Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...

Who on Flynn’s legal team or Barr’s team has ever said that Flynn didn’t lie, that it was in fact multiple FBI agents that are criminally lying about his interview?

The extent of denial you wingers are capable of is straight mindbogling.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?
It was hardly a lie

Flynn lied about talking to Russians about sanctions response and the United Nations vote. Not "hardly", not "kinda", but actual, brazen and illegal.

Look I'm with you when you say calling Flynn all out treasonous is over the top, but you make yourself look like an idiot when you try to deny Flynn lied his ass off to everyone and their mother.

Let me have a deep state liberal named TRUMP explain it to you AGAIN:

Why was the FBI going to close the investigation with no recommendations of charges after Flynn’s interview (mind you they already had the transcripts of the call)? They would have known about the “illegal lie” then.

I don't know what "closing" you are talking about. Agents conducting an interview (one of whom was Strzok) and their direct report (McCabe) were confused after the interview. On one hand, they picked up no body language indicating lying, on the other hand, they knew that what Flynn was telling them was directly contradicted by the information they had about the calls. Make no mistake about it, Flynn prepared extensively on delivering his lies.

All of this hay making is 100% moot because both the interview and conversations with Kysliak are ON TAPE. What FBI wanted or didn't want has nothing to with the ON TAPE fact that he lied.

Even Barr's motion to dismiss does not ever try to claim this ridiculous nonsense that Flynn supposedly didn't lie.
The FBI was going to close the investigation against Flynn. We have documented proof of this, a closure EC was filed which is one of the last steps in closing a case. This was some of the Brady evidence that is now being released. It was being closed until a text from storzk came in telling them not too, and that it was coming from floor 27 (the top brass). The original investigation opened on Flynn was checking in on his ties with any Russian collusion. That case was being closed. In order to prosecute for lying, that lie has to be material to a crime. If there was no Russian collusion on Flynn’s part, how can his “lie” be material? I also go back to my original question, why, if they were so certain he lied, did they decide to close the case?
Not solely a crime, but an official criminal investigation, right?

If the FBI are doing a criminal investigation in to a possible crime, you can not lie to an FBI investigator of that criminal investigation regarding that investigation.... that's the law.
So why were they closing the case if they knew he lied? Mind you we already have to evidence that this meeting was set up to a perjury trap, the agent wrote down his goal as “to get him to lie?”. So they were hypersensitive to sniffing out any lies, with the original transcripts in their possession. But they were going to close the case. No one on the left seems to be able to answer this question.
The Trump administration will go down in history as the most corrupt administration in American history. Barr will go down as the most corrupt AG in history. 2021 will begin an era of investigations into Trump and Barr era corruption if Trump loses the 2020 election.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...

Who on Flynn’s legal team or Barr’s team has ever said that Flynn didn’t lie, that it was in fact multiple FBI agents that are criminally lying about his interview?

The extent of denial you wingers are capable of is straight mindbogling.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...
Is the left denying that this meeting was set up to be a perjury trap?
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?
It was hardly a lie

Flynn lied about talking to Russians about sanctions response and the United Nations vote. Not "hardly", not "kinda", but actual, brazen and illegal.

Look I'm with you when you say calling Flynn all out treasonous is over the top, but you make yourself look like an idiot when you try to deny Flynn lied his ass off to everyone and their mother.

Let me have a deep state liberal named TRUMP explain it to you AGAIN:

Why was the FBI going to close the investigation with no recommendations of charges after Flynn’s interview (mind you they already had the transcripts of the call)? They would have known about the “illegal lie” then.

I don't know what "closing" you are talking about. Agents conducting an interview (one of whom was Strzok) and their direct report (McCabe) were confused after the interview. On one hand, they picked up no body language indicating lying, on the other hand, they knew that what Flynn was telling them was directly contradicted by the information they had about the calls. Make no mistake about it, Flynn prepared extensively on delivering his lies.

