Judge Roy Moore defies feds: 'Law is very clear'

Pretty telling that the only two people defending this judge are easily in the top five in terms of dumbest posters I've encountered on these boards.

Seriously, that says all you need to know.
You are easily the most incompetent poster here. Your knowledge base and ability to reason are close to nil. A salad bowl is a tougher competitor.

wow, you get your ass kicked by salad bowls too?

Not gonna waste my time - Rabbi, Steve - you guys are gonna have to up your game before you get to debate with me again.
Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked because I am posting stupid garbage.
The 14th A is irrelevant here. No one is being denied any rights. The 10th is explicit that states have power over whatever was not delegated to the feds. That includes marriage, which has always been a state issue.

Tell us in your own words what this portion of the 10th Amendment means:

"nor prohibited by it to the States"
The Constitution grants powers to the federal government on an exclusive basis. A state cannot, for example, have its own patent laws.
wow, you get your ass kicked by salad bowls too?

Not gonna waste my time - Rabbi, Steve - you guys are gonna have to up your game before you get to debate with me again.
Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked because I am posting stupid garbage.
The 14th A is irrelevant here. No one is being denied any rights. The 10th is explicit that states have power over whatever was not delegated to the feds. That includes marriage, which has always been a state issue.

Tell us in your own words what this portion of the 10th Amendment means:

"nor prohibited by it to the States"
The Constitution grants powers to the federal government on an exclusive basis. A state cannot, for example, have its own patent laws.
roe v wade would be a good example. if it were overturned the poiwer would just revert back to the states.
Roe invented a right that didnt exist and gave it to the federal government. Prior to that states did regulate abortion. They still do, in the context of Roe's strictures.

Privacy is hardly an invented right.
As Loving V. Virginia made clear, the restriction to marriage itself has to meet constitutional muster. IT has to have serve a valid legislative end, serve a legitimate state interest and have a very good reason.

Gay marriage bans fail all three.
It's the state's interest to protect children from viewing the depravity of homo's in public.

But them viewing hetero depravity is ok? lol

Anti-obscenity laws will do that quite well, thank you. Unless you consider gays holding hands or kissing as "depravity".
I do.

Well then you are shit outta luck. The SCOTUS has already ruled that homosexuals have the same rights to intimate contact and private sexual relations that straights do. You can bust them for nudity in public or sex in public, but two people holding hands or kissing is not illegal. And it also has nothing to do with same-sex marriage.
If the court said you should jump off a cliff does it make it ok to do it?

The court has not said what anyone SHOULD do. It just rules on what states are allowed to restrict.

And if I wanted to jump off a cliff, I would not wait for federal or state approval.
As Loving V. Virginia made clear, the restriction to marriage itself has to meet constitutional muster. IT has to have serve a valid legislative end, serve a legitimate state interest and have a very good reason.

Gay marriage bans fail all three.
It's the state's interest to protect children from viewing the depravity of homo's in public.

But them viewing hetero depravity is ok? lol

Anti-obscenity laws will do that quite well, thank you. Unless you consider gays holding hands or kissing as "depravity".
I do.

Well then you are shit outta luck. The SCOTUS has already ruled that homosexuals have the same rights to intimate contact and private sexual relations that straights do. You can bust them for nudity in public or sex in public, but two people holding hands or kissing is not illegal. And it also has nothing to do with same-sex marriage.
If the court said you should jump off a cliff does it make it ok to do it?

You're just pouting now. Your argument was inconsistent and he beat you. Take it like a man.
Pretty telling that the only two people defending this judge are easily in the top five in terms of dumbest posters I've encountered on these boards.

Seriously, that says all you need to know.
You are easily the most incompetent poster here. Your knowledge base and ability to reason are close to nil. A salad bowl is a tougher competitor.

wow, you get your ass kicked by salad bowls too?

Not gonna waste my time - Rabbi, Steve - you guys are gonna have to up your game before you get to debate with me again.
Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked because I am posting stupid garbage.
The 14th A is irrelevant here. No one is being denied any rights. The 10th is explicit that states have power over whatever was not delegated to the feds. That includes marriage, which has always been a state issue.

