Judge leaves Man $58 to live on, tells him: "You can afford it, figure it out."

GlennSacks.com » Blog Archive » Family Attorney Marsha Freeman: 'The System is Broken'


Further evidence that the Child Support system is broken?

They can't leave you with 50 bucks no matter how many kids you have. Ridiculous.

they can and they do. The court can simply refuse to hear a request to reevaluate a man's income, in my case illegally for 3 years.
They can and do leave you with LESS than 50 bucks because the law that was passed when hillary was president made men criminals with no legal recourse.

Hillary was president?
Hillary may have well have been. Fact is, it was her law that was passed in clintons second term that actually classifies men as guilty without benefit of a trial. The old the end justifys the means bit is what they used to pass it.
At the time I did not plan on divorce, or to get a terminal illness.
The judge in my case actually suggested 'an accidental death (of me) would give my kids access to my life insurance.
My kids had a fit when I told them that this was the way the court, at their mothers insuistance, was treating me.
after I would put the fucking condoms on him, he was pulling the damn things off. It took a few days to figure it out, but when one of the things ended up in the corner of the room, I knew what had happened. It wasn't from ME accidentally pulling them off vaginally during sex, either. HE was purposefully doing it.
Curious, you didn't feel a difference? Is that the way for all women? I thought women actually felt a difference! :confused:

I am so glad he died. Dick. We don't miss him, around here. =)
Harsh! No matter how big of an asshole he is (and he sounds like a big one), he is still the father of your child. No child doesn't want to know his/her father.
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birth control is not just the responsiblity of the woman....everyone having sex should be involved in the birth control......this is not a thread about marriage..this is a thread about some guy fucking off ...having kids then not wanting to pay...i dont feel one bit sorry for his ass...58 bucks a week...he can get another job.....hell he can move in with family.....what can the kids do?

so what you lost a lay cause you insisted on condoms...would you rather lose a lay or gain a child? enough said there....

Influential Study on Divorce's Impact Is Said to Be Flawed - The New York Times
i hear men saying they are too stupid to take responsible for fucking...that anyone who lays down in front of them...is worthy of them...come on ...really?????....

as for marriage..when my hubby decided he didnt want anymore kids....he had a vas....o hell now there is a fucking thought...why cause he takes responsiblity for his sperm or lack of....granted when he kept telling my lady friends and saying..."pass it along" i was not amused...but he has managed to father one child.....one....and i dont think it took rocket science
and the damned gaul of a bunch of men who preach personal responbility...till it comes to their own damned actions...
She had four kids. FOUR. That usually does not mean she had quadruplets. They were born in different years. Often, people have kids a couple years apart, also. Do the math.

So she had 4 kids. Let's say that the youngest was 1 year old and the oldest was 9 years old.

She still only gets support until the youngest is 18. which is 17 years and as each of the older kids turn 18, the support should drop.

I did the math did you?

And there is no way you only received 216 dollars a year for child support. that's what your figures work out to.

I have gotten -30 dollars in child support one year. My ex bounced a fucking check to me. It was the only check he wrote that year. Yes, it is ENTIRELY possible for some asshole to look down on his kids and ex wife as though supporting them to have a roof over their heads, and helping to feed them is some kind of "gold diggers" venture..

Unbelievable, your incredulous mindset towards Allie Baba on this. Just unbelievable.

There is no way the court ordered 216 a year for child support and if he didn't pay the court order he should be in jail period.
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birth control is not just the responsiblity of the woman....everyone having sex should be involved in the birth control......this is not a thread about marriage..this is a thread about some guy fucking off ...having kids then not wanting to pay...i dont feel one bit sorry for his ass...58 bucks a week...he can get another job.....hell he can move in with family.....what can the kids do?

so what you lost a lay cause you insisted on condoms...would you rather lose a lay or gain a child? enough said there....