All of this hay making is 100% moot because both the interview and conversations with Kysliak are ON TAPE. What FBI wanted or didn't want has nothing to with the ON TAPE fact that he lied.

Even Barr's motion to dismiss does not ever try to claim this ridiculous nonsense that Flynn supposedly didn't lie.
The FBI was going to close the investigation against Flynn. We have documented proof of this, a closure EC was filed which is one of the last steps in closing a case. This was some of the Brady evidence that is now being released. It was being closed until a text from storzk came in telling them not too, and that it was coming from floor 27 (the top brass). The original investigation opened on Flynn was checking in on his ties with any Russian collusion. That case was being closed. In order to prosecute for lying, that lie has to be material to a crime. If there was no Russian collusion on Flynn’s part, how can his “lie” be material? I also go back to my original question, why, if they were so certain he lied, did they decide to close the case?
Not solely a crime, but an official criminal investigation, right?

If the FBI are doing a criminal investigation in to a possible crime, you can not lie to an FBI investigator of that criminal investigation regarding that investigation.... that's the law.
So why were they closing the case if they knew he lied? Mind you we already have to evidence that this meeting was set up to a perjury trap, the agent wrote down his goal as “to get him to lie?”. So they were hypersensitive to sniffing out any lies, with the original transcripts in their possession. But they were going to close the case. No one on the left seems to be able to answer this question.
Oh, that's just right wing spin, that you chose to believe....

it was a conversation, of one on the team, who had agreed to proceeding in a certain way, of which is REDACTED.....

he comes in the next morning and says, you know what guys, I have been thinking about the way we discussed yesterday....REDACTED

''and I don't think we should do it this way...... I mean/ what is the purpose of this interview? Is it for this? or for that? Is it to get him to lie? etc.. How would that be going easy on Flynn?''

Those were his comments to get the other guys to go with his way.... they were all with question marks, not statements of what they were doing....

and it ends with

"Do it by the book"

OF WHICH ya'll fail to mention..... the final statement.... :rolleyes-41:
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?
It was hardly a lie

Flynn lied about talking to Russians about sanctions response and the United Nations vote. Not "hardly", not "kinda", but actual, brazen and illegal.

Look I'm with you when you say calling Flynn all out treasonous is over the top, but you make yourself look like an idiot when you try to deny Flynn lied his ass off to everyone and their mother.

Let me have a deep state liberal named TRUMP explain it to you AGAIN:

Why was the FBI going to close the investigation with no recommendations of charges after Flynn’s interview (mind you they already had the transcripts of the call)? They would have known about the “illegal lie” then.

I don't know what "closing" you are talking about. Agents conducting an interview (one of whom was Strzok) and their direct report (McCabe) were confused after the interview. On one hand, they picked up no body language indicating lying, on the other hand, they knew that what Flynn was telling them was directly contradicted by the information they had about the calls. Make no mistake about it, Flynn prepared extensively on delivering his lies.

All of this hay making is 100% moot because both the interview and conversations with Kysliak are ON TAPE. What FBI wanted or didn't want has nothing to with the ON TAPE fact that he lied.

Even Barr's motion to dismiss does not ever try to claim this ridiculous nonsense that Flynn supposedly didn't lie.
The FBI was going to close the investigation against Flynn. We have documented proof of this, a closure EC was filed which is one of the last steps in closing a case. This was some of the Brady evidence that is now being released. It was being closed until a text from storzk came in telling them not too, and that it was coming from floor 27 (the top brass). The original investigation opened on Flynn was checking in on his ties with any Russian collusion. That case was being closed. In order to prosecute for lying, that lie has to be material to a crime. If there was no Russian collusion on Flynn’s part, how can his “lie” be material? I also go back to my original question, why, if they were so certain he lied, did they decide to close the case?
Not solely a crime, but an official criminal investigation, right?