Tell us in your own words what this portion of the 10th Amendment means:

"nor prohibited by it to the States"
The Constitution grants powers to the federal government on an exclusive basis. A state cannot, for example, have its own patent laws.

It's the state's interest to protect children from viewing the depravity of homo's in public.

But them viewing hetero depravity is ok? lol

Anti-obscenity laws will do that quite well, thank you. Unless you consider gays holding hands or kissing as "depravity".
I do.

Well then you are shit outta luck. The SCOTUS has already ruled that homosexuals have the same rights to intimate contact and private sexual relations that straights do. You can bust them for nudity in public or sex in public, but two people holding hands or kissing is not illegal. And it also has nothing to do with same-sex marriage.
If the court said you should jump off a cliff does it make it ok to do it?

You're just pouting now. Your argument was inconsistent and he beat you. Take it like a man.
he hasn't disputed that it violates single peoples rights to give married people special rights.
I have many times brainiac
14th amendment
14th Amendment doesn't apply. Only the 9th anf 10th Amendments.

Romer v. Evans already found that the withholding rights from gays is a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. 15 years ago.
Not when it comes to marriage specifically.

Why would marriage be any different than any other right? You keep making up these imaginary exclusions, caveats and restrictions that are complete bullshit.

You started by insisting that 14th amendment only applied to issues of race and citizenship. That was bullshit.

You then insisted that the 14th amendment doesn't apply to gays. That was bullshit.

And now you're insisting that the 14th amendment doesn't apply to marriage. The courts already applied it to marriage. So bullshit cubed.

Damn. If you'd been offering us answers at random the law of averages would have mandated you get something right by now. But astonishingly, you've managed to be perfectly wrong.
Equal protection my ass then why isn't group marriages legal? Why isn't polygamy legal? your argument doesn't hold water.

Because 3 doesn't equal 2, nor does 10 equal 2.

Why does limiting marriage to 1 man 1 woman prevent the so-called slippery slope any more than limiting marriage to a total of 2 people would?
I'm surprised this isn't blowing up all over the web. It's such a hot topic, whether you agree or disagree. In Alabama, a same-sex marriage fight is upon us. Last month, a federal judge struck down the state's law against the unions. But Sunday night, "in a dramatic show of defiance toward the federal judiciary, Chief JusticeRoy S. Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court ordered the state’s probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples on Monday, the day same-sex marriages were expected to begin."

The Phantom Diaries Alabama Objects to Gay Marriage
I don't think it's being discussed much because not a single person in the world is surprised that Alabama, the butthole of America, is on the wrong side of history yet again.

And when blacks and Hispanics voted no to gay marriage in California? I mean come on I could see that happening in Alabama but how do you explain that in California the liberal freak show state in the union.
Ignorance isn't exclusive to the deep south. It's just more prevalent.
In the Deep South, we've been taught that mouths and anuses are not reproductive organs.
Wait.....you think sex is only for reproduction?
What else? I was under the impression gays wanted to marry for insurance and health benefits spousal rights, inheritance and other legal matters. Sex ain't no recreational activity., is it?
I just knew Alabama was going to be stupid, the state of my birth is a constant embarrassment to human decency every time they try to fight for their bigoted, stone age sense of decency.
Why not? Be specific.
Because we don't have mob rule here. If we did you nuts would outlaw Islam, and the Catholics more than likely.
So you want to strip the citizens of their right to vote?

What if people vote to ban private ownership of guns?

Yeah, there are Constitutional protections that are not subject to vote.
Arms are explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. Marriage is not.
So why are so many types of arms banned, is that just wrong?
we don't have any gun laws in vermont. best/lowest crime rate too.
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I'm surprised this isn't blowing up all over the web. It's such a hot topic, whether you agree or disagree. In Alabama, a same-sex marriage fight is upon us. Last month, a federal judge struck down the state's law against the unions. But Sunday night, "in a dramatic show of defiance toward the federal judiciary, Chief JusticeRoy S. Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court ordered the state’s probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples on Monday, the day same-sex marriages were expected to begin."

