Judge denies Cohen's request to review records retained in search

And yet your ignore the facts as they actually are, rather than what you posted. The cult member is the one that claims to report facts that really aren’t.
So 2010 had an avg of 88,000, yet 2017, Trumps full first year has 171,000...
Your second link is comparing all 6 years of Obama’s to Trumps 2 years. Not accurate comparison, and it was written by a contributor, not Fox News-

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Six Years

Your third one is from cnn, not Fox News and compares Trumps first year, which included record numbers losing their jobs due to the hurricanes, yet recovered, to Obama’s last year. Very telling they choose first vs last to compare. Why not first vs first? The answer is above, because it is lower.

And your next one is from thinkprogress, a joke.
he has the economy doing better than the last president.


Fox News admits job growth was stronger under Obama than Trump ...

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below PresidentObama ...
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as ...

Trump's much-hyped 'job boom' is fake news: 2017 was the worst year ...
Job Gains in Trump's First Year Were Solid But Not the Greatest ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Donald Trump vowed during his 2016 campaign for president that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Employment data released Friday ... That's good. It's also 185000 fewer jobs than the 2.24 million delivered in the final year under his Democratic predecessor, Obama.

I knew that facts could NEVER satisfy a Trump cult member.......I responded not to you, but for others who still have some objectivity......and functioning brain cells.
We're witnessing an attempted Coup d'etat. They're trying to strip Trump of proper legal defense. It's very disturbing what Mueller is being allowed to do. This is exactly how they go after Mafia leaders. They attack their lawyers in an attempt to strip them of proper legal defense.

I'm shocked so few Americans care. No matter how you feel politically, our President shouldn't be treated this way. It doesn't feel like America anymore. Trump is being lynched. It is a Coup d'etat.
Trump's lawyer handling this is reportedly top drawer and respected, but she and her firm were hired just on 4-11.

“Would you help him?” asked Paul Rosenzweig, a former senior counsel to Whitewater independent counsel Ken Starr now serving as a senior fellow at the nonprofit R Street Institute. “Everyone who works for Trump has a big ‘T’ burned on their forehead for the rest of their life.”

But in a Monday interview, Sekulow said that Hendon and her boutique Manhattan-based firm, Spears & Imes, is now on retainer to handle the Cohen matter — serving as “the New York team,” he said — but could be tapped for other Muller-related duties.

Cohen crisis shows short-handed Trump legal team's scramble


But what happens is federally employed lawyers not associated with the search will go through the materials and determine what is, and is not, confidential. The FBI is ordered to turn over to Trump all material that is found not privileged. (He has no right to what Cohen has pertaining to other clients that is privileged ... nor do we.)

Judge Woods said that the might appoint a special master (stand in judge) to referee any disputes.

Judge Rejects Trump Request To Sift Through Cohen Documents First, May Use Mediator

Despite what the Trumpbots want to claim, it's not unheard of for a lawyer to get searched when he's under a criminal investigation or when he typically engages in non-attorney biz ... e.g. is a "fixer."

In post 21, Issac Newton hypothesized that Trump may know what's in the records because Cohen told him. I'm not so sure. For one thing, I'm certain Trump's new lawyers view Cohen as a threat, not an ally. And, the elephant is the room is whether Cohen taped Trump. And, Cohen is also mired in the swamp of Russiagate. Will he spill to get out to the swill?

But even aside from Russiagate, and despite Mueller not being a player in the FBI's seeking evidence of other payoffs Cohen may have made for Trump, there is the potential for criminal concerns. Cohen is noted for strongarm tactics. And we are talking access hollywood tapes and women Trump may have "groped." The FBI is after something, and it appears to be something Cohen may have done "off the books" for Trump.
We're witnessing an attempted Coup d'etat. They're trying to strip Trump of proper legal defense. It's very disturbing what Mueller is being allowed to do. This is exactly how they go after Mafia leaders. They attack their lawyers in an attempt to strip them of proper legal defense.

