Judge Moore’s Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it.

Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers
Poor Mrs. Moore. She can feel the perks of being a US Senator's wife slipping through her gnarled fingers.

Kayla Moore. 14 years younger than the Judge ! Lol. She was born in 61 ‘. He was born in 47’. and they married in 85’. She was 24 and he was 38 . Sure is a fan of the young ones .....

Wonder how old she was when they met ?

I don't know if this is true, but I've heard that Kayla Moore was in the same grade at the same school as the most recent person to accuse Moore.

Maybe that's where they met.
True: 1978 GHS Yearbook--Moore's future wife..same class as accuser..

Credit to Paperview!

Just a bit awkward, eh? She may very well KNOW the accuser--How about that?
Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it.

Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers
Poor Mrs. Moore. She can feel the perks of being a US Senator's wife slipping through her gnarled fingers.

Kayla Moore. 14 years younger than the Judge ! Lol. She was born in 61 ‘. He was born in 47’. and they married in 85’. She was 24 and he was 38 . Sure is a fan of the young ones .....

Wonder how old she was when they met ?

I don't know if this is true, but I've heard that Kayla Moore was in the same grade at the same school as the most recent person to accuse Moore.

Maybe that's where they met.
True: 1978 GHS Yearbook--Moore's future wife..same class as accuser..

Credit to Paperview!

Just a bit awkward, eh? She may very well KNOW the accuser--How about that?
Well....that IS awkward.
If you look at the big picture and ignore the BAD-FAITH attempts to mislead you, all will be well. Not one person has said, "I like the judge, but he's guilty of doing terrible things." The accusations are supported by people who despise Moore.
Darrel Nelson, the stepson of accuser Beverly Young Nelson says the allegations against Judge Moore are all lies. The year book signature is indeed forged. Nelson is baffled by the sexual advancement claims & voices his staunch support for Moore.
Darrel Nelson, the stepson of accuser Beverly Young Nelson says the allegations against Judge Moore are all lies. The year book signature is indeed forged. Nelson is baffled by the sexual advancement claims & voices his staunch support for Moore.
Link for that claim please.
If you look at the big picture and ignore the BAD-FAITH attempts to mislead you, all will be well. Not one person has said, "I like the judge, but he's guilty of doing terrible things." The accusations are supported by people who despise Moore.

That is not true, Jim Ziegler, who has known Moore for decades and is his friend justified Moore’s actions by comparing them to biblical figures

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Darrel Nelson, the stepson of accuser Beverly Young Nelson says the allegations against Judge Moore are all lies. The year book signature is indeed forged. Nelson is baffled by the sexual advancement claims & voices his staunch support for Moore.

This is all staged by McConnell and is going to backfire on him bigtime wait and see
Darrel Nelson, the stepson of accuser Beverly Young Nelson says the allegations against Judge Moore are all lies. The year book signature is indeed forged. Nelson is baffled by the sexual advancement claims & voices his staunch support for Moore.

This is all staged by McConnell and is going to backfire on him bigtime wait and see
It's everyone's fault but the Child-chaser's.
One of the accusers worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. It's so amazing, so many are willing to do away with our due process judicial system and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent.' They're so willing to scrap a system that's worked for hundreds of years here. Americans are going insane. Our country really is in rapid decline. It's very sad.
Darrel Nelson, the stepson of accuser Beverly Young Nelson says the allegations against Judge Moore are all lies. The year book signature is indeed forged. Nelson is baffled by the sexual advancement claims & voices his staunch support for Moore.

This is all staged by McConnell and is going to backfire on him bigtime wait and see
It's everyone's fault but the Child-chaser's.

What does Clinton and Biden have to do with this???
Darrel Nelson, the stepson of accuser Beverly Young Nelson says the allegations against Judge Moore are all lies. The year book signature is indeed forged. Nelson is baffled by the sexual advancement claims & voices his staunch support for Moore.

This is all staged by McConnell and is going to backfire on him bigtime wait and see
It's everyone's fault but the Child-chaser's.

What does Clinton and Biden have to do with this???
Love the trumpanzee style denial there, Comrade.
Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it.

Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers
Smith started with the accusation, first made by Breitbart editor at large Peter Schweizer, then repeated by Trump and other conservatives: "Nine people involved in the deal made donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling more than $140 million. In exchange, Secretary of State Clinton approved the sale to the Russians — a quid pro quo." He noted that this accusation is "inaccurate in a number of ways," then spent the next few minutes methodically explaining how. By the end, it's hard to see how there's any there there. We'll see what the Justice Department decides. Peter Weber

He said he was a Washington Post reporter offering a reward for dirt on Roy Moore. But it wasn’t true.
One of the accusers worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. It's so amazing, so many are willing to do away with our due process judicial system and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent.' They're so willing to scrap a system that's worked for hundreds of years here. Americans are going insane. Our country really is in rapid decline. It's very sad.
the crimes came out past the statute of limitations, there is no legal justice available....all we are left with is the 'court of public opinion' and some times, that works out....
This stupid Kayla married this bitch. Too funny. You married him. You slept with him. This is on you, stupid.
She was miss teen alabama or 2nd runner up when young and married Moore in her mid twenties.... he probably stalked her when she was a teen....she's about 15 years younger than him
Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it.

Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

Hope he does. And I hope it’s done in time so that maybe it can be looked over by the California Bar while they investigate Allred.
Why would the California Bar investigate Allread? For going to bat for her clients?
where is the unbiased verifiable proof she was paid. you are just regurgitating what is being spewed from the grasping at straws crowd. look how they are being vilified now... imagine what it was like back in the 70's. sure the 'good ol boy' club would have crucified those females.

If we are supposed to believe the accusers purely on their word, why not the one who says they were paid?


Are your referring to Tipsycatlover?

You are welcome to believe whatever you like. We are not under obligation to share your delusions.
I'm talking about the woman who said she was offered $1000 to accuse Moore.

didn't hear anything about that. where did you hear about it? breitbart by chance? anyhoo... she'll have to prove the where, when, by whom etc....

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell | Squawker

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell

You’re such a fucking retard. You always fall for fake news.

The claim that the Post offered such a payment came from one person making that claim on Twitter. The gatewaypundit and several other rightard fake news sites then ran with it.

Even worse for you, the tweet came from a trump fanatic who stole the identity of a dead Navy veteran who’s been caught on several occasions making up stories.

FACT CHECK: Did a Woman Say the Washington Post Offered Her $1,000 to Accuse Roy Moore of Sexual Abuse?

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