Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

Court Rejects Donald Trump's Bid To Delay Trial In Wake of Fraud Ruling That Threatens His Business.

NEW YORK (AP) — An appeals court Thursday rejected Donald Trump’s bid to delay a civil trial in a lawsuit brought by New York’s attorney general, allowing the case to proceed days after a judge ruled the former president committed years of fraud and stripped him of some companies as punishment.

The decision, by the state’s intermediate appellate court, clears the way for Judge Arthur Engoron to preside over a non-jury trial starting Monday in Manhattan in New York Attorney General Letitia James’ civil lawsuit.

Trump is listed among dozens of possible witnesses, setting up a potential courtroom showdown with the judge. The fraud ruling Tuesday threatens to upend his real estate empire and force him to give up prized New York properties such as Trump Tower, a Wall Street office building, golf courses and a suburban estate.

Gee, all this noise over a civil matter!!!!
You sure do. You couldn't summarize any good argument for Trump's innocence for even one felony, much less 91. Who do you think you're fooling?
WOW, the lies roll over your desk like water. What is your next lie?
You sure do. You couldn't summarize any good argument for Trump's innocence for even one felony, much less 91. Who do you think you're fooling?
I see your attention span is about the size of a gnat. I told you the arguments for Trumps innocence are by skilled Defense lawyers.
And right now, even as write your lies and half truths, MAGA MAGGOTS in the House trying find evidence of crimes committed Mr. Biden.

They have 8-Months find something, anything on Biden and they falt fucking failed. So they are having hearing on how to find evidence they know does not exist.
What about fail loser.
Let's refresh with two very important facts.

P01135809 - 91-Separate Felony Counts iincluding 31-Counts of Violating the Espionage Act of 1917.

President Biden - 0-Evidence of wrong doing.

P01135809 will in likilhood lose his right to do business in New York.

His attempt to delay his upcoming trial (Monday) died the death it so richly deserved.

Good old bob can heroworship P01135809 all he wants, it doesn't mean shit anyway.

Reading through this is incredible.

If the court system held every hedge fund manager, and every bank to these same accounting standards? HO-LEE-SHIT.


The American and Global economy would collapse overnight.

They seriously went through every single deal, with a fine tooth comb, whether the participants wanted it or not. . .

This judiciary actually has the hubris to state, to tell the TRUMP ORGANIZATION, that economic value is NOT subjective, and that they know more about economics, than actual bankers?!


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This guy? He seems like a socialist/ Great Reset / New Normal judge.
"You will own noting. . . and you will be happy!"

It seems like he believes he can lawyer our way into a new world economy, and forget the basics of supply and demand. . . ???


Objective value? That is the most absurd thing coming from a legal opinion I have read in my life. The value of a bottle of spring water in the Great Lakes, is surely less than the bottle of spring water in the Sahara Dessert.


. . and an apartment in Trump Tower must be worth a hell of a lot more, or a round of golf on a Trump course, has GOT to be worth more, to a MAGA supporting partisan, than someone who hates Trump. . .

This judge, I really don't think, is a very good thinker. He should stay in his lane, and not try to take over the economics world, IMO. He has been immersed in his own legal hubris for far too long. He lacks some serious common sense. TBH.

That's just my own take on that.
Democrats don't believe in equal justice under the law.
Long ago I told you that your advice and opinions are meaningless. And until you someday, for once and for the first time ever, manage to speak the truth, I can’t foresee anybody ever taking you seriously.

Now stop ducking it. Other than your two admitted “Dainty” usernames, how many other usernames have you used?

I have a new friend. Hello, KneeJerk.

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