If the FBI are doing a criminal investigation in to a possible crime, you can not lie to an FBI investigator of that criminal investigation regarding that investigation.... that's the law.
So why were they closing the case if they knew he lied? Mind you we already have to evidence that this meeting was set up to a perjury trap, the agent wrote down his goal as “to get him to lie?”. So they were hypersensitive to sniffing out any lies, with the original transcripts in their possession. But they were going to close the case. No one on the left seems to be able to answer this question.
Oh, that's just right wing spin, that you chose to believe....

it was a conversation, of one on the team, who had agreed to proceeding in a certain way, of which is REDACTED.....

he comes in the next morning and says, you know what guys, I have been thinking about the way we discussed yesterday....REDACTED

''and I don't think we should do it this way...... I mean/ what is the purpose of this interview? Is it for this? or for that? Is it to get him to lie? etc.. How would that be going easy on Flynn?''

Those were his comments to get the other guys to go with his way.... they were all with question marks, not statements of what they were doing....

and it ends with

"Do it by the book"

OF WHICH ya'll fail to mention..... the final statement.... :rolleyes-41:
Still didn’t answer the question. Why were they closing the case if they had him “dead to rights” with a lie?
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?
It was hardly a lie

Flynn lied about talking to Russians about sanctions response and the United Nations vote. Not "hardly", not "kinda", but actual, brazen and illegal.

Look I'm with you when you say calling Flynn all out treasonous is over the top, but you make yourself look like an idiot when you try to deny Flynn lied his ass off to everyone and their mother.

Let me have a deep state liberal named TRUMP explain it to you AGAIN:

Why was the FBI going to close the investigation with no recommendations of charges after Flynn’s interview (mind you they already had the transcripts of the call)? They would have known about the “illegal lie” then.

I don't know what "closing" you are talking about. Agents conducting an interview (one of whom was Strzok) and their direct report (McCabe) were confused after the interview. On one hand, they picked up no body language indicating lying, on the other hand, they knew that what Flynn was telling them was directly contradicted by the information they had about the calls. Make no mistake about it, Flynn prepared extensively on delivering his lies.

All of this hay making is 100% moot because both the interview and conversations with Kysliak are ON TAPE. What FBI wanted or didn't want has nothing to with the ON TAPE fact that he lied.

Even Barr's motion to dismiss does not ever try to claim this ridiculous nonsense that Flynn supposedly didn't lie.
The FBI was going to close the investigation against Flynn. We have documented proof of this, a closure EC was filed which is one of the last steps in closing a case. This was some of the Brady evidence that is now being released. It was being closed until a text from storzk came in telling them not too, and that it was coming from floor 27 (the top brass). The original investigation opened on Flynn was checking in on his ties with any Russian collusion. That case was being closed. In order to prosecute for lying, that lie has to be material to a crime. If there was no Russian collusion on Flynn’s part, how can his “lie” be material? I also go back to my original question, why, if they were so certain he lied, did they decide to close the case?
Not solely a crime, but an official criminal investigation, right?

If the FBI are doing a criminal investigation in to a possible crime, you can not lie to an FBI investigator of that criminal investigation regarding that investigation.... that's the law.
So why were they closing the case if they knew he lied? Mind you we already have to evidence that this meeting was set up to a perjury trap, the agent wrote down his goal as “to get him to lie?”. So they were hypersensitive to sniffing out any lies, with the original transcripts in their possession. But they were going to close the case. No one on the left seems to be able to answer this question.
Oh, that's just right wing spin, that you chose to believe....

it was a conversation, of one on the team, who had agreed to proceeding in a certain way, of which is REDACTED.....

he comes in the next morning and says, you know what guys, I have been thinking about the way we discussed yesterday....REDACTED

''and I don't think we should do it this way...... I mean/ what is the purpose of this interview? Is it for this? or for that? Is it to get him to lie? etc.. How would that be going easy on Flynn?''