I'm shocked so few Americans care. No matter how you feel politically, our President shouldn't be treated this way. It doesn't feel like America anymore. Trump is being lynched. It is a Coup d'etat.
Oh bullshit. Cohen is a mob lawyer. And Trump just hired one of the best white collar defense firms.
She's a despicable George Soros lackey. How was she allowed to decide this? George Soros has had numerous leaders removed from power in Europe. He's just attempting to do the same here. It's an obvious Coup-attempt. But will Americans stand by and watch it happen, or will they rise up and put it down? I guess we'll see.
We're witnessing an attempted Coup d'etat. They're trying to strip Trump of proper legal defense. It's very disturbing what Mueller is being allowed to do. This is exactly how they go after Mafia leaders. They attack their lawyers in an attempt to strip them of proper legal defense.

I'm shocked so few Americans care. No matter how you feel politically, our President shouldn't be treated this way. It doesn't feel like America anymore. Trump is being lynched. It is a Coup d'etat.
Oh bullshit. Cohen is a mob lawyer. And Trump just hired one of the best white collar defense firms.

It's wrong to attack his attorneys this way. Our President shouldn't be treated like this. It's time for folks to get angry. This Coup-attempt needs to be put down.
So 2010 had an avg of 88,000, yet 2017, Trumps full first year has 171,000...
Your second link is comparing all 6 years of Obama’s to Trumps 2 years. Not accurate comparison, and it was written by a contributor, not Fox News-

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Six Years

Your third one is from cnn, not Fox News and compares Trumps first year, which included record numbers losing their jobs due to the hurricanes, yet recovered, to Obama’s last year. Very telling they choose first vs last to compare. Why not first vs first? The answer is above, because it is lower.

And your next one is from thinkprogress, a joke.
he has the economy doing better than the last president.


Fox News admits job growth was stronger under Obama than Trump ...

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below PresidentObama ...
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as ...

Trump's much-hyped 'job boom' is fake news: 2017 was the worst year ...
Job Gains in Trump's First Year Were Solid But Not the Greatest ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Donald Trump vowed during his 2016 campaign for president that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Employment data released Friday ... That's good. It's also 185000 fewer jobs than the 2.24 million delivered in the final year under his Democratic predecessor, Obama.

I knew that facts could NEVER satisfy a Trump cult member.......I responded not to you, but for others who still have some objectivity......and functioning brain cells.

Yes....Trumpettes do have a mental flaw that prevent them from recognized cold....undeniable.....facts.

I think it all goes back to Kellyanne's "alternative facts" statement. This president...a documented serial liar...seems to feel he can tell a lie over and over and eventually it will become truth.

It is working well with his cult members. Case in Point:

On national television he mocks and mimics the physical disability of a reporter. He immediately denies it....although there is undeniable corroborating video.

His cult members pick up his denial and parrot his words. I think there is something deep and very sick there.
Trump needs to gather all of this evidence of a coup against him and bring it all to the American people then fire every damn one of the traitors....then begin criminal cases against them for treason and conspiracy to over throw a sitting president....From Mueller to the Clinton's Obama all the way down to this Soros cock sucking bitch of a Judge...the people would cheer!!!!!
Trump needs to gather all of this evidence of a coup against him and bring it all to the American people then fire every damn one of the traitors....then begin criminal cases against them for treason and conspiracy to over throw a sitting president....From Mueller to the Clinton's Obama all the way down to this Soros cock sucking bitch of a Judge...the people would cheer!!!!!

Which one are you?....lol

So 2010 had an avg of 88,000, yet 2017, Trumps full first year has 171,000...
Your second link is comparing all 6 years of Obama’s to Trumps 2 years. Not accurate comparison, and it was written by a contributor, not Fox News-

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Six Years

Your third one is from cnn, not Fox News and compares Trumps first year, which included record numbers losing their jobs due to the hurricanes, yet recovered, to Obama’s last year. Very telling they choose first vs last to compare. Why not first vs first? The answer is above, because it is lower.

And your next one is from thinkprogress, a joke.
he has the economy doing better than the last president.


Fox News admits job growth was stronger under Obama than Trump ...

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below PresidentObama ...
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as ...

Trump's much-hyped 'job boom' is fake news: 2017 was the worst year ...
Job Gains in Trump's First Year Were Solid But Not the Greatest ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Donald Trump vowed during his 2016 campaign for president that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Employment data released Friday ... That's good. It's also 185000 fewer jobs than the 2.24 million delivered in the final year under his Democratic predecessor, Obama.

