Judge says abortion makes incest acceptable!

Then...DON'T SWALLOW!!!!
Thank for your tried and tested recommendation but no thanks.

You can always bend over and spread your cheeks...NOTHING new to you there!

Cheer leading for your favorite hobby again Vig?

I see it's YOU that wants a piece of I.P..... Don't let me stop you girls!...Just keep the screams of ecstasy to yourselves!
Remember what the Judge told you Vagismus.

The only Judge I ever had anything to do with was a 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge... But the police were always stopping me in that car!
I thought it would have been pets next, I guess that's a 2015 thing for the Progressives! Down under is really getting DOWN UNDER!


It stands to reason that if abortion is viewed as morally and legally correct, other immoral acts will become socially acceptable as well. Now, according to a judge in Australia, incest is one of those acts. During the trial of a brother charged with raping his younger sister, Judge Garry Neilson said that incest may no longer be morally unacceptable because the only reason it is criminal is due to the potential for abnormalities in any conceived children. Neilson said that thanks to contraception and abortion, there is no longer that risk. The man on trial had raped his sister...

Was there any other way that it could have gone?

I mean, what evidence could be offered which could hope to show that the lowering of a standard somewhere, at some time, in some place... actually resulted in some demonstrated improvement?

So, naturally, with the evidence being that lowering standards can ONLY result in decay... it is only reasonable that the Ideological Left concluded that by lowering cultural standards, the culture would therefore be IMPROVED!

And who could argue otherwise... after all in this Far-Side reality... down is up, Left is Right and wrong... is quite naturally: RIGHT!
Vile RWs have said the same thing about rape.

They're just looking for excuses for their despicable behavior.

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