Judge Pirro

Is Fox News Changing?

  • Fox is getting better.

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Fox is about the same.

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Fox is getting worse.

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
and move on to Blaze TV. Political correctness has risen it's ass and tore out another number one show. Telling the truth about Muslims gets you fired on Fox News now. Advertisers control what news you show or don't show by refusing to finance the ones they don't like. We the people need to be in control of these programs not the Advertisers. I never liked her show but it won't be too long now before Hannidy and Tucker get their walking papers as well. The Liberals are winning control of the air waves and it's time for the audience to move on to the internet and give a big FUCK YOU to the Liberal Progressive monopolies.

Fox News pulls Jeanine Pirro’s program after hijab remarks

LOL. I’m as anti-Jizzlam as humanly possible and even I contend Pirro is an idiot for those comments.

Whether that demanded Fox pull the plug on her segment? Debatable. But notwithstanding that, she’s a nut who stretched something hard to no avail.

Only popular ideas must be permitted to be expressed.

Read what I said, cupcake. Personally I don’t think this warranted a suspension from the network.

But I expect more from a Lebanese Christian than to posit such stupidity. All this does is perpetuate the myth that those who stand against Islam are intellectually deficient cretins.

It doesn't take much to stir your pot - cupcake.
Sure son, sure.

FFI is right.

Otherwise, show us where the Constitution addresses god, son.

"""The U.S. Constitution is a wholly secular document. It contains no mention of Christianity or Jesus Christ. In fact, the Constitution refers to religion only twice in the First Amendment, which bars laws "respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," and in Article VI, which prohibits "religious tests" for public office. Both of these provisions are evidence that the country was not founded as officially Christian."""

Is America A Christian Nation?

You're living proof that people make assumptions based on rhetoric.

I am living proof that a good education is priceless.

I have always found the Left's need to "redefine" meanings and contexts a source of amusement.
IF the Constitution had been written a vacuum you might have a case.
Sadly for you and Gator it wasn't. It's context was the escape of the Colonists from the State Religion imposed by the King. There was no "Freedom of Religion" in the Kingdom. It was just the state church, the Anglican.
THAT is the context of the 1st Amendment. The genius of it is that they indeed were foresighted enough to include EVERYONE'S "Religion". Far from being godless, it protected everyone's "god".
Are you disputing or agreeing?

Love it. The ignorance of that post is simply astonishing.
go ahead, enlighten us with your wisdom.

I have. Read a subsequent post about your traitorous party to my people.
I was in the hospital a few days and got the chance to watch both CNN and Fox for the first in a long time. What struck me most was that in a 4 hour period, while Fox must have covered at least 15 major stories both across the country and around the world, everytime I switched to CNN, it was a monotonous continuation of the SAME THING: nothing but an overt, continuous hammering and ridicule of Donald Trump. Best of all, their claims and statements were all the very ones you read here over and over by the paid Trump-bashers. Literally, word for word.

They would show edited strips of Trump at some rally, followed by ridicule of him by a young black guy. I mainly checked out mostly Tucker and Hannity and some of the Ingraham Angle, which I thought was the best of the three. But now Fox has done this: Pulled Jeanine Pirro.

President Trump urges Fox News to bring back Jeanine Pirro, 'keep fighting' for Tucker Carlson

And for what? Making the obvious statement that Sharia Law is incompatible with our Constitution, which it is. You can't have society living by two sets of laws. Of course, she was also being questioning/challenging of a democrat, but rightly so. Meantime, apparently Tucker has boiled a few eggs as well but so far, Fox is still sort of backing him.

I predict we have seen the last good days for Fox News.
If you don’t understand why Fox pulled the crazy judges show or if you don’t understand the inappropriateness and offensiveness of her statements then you are too far gone.
You idiots pretend not to understand anything that you don't like.
and move on to Blaze TV. Political correctness has risen it's ass and tore out another number one show. Telling the truth about Muslims gets you fired on Fox News now. Advertisers control what news you show or don't show by refusing to finance the ones they don't like. We the people need to be in control of these programs not the Advertisers. I never liked her show but it won't be too long now before Hannidy and Tucker get their walking papers as well. The Liberals are winning control of the air waves and it's time for the audience to move on to the internet and give a big FUCK YOU to the Liberal Progressive monopolies.