Those were his comments to get the other guys to go with his way.... they were all with question marks, not statements of what they were doing....

and it ends with

"Do it by the book"

OF WHICH ya'll fail to mention..... the final statement.... :rolleyes-41:
Still didn’t answer the question. Why were they closing the case if they had him “dead to rights” with a lie?
I don't know? give me a link or a cut and paste of what you are talking about, and I will research it...
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?
It was hardly a lie

Flynn lied about talking to Russians about sanctions response and the United Nations vote. Not "hardly", not "kinda", but actual, brazen and illegal.

Look I'm with you when you say calling Flynn all out treasonous is over the top, but you make yourself look like an idiot when you try to deny Flynn lied his ass off to everyone and their mother.

Let me have a deep state liberal named TRUMP explain it to you AGAIN:

Why was the FBI going to close the investigation with no recommendations of charges after Flynn’s interview (mind you they already had the transcripts of the call)? They would have known about the “illegal lie” then.

I don't know what "closing" you are talking about. Agents conducting an interview (one of whom was Strzok) and their direct report (McCabe) were confused after the interview. On one hand, they picked up no body language indicating lying, on the other hand, they knew that what Flynn was telling them was directly contradicted by the information they had about the calls. Make no mistake about it, Flynn prepared extensively on delivering his lies.

All of this hay making is 100% moot because both the interview and conversations with Kysliak are ON TAPE. What FBI wanted or didn't want has nothing to with the ON TAPE fact that he lied.

Even Barr's motion to dismiss does not ever try to claim this ridiculous nonsense that Flynn supposedly didn't lie.
The FBI was going to close the investigation against Flynn. We have documented proof of this, a closure EC was filed which is one of the last steps in closing a case. This was some of the Brady evidence that is now being released. It was being closed until a text from storzk came in telling them not too, and that it was coming from floor 27 (the top brass). The original investigation opened on Flynn was checking in on his ties with any Russian collusion. That case was being closed. In order to prosecute for lying, that lie has to be material to a crime. If there was no Russian collusion on Flynn’s part, how can his “lie” be material? I also go back to my original question, why, if they were so certain he lied, did they decide to close the case?
Not solely a crime, but an official criminal investigation, right?

If the FBI are doing a criminal investigation in to a possible crime, you can not lie to an FBI investigator of that criminal investigation regarding that investigation.... that's the law.
So why were they closing the case if they knew he lied? Mind you we already have to evidence that this meeting was set up to a perjury trap, the agent wrote down his goal as “to get him to lie?”. So they were hypersensitive to sniffing out any lies, with the original transcripts in their possession. But they were going to close the case. No one on the left seems to be able to answer this question.
Oh, that's just right wing spin, that you chose to believe....

it was a conversation, of one on the team, who had agreed to proceeding in a certain way, of which is REDACTED.....

he comes in the next morning and says, you know what guys, I have been thinking about the way we discussed yesterday....REDACTED

''and I don't think we should do it this way...... I mean/ what is the purpose of this interview? Is it for this? or for that? Is it to get him to lie? etc.. How would that be going easy on Flynn?''

Those were his comments to get the other guys to go with his way.... they were all with question marks, not statements of what they were doing....

and it ends with

"Do it by the book"

OF WHICH ya'll fail to mention..... the final statement.... :rolleyes-41:
Still didn’t answer the question. Why were they closing the case if they had him “dead to rights” with a lie?
So you’re completely ignorant to all the exculpatory evidence that was released?
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
Bullshit. You are a moron.

One liner insult. You don’t have any experience, ignorant and zero opinion. But you have the guts to attack people just like that. A real example of a dumbass moron.
You are an awful person.
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
OK... since you think that... aside from the MOUNTAIN of evidence showing Flynn was SET UP, and that ALL those who set him up gave closed door testimony that they had NOTHING ON HIM... show us your PROOF that Flynn COMMITTED TREASON... should we wait long for your proof or just call you a MORON now?

I don't need to show any proof. It's my opinion. This has been argued ad nauseam across a number of threads.
Your opinion is shit.
One liner. Here’s another one. Dude something is wrong with your garbage attitude. Life must be miserable.
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
Bullshit. You are a moron.