The Phantom Diaries Alabama Objects to Gay Marriage
I don't think it's being discussed much because not a single person in the world is surprised that Alabama, the butthole of America, is on the wrong side of history yet again.

And when blacks and Hispanics voted no to gay marriage in California? I mean come on I could see that happening in Alabama but how do you explain that in California the liberal freak show state in the union.
Ignorance isn't exclusive to the deep south. It's just more prevalent.

Ahem the number of people who voted to ban gay marriage in California is greater than the entire population of Alabama. Further, in California 70% of blacks and 54% of Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage. So if the left or gay community has some issue with Alabama on gay marriage I think they need to speak to their own Democratic party base down there. KABOOM!!
But them viewing hetero depravity is ok? lol

Anti-obscenity laws will do that quite well, thank you. Unless you consider gays holding hands or kissing as "depravity".
I do.

Well then you are shit outta luck. The SCOTUS has already ruled that homosexuals have the same rights to intimate contact and private sexual relations that straights do. You can bust them for nudity in public or sex in public, but two people holding hands or kissing is not illegal. And it also has nothing to do with same-sex marriage.
If the court said you should jump off a cliff does it make it ok to do it?

You're just pouting now. Your argument was inconsistent and he beat you. Take it like a man.
he hasn't disputed that it violates single peoples rights to give married people special rights.

I don't need to dispute anything. Marriage is the joining of two people. That the gov't gives any married couples special benefits is something I disagree with on general principles.
.Judge Roy Moore defies feds 8216 Law is very clear 8217

i thought it was odd that alabama would litigate marriage

this guy had a birther tie at one time.

the other thread on this seems a bit crowded.
But, how can this be?!! Is the right denying and disparaging Individual Liberty in favor of the collectivism of States' rights merely for the subjective value of morals of Religion. We have a First Amendment.
think you may be on to something here...
a liitle ayn rand english on that ball ?

collective v objectivision ?
They can object, but just like their fight to keep Segregation alive, Alabama will be on the wrong side of history.
If gay people were fighting for the chance to go to school, Justice Moore would jump at the chance to stand in the doorway and block their entrance.
They never learn, you have to drag them kicking and screaming into the future...
That picture always cracks me up. WHO dressed those people? :rofl:
All 3 men at the forefront look like Joe Paterno :rofl:

Those were the days! When everything was black and white!
I'm surprised this isn't blowing up all over the web. It's such a hot topic, whether you agree or disagree. In Alabama, a same-sex marriage fight is upon us. Last month, a federal judge struck down the state's law against the unions. But Sunday night, "in a dramatic show of defiance toward the federal judiciary, Chief JusticeRoy S. Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court ordered the state’s probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples on Monday, the day same-sex marriages were expected to begin."

The Phantom Diaries Alabama Objects to Gay Marriage
I don't think it's being discussed much because not a single person in the world is surprised that Alabama, the butthole of America, is on the wrong side of history yet again.

And when blacks and Hispanics voted no to gay marriage in California? I mean come on I could see that happening in Alabama but how do you explain that in California the liberal freak show state in the union.
Ignorance isn't exclusive to the deep south. It's just more prevalent.

Ahem the number of people who voted to ban gay marriage in California is greater than the entire population of Alabama. Further, in California 70% of blacks and 54% of Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage. So if the left or gay community has some issue with Alabama on gay marriage I think they need to speak to their own Democratic party base down there. KABOOM!!
The number of people who voted to legalize gay marriage in California is also bigger than the population of Alabama you dummy. Blacks and hispanics will come around. Good always wins in the end. :thup:

Well then you are shit outta luck. The SCOTUS has already ruled that homosexuals have the same rights to intimate contact and private sexual relations that straights do. You can bust them for nudity in public or sex in public, but two people holding hands or kissing is not illegal. And it also has nothing to do with same-sex marriage.
If the court said you should jump off a cliff does it make it ok to do it?

You're just pouting now. Your argument was inconsistent and he beat you. Take it like a man.
he hasn't disputed that it violates single peoples rights to give married people special rights.