Influential Study on Divorce's Impact Is Said to Be Flawed - The New York Times

There is a difference between taking care of your kids and getting robbed by the system! This is clearly getting robbed by the system.
o so the fathers paying 58 dollars a week in child support...are those kids getting robbed by the system?????? are they? funny you can expect a kid to live on 58 dollars a week or less and make all kinds of excuses.....its just a bunch of mal....the man is expected to support his kids...he can get a 2nd job....i wonder how many mothers who are dealing with deadbeats fathers are working 2 jobs?
o so the fathers paying 58 dollars a week in child support...are those kids getting robbed by the system?????? are they? funny you can expect a kid to live on 58 dollars a week or less and make all kinds of excuses.....its just a bunch of mal....the man is expected to support his kids...he can get a 2nd job....i wonder how many mothers who are dealing with deadbeats fathers are working 2 jobs?

The father is only left with 58 dollars to live on because the child support order was not lessened after he lost his job and his income dropped in fact his order was increased even though he is now earning substantially less.
that won't even pay rent for a place where his kids can visit him so he gets fucked over by the system and he can't see his kids for weekends. yeah that's justice.

Child support is supposed to be based on income of the person paying.

The guy lost a high paying job and is now earning less and he was paying his support so you can't call him a deadbeat.
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o so the fathers paying 58 dollars a week in child support...are those kids getting robbed by the system?????? are they? funny you can expect a kid to live on 58 dollars a week or less and make all kinds of excuses.....its just a bunch of mal....the man is expected to support his kids...he can get a 2nd job....i wonder how many mothers who are dealing with deadbeats fathers are working 2 jobs?

The father is only left with 58 dollars to live on because the child support order was not lessened after he lost his job and his income dropped in fact his order was increased even though he is now earning substantially less.
that won't even pay rent for a place where his kids can visit him so he gets fucked over by the system and he can't see his kids for weekends. yeah that's justice.

Child support is supposed to be based on income of the person paying.

The guy lost a high paying job and is now earning less and he was paying his support so you can't call him a deadbeat.

The system is not good at adjusting for income. In most cases I know of, including my own, the request to reevaluate is ignored. I ask this; if the couple is still married and the income of the man is less than before-does that make the man an outlaw? That IS exactly what happens to the man after a divorce. Suddenly the man is accused of purposely lowering his income to spite the kids somehow. I do not know of any father who purposely lowered his income to punish his kids, yet that is the default attitude in the courts.
She had four kids. FOUR. That usually does not mean she had quadruplets. They were born in different years. Often, people have kids a couple years apart, also. Do the math.

So she had 4 kids. Let's say that the youngest was 1 year old and the oldest was 9 years old.

She still only gets support until the youngest is 18. which is 17 years and as each of the older kids turn 18, the support should drop.

I did the math did you?

No retard- They continue to get support until they are 21, in some circumstances, like if they are in school, and such. Even still, you will say- "Oh that only adds three years!"
Well, the question here is, why are you even guessing that all of her kids are a year apart or even two years apart? Maybe they are ten years a fucking part. My aunt had a group of kids, and the oldest ones were as much as 15 years older than the younger ones. Go fucking figure, yourself.

And there is no way you only received 216 dollars a year for child support. that's what your figures work out to.
I have gotten -30 dollars in child support one year. My ex bounced a fucking check to me. It was the only check he wrote that year. Yes, it is ENTIRELY possible for some asshole to look down on his kids and ex wife as though supporting them to have a roof over their heads, and helping to feed them is some kind of "gold diggers" venture..

Unbelievable, your incredulous mindset towards Allie Baba on this. Just unbelievable.
There is no way the court ordered 216 a year for child support and if he didn't pay the court order he should be in jail period.

The point was NOT that she was ORDERED to get 216 a year. Even still, they rarely issue a court order to jail a person for non payment. They are more likely to suspend the guy's license for it. You also do not seem to realize how many people work under the table.


Quote: Originally Posted by JD_2B
after I would put the fucking condoms on him, he was pulling the damn things off. It took a few days to figure it out, but when one of the things ended up in the corner of the room, I knew what had happened. It wasn't from ME accidentally pulling them off vaginally during sex, either. HE was purposefully doing it.

