Judge Moore’s Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

If we are supposed to believe the accusers purely on their word, why not the one who says they were paid?


Are your referring to Tipsycatlover?

You are welcome to believe whatever you like. We are not under obligation to share your delusions.
I'm talking about the woman who said she was offered $1000 to accuse Moore.

didn't hear anything about that. where did you hear about it? breitbart by chance? anyhoo... she'll have to prove the where, when, by whom etc....

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell | Squawker

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell



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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy

Notes: Squawker is a news and opinion website that claims to be a fact checker, especially of the mainstream media. In reality this is a website that promotes conspiracies with an extreme right bias. We have decided to classify this website as questionable versus a conspiracy-pseudoscience site due to the extreme political bias that always favors the right and discredits the left. An example of a conspiracy article is one entitled: Is Obama Plotting A Second Civil War? EX-Aide Says Yes, Obama Still Thinks He’s The President. There isn’t evidence that Obama is plotting anything or thinks he is still President. The primary source for this story is Dick Morris and Infowars. A conspiracy takes a story such as Obama holding meetings each day and opines a much more sinister plot. This is a classic example of conspiracy and also propaganda. In order to keep this short I will just summarize that this website is very anti-Islam and openly declares them an enemy. They also have a ridiculous article using skewed stats that show men are raped by women at an equal rate as women. Overall, this is an extreme right wing biased website that promotes propaganda and conspiracy. (8/10/2017)

Squawker - Media Bias/Fact Check

you are dismissed little dude.
Squawkers “source?”

An asshole with stolen valor who tweeted about how a “family friend” told his “wife” who then told him...

Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it.

Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers
Poor Mrs. Moore. She can feel the perks of being a US Senator's wife slipping through her gnarled fingers.

Kayla Moore. 14 years younger than the Judge ! Lol. She was born in 61 ‘. He was born in 47’. and they married in 85’. She was 24 and he was 38 . Sure is a fan of the young ones .....

Wonder how old she was when they met ?

And she’s in the very same yearbook Moore signed. She may even personally know the woman claiming to have been sexually assaulted by Moore.
If we are supposed to believe the accusers purely on their word, why not the one who says they were paid?


Are your referring to Tipsycatlover?

You are welcome to believe whatever you like. We are not under obligation to share your delusions.
I'm talking about the woman who said she was offered $1000 to accuse Moore.

didn't hear anything about that. where did you hear about it? breitbart by chance? anyhoo... she'll have to prove the where, when, by whom etc....

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell | Squawker

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell

You’re such a fucking retard. You always fall for fake news.

The claim that the Post offered such a payment came from one person making that claim on Twitter. The gatewaypundit and several other rightard fake news sites then ran with it.

Even worse for you, the tweet came from a trump fanatic who stole the identity of a dead Navy veteran who’s been caught on several occasions making up stories.

FACT CHECK: Did a Woman Say the Washington Post Offered Her $1,000 to Accuse Roy Moore of Sexual Abuse?

I never claimed it was an ironclad fact, douchebag. I said it could easily be verified. All Gateway Pundit did is report what the tweet said. They didn't lie about anything, like WAPO and CNN always get caught doing.

Of course, personal attacks are about the only "logic" you have to offer.
Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it.

Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

Hope he does. And I hope it’s done in time so that maybe it can be looked over by the California Bar while they investigate Allred.
Why would the California Bar investigate Allread? For going to bat for her clients?

A lot of her clients are guilty of slander and extorting money.
Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it.

Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

Hope he does. And I hope it’s done in time so that maybe it can be looked over by the California Bar while they investigate Allred.
Why would the California Bar investigate Allread? For going to bat for her clients?

Dunno. Details will come in sure, but it sounds like ethics issues. Why not send her an email to her law firm and ask? Just remember, she only gos by Gloria Allred on TV though.

Are your referring to Tipsycatlover?

You are welcome to believe whatever you like. We are not under obligation to share your delusions.
I'm talking about the woman who said she was offered $1000 to accuse Moore.

didn't hear anything about that. where did you hear about it? breitbart by chance? anyhoo... she'll have to prove the where, when, by whom etc....

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell | Squawker

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell

You’re such a fucking retard. You always fall for fake news.

The claim that the Post offered such a payment came from one person making that claim on Twitter. The gatewaypundit and several other rightard fake news sites then ran with it.

Even worse for you, the tweet came from a trump fanatic who stole the identity of a dead Navy veteran who’s been caught on several occasions making up stories.

FACT CHECK: Did a Woman Say the Washington Post Offered Her $1,000 to Accuse Roy Moore of Sexual Abuse?

I never claimed it was an ironclad fact, douchebag. I said it could easily be verified. All Gateway Pundit did is report what the tweet said. They didn't lie about anything, like WAPO and CNN always get caught doing.

Of course, personal attacks are about the only "logic" you have to offer.
You lying piece of shit. You posted, ”I'm talking about the woman who said she was offered $1000 to accuse Moore.”

There is no “woman” and that’s not asserting the story is not “ironclad.” In fact, the story was concocted by a proven liar on Twitter. Rightard fake news sites like the gatewaypundit and squawked, like you, ran with it anyway.


