Judge denies Cohen's request to review records retained in search

So....which bedroom does Melania sleep in? Hope she has a life preserver....

If Melania combines all of the Big Mac, styrofoam containers from Donny's bedroom, she'd have a perfectly good flotation device.

OMG...so funny. Then she could start in the Atlantic and sale back home to her home in....wait...does Slovenia have a beach she can land on? Probably not...huh?
Was that the same radio show that he called trump completely unfit to be president? Hmm... I wonder if you're getting this?
How can Trump be unfit? he has the economy doing better than the last president...he is defeating IsIs better than the last president...what about his presidency do you think is unfit?

I hate Liars...don't you?
I hate Liars...don't you?
They all lie...what I hate is when someone in a position of power over me lies about important stuff like my health care or that the terrible inflation and joblessness are some kind of new normal that we must all except...
What I don't care about are lies to cover up personal infidelities....have you always revealed your peccadilloes when asked?
I hate Liars...don't you?
They all lie...what I hate is when someone in a position of power over me lies about important stuff like my health care or that the terrible inflation and joblessness are some kind of new normal that we must all except...
What I don't care about are lies to cover up personal infidelities....have you always revealed your peccadilloes when asked?

Yeah....so you have selective hate for liars. You lies told by people with Ds after their names. Everyone, including his mindless cult members, know trump is a serial liar. He has lied since the day of his inauguration....which had his press mouth go out and say this was the "biggest" inauguration ever barring none. He has lied every day since then...and many time over trivial things. The man has a real distaste for the truth.

And you idiots defend him, like he was an infant or something. I just do not get it.....NO ONE DOES.
Yeah....so you have selective hate for liars.
I have a selective dislike for lies...some lies are bigger and more harmful and some are more understandable like when Bill Clinton lied about boinking a 20 year old in the Oval Office....or when Obama said he was born in Hawaii and that he isn't gay as the day is long...
Yeah....so you have selective hate for liars.
I have a selective dislike for lies...some lies are bigger and more harmful and some are more understandable like when Bill Clinton lied about boinking a 20 year old in the Oval Office....or when Obama said he was born in Hawaii and that he isn't gay as the day is long...

I ignore warped people...See Ya!
From the rubric article:
Cohen's lawyers say they will then go through the materials and share relevant information with President Trump's legal team.
What? Has Trump's legal team -- a team which, given Trump's assertion that Cohen is attorney, should already have that information -- not actually been working in a collaborative manner?

Lawyers for Cohen and Trump had sought to be allowed to decide which items seized are protected by attorney-client privilege before prosecutors see them.

Did they actually think anyone would trust them to do that with integrity?

Wood told prosecutors to put all the seized documents into a searchable database to determine which should come under review. Prosecutors said they expected to let Wood know on Wednesday how long it will take them to share the materials with Cohen's legal team. Cohen's lawyers say they will then go through the materials and share relevant information with President Trump's legal team.
Maybe Wikileaks will hack that database and release it all. Then the citizenry can know all there is to know from those documents. That, IMO, would be for the best anyway because there's likely plenty there that criminal or not, attests to Trump's and Cohen's ignobility.​
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They are Cohen's files, wouldn't he know generally what was there. Me thinks orange turd talked to him and said they needed to know what was coming. The judge on the other hand said GFY.

Now Sean Hannity is involved in this mess. There is this swirling cesspool of corrupt people and make no mistake they are gleefully corrupt, all of whom have their heads all the way up Lying Donald's ass.

Drain the swamp? All they've done is transposed a much more primordial smellier more dangerous swamp over the previous one. I ask again, conservatives how did you slide all the way down the slope to this? You are tromping through muck up to your arm pits that smells like an open sewer in Bangladesh.
They are Cohen's files, wouldn't he know generally what was there. Me thinks orange turd talked to him and said they needed to know what was coming. The judge on the other hand said GFY.
Not only does Cohen know what was there, he also knows precisely what the agents who executed the search warrant have/took. They gave him a receipt indicating what they took.

(f) Executing and Returning the Warrant.

(1) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property.

(A) Noting the Time. The officer executing the warrant must enter on it the exact date and time it was executed.

