Judge Reverses Order Forcing Hospital To Give Ivermectin To COVID-19 Patient

The patient’s wife is demanding they use it. The physician is refusing.

It went to court.
Once on the tube, one might say for the most part that you're through. To many people have died on those ventilator's, and that should be the next investigation for future medical purposes.
Once on the tube, one might say for the most part that you're through. To many people have died on those ventilator's, and that should be the next investigation for future medical purposes.
Yeah. It’s the ventilators doing it and not the overwhelming COVID pneumonia.
You get off your lazy ass and fight the giving of any clout to these judicial cocksuckers. Didn’t you learn anything with the baboon Floyd-fentanyl trial?

Position 91 is a leucine for HCoV-NL63.

Human Coronavirus NL63
On the wikipage: Hipposideros is the Rhinolophus connection. That is to say, the Mojiang copper mine connection. What does Eco Health Alliance’s Daszak have to say about this African recombination?
Ask yourself this...

If there was a cheap easy cure for covid, would Democrats/ccp promote it or cover it up and hide it?
A lot of people have a mistrust of Big Pharma. Including Progs. For near all prescription drugs there is usually a several year lag time in the process to approval. You have this result from citizens because you made it political. We are no better now then despot authoritarian nations. At this time we seem to be going to perma shot. Maybe not. But it sure seems that way.
Conspiracy theories have caused a lot of ill placed mistrust. Remember Jade Helm, FEMA prisons, and Walmart tunnels
This is an important study, and at this point we can clearly see the alanine mentioned in the Daszak paper coming through the nidoviral spikes at position 91. However, where this Daszak report goes to pangolin, we retain the science showing ivermectin’s physical attachment to position 91. The histidine at the SARS-CoV-2-ACE2 complex (position 378) is not as interesting as following the evolutionary history of ivermectin, only ever found on the Kawana golf course. Omura first used ivermectin against Nematospiroides dubius, a nematode whose generic name was changed to Heligmosomoides polygyrus. Heligmosomoides thomomyos infects the Camas Pocket Gopher, Thomomys bulbivorus, endemic to the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Wuhan bat lady and Daszak’s opposite number, Zheng-Li Shi, is published for white spot syndrome of shrimp (WSSV), recalling that Wuhan “Patient Zero” was supposedly a shrimp seller.

Indians called the Willamette the “Valley of Sickness,” and when the Missoula Floods once inundated the valley, the water was 400 feet deep, which would obviously permit establishment of crayfish. The nidovirus link to crayfish are yellow head virus (YHV) and gill-associated virus (GAV). Furthermore, following the ivermectin trajectory and noting that another animal that associates with the Camas pocket gopher is the long-tailed weasel. Once having made this connection, we note that Mustela coronavirus of ferrets not only links Danish mink farms, but also has, at position 91 of its spike (in both examples shown at Uniprot) is a (histidine [italics]).

Suggested viewing: Caddy Shack, the gopher sequence.
One vaccine is.

Ivermectin is antiparasitic, not antiviral.
It has, "demonstrated antiviral activity against a number of DNA and RNA viruses..."

This is an important study, and at this point we can clearly see the alanine mentioned in the Daszak paper coming through the nidoviral spikes at position 91. However, where this Daszak report goes to pangolin, we retain the science showing ivermectin’s physical attachment to position 91. The histidine at the SARS-CoV-2-ACE2 complex (position 378) is not as interesting as following the evolutionary history of ivermectin, only ever found on the Kawana golf course. Omura first used ivermectin against Nematospiroides dubius, a nematode whose generic name was changed to Heligmosomoides polygyrus. Heligmosomoides thomomyos infects the Camas Pocket Gopher, Thomomys bulbivorus, endemic to the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Wuhan bat lady and Daszak’s opposite number, Zheng-Li Shi, is published for white spot syndrome of shrimp (WSSV), recalling that Wuhan “Patient Zero” was supposedly a shrimp seller.

Indians called the Willamette the “Valley of Sickness,” and when the Missoula Floods once inundated the valley, the water was 400 feet deep, which would obviously permit establishment of crayfish. The nidovirus link to crayfish are yellow head virus (YHV) and gill-associated virus (GAV). Furthermore, following the ivermectin trajectory and noting that another animal that associates with the Camas pocket gopher is the long-tailed weasel. Once having made this connection, we note that Mustela coronavirus of ferrets not only links Danish mink farms, but also has, at position 91 of its spike (in both examples shown at Uniprot) is a (histidine [italics]).

