Judge Reverses Order Forcing Hospital To Give Ivermectin To COVID-19 Patient


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is so retarded. Ivermectin is MOST CERTAINLY approved for use in humans AS WELL AS horses and cattle. It is not "officially" approved by the FDA for use against COVID-19 but then, neither are the vaccines officially approved by the FDA. Yes ladies and gents we are living in bizarro world.

This is so retarded. Ivermectin is MOST CERTAINLY approved for use in humans AS WELL AS horses and cattle. It is not "officially" approved by the FDA for use against COVID-19 but then, neither are the vaccines officially approved by the FDA. Yes ladies and gents we are living in bizarro world.
One vaccine is.

Ivermectin is antiparasitic, not antiviral.
Well it looks like the judge was overruled by a higher up judge thus the difficulty of a judge determining what doctors should prescribe.

Merck, which manufactures the drug, issued a statement in February affirming its position that there’s no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from ivermectin. The company also noted a “concerning lack of safety data” in the majority of studies.”

Sounds like a lawyer written statement but if they don't know then they don't know and they are not going to risk saying it works.
Well it looks like the judge was overruled by a higher up judge thus the difficulty of a judge determining what doctors should prescribe.

Merck, which manufactures the drug, issued a statement in February affirming its position that there’s no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from ivermectin. The company also noted a “concerning lack of safety data” in the majority of studies.”

Sounds like a lawyer written statement but if they don't know then they don't know and they are not going to risk saying it works.
Right to try should be up to the patient's or up to one of the close family members that may have been instructed by the patient/relative to initiate right to try if necessary. Standing in the way of patient's rights, and physicians rights to treat them accordingly is wrong, especially if any politics might be involved.
Well it looks like the judge was overruled by a higher up judge thus the difficulty of a judge determining what doctors should prescribe.

Merck, which manufactures the drug, issued a statement in February affirming its position that there’s no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from ivermectin. The company also noted a “concerning lack of safety data” in the majority of studies.”

Sounds like a lawyer written statement but if they don't know then they don't know and they are not going to risk saying it works.
Merck is lying just like all the propaganda shills and narrative pushers like Dana. Just a guess but I'd say their money in their attempts to mislead people through their outright lies and deception.




edit to add another link for truth; https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09...-filled-with-ivermectin-damaged-patients.html
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If you want Ivermectin just buy the shit.
I hope this man lives but he's been on a ventilator since August 1.

He and his wife weren't vaccinated.

Given the side effects of Ivermectin include nausea and vomiting, how well are these symptoms handled by people with a breathing tube in their airway? After all, a feeding tube can be, and usually is present during intubation.

Right to try should be up to the patient's or up to one of the close family members that may have been instructed by the patient/relative to initiate right to try if necessary. Standing in the way of patient's rights, and physicians rights to treat them accordingly is wrong, especially if any politics might be involved.
The patient’s wife is demanding they use it. The physician is refusing.

It went to court.
Ivermectin is antiparasitic, not antiviral.
And HCQ is a "malaria drug" which was also proven to be highly effective in people with a Covid infection. You have a guy on a ventilator on his last days, and you aren't going to try a drug that has helped other people? What are they doing for him other than monitoring his demise?
Given the side effects of Ivermectin include nausea and vomiting, how well are these symptoms handled by people with a breathing tube in their airway? After all, a feeding tube can be, and usually is present during intubation.

lol! well you're supposed to administer Ivermectin before they are intubated. I think that is kinda the point of this. Hospitals listening to insurance companies and not the science or their patients.
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A lot of people have a mistrust of Big Pharma. Including Progs. For near all prescription drugs there is usually a several year lag time in the process to approval. You have this result from citizens because you made it political. We are no better now then despot authoritarian nations. At this time we seem to be going to perma shot. Maybe not. But it sure seems that way.
One vaccine is.

Ivermectin is antiparasitic, not antiviral.
You’ll sooner or later confront the science that refutes your claim, and Merck is lying. The stupid ones will also refuse to study the evolutionary history of ivermectin. Fig. 3 is not deliberately drawn to deceive the viewer, it is drawn to show a scientific fact. Does the communist virus simply pretend not to notice when ivermectin attaches to its funky ass?:

Icahn Medical School, Mt. Sinai, New York
’Fig. 3. Ivermectin molecule docked with SARAS-CoV-2 Spike.... the region of leucine 91 of the spike and histidine 378 of SARS-CoV-2-Ace2 receptor complex.’

So, what other nidovirus spikes have leucine at position 91?
From what I remembered as a child. That antibiotics are made from animals like a horse. Their bodies can tolerate certain diseases and venoms.
But then they abstracted the antibodies from them to make the pills. And some antibodies comes from moldy fruits like and orange.

I had watched many science fiction movies in order to learn about that.

How Antivenom Is Made Horse? Production. Antivenoms are typically produced using a donor animal, such as a horse or sheep. Then, at certain intervals, the blood from the donor animal is collected and neutralizing antibodies are purified from the blood to produce an antivenom.


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