Because you’re a proven imbecile who falls for fake news. Just like the fake news story you fell for about a KKK march at the DNC at Madison Square Garden. You read a story and if you like what it says, that’s good enough for you to spread it. You rarely bother to fact check the bullshit you post.
One of the accusers worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. It's so amazing, so many are willing to do away with our due process judicial system and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent.' They're so willing to scrap a system that's worked for hundreds of years here. Americans are going insane. Our country really is in rapid decline. It's very sad.
the crimes came out past the statute of limitations, there is no legal justice available....all we are left with is the 'court of public opinion' and some times, that works out....

It's a lynching. It isn't justice. Americans really are going insane. They're turning away from something that's worked for hundreds of years in this country. Citizens are to be considered innocent till proven guilty. This lynch-mob mentality is very dangerous. It will hurt all Citizens in the end.
One of the accusers worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. It's so amazing, so many are willing to do away with our due process judicial system and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent.' They're so willing to scrap a system that's worked for hundreds of years here. Americans are going insane. Our country really is in rapid decline. It's very sad.
the crimes came out past the statute of limitations, there is no legal justice available....all we are left with is the 'court of public opinion' and some times, that works out....

It's a lynching. It isn't justice. Americans really are going insane. They're turning away from something that's worked for hundreds of years in this country. Citizens are to be considered innocent till proven guilty. This lynch-mob mentality is very dangerous. It will hurt all Citizens in the end.
Yes, it is madness! But no one is shouting LOCK HIM UP like they did Hillary, without ever being charged or a chance to defend oneself in a court of law.....

People are making a judgement on whether the man should be seated as a Senator in the US Senate if he were to win, but one that does not count in a court of Law....

and yes, the Court of Public opinion can be harsh and even harsher than if ever tried in a court of law because there is not much of a chance to defend oneself in a court of public opinion....just ask the Clintons who have been living that scenario for more than 2 decades....

And also, you have to realize the environment that this has come about, where we have all kinds of executives and hosts and media moguls like Weinstein and Bill Cosby, and Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ales, and Kevin Spacey etc etc etc ... all being accused of sexual harassment and sexual improprieties....and all on a ''he said, she said'' basis....

With all the Hoop De Doo that has been going on in the media as of late, with Weinstein etc....the timing of this has lent itself to the persecution he is getting in this court of public opinion...no one is being MORE harsh on him than the others that have recently been accused of the similar type thing but since it allegedly involved teen age girls, that gave it a little bit of a kick above the others.
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The woman who made the fake accusations has been declaring on fb her desire to take down Moore and/or Trump forever.

And yet she just suddenly remembered she was molested when she was 14.

when he was on the AL supreme court, your boy was the only hold out in an appeal overturning the ruling to convict a 17 yr old of raping a 4 yr old.

keep up the good work of defending a vile creature like that, you christian, you.

You knee jerk hysterics are all the same.

It's all about your feelings about certain code phrases..and yet you NEVER step up for true justice or action that will protect vulnerable people.

"appeal overturning the ruling to convict a 17 y.o. of raping a 4 y.o."...according to your statement, he was the only one who didn't want to overturn the conviction. How does that make him more likely to be a pervert?

Psst..it doesn't. You're an idiot.

he's a sick individual & you protecting him is just as vile.

Roy Moore Cast The Sole Vote In Favor Of A Man Who Raped A Four-Year-Old
That's just not true. Why lie or can't you read?

i don't lie sweetheart. & i comprehend what i read... not what i just want to think is true like excuse makers such as yourself & kosherchicky.
The woman who made the fake accusations has been declaring on fb her desire to take down Moore and/or Trump forever.

And yet she just suddenly remembered she was molested when she was 14.

when he was on the AL supreme court, your boy was the only hold out in an appeal overturning the ruling to convict a 17 yr old of raping a 4 yr old.

keep up the good work of defending a vile creature like that, you christian, you.

You knee jerk hysterics are all the same.

It's all about your feelings about certain code phrases..and yet you NEVER step up for true justice or action that will protect vulnerable people.

"appeal overturning the ruling to convict a 17 y.o. of raping a 4 y.o."...according to your statement, he was the only one who didn't want to overturn the conviction. How does that make him more likely to be a pervert?

Psst..it doesn't. You're an idiot.

he's a sick individual & you protecting him is just as vile.

Roy Moore Cast The Sole Vote In Favor Of A Man Who Raped A Four-Year-Old
That's just not true. Why lie or can't you read?

i don't lie sweetheart. & i comprehend what i read... not what i want to see.

You are too partisan to be honest. One cannot be a partisan drone such as yourself and not lie. So, please do not lie about not lying.
when he was on the AL supreme court, your boy was the only hold out in an appeal overturning the ruling to convict a 17 yr old of raping a 4 yr old.

keep up the good work of defending a vile creature like that, you christian, you.

You knee jerk hysterics are all the same.

It's all about your feelings about certain code phrases..and yet you NEVER step up for true justice or action that will protect vulnerable people.