Fox News pulls Jeanine Pirro’s program after hijab remarks

LOL. I’m as anti-Jizzlam as humanly possible and even I contend Pirro is an idiot for those comments.

Whether that demanded Fox pull the plug on her segment? Debatable. But notwithstanding that, she’s a nut who stretched something hard to no avail.

Only popular ideas must be permitted to be expressed.

Read what I said, cupcake. Personally I don’t think this warranted a suspension from the network.

But I expect more from a Lebanese Christian than to posit such stupidity. All this does is perpetuate the myth that those who stand against Islam are intellectually deficient cretins.

It doesn't take much to stir your pot - cupcake.

Maybe not.

My point still stands.
First of all, there is no conflict with Sharia law and the US constitution at all.
Sharia is about family matters, like divorce, marriage, inheritance, adoption, funds for widows and orphans, etc.
Second is that Sharia is not really Islamic, but predates Mohammad.
For example, if you read the Quran, it says the only form of execution allowed is beheading, because it is supposed to be the quickest and most painless.
When you read about stonings, that is not at all Islamic, but Judaic, from the Old Testament, before Mohammad.

Second is that it is the Old Testament that requires women to cover their hair, which is why nuns, Pilgrims, and Amish also do it.

Third is that Israel is not at all a US ally, and is constantly violating international war crime laws.
Has Israel ever allowed the US to use any of their bases? The answer is no.
Does Israel collude to interfere with US elections? The answer most definitely is yes.
Is Israel in violation of the 1949 UN partition, UNR 181? Yes, Jerusalem is OUTSIDE of the only accepted legal border of Israel.
Does Israel legally have to allow the right of return to refugees who fled violence in 1948? YES, by Geneva Conventions.
I backed my words up with money, I'm now a Blaze subscriber. #walkaway. First show to watch is Bollinger. I love Bollinger.
So am I. I gave up television quite a while ago. Beck and Levin are the sources I trust.

I stopped listening to Glenn Beck after he went into never-Trump mode. Although I've always thought that he wasn't quite right in the head.
He came around, as I did. I was (and still am, a Cruz supporter).

I/we didn't trust Trump because of his liberal recent past. Circumstances, and the endless tard attacks, have made him much more conservative.

Who did Beck want, Jeb?

Actually that is not true.
Muslims do not believe God controls government, but that God is ethical and government should try to be ethical also.
No one is forced to pray in Islam, but people want to in order to be better people.
The Quran says only to fight in defense, so Muslim are the least aggressive and most peaceful.
What people do not realize is that around 1200 AD or so, Asiatic Mongols, Moguls, and Turks defeated the Arab Muslims and took over. They are the ones known for attacking Europe, not Arab Muslims.
The whole point of Mohammad creating Islam was to improve the rights of women, as a favor to his wife. Before Islam, women were considered to not have souls, could not own property, could not divorce, could not inherit, etc. Mohammad fixed all that by reforming Judaism into Islam.
and move on to Blaze TV. Political correctness has risen it's ass and tore out another number one show. Telling the truth about Muslims gets you fired on Fox News now. Advertisers control what news you show or don't show by refusing to finance the ones they don't like. We the people need to be in control of these programs not the Advertisers. I never liked her show but it won't be too long now before Hannidy and Tucker get their walking papers as well. The Liberals are winning control of the air waves and it's time for the audience to move on to the internet and give a big FUCK YOU to the Liberal Progressive monopolies.

Fox News pulls Jeanine Pirro’s program after hijab remarks

LOL. I’m as anti-Jizzlam as humanly possible and even I contend Pirro is an idiot for those comments.

Whether that demanded Fox pull the plug on her segment? Debatable. But notwithstanding that, she’s a nut who stretched something hard to no avail.

Only popular ideas must be permitted to be expressed.

Read what I said, cupcake. Personally I don’t think this warranted a suspension from the network.

But I expect more from a Lebanese Christian than to posit such stupidity. All this does is perpetuate the myth that those who stand against Islam are intellectually deficient cretins.

It doesn't take much to stir your pot - cupcake.

Maybe not.

My point still stands.

If Fox wants to appease the unappeasable left, their ratings will tank. Controversial speech is healthy; censoring it is not.