Curious, you didn't feel a difference? Is that the way for all women? I thought women actually felt a difference! :confused:

Uhhh no. I can pull the fucking things off with my vagina. Only women who do not lubricate properly would notice because it would be chafing. I have noticed the condom before, when I wasn't in the mood for sex, sure. It fucking hurts when you dont want it. Furthermore, it STILL wouldn't have been my fault, even if I COULD feel it. What the fuck, man. Don't you know about pre-ejaculate semen and all that shit? That motherfucker KNOCKED ME UP, so I would marry him, and did not give a rats ass about the kid that we had, whom I have loved unconditionally, and held very dear to me for ten years now. Dont you DARE berate me- If anything I am a flipping HERO for having a kid, after my spouse beat the shit out of me while I was pregnant, a couple weeks after the "shotgun" wedding, making me a single mom for life. Dont say another fucking WORD about that. :evil:
Christ, I bet you are "anti abortion" too.. Asshole. Go fucking figure.

Quote: Originally Posted by JD_2B
I am so glad he died. Dick. We don't miss him, around here. =)

Harsh! No matter how big of an asshole he is (and he sounds like a big one), he is still the father of your child. No child doesn't want to know his/her father.

Dude.. You didn't know him. You never saw him literally throwing the thanksgiving turkey and cooler and all that stuff out the front door, in front of his kid, after I spent hundreds of dollars on a hotel and gas to come up there and cook for him, and give his supposedly broke ass (lies lies lies.. He was hiding a new fucking sportscar at his parents house the whole time) some time with his kid, whom he NEVER ONCE even TRIED to come down here and see. You weren't there when he cussed me out in front of our child and sent us home, for a 7 hour drive, without so much as a Thank you, or an I love you to his own kid.
You don't have to look a little boy in the eyes every year at Christmas, Easter, and on his Birthday, and explain to him why the card from his dad never came to the house. NEVER. Once he bought him a box of toys, and while I was pregnant, he bought him a stuffed animal. Those two things were such a big deal to my son, AFTER his dad died.. He never really cared for them before, because his dad never cared for HIM. He doesn't even want his dad's picture hung up on a wall or in his room or anything. It is RARE that my son shows any interest at this point.
My son was 7 years old when his dad died, and he wasn't even MENTIONED in the obituary. I had to find out through the myspace page comments that he had even died, and that was three months later.
I support my son's need to love his dad, and I have ALWAYS fostered it in any way possible.. But my kid is SO much happier now- As disinterested as he is in the pictures and all that, he still talks about him, and remembers that thanksgiving trip occasionally, but really he doesn't have a lot of memories of his dad, because his DAD was a fucking SPERM DONOR and never MANNED UP and acted like a FATHER.
Now, my kid can dream big about an alternate reality of the fatherhood his dad ceased to give him, and just (rarely, but he does it) claims that his dad is a ghost looking down on us, and taking care of things for him. THAT makes him HAPPY.

Believe it or don't believe it, but don't tell me how my child should feel, or how I should feel, or EVER act like I have been anything but supportive of the two of them, in fostering a relationship that never really existed, but on a shallow level. I am sick and damn tired of men sticking up for deadbeat dads, and acting like a woman is to blame. You can fuck off if you are going to have that kind of mindset towards me or any other woman based on a shallow and unrelenting hate for women, rather than seeing the big picture for what it is. I thought you were better than that, GHook.
No retard- They continue to get support until they are 21, in some circumstances, like if they are in school, and such. Even still, you will say- "Oh that only adds three years!"
Well, the question here is, why are you even guessing that all of her kids are a year apart or even two years apart? Maybe they are ten years a fucking part. My aunt had a group of kids, and the oldest ones were as much as 15 years older than the younger ones. Go fucking figure, yourself.

No one collects child support until their kids are 24 or older.

Who's the fucking retard now?
Uhhh no. I can pull the fucking things off with my vagina. Only women who do not lubricate properly would notice because it would be chafing. I have noticed the condom before, when I wasn't in the mood for sex, sure. It fucking hurts when you dont want it. Furthermore, it STILL wouldn't have been my fault, even if I COULD feel it. What the fuck, man. Don't you know about pre-ejaculate semen and all that shit? That motherfucker KNOCKED ME UP, so I would marry him, and did not give a rats ass about the kid that we had, whom I have loved unconditionally, and held very dear to me for ten years now. Dont you DARE berate me- If anything I am a flipping HERO for having a kid, after my spouse beat the shit out of me while I was pregnant, a couple weeks after the "shotgun" wedding, making me a single mom for life. Dont say another fucking WORD about that. :evil:
I think you took my question well the wrong way. I wasn't judging you, rather I was asking a question to which I had no clue about. I figured women felt a difference (since god knows us guys do), but whether you do or don't, I had no idea to that.

