Judge Jeanine: Uranium One is Biggest Scandals of the Last Century and Is Far from a Distraction

God you still spinning this lie? How many times does this story need trump be debunked?

Righties are such liars !
This secret FBI informant will be the key of putting Hillary in the pen, a place she's deserved to be for a long time. This witness has tapes, audio, emails and documentation that is supposed to be devastating to her and Bill, plus other's who sold out our national security for personal gain.

Nuclear Official Says Hillary Clinton Engaged In Extortion – Secret FBI Informant Is Set To Blow Open Uranium-One Scandal (VIDEO)

I hope i am wrong, but I’ll bet nothing of any significance comes from this.
The FBI aren't like Canadian or Russian police. If they have an informant and are pursuing this, you know it's legitimate. If only the former administration had respected the Rule of Law.
This secret FBI informant will be the key of putting Hillary in the pen, a place she's deserved to be for a long time. This witness has tapes, audio, emails and documentation that is supposed to be devastating to her and Bill, plus other's who sold out our national security for personal gain.

Nuclear Official Says Hillary Clinton Engaged In Extortion – Secret FBI Informant Is Set To Blow Open Uranium-One Scandal (VIDEO)
If it’s on gatewaypundit, it’s a strong likelihood it’s bullshit.
Extorting 100 million dollars is no small feat... If the evidence and time line are correct, she was influence peddling while Secretary of State.. It actually is the definition of treasonous acts against the US while holding public office. This could put her and most of the Obama admin who knew and allowed it to happen in jail for the rest of their lives.
Extorting 100 million dollars is no small feet... If the evidence and time line are correct she was influence peddling while secretary of State.. It actually is the definition of treasonous acts while holding public office. This could put her and most of the Obama admin who knew and allowed it to happen in jail for the rest of their lives.
Oh? For what did the Clinton’s extort “millions of dollars?”
Like the often promised phaznews indictments?

It going to be a Fox News brown note.
Extorting 100 million dollars is no small feet... If the evidence and time line are correct she was influence peddling while secretary of State.. It actually is the definition of treasonous acts while holding public office. This could put her and most of the Obama admin who knew and allowed it to happen in jail for the rest of their lives.
Oh? For what did the Clinton’s extort “millions of dollars?”
Selling out control of US URANIUM Stock piles... FuckTARD!
Extorting 100 million dollars is no small feet... If the evidence and time line are correct she was influence peddling while secretary of State.. It actually is the definition of treasonous acts while holding public office. This could put her and most of the Obama admin who knew and allowed it to happen in jail for the rest of their lives.
Oh? For what did the Clinton’s extort “millions of dollars?”
Selling out control of US URANIUM Stock piles... FuckTARD!
You’re projecting calling others a “fucktard” after claiming the Clinton’s extorted “100 million dollars.”

Your evidence that they were paid $100 million for that is.....?
The OP has been thoroughly debunked. Even Shep Smith debunked it...again.

This is going to be a good week. Crooked Hillary needs to be locked up. By the way anyone see Crooked Hillary being dragged out of the car at 2:01 in the vid so she could attend her idiotic book signing? :p

The fake security guard with the Angola or maybe Zimbabwe style uniform and the douchebag with the beard actually assaulted Millie of Infowars for simply asking the public questions in a public place! The filthy democrat Swamp hates free speech!
This is going to be a good week. Crooked Hillary needs to be locked up. By the way anyone see Crooked Hillary being dragged out of the car at 2:01 in the vid so she could attend her idiotic book signing? :p

The fake security guard with the Angola or maybe Zimbabwe style uniform and the douchebag with the beard actually assaulted Millie of Infowars for simply asking the public questions in a public place! The filthy democrat Swamp hates free speech!

You mean the racist trolls of infowars?
The OP has been thoroughly debunked. Even Shep Smith debunked it...again.

You idiot! The homosexual Shepard Smith didn't even know there was an FBI informant.
The OP has been thoroughly debunked. Even Shep Smith debunked it...again.

You idiot! The homosexual Shepard Smith didn't even know there was an FBI informant.

Wow, the amount of butthurt trumpturds is going to be something to watch.

Pass the popcorn.
This is going to be a good week. Crooked Hillary needs to be locked up. By the way anyone see Crooked Hillary being dragged out of the car at 2:01 in the vid so she could attend her idiotic book signing? :p

The fake security guard with the Angola or maybe Zimbabwe style uniform and the douchebag with the beard actually assaulted Millie of Infowars for simply asking the public questions in a public place! The filthy democrat Swamp hates free speech!



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