I don't need to dispute anything. Marriage is the joining of two people. That the gov't gives any married couples special benefits is something I disagree with on general principles.
who made the rule it's between two? That's unfair to threesomes.
Marriage definition, said by some, is a union of man and woman, not simply 2 people.
I'm surprised this isn't blowing up all over the web. It's such a hot topic, whether you agree or disagree. In Alabama, a same-sex marriage fight is upon us. Last month, a federal judge struck down the state's law against the unions. But Sunday night, "in a dramatic show of defiance toward the federal judiciary, Chief JusticeRoy S. Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court ordered the state’s probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples on Monday, the day same-sex marriages were expected to begin."

The Phantom Diaries Alabama Objects to Gay Marriage
I don't think it's being discussed much because not a single person in the world is surprised that Alabama, the butthole of America, is on the wrong side of history yet again.

And when blacks and Hispanics voted no to gay marriage in California? I mean come on I could see that happening in Alabama but how do you explain that in California the liberal freak show state in the union.
Ignorance isn't exclusive to the deep south. It's just more prevalent.

Ahem the number of people who voted to ban gay marriage in California is greater than the entire population of Alabama. Further, in California 70% of blacks and 54% of Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage. So if the left or gay community has some issue with Alabama on gay marriage I think they need to speak to their own Democratic party base down there. KABOOM!!
The number of people who voted to legalize gay marriage in California is also bigger than the population of Alabama you dummy. Blacks and hispanics will come around. Good always wins in the end. :thup:

Translation you suck at reading comprehension what an idiot.
Well then you are shit outta luck. The SCOTUS has already ruled that homosexuals have the same rights to intimate contact and private sexual relations that straights do. You can bust them for nudity in public or sex in public, but two people holding hands or kissing is not illegal. And it also has nothing to do with same-sex marriage.
If the court said you should jump off a cliff does it make it ok to do it?

You're just pouting now. Your argument was inconsistent and he beat you. Take it like a man.
he hasn't disputed that it violates single peoples rights to give married people special rights.

I don't need to dispute anything. Marriage is the joining of two people. That the gov't gives any married couples special benefits is something I disagree with on general principles.
who made the rule it's between two? That's unfair to threesomes.
Marriage definition, said by some, is a union of man and woman, not simply 2 people.
well what about caligua and the grotto at the playboy mansion.
and you know,...... greece and rome...
I don't think it's being discussed much because not a single person in the world is surprised that Alabama, the butthole of America, is on the wrong side of history yet again.

And when blacks and Hispanics voted no to gay marriage in California? I mean come on I could see that happening in Alabama but how do you explain that in California the liberal freak show state in the union.
Ignorance isn't exclusive to the deep south. It's just more prevalent.

Ahem the number of people who voted to ban gay marriage in California is greater than the entire population of Alabama. Further, in California 70% of blacks and 54% of Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage. So if the left or gay community has some issue with Alabama on gay marriage I think they need to speak to their own Democratic party base down there. KABOOM!!
The number of people who voted to legalize gay marriage in California is also bigger than the population of Alabama you dummy. Blacks and hispanics will come around. Good always wins in the end. :thup:

Translation you suck at reading comprehension what an idiot.
I accept your concession :thup:
And when blacks and Hispanics voted no to gay marriage in California? I mean come on I could see that happening in Alabama but how do you explain that in California the liberal freak show state in the union.
Ignorance isn't exclusive to the deep south. It's just more prevalent.

Ahem the number of people who voted to ban gay marriage in California is greater than the entire population of Alabama. Further, in California 70% of blacks and 54% of Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage. So if the left or gay community has some issue with Alabama on gay marriage I think they need to speak to their own Democratic party base down there. KABOOM!!
The number of people who voted to legalize gay marriage in California is also bigger than the population of Alabama you dummy. Blacks and hispanics will come around. Good always wins in the end. :thup:

Translation you suck at reading comprehension what an idiot.
I accept your concession :thup:

^^^ obviously a Bush voter.

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