I knew that facts could NEVER satisfy a Trump cult member.......I responded not to you, but for others who still have some objectivity......and functioning brain cells.

Yes....Trumpettes do have a mental flaw that prevent them from recognized cold....undeniable.....facts.

I think it all goes back to Kellyanne's "alternative facts" statement. This president...a documented serial liar...seems to feel he can tell a lie over and over and eventually it will become truth.

It is working well with his cult members. Case in Point:

On national television he mocks and mimics the physical disability of a reporter. He immediately denies it....although there is undeniable corroborating video.

His cult members pick up his denial and parrot his words. I think there is something deep and very sick there.

This judge is a despicable Soros lackey. She officiated his wedding for God's sake. We're witnessing a Soros-instigated Coup-attempt. He's been doing it all over Europe for years. He has immense power. And he owns the US Democratic Party. I guess we'll see if the American People allow him to overthrow their Government.
So 2010 had an avg of 88,000, yet 2017, Trumps full first year has 171,000...
Your second link is comparing all 6 years of Obama’s to Trumps 2 years. Not accurate comparison, and it was written by a contributor, not Fox News-

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Six Years

Your third one is from cnn, not Fox News and compares Trumps first year, which included record numbers losing their jobs due to the hurricanes, yet recovered, to Obama’s last year. Very telling they choose first vs last to compare. Why not first vs first? The answer is above, because it is lower.

And your next one is from thinkprogress, a joke.
he has the economy doing better than the last president.


Fox News admits job growth was stronger under Obama than Trump ...

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below PresidentObama ...
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as ...

Trump's much-hyped 'job boom' is fake news: 2017 was the worst year ...
Job Gains in Trump's First Year Were Solid But Not the Greatest ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Donald Trump vowed during his 2016 campaign for president that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Employment data released Friday ... That's good. It's also 185000 fewer jobs than the 2.24 million delivered in the final year under his Democratic predecessor, Obama.

I knew that facts could NEVER satisfy a Trump cult member.......I responded not to you, but for others who still have some objectivity......and functioning brain cells.

Yes....Trumpettes do have a mental flaw that prevent them from recognized cold....undeniable.....facts.

I think it all goes back to Kellyanne's "alternative facts" statement. This president...a documented serial liar...seems to feel he can tell a lie over and over and eventually it will become truth.

It is working well with his cult members. Case in Point:

On national television he mocks and mimics the physical disability of a reporter. He immediately denies it....although there is undeniable corroborating video.

His cult members pick up his denial and parrot his words. I think there is something deep and very sick there.

I think YOU are the very sick thing you describe.
A major setback for team trump...

Prosecutors will find some juice stuff in this pile of material. trump and Cohen are sweating tonight...

The important thing is the prosecutors can proceed....SLAM!

By now attorneys in the Southern District of New York are salivating and drooling all over the pages of criminal activity they collected at Cohen's home and office. I think the trump-Cohen relationship is about to come to an end...The attorney's know they are dealing with a Pardon Happy Authoritarian so they will be backing their charges up with significant state charges...much to Mikey's disdain....
So 2010 had an avg of 88,000, yet 2017, Trumps full first year has 171,000...
Your second link is comparing all 6 years of Obama’s to Trumps 2 years. Not accurate comparison, and it was written by a contributor, not Fox News-

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Six Years

Your third one is from cnn, not Fox News and compares Trumps first year, which included record numbers losing their jobs due to the hurricanes, yet recovered, to Obama’s last year. Very telling they choose first vs last to compare. Why not first vs first? The answer is above, because it is lower.

And your next one is from thinkprogress, a joke.
he has the economy doing better than the last president.


Fox News admits job growth was stronger under Obama than Trump ...

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below PresidentObama ...
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as ...

Trump's much-hyped 'job boom' is fake news: 2017 was the worst year ...
Job Gains in Trump's First Year Were Solid But Not the Greatest ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Donald Trump vowed during his 2016 campaign for president that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Employment data released Friday ... That's good. It's also 185000 fewer jobs than the 2.24 million delivered in the final year under his Democratic predecessor, Obama.

I knew that facts could NEVER satisfy a Trump cult member.......I responded not to you, but for others who still have some objectivity......and functioning brain cells.

Yes....Trumpettes do have a mental flaw that prevent them from recognized cold....undeniable.....facts.