One liner insult. You don’t have any experience, ignorant and zero opinion. But you have the guts to attack people just like that. A real example of a dumbass moron.
You are an awful person.
Too fucking funny. :iyfyus.jpg:

You whine and cry about a "one liner insult"..............then, in the same post call me "ignorant" "a dumbass moron" and "an awful person".

"D.C. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan issued an order Tuesday indicating that he'll soon accept "amicus curiae," or "friend of the court" submissions, in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn -- essentially allowing the court to use an "ask the audience" lifeline in what has already proved to be an unpredictable and chaotic prosecution.

Sullivan's minute order indicated that an upcoming scheduling order would clarify the parameters of who specifically could submit the amicus briefs, which are submissions by non-parties that claim an interest in the case. Sullivan specifically said he anticipates that "individuals and organizations" will file briefs "for the benefit of the court."

The move attracted immediate criticism -- and a planned ethics complaint against Sullivan, who had previously refused to hear amicus briefs in the case. ("Options exist for a private citizen to express his views about matters of public interest, but the Court's docket is not an available option," Sullivan wrote in the past.)

"Judge Sullivan, who denied leave to file amicus briefs when he knew third parties would have spoken favorably of Flynn, now solicits briefs critical of Flynn," independent journalist Michael Cernovich wrote on Twitter. "This is a violation of the judicial oath and applicable ethical rules."

It appears Sullivan, who viciously rebuked Flynn in court based on the lies presented in court now doesn't want to simply drop the case and walk away with egg on his face.

The easiest thing to do to make this all go away quietly would have been to allow the case to be dropped....but it appears Sullivan wants the circus to continue...


I told you fools that you were celebrating way too soon and that Judge Sullivan wasn't just going to meekly go along with the corrupt Attorney General and the President on this.

Flynn is yet another lying corrupt Trump staffer who got caught red-handed and now Barr is trying to prevent Trump from pardoning this self-admitted felon, during an election year.

I fully expect Chief Justice Roberts to weigh in on this one soon. Roberts has shown no sense of humour about Trump's interference in justice.

You fool think you're "winning". In reality, you're destroying the Constitution and the rule of law. Just like Putin wants Trump to do. Destroy the faith of the American public in their governmental institutions of justice.

Nobody's buying Evgeny.
Another moron chimes in.

Here’s another one of your one liner attack. God Deng Nostra. Something is very WONG with your brain. Snorting your gun powders makes you think you are tough.
You don’t have anything else to post but you can just fire your usual low life miserable attack. Did you ever seek psychological help?
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
you define what flynn did as "treasonous" yet what schiff and obama and the left have done to trump (and no i don't care you hate trump and seem to feel he deserves different treatment than the rest of us because of that) - then yet again another reason why we will always have a hard time talking about this.

you go from talking over an issue to TREASONOUS!!! - an extreme view.

you don't appear to have, or at least discuss, middle of the road not pissed at trump views. they're all extreme; ergo...
That idiot has no idea want constitutes “treason”.
Here’s one of your dumb one liner post. You are very ignorant and stupid. Why do you even post? Pushing your grocery cart with soda cans must be getting to your rotten braIn cells.
You are an awful disgusting low life asshole.
This case needs a new look with a new judge.....
It needs to go back to a real prosecutor, not Barr’s political hack.
A real prosecutor?
You meant a corrupt prosecutor that is in on it?

You know, I suspect that you are condoning a criminal conspiracy to throw people in prison purely for political purposes.

Do me a favor and never claim you don't support the Democrat Party again, because clearly you do.

The current prosecutor is a Trump appointee and political hack. It’s an attempt to excuse Flynn’s criminal behavior due to Trump’s desire. Remember when Trump told Comey to go easy on Flynn? That’s what’s happening here.

The hack prosecutor in his motion for dismissal did not claim that there was any new evidence that he didn’t lie. He didn’t claim that Flynn was deprived of any rights. He didn’t even claim any prosecutor errors.