"appeal overturning the ruling to convict a 17 y.o. of raping a 4 y.o."...according to your statement, he was the only one who didn't want to overturn the conviction. How does that make him more likely to be a pervert?

Psst..it doesn't. You're an idiot.

he's a sick individual & you protecting him is just as vile.

Roy Moore Cast The Sole Vote In Favor Of A Man Who Raped A Four-Year-Old
That's just not true. Why lie or can't you read?

i don't lie sweetheart. & i comprehend what i read... not what i want to see.

You are too partisan to be honest. One cannot be a partisan drone such as yourself and not lie. So, please do not lie about not lying.

lol... :bsflag:
You knee jerk hysterics are all the same.

It's all about your feelings about certain code phrases..and yet you NEVER step up for true justice or action that will protect vulnerable people.

"appeal overturning the ruling to convict a 17 y.o. of raping a 4 y.o."...according to your statement, he was the only one who didn't want to overturn the conviction. How does that make him more likely to be a pervert?

Psst..it doesn't. You're an idiot.

he's a sick individual & you protecting him is just as vile.

Roy Moore Cast The Sole Vote In Favor Of A Man Who Raped A Four-Year-Old
That's just not true. Why lie or can't you read?

i don't lie sweetheart. & i comprehend what i read... not what i want to see.

You are too partisan to be honest. One cannot be a partisan drone such as yourself and not lie. So, please do not lie about not lying.

lol... :bsflag:

That is the perfect flag for you to be flying.
he's a sick individual & you protecting him is just as vile.

Roy Moore Cast The Sole Vote In Favor Of A Man Who Raped A Four-Year-Old
That's just not true. Why lie or can't you read?

i don't lie sweetheart. & i comprehend what i read... not what i want to see.

You are too partisan to be honest. One cannot be a partisan drone such as yourself and not lie. So, please do not lie about not lying.

lol... :bsflag:

That is the perfect flag for you to be flying.

don't like the link? too fucking bad. it's unbiased & verifiable. moore thought the 17 year old shouldn't have been charged with rape even though the other justices knew what the monster did.

deal with it.

Are your referring to Tipsycatlover?

You are welcome to believe whatever you like. We are not under obligation to share your delusions.
I'm talking about the woman who said she was offered $1000 to accuse Moore.

didn't hear anything about that. where did you hear about it? breitbart by chance? anyhoo... she'll have to prove the where, when, by whom etc....

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell | Squawker

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell

You’re such a fucking retard. You always fall for fake news.

The claim that the Post offered such a payment came from one person making that claim on Twitter. The gatewaypundit and several other rightard fake news sites then ran with it.

Even worse for you, the tweet came from a trump fanatic who stole the identity of a dead Navy veteran who’s been caught on several occasions making up stories.

FACT CHECK: Did a Woman Say the Washington Post Offered Her $1,000 to Accuse Roy Moore of Sexual Abuse?

I never claimed it was an ironclad fact, douchebag. I said it could easily be verified. All Gateway Pundit did is report what the tweet said. They didn't lie about anything, like WAPO and CNN always get caught doing.

Of course, personal attacks are about the only "logic" you have to offer.
Working on your escape route?


He doesn't know the girl, or the restaurant she worked at - but he personally signed her yearbook, and mentioned the name of the restaurant as well.

Better and better.
Yeah, I guess signing her yearbook is ironclad proof that he raped her.

it lends credence that they knew each other.

Who signs a yearbook in December?

Who uses two different writing styles in the same entry?

Who puts the initials D.A. next to his name when he wasn't the D.A.? (The D.A. was apparently copied from court documents and were the initial of his secretary when she stamped his signature. He was the Deputy D.A.)

Who misspells the name of the restaurant you are allegedly sitting in?
One of the accusers worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. It's so amazing, so many are willing to do away with our due process judicial system and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent.' They're so willing to scrap a system that's worked for hundreds of years here. Americans are going insane. Our country really is in rapid decline. It's very sad.
the crimes came out past the statute of limitations, there is no legal justice available....all we are left with is the 'court of public opinion' and some times, that works out....

It's a lynching. It isn't justice. Americans really are going insane. They're turning away from something that's worked for hundreds of years in this country. Citizens are to be considered innocent till proven guilty. This lynch-mob mentality is very dangerous. It will hurt all Citizens in the end.
That's in a court of law...are you agreeing with me that this needs to be legally looked at?


He doesn't know the girl, or the restaurant she worked at - but he personally signed her yearbook, and mentioned the name of the restaurant as well.

Better and better.
Yeah, I guess signing her yearbook is ironclad proof that he raped her.

it lends credence that they knew each other.

Who signs a yearbook in December?

Who uses two different writing styles in the same entry?

Who puts the initials D.A. next to his name when he wasn't the D.A.? (The D.A. was apparently copied from court documents and were the initial of his secretary when she stamped his signature. He was the Deputy D.A.)

Who misspells the name of the restaurant you are allegedly sitting in?

an independent handwriting analyst is welcomed by the woman & her attorney, as well as testifying under oath. why won't moore agree to put his hand on the bible?

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