Judge Moore’s Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

Let this sink, in:

Judge Moore has NEVER been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct in his 38 years of public service before the charges this past week.

Could Bill Clinton make that claim?

Well apparently he has, since he’s been barred from stores in the local mall, and numerous girls reported having to give warnings to his victims when he showed up. These allegations may not have been made public before now but his coworkers and his victims are all telling the same stories about him.

The guy is scum. This is the type of low life bottom feeding scum Trump is bringing into government.

It's easy to tell the same story when it's splashed all over the national news, and when leftwing reporters give them the script on what to say.
Let this sink, in:

Judge Moore has NEVER been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct in his 38 years of public service before the charges this past week.

Could Bill Clinton make that claim?

Well apparently he has, since he’s been barred from stores in the local mall, and numerous girls reported having to give warnings to his victims when he showed up. These allegations may not have been made public before now but his coworkers and his victims are all telling the same stories about him.

The guy is scum. This is the type of low life bottom feeding scum Trump is bringing into government.

It's easy to tell the same story when it's splashed all over the national news, and when leftwing reporters give them the script on what to say.

The guy is scum. Not just because he molested high school girls, but he lied about his charity, scammed people out of their money, broke the oath he swore to uphold the Constitution.

But he’s a Republican so there are no consequences as far as you’re concerned.


He doesn't know the girl, or the restaurant she worked at - but he personally signed her yearbook, and mentioned the name of the restaurant as well.

Better and better.
Yeah, I guess signing her yearbook is ironclad proof that he raped her.

it lends credence that they knew each other.

Who signs a yearbook in December?
Someone who’s handed a yearbook in December and asked to sign it.

Who uses two different writing styles in the same entry?
No one said he wrote the date and location at the bottom. Mrs. Nelson even recited what he wrote and left that part out, indicating he did not write it.

Who puts the initials D.A. next to his name when he wasn't the D.A.? (The D.A. was apparently copied from court documents and were the initial of his secretary when she stamped his signature. He was the Deputy D.A.)
Someone who’s trying to be more impressive than he is.

Who misspells the name of the restaurant you are allegedly sitting in?
No one misspelled the name of that restaurant. It was spelled, olde Hickory House.

You fail because you’re a failure.
One of the accusers worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. It's so amazing, so many are willing to do away with our due process judicial system and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent.' They're so willing to scrap a system that's worked for hundreds of years here. Americans are going insane. Our country really is in rapid decline. It's very sad.
the crimes came out past the statute of limitations, there is no legal justice available....all we are left with is the 'court of public opinion' and some times, that works out....

It's a lynching. It isn't justice. Americans really are going insane. They're turning away from something that's worked for hundreds of years in this country. Citizens are to be considered innocent till proven guilty. This lynch-mob mentality is very dangerous. It will hurt all Citizens in the end.
Yes, it is madness! But no one is shouting LOCK HIM UP like they did Hillary, without ever being charged or a chance to defend oneself in a court of law.....

People are making a judgement on whether the man should be seated as a Senator in the US Senate if he were to win, but one that does not count in a court of Law....

and yes, the Court of Public opinion can be harsh and even harsher than if ever tried in a court of law because there is not much of a chance to defend oneself in a court of public opinion....just ask the Clintons who have been living that scenario for more than 2 decades....

And also, you have to realize the environment that this has come about, where we have all kinds of executives and hosts and media moguls like Weinstein and Bill Cosby, and Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ales, and Kevin Spacey etc etc etc ... all being accused of sexual harassment and sexual improprieties....and all on a ''he said, she said'' basis....

With all the Hoop De Doo that has been going on in the media as of late, with Weinstein etc....the timing of this has lent itself to the persecution he is getting in this court of public opinion...no one is being MORE harsh on him than the others that have recently been accused of the similar type thing but since it allegedly involved teen age girls, that gave it a little bit of a kick above the others.

It's a lynching. And it's likely gonna come back to bite many who've joined the lynch-mob. Al Franken is only the tip of the iceberg.
Be well, Judge Moore. I want you to win.

It isn't even your state, Dumbass.

it's my country dipshit.

Senators don't represent a country, Moron. They represent a state.

You have your own Senators. Leave other states to select their own.

Their votes affect my state, so I have an interest in how they vote.

Are you in Alabama?

Because if you don't understand how the Constitution works --- and by now I have no doubt you don't ---- a Senator or a Congresscritter is put in place for one purpose, and that is to represent the interests of their state or district. Exactly like an attorney would represent a plaintiff or defendant in a court case.

I keep telling you morons this every time one of y'all comes out with this bullshit "RINO" piffle.

Whether Roy Moore goes to the Senate or not is therefore up to those who live in Alabama. And no one else.


I have two Senators and a Representative. What they do is my business and not yours. In the same way, you have two other Senators and another Representative. And what they do is your business, and not mine.
One of the accusers worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. It's so amazing, so many are willing to do away with our due process judicial system and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent.' They're so willing to scrap a system that's worked for hundreds of years here. Americans are going insane. Our country really is in rapid decline. It's very sad.
the crimes came out past the statute of limitations, there is no legal justice available....all we are left with is the 'court of public opinion' and some times, that works out....

