Judge Moore’s Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

MSNBC Host: "If independent analysis shows that that is NOT his signature, does that disprove your client's allegations?"

says a partisan moron....

Hard to be a partisan without a party you idiot. I dislike the Dems every bit as much as I dislike the Repubs. I disliked Hillary every bit as much as I dislike Trump. If I thought you had a single bit of integrity I would ask you to show a single post from me supporting either party, but that would be a waste of time

If your response is a pox on both their houses, you are part of the problem and allowed a sociopath to take office.

Integrity? That would have been voting against trump.

Nope, sorry you are not going to saddle me with that crap.
Blame the primary voters that left the nation to choose between gonorrhea and syphilis.

Trump and Hillary are two sides of the same coin, one is no better or worse than the other.

people like you are a joke. it was the difference between competent and smart and insane and treasonous.

Neither of the two party candidates were competent nor smart. Trump is not smart, just listen to him talk, he sounds like a 5th grader when he is not reading off the teleprompter. Trump is a narcissistic egomaniac that cares about nothing but Trump. He has an unnatural need for adoration and approval.

clinton knew exactly what was going down in oct when she said russia was allllllllll over trump.

that sure as shit is what i call competent & damned qualified going back decades.
The people of Alabama should apply the same standard to Judge Moore as the filthy Liberals applied to Slick Willy.

Slick Willy was (and is) a world class scumbag sexual predator. However, he is also a filthy Liberal dickhead. The Moon Bats overlooked Slick Willy being a piece of shit because they loved his Liberal agenda. They set the bar for that, didn't they?

The people of Alabama know that Moore is a good Conservative so they should apply the same standard as the Moon Bats and over look Moore going after a little jail bait when he was younger.

After all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, in't it?

moore was DE-benched ( read: thrown off ) the alabammy supreme court... not once - but TWICE for violating the constitution.

1st by sticking the 10 commandments onto gov't prop- er- tay thus violating the establishment clause within the 1st amendment.

& 2nd - by refusing to follow federal law regarding the full le- gal -it -ay of same sex marriage thus violating the 14th amendment.

he is unworthy.

Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?
The people of Alabama should apply the same standard to Judge Moore as the filthy Liberals applied to Slick Willy.

Slick Willy was (and is) a world class scumbag sexual predator. However, he is also a filthy Liberal dickhead. The Moon Bats overlooked Slick Willy being a piece of shit because they loved his Liberal agenda. They set the bar for that, didn't they?

The people of Alabama know that Moore is a good Conservative so they should apply the same standard as the Moon Bats and over look Moore going after a little jail bait when he was younger.

After all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, in't it?

moore was DE-benched ( read: thrown off ) the alabammy supreme court... not once - but TWICE for violating the constitution.

1st by sticking the 10 commandments onto gov't prop- er- tay thus violating the establishment clause within the 1st amendment.

& 2nd - by refusing to follow federal law regarding the full le- gal -it -ay of same sex marriage thus violating the 14th amendment.

he is unworthy.

Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?

uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.
The people of Alabama should apply the same standard to Judge Moore as the filthy Liberals applied to Slick Willy.

Slick Willy was (and is) a world class scumbag sexual predator. However, he is also a filthy Liberal dickhead. The Moon Bats overlooked Slick Willy being a piece of shit because they loved his Liberal agenda. They set the bar for that, didn't they?

The people of Alabama know that Moore is a good Conservative so they should apply the same standard as the Moon Bats and over look Moore going after a little jail bait when he was younger.

After all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, in't it?

moore was DE-benched ( read: thrown off ) the alabammy supreme court... not once - but TWICE for violating the constitution.

1st by sticking the 10 commandments onto gov't prop- er- tay thus violating the establishment clause within the 1st amendment.

& 2nd - by refusing to follow federal law regarding the full le- gal -it -ay of same sex marriage thus violating the 14th amendment.

he is unworthy.

Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?

uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.

Better check your facts.

Why did Clinton surrender his law license if he was not convicted?

Trump pardoned who?
The people of Alabama should apply the same standard to Judge Moore as the filthy Liberals applied to Slick Willy.

Slick Willy was (and is) a world class scumbag sexual predator. However, he is also a filthy Liberal dickhead. The Moon Bats overlooked Slick Willy being a piece of shit because they loved his Liberal agenda. They set the bar for that, didn't they?

The people of Alabama know that Moore is a good Conservative so they should apply the same standard as the Moon Bats and over look Moore going after a little jail bait when he was younger.

After all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, in't it?

moore was DE-benched ( read: thrown off ) the alabammy supreme court... not once - but TWICE for violating the constitution.

1st by sticking the 10 commandments onto gov't prop- er- tay thus violating the establishment clause within the 1st amendment.

