Judge Moore’s Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

Let this sink, n:

Judge Moore has NEVER been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct in his 38 years of public service before the charges this past week.

Could Bill Clinton make that claim?
Bill Clinton was impeached.
And Democrats circled the wagons and defended him to the end.

right or wrong--- monica lewinsky was a consensual adult. moore's victim was 14 yars old- under the age of consent.

you are defending THAT.

now spin away & try to make it look good little trumpanzee.

I'm going to point out for the thousandth time that Monica Lewinsky went to DC to "get [her] presidential kneepads" and SHE wasn't the one who complained.... that was Linda Tripp who violated the trust of someone who thought she was a friend. deplorable before deplorable got famous.
I'm going to point out for the thousandth time that Monica Lewinsky went to DC to "get [her] presidential kneepads" and SHE wasn't the one who complained.... that was Linda Tripp who violated the trust of someone who thought she was a friend. deplorable before deplorable got famous.
before Bill Clinton , Monica Lewinsky already had been involved in an affair with her married Drama teacher ...she , kinkily enough, kept him updated on her activities with Clinton
Lewinsky's Former Teacher Discloses Affair - Washington Post
Ex-Intern Allegedly Boasted of Sex - latimes

None of this excuses Clinton just puts what happened in context...
I'm going to point out for the thousandth time that Monica Lewinsky went to DC to "get [her] presidential kneepads" and SHE wasn't the one who complained.... that was Linda Tripp who violated the trust of someone who thought she was a friend. deplorable before deplorable got famous.
before Bill Clinton , Monica Lewinsky already had been involved in an affair with her married Drama teacher ...she , kinkily enough, kept him updated on her activities with Clinton
Lewinsky's Former Teacher Discloses Affair - Washington Post
Ex-Intern Allegedly Boasted of Sex - latimes

None of this excuses Clinton just puts what happened in context...

well I'd say it being consenting takes it out of the same category as anything else we're talking about. and yet the loons are still talking about him almost 20 years later. bizarre. but it's the only way they can try to justify they actions of actual sexual predators.
Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it.

Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

Steve McKlannist, fresh off his beat-down of the Jim Fucking Hoft thread where Kayla Moore tried to dismiss the Olde Hickory House by posting a pic of a restaurant in Georgia ----- learns absolutely nothing and goes right back to the well of Jim Fucking Hoft.

Can't make it up.
Roy Moore challenged Alabama law that protects rape victims, documents reveal
Roy Moore challenged Alabama law that protects rape victims, documents reveal

As chief justice of Alabama’s supreme court, Moore twice argued that the state’s “rape shield” law should not prevent alleged sex offenders from using certain evidence about their underage accusers’ personal lives to discredit them.
The cases were among 10 between 2013 and 2016 where Moore dissented from the court’s majority and sided with alleged offenders who were appealing to the court as part of their efforts to overturn convictions or punishments for sexual crimes.


A review by the Guardian of all decisions issued by the Alabama supreme court during Moore’s second stint found decisions on 16 criminal cases that involved alleged sexual crimes. Moore sided with the offender over state prosecutors in 13 of those cases.
On 10 occasions, this meant dissenting from the majority view of the court’s nine judges. Moore sided with the state in the other three cases.


The rape-shield law also arose in the case of Sherman Tate, a school mentor who was convicted of coercing two 15-year-old female students to touch him sexually. Moore argued in June 2014 that attorneys for Tate should have been allowed to tell jurors that he believed the girls were bisexual and in a relationship together.


He doesn't know the girl, or the restaurant she worked at - but he personally signed her yearbook, and mentioned the name of the restaurant as well.

Better and better.
Yeah, I guess signing her yearbook is ironclad proof that he raped her.

it lends credence that they knew each other.

Who signs a yearbook in December?

Who uses two different writing styles in the same entry?

Who puts the initials D.A. next to his name when he wasn't the D.A.? (The D.A. was apparently copied from court documents and were the initial of his secretary when she stamped his signature. He was the Deputy D.A.)

Who misspells the name of the restaurant you are allegedly sitting in?

How many times are you partisan morons going to repeat the same stupid lies? The name of the restaurant was not misspelled, that is how it was spelled 40 years ago. A half a dozen threads on this forum have the proof in them.

Please crawl back up Trump’s ass and stop wasting oxygen

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Let this sink, in:

Judge Moore has NEVER been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct in his 38 years of public service before the charges this past week.

Could Bill Clinton make that claim?

Well apparently he has, since he’s been barred from stores in the local mall, and numerous girls reported having to give warnings to his victims when he showed up. These allegations may not have been made public before now but his coworkers and his victims are all telling the same stories about him.

The guy is scum. This is the type of low life bottom feeding scum Trump is bringing into government.
Interesting to note that Moore has 2 accusers and the establishment RINOS are freaking losing it and demanding he leave the campaign. BUT has anyone heard a peep from these same assholes about the 6th count them SIXTH GH Bush accuser for groping?

Bush isn’t running for office, but if he was, there would be hell to pay with these accusations too.
Let this sink, n:

Judge Moore has NEVER been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct in his 38 years of public service before the charges this past week.

Could Bill Clinton make that claim?
Bill Clinton was impeached.
.... And he squirmed off the hook with a half assed defnse "Define Sex" which probably would have gotten you or I contempt of court.
I think I was abused by _____________40 years ago. Send check and I will fill in the blank.

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