It's a lynching. It isn't justice. Americans really are going insane. They're turning away from something that's worked for hundreds of years in this country. Citizens are to be considered innocent till proven guilty. This lynch-mob mentality is very dangerous. It will hurt all Citizens in the end.
That's in a court of law...are you agreeing with me that this needs to be legally looked at?

No, i don't agree. This is only about politics and power. The 'evidence' against Moore is very weak. Hopefully shameful lynch-mob jerks like Gloria Allred will be held accountable. She's behaved unethically. Hopefully the Bar Association will take action. Like i said, very weak 'evidence' against Moore. Unlike this...

One of the accusers worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. It's so amazing, so many are willing to do away with our due process judicial system and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent.' They're so willing to scrap a system that's worked for hundreds of years here. Americans are going insane. Our country really is in rapid decline. It's very sad.
the crimes came out past the statute of limitations, there is no legal justice available....all we are left with is the 'court of public opinion' and some times, that works out....

It's a lynching. It isn't justice. Americans really are going insane. They're turning away from something that's worked for hundreds of years in this country. Citizens are to be considered innocent till proven guilty. This lynch-mob mentality is very dangerous. It will hurt all Citizens in the end.
Yes, it is madness! But no one is shouting LOCK HIM UP like they did Hillary, without ever being charged or a chance to defend oneself in a court of law.....

People are making a judgement on whether the man should be seated as a Senator in the US Senate if he were to win, but one that does not count in a court of Law....

and yes, the Court of Public opinion can be harsh and even harsher than if ever tried in a court of law because there is not much of a chance to defend oneself in a court of public opinion....just ask the Clintons who have been living that scenario for more than 2 decades....

And also, you have to realize the environment that this has come about, where we have all kinds of executives and hosts and media moguls like Weinstein and Bill Cosby, and Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ales, and Kevin Spacey etc etc etc ... all being accused of sexual harassment and sexual improprieties....and all on a ''he said, she said'' basis....

With all the Hoop De Doo that has been going on in the media as of late, with Weinstein etc....the timing of this has lent itself to the persecution he is getting in this court of public opinion...no one is being MORE harsh on him than the others that have recently been accused of the similar type thing but since it allegedly involved teen age girls, that gave it a little bit of a kick above the others.

It's a lynching. And it's likely gonna come back to bite many who've joined the lynch-mob. Al Franken is only the tip of the iceberg.
Where was this rightard outrage when Bill Clinton was the target?
Let this sink, n:

Judge Moore has NEVER been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct in his 38 years of public service before the charges this past week.

Could Bill Clinton make that claim?
Bill Clinton was impeached.
.... And he squirmed off the hook with a half assed defnse "Define Sex" which probably would have gotten you or I contempt of court.

there's no need to define 'age of consent '. for the state of alabammy.
Be well, Judge Moore. I want you to win.

It isn't even your state, Dumbass.

it's my country dipshit.

Senators don't represent a country, Moron. They represent a state.

You have your own Senators. Leave other states to select their own.

Their votes affect my state, so I have an interest in how they vote.

Are you in Alabama?

Because if you don't understand how the Constitution works --- and by now I have no doubt you don't ---- a Senator or a Congresscritter is put in place for one purpose, and that is to represent the interests of their state or district. Exactly like an attorney would represent a plaintiff or defendant in a court case.

I keep telling you morons this every time one of y'all comes out with this bullshit "RINO" piffle.

Whether Roy Moore goes to the Senate or not is therefore up to those who live in Alabama. And no one else.


I have two Senators and a Representative. What they do is my business and not yours. In the same way, you have two other Senators and another Representative. And what they do is your business, and not mine.

It doesn't matter what the Constitution says. All that matters is how our government actually works. If the Senator from Alabama only made decisions that affect only Alabama, then you might have a point. The reality is that the deicsions made by every senator and every member of the house affect me.

You know this, of course. That's why your continual denials of this reality make you a douchebag.


He doesn't know the girl, or the restaurant she worked at - but he personally signed her yearbook, and mentioned the name of the restaurant as well.

Better and better.
Yeah, I guess signing her yearbook is ironclad proof that he raped her.

it lends credence that they knew each other.

Who signs a yearbook in December?

Who uses two different writing styles in the same entry?

Who puts the initials D.A. next to his name when he wasn't the D.A.? (The D.A. was apparently copied from court documents and were the initial of his secretary when she stamped his signature. He was the Deputy D.A.)

Who misspells the name of the restaurant you are allegedly sitting in?

How many times are you partisan morons going to repeat the same stupid lies? The name of the restaurant was not misspelled, that is how it was spelled 40 years ago. A half a dozen threads on this forum have the proof in them.

Please crawl back up Trump’s ass and stop wasting oxygen

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

says a partisan moron....
It isn't even your state, Dumbass.

it's my country dipshit.

Senators don't represent a country, Moron. They represent a state.

You have your own Senators. Leave other states to select their own.

Their votes affect my state, so I have an interest in how they vote.

Are you in Alabama?

