you fucking wicked murdering kuuunt.
Yep- to Conservatives- that is what women are- just 'kuuunt's.

Meanwhile- She did not say that any states must comply with the commission's request.

Still looking for those mythical 3-5 million illegal votes President Snowflake made up.

Nice to be able to start a commission to try to find evidence for presidential fiction.
14 out of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID laws.. vote early and vote often...... that's how the Democrats roll!!!
A federal judge on Monday cleared the way for President Donald Trump's commission on election fraud to resume collecting detailed voter roll information from the states.

Judge clears way for Trump commission to collect voter data


It makes a big difference you fucking wicked murdering kuuunt.
Yep- to Conservatives- that is what women are- just 'kuuunt's.

Meanwhile- She did not say that any states must comply with the commission's request.

Still looking for those mythical 3-5 million illegal votes President Snowflake made up.

Nice to be able to start a commission to try to find evidence for presidential fiction.
14 out of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID laws.. vote early and vote often...... that's how the Democrats roll!!!
Before the next presidential election... NATIONAL VOTER ID.
He can't handle that he lost the popular vote.

Right. Man, are you a one pump chump or what? If only 15 - 25% of all the illegals are actually voting, when they'd have everything to gain by pulling a lever for Hillary, and with the DNC behind them in every way getting them a driver's license and whatever else in benefits, that is an amazingly low stat. Boy, these people are even dumber than I thought.

What is the real secret the Dems have concealed all these years they fear so much being found, that as many as 10 million democratic votes are illegal? You have to wonder how a guy that pulls in record crowds bigger than Ronald Reagan, filled stadiums to record levels, that people drive from states away to see while Hillary was lucky to fill libraries and school gyms, ends up losing the popular vote? Not real important because the popular vote is a MEANINGLESS STAT that only counts at the state level and doesn't get you a cup of coffee, but you still have to scratch your head what the Democrats are trying to cover up.
Since when is being registered in more than one state voter fraud? I have moved to several different States in my lifetime and have never even thought of notifying the state I was leaving, that I was leaving, so take me off the voter roll....NEVER! I just registered to vote when I would get my new driver's license in my new residence State....???

ONLY IF YOU VOTED in both states during the same election, would it be voter fraud.... and I've never done that....
14 out of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID laws.. vote early and vote often...... that's how the Democrats roll!!!

I heard in 2012 that most every state Obama won had no voter ID laws. Most every state he lost had Voter ID. I'd love to know how true that is. After how the weaponized IRS blocked numerous conservative organizations from forming to oppose Obama and promote Romney and after having the most disastrous 1st term any president has ever had, you really have to wonder how he won a 2nd term. I was no Romney fan but he was about 8.6 X 10^3 times better than Obama.
Someone is
A federal judge on Monday cleared the way for President Donald Trump's commission on election fraud to resume collecting detailed voter roll information from the states.

Judge clears way for Trump commission to collect voter data


It makes a big difference you fucking wicked murdering kuuunt.
Yep- to Conservatives- that is what women are- just 'kuuunt's.

Meanwhile- She did not say that any states must comply with the commission's request.

Still looking for those mythical 3-5 million illegal votes President Snowflake made up.

Nice to be able to start a commission to try to find evidence for presidential fiction.
14 out of the meager 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID laws.. vote early and vote often...... that's how the Democrats roll!!!
Before the next presidential election... NATIONAL VOTER ID.
For some strange reason, the democrats hate that and of course they cry.....RACISM!!!!

Their stupid sheep always fall right in line.

The same stupid sheep don't say shit about photo ids and yet no one can do a thing in this life without one. Not get a job, cash a check, nothing. Yet, the fucking pathetic liberals go with the same stupid party line cries of racism.

They make things worse for THOSE PEOPLE and they all think patronizing them is productive. They are all fucking worthless losers.

Now, why do we suppose the democrats don't want voter id (photo) laws and why is it they give so much resistance to investigating the voting data?

These fucking liberals think I am going to listen to them for one fucking second? Do we all have a good appreciation for fucking stupid liberals are?

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