Judge issues key ruling on same sex wedding cakes

Of course the topic is the Cali case but this is an aside curiousity BECAUSE of the COLORADO case and I DID SAY COLORADO above. The Colorado case is in THE one and only SUPREME COURT right now. The CALI case is possible helpful to the Masterpiece Cakeshop bakers efforts and boy does this guy need a little glimmer of hope. What happened to the America of my youth? Everything is a friggin culture war nowadays! Matthew Shepard's death was tragic. My point is that this couple has backers big time. And so do the Evangelicals. Unfortunately for the rest of us this crazy cake case will influence American culture one way or the other. There has got to be a middle ground solution.

They're trying forced acceptance...which isn't accepentice at all.
Judge issues key ruling on ‘same-sex wedding’ cakes
A California judge has refused to advance a social agenda in his state that targets Christians who refuse to endorse homosexuality through their work.

Thank God the battle is over at least for a little while until some power tripping selfish pos tries to undo it all.
California of all places amazing, something must be wrong with this picture.
What do they say about wedding cakes that are male and female?
I have never studied so much case law and Constitution before. This cake case is giving me an honary degree in US LAW and Political Science.
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Any business owner should have the latitude to refuse services to anyone as they see fit. Last I knew it was not illegal to be racist, biased or anything else nor should it be. If a business loses money by taking a position one way or the other that is a business decision and no one else's concern... period. If people don't like a business policy they don't have to spend their money there. This whole thing is nothing but a bunch of whiny ass militants wanting to get even for pissing on their bullshit agenda.
Any business owner should have the latitude to refuse services to anyone as they see fit. Last I knew it was not illegal to be racist, biased or anything else nor should it be. If a business loses money by taking a position one way or the other that is a business decision and no one else's concern... period. If people don't like a business policy they don't have to spend their money there. This whole thing is nothing but a bunch of whiny ass militants wanting to get even for pissing on their bullshit agenda.
I refused service to people in my transmission shop. Not many, but I did. To me, I was in business, and I would have done work for people who believed other than I did. I did fix some cars for gay people, but the people I refused to do work for were just total assholes and it had nothing to do with their beliefs.
Judge issues key ruling on ‘same-sex wedding’ cakes
A California judge has refused to advance a social agenda in his state that targets Christians who refuse to endorse homosexuality through their work.

Thank God the battle is over at least for a little while until some power tripping selfish pos tries to undo it all.
California of all places amazing, something must be wrong with this picture.
What do they say about wedding cakes that are male and female?

I dunno that it's discrimination LOL
I have never studied so much case law and Constitution before. This cake case is giving me an honary degree in Political science and US law.

Well something they won't teach you is you never work for " WE THE PEOPLE" you work for the courts.......

Only a true constitutionally freedom loving attorney will tell you that. ANyone else works for the gawd dam court systems and that's it.

That's why " Plea bargins" help get a conviction even when they're not guilty because the court wins and forces an admittance by using blackmail of " Lower sentencing" ..........
THe CAKE WARS at SCOTUS is about the scope of public accommodations, marriage rights, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, contract law, Feds v States rights, discrimination, culture, protected status of identifiable groups, and of course- CAKE...did I leave anything out. When Ginsburg goes maybe I can relace her!
THe CAKE WARS at SCOTUS is about the scope of public accommodations, marriage rights, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, contract law, Feds v States rights, discrimination, culture, protected status of identifiable groups, and of course- CAKE...did I leave anything out. When Ginsburg goes maybe I can relace her!

Cake wars now that was a good one.

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