I have nothing but respect for mothers in general, esp single mothers. While bring home the bacon is tough, staying home and raising the kid is very tough (I have done it a few times and prefer to go to the office). I personally couldn't do it everyday, esp when the kid is young.

I wasn't knocking you only asking a question.

Christ, I bet you are "anti abortion" too.. Asshole. Go fucking figure.
Nope I am pro-choice. A conservative, but pro-choice nonetheless.

Dude.. You didn't know him. You never saw him literally throwing the thanksgiving turkey and cooler and all that stuff out the front door, in front of his kid, after I spent hundreds of dollars on a hotel and gas to come up there and cook for him, and give his supposedly broke ass (lies lies lies.. He was hiding a new fucking sportscar at his parents house the whole time) some time with his kid, whom he NEVER ONCE even TRIED to come down here and see. You weren't there when he cussed me out in front of our child and sent us home, for a 7 hour drive, without so much as a Thank you, or an I love you to his own kid.
You don't have to look a little boy in the eyes every year at Christmas, Easter, and on his Birthday, and explain to him why the card from his dad never came to the house. NEVER. Once he bought him a box of toys, and while I was pregnant, he bought him a stuffed animal. Those two things were such a big deal to my son, AFTER his dad died.. He never really cared for them before, because his dad never cared for HIM. He doesn't even want his dad's picture hung up on a wall or in his room or anything. It is RARE that my son shows any interest at this point.
My son was 7 years old when his dad died, and he wasn't even MENTIONED in the obituary. I had to find out through the myspace page comments that he had even died, and that was three months later.
I support my son's need to love his dad, and I have ALWAYS fostered it in any way possible.. But my kid is SO much happier now- As disinterested as he is in the pictures and all that, he still talks about him, and remembers that thanksgiving trip occasionally, but really he doesn't have a lot of memories of his dad, because his DAD was a fucking SPERM DONOR and never MANNED UP and acted like a FATHER.
Now, my kid can dream big about an alternate reality of the fatherhood his dad ceased to give him, and just (rarely, but he does it) claims that his dad is a ghost looking down on us, and taking care of things for him. THAT makes him HAPPY.

Believe it or don't believe it, but don't tell me how my child should feel, or how I should feel, or EVER act like I have been anything but supportive of the two of them, in fostering a relationship that never really existed, but on a shallow level. I am sick and damn tired of men sticking up for deadbeat dads, and acting like a woman is to blame. You can fuck off if you are going to have that kind of mindset towards me or any other woman based on a shallow and unrelenting hate for women, rather than seeing the big picture for what it is. I thought you were better than that, GHook.

Well when you add that little piece of information I can well see your point.

You have to realize I look at it from the father's perspective (since I am one) and sometimes I naively think all Dad's would do anything for their kids even if they have fallen out of love with their wife or even grown to hate their wife.
No matter how bad things get between the wife and I, I will all treat my 2 daughters as princesses and my son as a princess.

But there are some fathers (and mothers) who are just plain bad apples and your ex seems to be one of them. Sorry to offend! :(

Lastly, I would never stick up for a deadbeat dad, NEVER! An man who does is beyond worthless in my eyes. As a father I couldn't imagine not seeing my kids on the regular. Nor could I live with the fact of disappointing my kids on purpose.
No retard- They continue to get support until they are 21, in some circumstances, like if they are in school, and such. Even still, you will say- "Oh that only adds three years!"
Well, the question here is, why are you even guessing that all of her kids are a year apart or even two years apart? Maybe they are ten years a fucking part. My aunt had a group of kids, and the oldest ones were as much as 15 years older than the younger ones. Go fucking figure, yourself.

No one collects child support until their kids are 24 or older.

Who's the fucking retard now?

