Judge Moore’s Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell | Squawker

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell
And of course, your link cites the Doug Lewis twitter lie, a fake veteran who keeps changing the number of purple hearts he has with each new brag.

Interesting to note that Moore has 2 accusers and the establishment RINOS are freaking losing it and demanding he leave the campaign. BUT has anyone heard a peep from these same assholes about the 6th count them SIXTH GH Bush accuser for groping?

I wasn't aware of the fact that Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Tim Scott was a part of the establishment. George Bush is not running for anything. He is in the twilight of his life so it little matters.
Interesting to note that Moore has 2 accusers and the establishment RINOS are freaking losing it and demanding he leave the campaign. BUT has anyone heard a peep from these same assholes about the 6th count them SIXTH GH Bush accuser for groping?

Five accusers and they all tell the same story.

Bull fucking shit. One accuser in the WP story. One with Gloria today. One woman to WP her mother wouldn't let her date him. Two others dated him and said nothing went further than kissing or hugging. Cripes one of those two actually said he was quite romantic.

What about the 14 year old girl who said that Moore had taken her to his house, stripped both of them down to their underwear, and then placed her hand on his erection? Is that "quite romantic" as well?
This one was 17, not 14 and she was paid for the accusation.

40 years, 8 major campaigns, not a word.

Where is your evidence? One accuser has already been proven to be a fake and the twitter account deleted.
What about the 14 year old girl who said that Moore had taken her to his house, stripped both of them down to their underwear, and then placed her hand on his erection? Is that "quite romantic" as well?
This one was 17, not 14 and she was paid for the accusation.

40 years, 8 major campaigns, not a word.

where is the unbiased verifiable proof she was paid. you are just regurgitating what is being spewed from the grasping at straws crowd. look how they are being vilified now... imagine what it was like back in the 70's. sure the 'good ol boy' club would have crucified those females.

If we are supposed to believe the accusers purely on their word, why not the one who says they were paid?


Are your referring to Tipsycatlover?

You are welcome to believe whatever you like. We are not under obligation to share your delusions.
I'm talking about the woman who said she was offered $1000 to accuse Moore.

The story is fake. The tweets are gone. The poster is a fake.
This one was 17, not 14 and she was paid for the accusation.

40 years, 8 major campaigns, not a word.

where is the unbiased verifiable proof she was paid. you are just regurgitating what is being spewed from the grasping at straws crowd. look how they are being vilified now... imagine what it was like back in the 70's. sure the 'good ol boy' club would have crucified those females.

If we are supposed to believe the accusers purely on their word, why not the one who says they were paid?


Are your referring to Tipsycatlover?

You are welcome to believe whatever you like. We are not under obligation to share your delusions.
I'm talking about the woman who said she was offered $1000 to accuse Moore.

The story is fake. The tweets are gone. The poster is a fake.
One of their favorite Russian sources probably.
where is the unbiased verifiable proof she was paid. you are just regurgitating what is being spewed from the grasping at straws crowd. look how they are being vilified now... imagine what it was like back in the 70's. sure the 'good ol boy' club would have crucified those females.

If we are supposed to believe the accusers purely on their word, why not the one who says they were paid?


Are your referring to Tipsycatlover?

You are welcome to believe whatever you like. We are not under obligation to share your delusions.
I'm talking about the woman who said she was offered $1000 to accuse Moore.

didn't hear anything about that. where did you hear about it? breitbart by chance? anyhoo... she'll have to prove the where, when, by whom etc....

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell | Squawker

Washington Post Offered Money To Roy Moore Accusers While Getting “Tips” From Mitch McConnell

It is all based on a false tweet. Just another one of your crazy conspiracy theories.
I tell you what. All these lawyers and legal teams for all these alligators in Trump's swamp is probably responsible for the shrinking unemployment rate.

Pedo Roy is unemployed. He was fired from his last job for breaking the law. This is his last shot to find gainful employment.
That's the way to show everyone what a loyal conservative Republican you are.

A loyal conservative Republican stands on principle not partisan politics and does not endorse the actions of someone like Moore. They treat both sides the same way. The Democrats did it is not a acceptable excuse.
Yep, it's starting to backfire for the democrats and GOP establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria Allred was behind it. Judge Moore's Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers

Yeah -fucking- right. I'm sure this evidence is right around the corner along with the evidence Trump claims about Obama's birth certificate being fake.

Conservatives are fucking liars, frauds, phonies, poseurs, and cowards. Every. Single. One.
Interesting to note that Moore has 2 accusers and the establishment RINOS are freaking losing it and demanding he leave the campaign. BUT has anyone heard a peep from these same assholes about the 6th count them SIXTH GH Bush accuser for groping?

Read my Lips!! no new grasps!!

And of course, your link cites the Doug Lewis twitter lie, a fake veteran who keeps changing the number of purple hearts he has with each new brag.

This is important because it's really the central piece of Conservatism...propagandists. Conservatives rely on propagandists to disseminate their bullshit, and the twitter account you cited is just one of seemingly millions of examples of Conservatives pretending to be something they're not; either veterans, small business owners, married to (insert random ethnic minority group here), or had Obamacare premiums that shot up a hundred bajillion percent.

Conservatives lie about themselves because that's the only way they can establish credible arguments; pretend you're something you're not, and use that something as the basis of your argument. For instance, pretending to be a "small business owner" so you can speak with authority on taxes.

The most famous example is Joe (not his real name) the Plumber (not his real job) lying to then-candidate Obama that his fake business that he never had would somehow be impacted by the things Obama proposed. Then he made a name for himself in Conservative media circles based on that initial lie.

Joe (Sam) the plumber (Wurzelbacher) was just a right-wing troll IRL. He's a fraud, just like all the Conservatives on this board.
"Those of you who have the audacity to demand i defend Roy Moore for the sake of his senate seat - your soul may be for sale, but mine is not." - Senator McCain
The woman is a saint putting up with Creepy Roy all these years

I bet she knew
Let this sink, n:

Judge Moore has NEVER been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct in his 38 years of public service before the charges this past week.

Could Bill Clinton make that claim?
Bill Clinton was impeached.
and didn't resign.

What Clinton did was consensual between two adults.

What Moore did was not consensual because underage girls cannot give consent.

You are a propagandist who is paid to spread shit on message boards.

These are facts.
"Those of you who have the audacity to demand i defend Roy Moore for the sake of his senate seat - your soul may be for sale, but mine is not." - Senator McCain

Does that slimeball ever utter a word that isn't an abject and complete lie?

Answer: Nope. Never.
McConnell is behind it 100%....they spent 30+ million on the election and lost. If Moore wins and they try to remove him its over for McConnell in Kentucky
He's always been the enemy. Like George Sr, I have no doubt he voted for Hidabitch.

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