Actually that is not true.
Muslims do not believe God controls government, but that God is ethical and government should try to be ethical also.
No one is forced to pray in Islam, but people want to in order to be better people.
The Quran says only to fight in defense, so Muslim are the least aggressive and most peaceful.
What people do not realize is that around 1200 AD or so, Asiatic Mongols, Moguls, and Turks defeated the Arab Muslims and took over. They are the ones known for attacking Europe, not Arab Muslims.
The whole point of Mohammad creating Islam was to improve the rights of women, as a favor to his wife. Before Islam, women were considered to not have souls, could not own property, could not divorce, could not inherit, etc. Mohammad fixed all that by reforming Judaism into Islam.
Suggested reading: Islam and women's rights.

The rigid laws of Islam have deprived half of the population of their basic human rights. The male is in charge of the female: Koran 4:34, and the subjugated half is led to believe, through Islamic teachings, that the supremacy of the man is the will of Allah, and it has been predestined for women to live as submissive, obedient wives.
On December 14, 2017, The Walt Disney Company announced a definitive agreement to acquire 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion in stock. Assets being assumed by the acquisition include the 20th Century Fox film and TV studios, Fox Television Group (along with cable channels such as FX), international networks, a 73% stake in National Geographic Partners, Indian television broadcaster Star India, a 30% stake in Hulu, and other key assets. 21st Century Fox will spin-off the Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox Television Stations, Fox News Channel, the Fox Business Network, FS1, FS2, Fox Deportes and the Big Ten Network into the new Fox Corporation.[1][2]

Comcast (parent company of NBCUniversal) made their own offer on June 13, 2018, with a $65 billion all cash proposal to acquire the Fox assets that Disney was set to purchase, touching off a major bidding war between the two companies.[3] A week later, Disney counterbid with a $71.3 billion offer.[4] Comcast officially ended its bidding war with Disney to acquire Fox on July 19, in order to focus on acquiring a controlling stake in Sky plc.[5] Disney and Fox shareholders approved the acquisition on July 27, 2018.[6] The deal will be completed on March 20, 2019.[7]

A conspiracy theorist might conclude the New World Order may have paid through the nose to quiet down Fox but in the end it will pay off. It's been the only beacon of hope in the Fake News world for years....with Rush getting older, who will carry the conservative message....Ann Coulter? The Disney deal is done this coming Wednesday....let's see if the Judge makes it to Saturday.

New World Order? Get out of here... What you fail to realize is, this country was literally born from individuals that wanted to leave a country that was oppressing them because of their religion. Yet here we are 242 years after the Founding Fathers declared independence, and we have a "judge" on tv trying to say that a congresswoman shouldn't be allowed to practice her religion's rule of wearing a hijab. You have to understand that freedom to practice religion isn't just for YOU, it is for everyone, even if it is a person that practices a religion different from your's. I don't see Pirro on tv complaining about Pentecostals wearing long skirts and dresses, or Jewish men wearing a Yarmulke. Face it, what she said was xenophobic, and that is just not acceptable behavior.
I was in the hospital a few days and got the chance to watch both CNN and Fox for the first in a long time. What struck me most was that in a 4 hour period, while Fox must have covered at least 15 major stories both across the country and around the world, everytime I switched to CNN, it was a monotonous continuation of the SAME THING: nothing but an overt, continuous hammering and ridicule of Donald Trump. Best of all, their claims and statements were all the very ones you read here over and over by the paid Trump-bashers. Literally, word for word.

They would show edited strips of Trump at some rally, followed by ridicule of him by a young black guy. I mainly checked out mostly Tucker and Hannity and some of the Ingraham Angle, which I thought was the best of the three. But now Fox has done this: Pulled Jeanine Pirro.

President Trump urges Fox News to bring back Jeanine Pirro, 'keep fighting' for Tucker Carlson

And for what? Making the obvious statement that Sharia Law is incompatible with our Constitution, which it is. You can't have society living by two sets of laws. Of course, she was also being questioning/challenging of a democrat, but rightly so. Meantime, apparently Tucker has boiled a few eggs as well but so far, Fox is still sort of backing him.