& 2nd - by refusing to follow federal law regarding the full le- gal -it -ay of same sex marriage thus violating the 14th amendment.

he is unworthy.

Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?

uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.

Better check your facts.

Why did Clinton surrender his law license if he was not convicted?

Trump pardoned who?
Clinton was never convicted a crime, ya moron. He cut a deal with the Independent Counsel where no charges would be brought against him in exchange for him admitting he gave false testimony, pay a $25,000 fine, and have his license to practice law suspended for a five year period.
The people of Alabama should apply the same standard to Judge Moore as the filthy Liberals applied to Slick Willy.

Slick Willy was (and is) a world class scumbag sexual predator. However, he is also a filthy Liberal dickhead. The Moon Bats overlooked Slick Willy being a piece of shit because they loved his Liberal agenda. They set the bar for that, didn't they?

The people of Alabama know that Moore is a good Conservative so they should apply the same standard as the Moon Bats and over look Moore going after a little jail bait when he was younger.

After all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, in't it?

moore was DE-benched ( read: thrown off ) the alabammy supreme court... not once - but TWICE for violating the constitution.

1st by sticking the 10 commandments onto gov't prop- er- tay thus violating the establishment clause within the 1st amendment.

& 2nd - by refusing to follow federal law regarding the full le- gal -it -ay of same sex marriage thus violating the 14th amendment.

he is unworthy.

Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?

uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.

Better check your facts.

Why did Clinton surrender his law license if he was not convicted?

Trump pardoned who?

he surrendered his license to avoid any charges. he was impeached but the senate didn't proceed with a trial. ya ya- i got arpeo mixed up with roy moore. no matter- they are both vile creatures that violated the law.

so bite me.

Women are wanting to be women again! | Brutalist
The people of Alabama should apply the same standard to Judge Moore as the filthy Liberals applied to Slick Willy.

Slick Willy was (and is) a world class scumbag sexual predator. However, he is also a filthy Liberal dickhead. The Moon Bats overlooked Slick Willy being a piece of shit because they loved his Liberal agenda. They set the bar for that, didn't they?

The people of Alabama know that Moore is a good Conservative so they should apply the same standard as the Moon Bats and over look Moore going after a little jail bait when he was younger.

After all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, in't it?

moore was DE-benched ( read: thrown off ) the alabammy supreme court... not once - but TWICE for violating the constitution.

1st by sticking the 10 commandments onto gov't prop- er- tay thus violating the establishment clause within the 1st amendment.

& 2nd - by refusing to follow federal law regarding the full le- gal -it -ay of same sex marriage thus violating the 14th amendment.

he is unworthy.

Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?

uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.

Better check your facts.

Why did Clinton surrender his law license if he was not convicted?

Trump pardoned who?

he surrendered his license to avoid any charges. he was impeached but the senate didn't proceed with a trial. ya ya- i got arpeo mixed up with roy moore. no matter- they are both vile creatures that violated the law.

so bite me.

Wrong again, oh dentally challenged!

Clinton was tried by the Senate and acquitted.

Arpaio was convicted. Moore was not.

Clinton was tried by the Senate and acquitted.

Only because of parisan pig Democrats joined by a few gutless weak minded Republicans.

The sonofabitch should have resigned and when he didn't he should have been impeached or fired by the Senate for having sex with an intern and then lying about it. The same thing that would have got anybody else in the country fired from their job.

Of course if the sonofiabitch would have been fired then we would have got that loony tune nutcase Gore as president so what the hell?
moore was DE-benched ( read: thrown off ) the alabammy supreme court... not once - but TWICE for violating the constitution.

1st by sticking the 10 commandments onto gov't prop- er- tay thus violating the establishment clause within the 1st amendment.

& 2nd - by refusing to follow federal law regarding the full le- gal -it -ay of same sex marriage thus violating the 14th amendment.

he is unworthy.

Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?

uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.

Better check your facts.

Why did Clinton surrender his law license if he was not convicted?

Trump pardoned who?

he surrendered his license to avoid any charges. he was impeached but the senate didn't proceed with a trial. ya ya- i got arpeo mixed up with roy moore. no matter- they are both vile creatures that violated the law.

so bite me.

Wrong again, oh dentally challenged!

Clinton was tried by the Senate and acquitted.

Arpaio was convicted. Moore was not.

arpaio served zero time.

lol... & trump says moore's challenger is 'soft on crime'. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clinton was tried by the Senate and acquitted.

Only because of parisan pig Democrats joined by a few gutless weak minded Republicans.

The sonofabitch should have resigned and when he didn't he should have been impeached or fired by the Senate for having sex with an intern and then lying about it. The same thing that would have got anybody else in the country fired from their job.