Because if you don't understand how the Constitution works --- and by now I have no doubt you don't ---- a Senator or a Congresscritter is put in place for one purpose, and that is to represent the interests of their state or district. Exactly like an attorney would represent a plaintiff or defendant in a court case.

I keep telling you morons this every time one of y'all comes out with this bullshit "RINO" piffle.

Whether Roy Moore goes to the Senate or not is therefore up to those who live in Alabama. And no one else.


I have two Senators and a Representative. What they do is my business and not yours. In the same way, you have two other Senators and another Representative. And what they do is your business, and not mine.

It doesn't matter what the Constitution says. All that matters is how our government actually works. If the Senator from Alabama only made decisions that affect only Alabama, then you might have a point. The reality is that the deicsions made by every senator and every member of the house affect me.

You know this, of course. That's why your continual denials of this reality make you a douchebag.

it doesn't matter what the constitution says?

says moron boy
The people of Alabama should apply the same standard to Judge Moore as the filthy Liberals applied to Slick Willy.

Slick Willy was (and is) a world class scumbag sexual predator. However, he is also a filthy Liberal dickhead. The Moon Bats overlooked Slick Willy being a piece of shit because they loved his Liberal agenda. They set the bar for that, didn't they?

The people of Alabama know that Moore is a good Conservative so they should apply the same standard as the Moon Bats and over look Moore going after a little jail bait when he was younger.

After all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, in't it?
it's my country dipshit.

Senators don't represent a country, Moron. They represent a state.

You have your own Senators. Leave other states to select their own.

Their votes affect my state, so I have an interest in how they vote.

Are you in Alabama?

Because if you don't understand how the Constitution works --- and by now I have no doubt you don't ---- a Senator or a Congresscritter is put in place for one purpose, and that is to represent the interests of their state or district. Exactly like an attorney would represent a plaintiff or defendant in a court case.

I keep telling you morons this every time one of y'all comes out with this bullshit "RINO" piffle.

Whether Roy Moore goes to the Senate or not is therefore up to those who live in Alabama. And no one else.


I have two Senators and a Representative. What they do is my business and not yours. In the same way, you have two other Senators and another Representative. And what they do is your business, and not mine.

It doesn't matter what the Constitution says. All that matters is how our government actually works. If the Senator from Alabama only made decisions that affect only Alabama, then you might have a point. The reality is that the deicsions made by every senator and every member of the house affect me.

You know this, of course. That's why your continual denials of this reality make you a douchebag.

it doesn't matter what the constitution says?

says moron boy

It doesn't matter as far as Pogo's moron theory is concerned.

He doesn't know the girl, or the restaurant she worked at - but he personally signed her yearbook, and mentioned the name of the restaurant as well.

Better and better.
Yeah, I guess signing her yearbook is ironclad proof that he raped her.

it lends credence that they knew each other.

Who signs a yearbook in December?

Who uses two different writing styles in the same entry?

Who puts the initials D.A. next to his name when he wasn't the D.A.? (The D.A. was apparently copied from court documents and were the initial of his secretary when she stamped his signature. He was the Deputy D.A.)

Who misspells the name of the restaurant you are allegedly sitting in?

How many times are you partisan morons going to repeat the same stupid lies? The name of the restaurant was not misspelled, that is how it was spelled 40 years ago. A half a dozen threads on this forum have the proof in them.

Please crawl back up Trump’s ass and stop wasting oxygen

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

says a partisan moron....

Hard to be a partisan without a party you idiot. I dislike the Dems every bit as much as I dislike the Repubs. I disliked Hillary every bit as much as I dislike Trump. If I thought you had a single bit of integrity I would ask you to show a single post from me supporting either party, but that would be a waste of time
Yeah, I guess signing her yearbook is ironclad proof that he raped her.

it lends credence that they knew each other.

Who signs a yearbook in December?

Who uses two different writing styles in the same entry?

Who puts the initials D.A. next to his name when he wasn't the D.A.? (The D.A. was apparently copied from court documents and were the initial of his secretary when she stamped his signature. He was the Deputy D.A.)

Who misspells the name of the restaurant you are allegedly sitting in?

How many times are you partisan morons going to repeat the same stupid lies? The name of the restaurant was not misspelled, that is how it was spelled 40 years ago. A half a dozen threads on this forum have the proof in them.

Please crawl back up Trump’s ass and stop wasting oxygen

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

says a partisan moron....

Hard to be a partisan without a party you idiot. I dislike the Dems every bit as much as I dislike the Repubs. I disliked Hillary every bit as much as I dislike Trump. If I thought you had a single bit of integrity I would ask you to show a single post from me supporting either party, but that would be a waste of time

If your response is a pox on both their houses, you are part of the problem and allowed a sociopath to take office.

Integrity? That would have been voting against trump.
Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it.

Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers
Hmmm....I wonder how they do that? With the fake robocalls they put out asking for women between 51 and 54 who have allegations against Judge Moore to come forward for a cash reward?
Or are they employing hackers to get into confidential bank records?
Roy Moore is fighting for life. Fighting against abortion. Fighting for the acknowledgment of God. And fighting to protect the Second Amendment.

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