I think it all goes back to Kellyanne's "alternative facts" statement. This president...a documented serial liar...seems to feel he can tell a lie over and over and eventually it will become truth.

It is working well with his cult members. Case in Point:

On national television he mocks and mimics the physical disability of a reporter. He immediately denies it....although there is undeniable corroborating video.

His cult members pick up his denial and parrot his words. I think there is something deep and very sick there.

I think YOU are the very sick thing you describe.

Speaking of Parrots and they come flying in like the obedient orange clones that they are.
So 2010 had an avg of 88,000, yet 2017, Trumps full first year has 171,000...
Your second link is comparing all 6 years of Obama’s to Trumps 2 years. Not accurate comparison, and it was written by a contributor, not Fox News-

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Six Years

Your third one is from cnn, not Fox News and compares Trumps first year, which included record numbers losing their jobs due to the hurricanes, yet recovered, to Obama’s last year. Very telling they choose first vs last to compare. Why not first vs first? The answer is above, because it is lower.

And your next one is from thinkprogress, a joke.

Fox News admits job growth was stronger under Obama than Trump ...

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below PresidentObama ...
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as ...

Trump's much-hyped 'job boom' is fake news: 2017 was the worst year ...
Job Gains in Trump's First Year Were Solid But Not the Greatest ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Donald Trump vowed during his 2016 campaign for president that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Employment data released Friday ... That's good. It's also 185000 fewer jobs than the 2.24 million delivered in the final year under his Democratic predecessor, Obama.

I knew that facts could NEVER satisfy a Trump cult member.......I responded not to you, but for others who still have some objectivity......and functioning brain cells.

Yes....Trumpettes do have a mental flaw that prevent them from recognized cold....undeniable.....facts.

I think it all goes back to Kellyanne's "alternative facts" statement. This president...a documented serial liar...seems to feel he can tell a lie over and over and eventually it will become truth.

It is working well with his cult members. Case in Point:

On national television he mocks and mimics the physical disability of a reporter. He immediately denies it....although there is undeniable corroborating video.

His cult members pick up his denial and parrot his words. I think there is something deep and very sick there.

I think YOU are the very sick thing you describe.

Speaking of Parrots and they come flying in like the obedient orange clones that they are.

No one spoke of Parrots OR assholes, but here you are.
So 2010 had an avg of 88,000, yet 2017, Trumps full first year has 171,000...
Your second link is comparing all 6 years of Obama’s to Trumps 2 years. Not accurate comparison, and it was written by a contributor, not Fox News-

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Six Years

Your third one is from cnn, not Fox News and compares Trumps first year, which included record numbers losing their jobs due to the hurricanes, yet recovered, to Obama’s last year. Very telling they choose first vs last to compare. Why not first vs first? The answer is above, because it is lower.

And your next one is from thinkprogress, a joke.

I knew that facts could NEVER satisfy a Trump cult member.......I responded not to you, but for others who still have some objectivity......and functioning brain cells.

Yes....Trumpettes do have a mental flaw that prevent them from recognized cold....undeniable.....facts.

I think it all goes back to Kellyanne's "alternative facts" statement. This president...a documented serial liar...seems to feel he can tell a lie over and over and eventually it will become truth.

It is working well with his cult members. Case in Point:

On national television he mocks and mimics the physical disability of a reporter. He immediately denies it....although there is undeniable corroborating video.

His cult members pick up his denial and parrot his words. I think there is something deep and very sick there.

I think YOU are the very sick thing you describe.

Speaking of Parrots and they come flying in like the obedient orange clones that they are.

No one spoke of Parrots OR assholes, but here you are.

So you have a limited vocabulary....gotcha....
Trump needs to gather all of this evidence of a coup against him and bring it all to the American people then fire every damn one of the traitors....then begin criminal cases against them for treason and conspiracy to over throw a sitting president....From Mueller to the Clinton's Obama all the way down to this Soros cock sucking bitch of a Judge...the people would cheer!!!!!

Which one are you?....lol

View attachment 188562

A great photo of a Trump cabinet meeting! Where is Pruitt and his $43,000 secret telephone booth? Maybe he will also get a phone installed in his shoe...like Get Smart? The trump open sewer of tax payer waste continues....

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