Judge Denies Doj Request To Delay Release Of Fast And Furious Document List


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Maybe Holder is leaving before he gets the subpoena from Congress?

Judge Denies DOJ Request to Delay Release of Fast and Furious Document List - Katie Pavlich

"The government’s arguments for even more time are unconvincing," Bates said in his ruling. "Seventy-five days—plus another twenty-one, based in part on Judiciary Watch’s consent—is enough time for the government to prepare the index that this Court has ordered, given that this matter has been pending for over two years. The Court will therefore extend the Department’s Vaughn index submission deadline to October 22, 2014—and no further."
"The government argues that it must devote significant numbers of attorneys to this matter if it hopes to comply with the current Vaughn index deadline ... But the Department has known about its Vaughn index obligations since July 18, 2014 ... At best, it means the Department has been slow to react to this Court’s previous Order. At worst, it means the Department has ignored that Order until now," he added.
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Contempt of Congress case against Holder will proceed - Washington Times

The contempt of Congress case against Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. — the first sitting Cabinet member ever to face such a congressional rebuke — will continue even after his resignation takes effect, but it’s unlikely he will ever face personal punishment, legal analysts said Thursday.

Mr. Holder, is expected to announce his resignation later Thursday, and Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said the timing is not accidental: A federal judge earlier this week ruled that the Justice Department will have to begin submitting documents next month related to the botched Fast and Furious gun operation in a case brought by Judicial Watch.


“I don’t think it’s any coincidence he’s resigning as the courts are ruling the Fast and Furious information has to be released,” Mr. Fitton told The Washington Times.
And Holder jumps ship.... will this cause another delay that Obama wants to very much? Like 2 more years? So much for loyalty when your ass is getting close to the fire huh, Mr President?

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