Judge Rules there is no voter fraud.

A Florida judge just ruled there is no evidence of voter fraud. He told the Repubs to cool the rhetoric.

Repubs need to move from their alternative universe and back to reality.

And stop falling for Scott and Trump's lies.

In Florida Senate Recount Lawsuit, Judge Says No Sign of Vote Fraud by Election Officials

A JEB appointee. That says it all right there. :laughing0301:

Jack Tuter - Ballotpedia
He's a Republican. He's on your team. The mind of the Republican is truly stuck in the mud of some sort of alternate universe. Break out of your closed mind of partisan hatred. It is making you all irrational.

You're an idiot if you think I trust all Republicans. A double idiot if you trust all Democrats, which you probably do. Unless you're a Bernie supporter, in which case you'd be a triple idiot.
The last commission appointed by the orange clown to investigate "voters' fraud" worled out so damn well, that Trumpsters want another go at it.......lol

Sure, why not? We'll have a real Attorney general this time. And when he's done locking up all the vote-thieves, he can go after Hillary and Obama.
Sure, why not? We'll have a real Attorney general this time. And when he's done locking up all the vote-thieves, he can go after Hillary and Obama.

Try to find a right wing "virgin" to sacrifice to make all your delusions come true...LOL
The last commission appointed by the orange clown to investigate "voters' fraud" worked out so damn well, that Trumpsters want another go at it.......lol
What was the result of that?

Oh yea...it went so badly...and fund so little that they disbanded it. In fact the author of that (Kobach) just got beaten by a Dem in friggin KANSAS
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A Florida judge just ruled there is no evidence of voter fraud. He told the Repubs to cool the rhetoric.

Repubs need to move from their alternative universe and back to reality.

And stop falling for Scott and Trump's lies.

In Florida Senate Recount Lawsuit, Judge Says No Sign of Vote Fraud by Election Officials

A JEB appointee. That says it all right there. :laughing0301:

Jack Tuter - Ballotpedia
He's a Republican. He's on your team. The mind of the Republican is truly stuck in the mud of some sort of alternate universe. Break out of your closed mind of partisan hatred. It is making you all irrational.

You're an idiot if you think I trust all Republicans. A double idiot if you trust all Democrats, which you probably do. Unless you're a Bernie supporter, in which case you'd be a triple idiot.
Well you're a quadruple idiot if you think a judge is corrupt just because he rules against you.
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Yeah, but who cares what he thinks? He's 1 dude, screw him. How the heck is 1 dude gonna say what happened? And he wasn't even there anyway. Pffft.

If you have evidence that there was voter fraud maybe you should call the Florida authorities. They obviously need to know, because they don't have any evidence themselves.
Sure, why not? We'll have a real Attorney general this time. And when he's done locking up all the vote-thieves, he can go after Hillary and Obama.

Try to find a right wing "virgin" to sacrifice to make all your delusions come true...LOL

Well of course. Nobody's ever seen a liberal virgin. Most of them get de-flowered by their drunk Uncles around the age of 12.
Well of course. Nobody's ever seen a liberal virgin. Most of them get de-flowered by their drunk Uncles around the age

Still hoping for a Roy Moore return there, Mrs. Rand???...........LOL
Well of course. Nobody's ever seen a liberal virgin. Most of them get de-flowered by their drunk Uncles around the age of 12.

There is something seriously wrong with you people
Well then. That settles it. No need for an interlocutory appeal.

I hate to burst your bubble, the judge is the finder of fact and appellate courts rarely overturn a circuit court if it is an issue of fact.
Hate to bust YOUR bubble, but the Court of Appeals will need to hear the matter de novo. Do you know what that means?

Rule 9.130. Proceedings To Review Non-Final Orders and Specified Final Orders - Rules for Florida Appellate Procedure
I love it when someone pulls out a Rule or statute and exclaims, "Look I am a legal expert!". I am not going to spend this evening explaining final vs. non-final orders and de novo review, suffice it to say if Scott appeals he will be shot down and made a fool.
Let them count the votes. Trump and Scott should shut up and stop subverting democracy.

They were suppose to count them six days ago, then stop. They are suppose to follow guidelines and the law, but they didn't. Specifically reporting in during the day with total vote counts, complying with state law and the state Constitution.
If you have evidence that there was voter fraud maybe you should call the Florida authorities. They obviously need to know, because they don't have any evidence themselves.

No, that won't work. It'd be like reporting a burglary to a jewel thief.

Then get the information to Fox News already! Blow the lid off this! Your country is depending on you!
Great. That’s awesome. So Trump can go to some Judge somewhere, and the Judge can find that there is no evidence of collusion with the Russians, and that’s enough of that? Cool. Who knew one judge could do so much.
Libstooge judge found the facts he wanted to find. This seems oddly familiar.


The judge, Circuit Chief Judge Jack Tuter, was originally appointed to that position by republican jeb bush.

No bush is going to appoint a liberal judge to any position on any bench.

Try another lame lie and rationalization, this one didn't work.
Well then. That settles it. No need for an interlocutory appeal.

I hate to burst your bubble, the judge is the finder of fact and appellate courts rarely overturn a circuit court if it is an issue of fact.
Hate to bust YOUR bubble, but the Court of Appeals will need to hear the matter de novo. Do you know what that means?

Rule 9.130. Proceedings To Review Non-Final Orders and Specified Final Orders - Rules for Florida Appellate Procedure
I love it when someone pulls out a Rule or statute and exclaims, "Look I am a legal expert!". I am not going to spend this evening explaining final vs. non-final orders and de novo review, suffice it to say if Scott appeals he will be shot down and made a fool.
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. If you did, you would drop some authority to support your bullshit.
Well of course. Nobody's ever seen a liberal virgin. Most of them get de-flowered by their drunk Uncles around the age of 12.

There is something seriously wrong with you people

Galt is an Ayn Rand moron.....Need anyone say more of this moron's "intellect"?
You are not smart enough to understand Rand--a woman who knew a lifetime more about your commie bulshit than you ever will.

No bush is going to appoint a liberal judge to any position on any bench.

Try another lame lie and rationalization, this one didn't work.

How about this one:

George W Bush appointed Roberts to the Supreme Court. He was the 5th vote that upheld Obamacare. Therefore he is a liberal judge. There is no need to look at the fact that 99% of the time he votes along strictly ideological line. It's the 1% that matters because they are the job creators in society. If you got a problem with that you're just a socialist thief which proves that Roberts is a libstooge activist judge on the payroll of George Soros.

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