(B) Inventory. An officer present during the execution of the warrant must prepare and verify an inventory of any property seized. The officer must do so in the presence of another officer and the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken. If either one is not present, the officer must prepare and verify the inventory in the presence of at least one other credible person. In a case involving the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information, the inventory may be limited to describing the physical storage media that were seized or copied. The officer may retain a copy of the electronically stored information that was seized or copied.

(C) Receipt. The officer executing the warrant must give a copy of the warrant and a receipt for the property taken to the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken or leave a copy of the warrant and receipt at the place where the officer took the property. For a warrant to use remote access to search electronic storage media and seize or copy electronically stored information, the officer must make reasonable efforts to serve a copy of the warrant and receipt on the person whose property was searched or who possessed the information that was seized or copied. Service may be accomplished by any means, including electronic means, reasonably calculated to reach that person.

(D) Return. The officer executing the warrant must promptly return it—together with a copy of the inventory—to the magistrate judge designated on the warrant. The officer may do so by reliable electronic means. The judge must, on request, give a copy of the inventory to the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken and to the applicant for the warrant.​
So 2010 had an avg of 88,000, yet 2017, Trumps full first year has 171,000...
Your second link is comparing all 6 years of Obama’s to Trumps 2 years. Not accurate comparison, and it was written by a contributor, not Fox News-

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Six Years

Your third one is from cnn, not Fox News and compares Trumps first year, which included record numbers losing their jobs due to the hurricanes, yet recovered, to Obama’s last year. Very telling they choose first vs last to compare. Why not first vs first? The answer is above, because it is lower.

And your next one is from thinkprogress, a joke.
he has the economy doing better than the last president.


Fox News admits job growth was stronger under Obama than Trump ...

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below PresidentObama ...
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as ...

Trump's much-hyped 'job boom' is fake news: 2017 was the worst year ...
Job Gains in Trump's First Year Were Solid But Not the Greatest ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Donald Trump vowed during his 2016 campaign for president that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Employment data released Friday ... That's good. It's also 185000 fewer jobs than the 2.24 million delivered in the final year under his Democratic predecessor, Obama.
Did you all here? Mueller put out a statement not to believe any of the press coming out as it is wrong,
So....which bedroom does Melania sleep in? Hope she has a life preserver....

If Melania combines all of the Big Mac, styrofoam containers from Donny's bedroom, she'd have a perfectly good flotation device.

OMG...so funny. Then she could start in the Atlantic and sale back home to her home in....wait...does Slovenia have a beach she can land on? Probably not...huh?
yes. slovenia has a beach. app. 28 miles.


So....which bedroom does Melania sleep in? Hope she has a life preserver....

If Melania combines all of the Big Mac, styrofoam containers from Donny's bedroom, she'd have a perfectly good flotation device.

OMG...so funny. Then she could start in the Atlantic and sale back home to her home in....wait...does Slovenia have a beach she can land on? Probably not...huh?
yes. slovenia has a beach. app. 28 miles.



Go for it Melania!
So 2010 had an avg of 88,000, yet 2017, Trumps full first year has 171,000...
Your second link is comparing all 6 years of Obama’s to Trumps 2 years. Not accurate comparison, and it was written by a contributor, not Fox News-

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Six Years

Your third one is from cnn, not Fox News and compares Trumps first year, which included record numbers losing their jobs due to the hurricanes, yet recovered, to Obama’s last year. Very telling they choose first vs last to compare. Why not first vs first? The answer is above, because it is lower.

And your next one is from thinkprogress, a joke.
he has the economy doing better than the last president.


Fox News admits job growth was stronger under Obama than Trump ...

President Trump's First Year Of Job Growth Was Below PresidentObama ...
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as ...

Trump's much-hyped 'job boom' is fake news: 2017 was the worst year ...
Job Gains in Trump's First Year Were Solid But Not the Greatest ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Donald Trump vowed during his 2016 campaign for president that he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Employment data released Friday ... That's good. It's also 185000 fewer jobs than the 2.24 million delivered in the final year under his Democratic predecessor, Obama.

I knew that facts could NEVER satisfy a Trump cult member.......I responded not to you, but for others who still have some objectivity......and functioning brain cells.

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