I predict we have seen the last good days for Fox News.
If you don’t understand why Fox pulled the crazy judges show or if you don’t understand the inappropriateness and offensiveness of her statements then you are too far gone.
You idiots pretend not to understand anything that you don't like.
What am I pretending not to understand in this conversation?
Good as a former judge she should know better. The United States is based on the idea to have freedom to practice any religion. Part of Omar's religion is to wear a hijab. Pirro is fucking ignorant to tie wearing a hijab to radical Islamic activity.
Just as it is ignorant to tie a maga hat to racism
LOL. I’m as anti-Jizzlam as humanly possible and even I contend Pirro is an idiot for those comments.

Whether that demanded Fox pull the plug on her segment? Debatable. But notwithstanding that, she’s a nut who stretched something hard to no avail.

Only popular ideas must be permitted to be expressed.

Read what I said, cupcake. Personally I don’t think this warranted a suspension from the network.

But I expect more from a Lebanese Christian than to posit such stupidity. All this does is perpetuate the myth that those who stand against Islam are intellectually deficient cretins.

It doesn't take much to stir your pot - cupcake.

Maybe not.

My point still stands.

If Fox wants to appease the unappeasable left, their ratings will tank. Controversial speech is healthy; censoring it is not.

The Murdoch kids want no part of it.
Good as a former judge she should know better. The United States is based on the idea to have freedom to practice any religion. Part of Omar's religion is to wear a hijab. Pirro is fucking ignorant to tie wearing a hijab to radical Islamic activity.
Just as it is ignorant to tie a maga hat to racism

Yes stereotyping people is bad, but the two instances aren't the same. People who are wearing MAGA hats are doing so because they want to, not because they practice a religion that requires it.
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On December 14, 2017, The Walt Disney Company announced a definitive agreement to acquire 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion in stock. Assets being assumed by the acquisition include the 20th Century Fox film and TV studios, Fox Television Group (along with cable channels such as FX), international networks, a 73% stake in National Geographic Partners, Indian television broadcaster Star India, a 30% stake in Hulu, and other key assets. 21st Century Fox will spin-off the Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox Television Stations, Fox News Channel, the Fox Business Network, FS1, FS2, Fox Deportes and the Big Ten Network into the new Fox Corporation.[1][2]

Comcast (parent company of NBCUniversal) made their own offer on June 13, 2018, with a $65 billion all cash proposal to acquire the Fox assets that Disney was set to purchase, touching off a major bidding war between the two companies.[3] A week later, Disney counterbid with a $71.3 billion offer.[4] Comcast officially ended its bidding war with Disney to acquire Fox on July 19, in order to focus on acquiring a controlling stake in Sky plc.[5] Disney and Fox shareholders approved the acquisition on July 27, 2018.[6] The deal will be completed on March 20, 2019.[7]

A conspiracy theorist might conclude the New World Order may have paid through the nose to quiet down Fox but in the end it will pay off. It's been the only beacon of hope in the Fake News world for years....with Rush getting older, who will carry the conservative message....Ann Coulter? The Disney deal is done this coming Wednesday....let's see if the Judge makes it to Saturday.

New World Order? Get out of here... What you fail to realize is, this country was literally born from individuals that wanted to leave a country that was oppressing them because of their religion. Yet here we are 242 years after the Founding Fathers declared independence, and we have a "judge" on tv trying to say that a congresswoman shouldn't be allowed to practice her religion's rule of wearing a hijab. You have to understand that freedom to practice religion isn't just for YOU, it is for everyone, even if it is a person that practices a religion different from your's. I don't see Pirro on tv complaining about Pentecostals wearing long skirts and dresses, or Jewish men wearing a Yarmulke. Face it, what she said was xenophobic, and that is just not acceptable behavior.
They don't allow Jewish men to wear the Yarmulke inside of Congress. Only Muslims get to ignore that rule.
On December 14, 2017, The Walt Disney Company announced a definitive agreement to acquire 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion in stock. Assets being assumed by the acquisition include the 20th Century Fox film and TV studios, Fox Television Group (along with cable channels such as FX), international networks, a 73% stake in National Geographic Partners, Indian television broadcaster Star India, a 30% stake in Hulu, and other key assets. 21st Century Fox will spin-off the Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox Television Stations, Fox News Channel, the Fox Business Network, FS1, FS2, Fox Deportes and the Big Ten Network into the new Fox Corporation.[1][2]