Many times the father is still on the hook to pay for college, meaning he is on the hook until 22! It is very common for affluent families.
birth control is not just the responsiblity of the woman....everyone having sex should be involved in the birth control......this is not a thread about marriage..this is a thread about some guy fucking off ...having kids then not wanting to pay...i dont feel one bit sorry for his ass...58 bucks a week...he can get another job.....hell he can move in with family.....what can the kids do?

What a load of shit this is.

It's just as much the womans responsibility then it is the man's.

I feel bad for the guy, sounds like the wife is a dirty bitch who is trying to do harm on the guy.

he was making his payments when he had a good job but now that he is down on his luck the judge expects him to make the same payments when his income is not the same. I hope he appeals the fuck out of it.

No one is saying he shouldn't support the kid, but he needs to support the child within his own means. If that emans the kids life style goes down a bit then it goes down. It's just as if they were a family still and they hit hard times they would have to change their lifestyle to adjust.

If you leave someone with $58 then how are they suppose to live...if they can't take care of themselves then how are they suppose to take care of their child.

How about the Mom gets a second job and the husband watches him nights?
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GlennSacks.com » Blog Archive » Family Attorney Marsha Freeman: 'The System is Broken'

John Nelson went from six-figure-earning software exectutive to unemployed overnight. But his $2,200 child support payment didn't change that quickly. It took a year for him to get a hearing, and when he finally did, the judge increased his obligation. By that time he had gotten a job as a science teacher, but the newly-upped child support obligation meant that he took home a grand total of $58 per week. Read about it here (WFTV, 11/9/09).

The judge, Julian Piggotte's attitude was "you can afford it; figure it out." Then she discovered that she had a conflict of interest in Nelson's case and withdrew.

His ex-wife sees the situation this way:

"Our lives go on. The kids still have lunches, they still go to school, and they still have field trips."

That's true. And if she and John were still together, the kids would need to be fed and go to school, but their standard of living would drop along with that of their parents. That's what happens when parents lose their jobs - parents and children live on less. They all manage the best they can. It's one of the sometimes-harsh realities of daily life.

Only if the parents are divorced does the concept arise that the children's lives must in no way change due to a parent's loss of income. It's as if Judge Piggotte lives in a fantasy world in which children must and do remain unaffected when their father loses his job. Indeed, it's the same fantasy world in which an adult can live on $58 per week.

Nelson's case is like countless others these days. Some 80% of job losses have been suffered by men in the last year or so. A lot of those guys are fathers, some of them divorced. That means they have to file for a modification of their support orders

It's another strange aspect of the whole matter that, if Nelson's wife had wanted a temporary restraining order against him, she could have gotten a hearing and had an order issued in a matter of hours. But when he loses his job and needs to reduce his child support to reflect what he can actually pay, it takes over a year.


Further evidence that the Child Support system is broken?

Give custody to the men 50% of the time and the problems will end overnight.
Fuck that. The kids are his, he can figure it out. I'm raising 4 (it doesn't stop when they turn 18) and the pittance I get in child support is a joke. Heat alone is $200 a month....so 2/3 of that is theirs, and 1/2 of that should by rights be his. Add that to their portion of the rent, and guess what? I don't get anywhere near what I spend on them.

And that's just the second set. The first set, I've receive a grand total (over 24 years) of $5,200. Woo fucking hoo. We spent that much on one broken arm, 13 years ago.


If you were married to your children's father and he lost his job, what would you do? I went to work, we lived on less, I sure as hell didn't expect him to pull money out of his A##.

second set? You have one set of kids by one father and another set by a different father and you are expecting the fathers to pay your bills even if they lose their jobs??????

I don't feel one tiny itty bit sorry for you. I have a child that is 21, still in diapers. Today he broke the shelves off his wall, tore the molding off the bathroom, threw up in the tob, dumped water all over the kitchen and family room floors and ripped two pairs of pants....I get a lousy $400 for social security and NO help other than from my husband who was working so we can pay our bills.

Yes the system is broken. Give custody of the kids to the father 50% of the time, make the mothers pay child support and watch it get fixed overnight.
men should be more careful with their sperm.

let's be fair here, women should be more careful with their womb....

Wonder how many of them would get pregnant if they knew that they only had a 50-50 chance of getting custody and child support?

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