Suggested viewing: Caddy Shack, the gopher sequence.
Not that the protein sequences all make sense to me but I have wondered the role various parasites are playing in all this along with all the other crap that has been pushed out that degrades peoples immune systems.

A lot of denial that parasites are prevalent among the populace by our grand CDC and the medical establishment. It has been over twenty years since I found blood flukes here locally in everything I biopsied. My good friend the doc claimed those were only in Asia. Apparently I wasn't supposed to believe my lying eyes in what I saw in the critters from a several mile radius around us.
And HCQ is a "malaria drug" which was also proven to be highly effective in people with a Covid infection. You have a guy on a ventilator on his last days, and you aren't going to try a drug that has helped other people? What are they doing for him other than monitoring his demise?
Party before people. They oppose HCQ because Trump mentioned using it. The Lefties are rooting for failure for political reasons.
I hope this man lives but he's been on a ventilator since August 1.

He and his wife weren't vaccinated.

Are ya waiting for pfizermectin?


Ya can't charge 100 a pill for ivermectin

They’re obviously just tweaking ivermectin into a patentable product. We all know it, they know we know it...leftards don't
Not that the protein sequences all make sense to me but I have wondered the role various parasites are playing in all this along with all the other crap that has been pushed out that degrades peoples immune systems.

A lot of denial that parasites are prevalent among the populace by our grand CDC and the medical establishment. It has been over twenty years since I found blood flukes here locally in everything I biopsied. My good friend the doc claimed those were only in Asia. Apparently I wasn't supposed to believe my lying eyes in what I saw in the critters from a several mile radius around us.
We will also be able to link the soybean nematode to filovirus sequences for the ebola connection. But for poliovirus, we note that Obama-Biden funding for Duke-NUS Singapore links to adenovirus technology used to vaccinate the Russian military. We will also show parasite links to African primates. Since poliovirus is a picornavirus, we note a picornavirus of crayfish, reminiscent of the once-watery world of the Willamette Valley:

Chequa Iflavirus of Freshwater Crayfish (Picornavirales)

Stool samples of Washington, D.C. children has already been mentioned on other threads.

Aspen, Colorado: Poliovirus / Adenovirus
Besides the elderly, the other major target of the communist Chinese virus is obesity.

Jun 2020 Harvard Medical School: Helminth-Induced and TH-2-Dependent Alterations in the Gut Microbiota Attenuate Obesity Caused by High-Fat Diet
From what I remembered as a child. That antibiotics are made from animals like a horse. Their bodies can tolerate certain diseases and venoms.
But then they abstracted the antibodies from them to make the pills. And some antibodies comes from moldy fruits like and orange.

I had watched many science fiction movies in order to learn about that.

How Antivenom Is Made Horse? Production. Antivenoms are typically produced using a donor animal, such as a horse or sheep. Then, at certain intervals, the blood from the donor animal is collected and neutralizing antibodies are purified from the blood to produce an antivenom.

This is correct and correlates with the very nematode ivermectin was first used against:

(2018) Heligmosomoides polygyrus VALs
’....The most abundant protein family in excretory/secretory products comprises the venom allergy-like proteins (VALs), which are members of the SCP/TAPS (sperm-coating protein/Tpx/antigen 5/pathogenesis-related-1/Sc7) superfamily.’
Yeah. It’s the ventilators doing it and not the overwhelming COVID pneumonia.

Wow the person you replied to sure is stupid.

Really. The level of stupidity in that one is insulting to intelligent people.

Of course those who died if the virus were on a ventilator. I think that's the last resort to keep people alive. Many people do get better.

Many people don't.

That's why those who died, died when they were on a ventilator. The ventilator didn't kill them.

Covid did.
Wow the person you replied to sure is stupid.

Really. The level of stupidity in that one is insulting to intelligent people.

Of course those who died if the virus were on a ventilator. I think that's the last resort to keep people alive. Many people do get better.

Many people don't.

That's why those who died, died when they were on a ventilator. The ventilator didn't kill them.

Covid did.
I’ve seen supposedly intelligent people make the claim that ventilators are the real killer.

People just repeat the idiotic garbage they hear on the internet. It’s sad.

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