Comcast (parent company of NBCUniversal) made their own offer on June 13, 2018, with a $65 billion all cash proposal to acquire the Fox assets that Disney was set to purchase, touching off a major bidding war between the two companies.[3] A week later, Disney counterbid with a $71.3 billion offer.[4] Comcast officially ended its bidding war with Disney to acquire Fox on July 19, in order to focus on acquiring a controlling stake in Sky plc.[5] Disney and Fox shareholders approved the acquisition on July 27, 2018.[6] The deal will be completed on March 20, 2019.[7]

A conspiracy theorist might conclude the New World Order may have paid through the nose to quiet down Fox but in the end it will pay off. It's been the only beacon of hope in the Fake News world for years....with Rush getting older, who will carry the conservative message....Ann Coulter? The Disney deal is done this coming Wednesday....let's see if the Judge makes it to Saturday.

New World Order? Get out of here... What you fail to realize is, this country was literally born from individuals that wanted to leave a country that was oppressing them because of their religion. Yet here we are 242 years after the Founding Fathers declared independence, and we have a "judge" on tv trying to say that a congresswoman shouldn't be allowed to practice her religion's rule of wearing a hijab. You have to understand that freedom to practice religion isn't just for YOU, it is for everyone, even if it is a person that practices a religion different from your's. I don't see Pirro on tv complaining about Pentecostals wearing long skirts and dresses, or Jewish men wearing a Yarmulke. Face it, what she said was xenophobic, and that is just not acceptable behavior.
They don't allow Jewish men to wear the Yarmulke inside of Congress. Only Muslims get to ignore that rule.

Headwear is now permissible.
On December 14, 2017, The Walt Disney Company announced a definitive agreement to acquire 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion in stock. Assets being assumed by the acquisition include the 20th Century Fox film and TV studios, Fox Television Group (along with cable channels such as FX), international networks, a 73% stake in National Geographic Partners, Indian television broadcaster Star India, a 30% stake in Hulu, and other key assets. 21st Century Fox will spin-off the Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox Television Stations, Fox News Channel, the Fox Business Network, FS1, FS2, Fox Deportes and the Big Ten Network into the new Fox Corporation.[1][2]

Comcast (parent company of NBCUniversal) made their own offer on June 13, 2018, with a $65 billion all cash proposal to acquire the Fox assets that Disney was set to purchase, touching off a major bidding war between the two companies.[3] A week later, Disney counterbid with a $71.3 billion offer.[4] Comcast officially ended its bidding war with Disney to acquire Fox on July 19, in order to focus on acquiring a controlling stake in Sky plc.[5] Disney and Fox shareholders approved the acquisition on July 27, 2018.[6] The deal will be completed on March 20, 2019.[7]

A conspiracy theorist might conclude the New World Order may have paid through the nose to quiet down Fox but in the end it will pay off. It's been the only beacon of hope in the Fake News world for years....with Rush getting older, who will carry the conservative message....Ann Coulter? The Disney deal is done this coming Wednesday....let's see if the Judge makes it to Saturday.

New World Order? Get out of here... What you fail to realize is, this country was literally born from individuals that wanted to leave a country that was oppressing them because of their religion. Yet here we are 242 years after the Founding Fathers declared independence, and we have a "judge" on tv trying to say that a congresswoman shouldn't be allowed to practice her religion's rule of wearing a hijab. You have to understand that freedom to practice religion isn't just for YOU, it is for everyone, even if it is a person that practices a religion different from your's. I don't see Pirro on tv complaining about Pentecostals wearing long skirts and dresses, or Jewish men wearing a Yarmulke. Face it, what she said was xenophobic, and that is just not acceptable behavior.
They don't allow Jewish men to wear the Yarmulke inside of Congress. Only Muslims get to ignore that rule.

Wrong. They do.
and move on to Blaze TV. Political correctness has risen it's ass and tore out another number one show. Telling the truth about Muslims gets you fired on Fox News now. Advertisers control what news you show or don't show by refusing to finance the ones they don't like. We the people need to be in control of these programs not the Advertisers. I never liked her show but it won't be too long now before Hannidy and Tucker get their walking papers as well. The Liberals are winning control of the air waves and it's time for the audience to move on to the internet and give a big FUCK YOU to the Liberal Progressive monopolies.

Fox News pulls Jeanine Pirro’s program after hijab remarks

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