Of course if the sonofiabitch would have been fired then we would have got that loony tune nutcase Gore as president so what the hell?

You know the best way that Clinton guaranteed he would not be impeached?

He picked Algore as his VP.
Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?

uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.

Better check your facts.

Why did Clinton surrender his law license if he was not convicted?

Trump pardoned who?

he surrendered his license to avoid any charges. he was impeached but the senate didn't proceed with a trial. ya ya- i got arpeo mixed up with roy moore. no matter- they are both vile creatures that violated the law.

so bite me.

Wrong again, oh dentally challenged!

Clinton was tried by the Senate and acquitted.

Arpaio was convicted. Moore was not.

arpaio served zero time.

lol... & trump says moore's challenger is 'soft on crime'. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slick Willy on got convicted of lying to a Federal Judge and had his law license taken away.

Real scumbag, wasn't he?

How about his filthy corrupt wife? The one that viciously attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy? The one that sold 20% of the US uranium reserves to the Russians for $140 to her money laundering foundation. The one that purposefully mishandled security documents in order to cover up her money laundering play for pay scam?
Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?

uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.

Better check your facts.

Why did Clinton surrender his law license if he was not convicted?

Trump pardoned who?

he surrendered his license to avoid any charges. he was impeached but the senate didn't proceed with a trial. ya ya- i got arpeo mixed up with roy moore. no matter- they are both vile creatures that violated the law.

so bite me.

Wrong again, oh dentally challenged!

Clinton was tried by the Senate and acquitted.

Arpaio was convicted. Moore was not.

arpaio served zero time.

lol... & trump says moore's challenger is 'soft on crime'. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arpaio should have never been charged, much less convicted. No jury ever heard his case.
The people of Alabama should apply the same standard to Judge Moore as the filthy Liberals applied to Slick Willy.

Slick Willy was (and is) a world class scumbag sexual predator. However, he is also a filthy Liberal dickhead. The Moon Bats overlooked Slick Willy being a piece of shit because they loved his Liberal agenda. They set the bar for that, didn't they?

The people of Alabama know that Moore is a good Conservative so they should apply the same standard as the Moon Bats and over look Moore going after a little jail bait when he was younger.

After all, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, in't it?

moore was DE-benched ( read: thrown off ) the alabammy supreme court... not once - but TWICE for violating the constitution.

1st by sticking the 10 commandments onto gov't prop- er- tay thus violating the establishment clause within the 1st amendment.

& 2nd - by refusing to follow federal law regarding the full le- gal -it -ay of same sex marriage thus violating the 14th amendment.

he is unworthy.

Is that like Slick Willy saying that as a filthy lying Democrat he was for "women's rights" but at the same time he sexually abused women? Or like that piece of shit wife of his that claimed to be for women but attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy being a sexual predator?

uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.

Better check your facts.

Why did Clinton surrender his law license if he was not convicted?

Trump pardoned who?

he surrendered his license to avoid any charges. he was impeached but the senate didn't proceed with a trial. ya ya- i got arpeo mixed up with roy moore. no matter- they are both vile creatures that violated the law.

so bite me.
Not exactly. The Senate did try Clinton on the articles of impeachment which passed in the House. They chose to not convict him.
uh-huh. bill clinton isn't in office anymore. & neither is hillary... but don'tcha forget clinton was impeached over the bj he got whilst in the whitehouse AND he was never charged with a crime. unlike moore to wit drumpf pardoned the asshole b4 he spent a day in jail.

. oh ya........ i never voted for billy boy, so there is that.

anyhoo, thanx for playing the ' but but but ,,,,what about?.....' game, there soldier.

Better check your facts.

Why did Clinton surrender his law license if he was not convicted?

Trump pardoned who?

he surrendered his license to avoid any charges. he was impeached but the senate didn't proceed with a trial. ya ya- i got arpeo mixed up with roy moore. no matter- they are both vile creatures that violated the law.

so bite me.

Wrong again, oh dentally challenged!

Clinton was tried by the Senate and acquitted.

Arpaio was convicted. Moore was not.

arpaio served zero time.

lol... & trump says moore's challenger is 'soft on crime'. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slick Willy on got convicted of lying to a Federal Judge and had his law license taken away.

Real scumbag, wasn't he?

How about his filthy corrupt wife? The one that viciously attacked the women that exposed Slick Willy? The one that sold 20% of the US uranium reserves to the Russians for $140 to her money laundering foundation. The one that purposefully mishandled security documents in order to cover up her money laundering play for pay scam?

when are y'all gonna give up on that bullshit uranium deal?

one more thing confed....... the south lost. get over it.

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