He misrepresented and lied about the investigation into Flynn’s conduct in order to find any excuse, which is completely fabricated, for why it’s okay to lie to the FBI.
Another moron who denies reality.
Here’s another one of your one liner post. You have zero experience, zero opinion just pure ignorance and stupidity.

What the fuck is wrong with you MORON?
Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Scrambles to bail himself out of???

Moron DOJ's case has already been and Flynn has ALREADY pleaded his guilt before this court. The ball is in this judge's court and by all indications, he is not interested in eating Barr's bullshit.

If he wants to sentence Flynn right now, he can. He won't, because it will be instantly appealed. Instead, he will take the time to demolish Barr's motion to dismiss charges as nothing but brazen political favoritism it is and THEN sentence Flynn to the maximum stay in jail law will allow for.
Deny reality much?

What the fuck would you know about reality?

Did you follow this case? Did you happen to note this Judge's clear disgust with Flynn's lawbreaking? Do you have any clue about how the law works?

Go get a clue before you open your mouth, lest you catch a tasty shoe in it.
Keep denying reality, Dope.
Here’s another one of your one liner dumb ignorant post. You are an idiot.

Why do you even post? Why not just go collect cans and bottles so you can feed your self instead of relying on welfare pitiful donations check coming from me.
Scrambles to bail himself out of???

Moron DOJ's case has already been and Flynn has ALREADY pleaded his guilt before this court. The ball is in this judge's court and by all indications, he is not interested in eating Barr's bullshit.

Way to completely ignore the fact that newly released documents show Obama and his administration set Flynn up, withheld exculpatory evidence, affected a Perjury Trap, continued an investigation after FBI Agents reported no crimes were found and were about to close the case, Agents reported they did not think Flynn lied, how the prosecutor who had all of this (along with current FBI Director Wray) has quickly quit the case / his job, and how they all played Sullivan for a fool.....unless Sullivan was part of it, which seems might be the case after this action.

Sullivan is getting shat upon from all sides for this 'political' move - even an ex-Obama Federal AG came out to dump on Sullivan for this.


Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
Here’s another one of your one liner post. You are embarrassing yourself. Why the fuck do you even post? Dumbshit.
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
you define what flynn did as "treasonous" yet what schiff and obama and the left have done to trump (and no i don't care you hate trump and seem to feel he deserves different treatment than the rest of us because of that) - then yet again another reason why we will always have a hard time talking about this.

you go from talking over an issue to TREASONOUS!!! - an extreme view.

you don't appear to have, or at least discuss, middle of the road not pissed at trump views. they're all extreme; ergo...
We have redefined the definition of treason.
Treason is anything you do that doesn't conform to the two-tiered justice system that protects Democrats but convicts Republicans without evidence or probable cause.
The evidence against Flynn isn’t in doubt.

Sullivan mentioned treason but later apologized for it.

Vox, one of the lefties of lefty websites, called foul on it. I agree. People mentioning treason for Flynn are baseless.

Flynn needs to be free. He is a patriot who was railroaded by a corrupt Obama.

Why does a "patriot" lie his ass off multiple times to everyone and their mother?

He is a law ignoring crook, that's why dummy.
You are full of shit, Simpleton.
One liner.... Zero opinion, zero experience just pure ignorance and stupidity BULLSHIT. You are FULL OF SHIT. A low class miserable human being. That is what you are proving yourself here. MORON.

Life must be very hard living in skid row. Go collect cans and bottles. GO.
Looks like I got Charredbrain on Tilt again today. :abgg2q.jpg:
So next time if you want to talk to me properly ———- talk to me properly. YOU GOT THAT? But it will not tolerate your fucking low life GARBAGE attitude. YOU GOT THAT?
Like I said several times. You don’t have any experience just zero plain ZERO. NOTHING. Keep blasting people here just makes yourself a disgusting person. I’m not done with you yet. I’ll let you know when I’m done.

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