Judge denies Cohen's request to review records retained in search

So, you think everything they seized was on the documents for a Stormy Daniels case to make that case? You are fooling yourself. From the Chicago Tribune-

In their search warrant, federal investigators asked Cohen to turn over any communications the two men had about a 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape
Cohen FBI raid was linked to 'Access Hollywood' tape, warrant says

In spite of protections provided in the fourth amendment, law enforcement officers (noted in actual wording as “government officials”) are reserved the right to conduct searches under the grounds of probable cause. Today, in essence, this requires law enforcement officers to present their probable cause reasons to a member of the judicial department, which will issue a warrant to search the property. However, search warrants are not a carte blanche invitation to invade privacy, but rather a legally executed search warrant must include:

  • Specific reasons of probable cause
  • Supported by sworn oaths or affidavits of the officials stating the probable cause
  • Includes a specific place, individual, and items being searched

Prosecutors will find some juice stuff in this pile of material. trump and Cohen are sweating tonight...

If the warrant doesn’t cover it, they won’t.
You do not know the law.

Yup, this is what the prosecutors did. They followed the rule of law. You know they checked and double checked before they took a move. It was obvious that Cohen and trump were going to challenge them.
Oh, my!

In spite of protections provided in the fourth amendment, law enforcement officers (noted in actual wording as “government officials”) are reserved the right to conduct searches under the grounds of probable cause. Today, in essence, this requires law enforcement officers to present their probable cause reasons to a member of the judicial department, which will issue a warrant to search the property. However, search warrants are not a carte blanche invitation to invade privacy, but rather a legally executed search warrant must include:

  • Specific reasons of probable cause
  • Supported by sworn oaths or affidavits of the officials stating the probable cause
  • Includes a specific place, individual, and items being searched

Prosecutors will find some juice stuff in this pile of material. trump and Cohen are sweating tonight...

If the warrant doesn’t cover it, they won’t.
You do not know the law.
Of course, it was not, by the very definitions of what is constitutional and what is not.

Dude...fire your team of legal researchers. They are literally ALWAYS wrong
If that were true Trump would have been impeached and flat broke and in jail in a Mexican village....BUUUUUAAAAAAHAHAHAHA
Really? THIS is the reasoning you have used to convince yourself?: "Trump is not in jail... therefore Mueller has nothing!"

haha... oh man.... trumpkin gold

You know Trumpettes are not the sharpest knives in the drawer....right?
No he didn't, ya weirdo. This is what he said:

Comey said when the question was put to him by ABC's George Stephanopoulos during their interview. "I hope not, because I think impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office would let the American people off the hook and have something happen indirectly that I believe they're duty bound to do directly." -CNN

haha.... noooot exactly a ringing endorsement.
Dummy...he was just on the radio hacking his stupid book and he said there is no reason in his estimation for Trump's impeachment.....
So....which bedroom does Melania sleep in? Hope she has a life preserver....

If Melania combines all of the Big Mac, styrofoam containers from Donny's bedroom, she'd have a perfectly good flotation device.
he was just on the radio hacking his stupid book and he said there is no reason in his estimation for Trump's impeachment..
Was that the same radio show that he called trump completely unfit to be president? Hmm... I wonder if you're getting this?
In spite of protections provided in the fourth amendment, law enforcement officers (noted in actual wording as “government officials”) are reserved the right to conduct searches under the grounds of probable cause. Today, in essence, this requires law enforcement officers to present their probable cause reasons to a member of the judicial department, which will issue a warrant to search the property. However, search warrants are not a carte blanche invitation to invade privacy, but rather a legally executed search warrant must include:

  • Specific reasons of probable cause
  • Supported by sworn oaths or affidavits of the officials stating the probable cause
  • Includes a specific place, individual, and items being searched

A major setback for team trump...

Prosecutors will find some juice stuff in this pile of material. trump and Cohen are sweating tonight...

If the warrant doesn’t cover it, they won’t.
You do not know the law.
Nothing about requirements and exceptions: dude, you do not know the law.
Was that the same radio show that he called trump completely unfit to be president? Hmm... I wonder if you're getting this?
How can Trump be unfit? he has the economy doing better than the last president...he is defeating IsIs better than the last president...what about his presidency do you think is unfit?
Any criminality revealed as the fruits of a legitimate search for other material is fair game.
Was that the same radio show that he called trump completely unfit to be president? Hmm... I wonder if you're getting this?
How can Trump be unfit? he has the economy doing better than the last president...he is defeating IsIs in Iraq...what about his presidency do you think is unfit?
well, I believe that people think that others could achieve those results without the heaping helping of stupidity and corruption, because they are not some sort of brainwashed little cheerleader for trump. Also, you're not really sowing any causation. This, of course, is a parlor trick for idiots. so, i am left to wonder if you know it is a trick and are just being slimy, or if you are djust too dumb to know better. Mistake, or lie?
well, I believe that people think that others could achieve those results without the heaping helping of stupidity and corruption, because they are not some sort of brainwashed little cheerleader for trump. Also, you're not really sowing any causation. This, of course, is a parlor trick for idiots. so, i am left to wonder if you know it is a trick and are just being slimy, or if you are djust too dumb to know better. Mistake, or lie?
What a bunch of incoherent mumble jumbo...If Trump is unfit tell me how...the truth is he is a far cry better president and leader than Obama and you can't stand it...
How can Trump be unfit? he has the economy doing better than the last president...he is defeating IsIs in Iraq...what about his presidency do you think is unfit?

The above TOTALLY the product of a Trump cult member.

Obama handed over an economy that placed the next president on 3rd base.....and morons like this dummy "swears' that Trump hit a triple.

Secondly, “....whatever successes the Trump administration is claiming against ISIS are actually a product of the Obama administration’s approach,” says Jennifer Cafarella, the senior intelligence planner at the Institute for the Study of War.
The above TOTALLY the product of a Trump cult member.

Obama handed over an economy that placed the next president on 3rd base.....and morons like this dummy "swears' that Trump hit a triple.

Secondly, “....whatever successes the Trump administration is claiming against ISIS are actually a product of the Obama administration’s approach,” says Jennifer Cafarella, the senior intelligence planner at the Institute for the Study of War.

The above TOTALLY the product of a Trump cult member.

Obama handed over an economy that placed the next president on 3rd base.....and morons like this dummy "swears' that Trump hit a triple.

Secondly, “....whatever successes the Trump administration is claiming against ISIS are actually a product of the Obama administration’s approach,” says Jennifer Cafarella, the senior intelligence planner at the Institute for the Study of War.
he has the economy doing better than the last president.


Fox News admits job growth was stronger under Obama than Trump ...

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below PresidentObama ...
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as ...

Trump's much-hyped 'job boom' is fake news: 2017 was the worst year ...
Job Gains in Trump's First Year Were Solid But Not the Greatest ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Donald Trump vowed during his 2016 campaign for president that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Employment data released Friday ... That's good. It's also 185000 fewer jobs than the 2.24 million delivered in the final year under his Democratic predecessor, Obama.
Wow the Dirty Democrats are very proud that using gestapo tactics in our politics.
The Dems are trying to pull off a Junta.
Democrats don't belong in America, they belong in a third world banana republic.

No, in a Banana Republic they don’t bother with search warrants or probable cause. You’re just disappeared or shot dead in the street, like drug users in the Phillipines. Trump told Duerte he was doing a good job on drugs.

Trump favours banana republic tactics. The press is silenced. Your opponents are locked up. No one criticizes or opposes the strong man. And he’s President for life.

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