Bragg's Case against Trump, a Legal Embarrassment, a Historic Mistake?

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A recent conversation with Jeffrey Cohen, a friend, Boston College law professor and former prosecutor, made me think that the case could turn out to be more legitimate than I had originally thought. The reason has to do with those allegedly falsified business records: Most of them were entered in early 2017, generally before Mr. Trump filed his Federal Election Commission report that summer. Mr. Trump may have foreseen an investigation into his campaign, leading to its financial records. Mr. Trump may have falsely recorded these internal records before the F.E.C. filing as consciously part of the same fraud: to create a consistent paper trail and to hide intent to violate federal election laws, or defraud the F.E.C.

In short: It’s not the crime; it’s the cover-up.
Blah, blah, blah.
How is a non crime a crime?
Oh, I'm certain that a NYC jury will find President Trump guilty of anything that they are told to.

It is not for a jury to decide, it is not a finding of fact. It is a finding of the law.

It doesn't survive an appeal.

Even the NY Times realizes that.
They are told to? By whom?

I've gone on record saying it was enough for me to see Mr. Trump brought before justice. Any specific outcome matters less to me. There are general and nuanced arguments out there from many scholars, and armchair legal experts. On social media and places like usmb, I see the average person regurgitating key phrases (fed into their minds by ideological and political mouthpieces), like underlying crimes, predicate crimes, intent to defraud, election interference, all while ignoring any coherent arguments of legal and judicial interpretations of particular state or federal statutes.

This is a pretty damn good piece:

About a year ago, when Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, indicted former President Donald Trump, I was critical of the case and called it an embarrassment. I thought an array of legal problems would and should lead to long delays in federal courts.

After listening to Monday’s opening statement by prosecutors, I still think the Manhattan D.A. has made a historic mistake. Their vague allegation about “a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election” has me more concerned than ever about their unprecedented use of state law and their persistent avoidance of specifying an election crime or a valid theory of fraud.

The author of this opinion piece, JED HANDELSMAN SHUGERMAN, is highly regarded by fellows in his field of expertise. He is a co-author on an amicus brief in CREW v Trump. Shugerman is no ideological warrior, or political hack.

And as a public service (sans a paywall):

A recent conversation with Jeffrey Cohen, a friend, Boston College law professor and former prosecutor, made me think that the case could turn out to be more legitimate than I had originally thought. The reason has to do with those allegedly falsified business records: Most of them were entered in early 2017, generally before Mr. Trump filed his Federal Election Commission report that summer. Mr. Trump may have foreseen an investigation into his campaign, leading to its financial records. Mr. Trump may have falsely recorded these internal records before the F.E.C. filing as consciously part of the same fraud: to create a consistent paper trail and to hide intent to violate federal election laws, or defraud the F.E.C.

In short: It’s not the crime; it’s the cover-up.


Actually silly one Bragg is a county DA.... and Matthew Colangelo was the top prosecutor at the DOJ... Biden's DOJ... how many times do I need to tell you... turn off CNN and watch FOX for just two weeks... for your own good....
Colangelo gave the opening statement... bet you didn't know that either...

Alvin Leonard Bragg Jr. (born October 21, 1973) is an American politician and lawyer who serves as the New York County District Attorney, covering Manhattan.
CoAngelo worked as a prosecutor in New York with Alvin Bragg before the DOJ hired him temporarily, and then he returned back to his home to work for New York State again....silly one!

he doesn't work for the temp DOJ job anymore and does not work for Biden, he returned home to New York.

the DOJ has no say in any state prosecution, ever!

The only Trump cases the DOJ controls are the two federal indictments, the election subversion case, and the classified documents case, which Trump has succeeded in delaying both of those federal indictment cases.
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CoAngelo worked as a prosecutor in New York with Alvin Bragg before the DOJ hired him temporarily, and then he returned back to his home to work for New York State again....silly one!

he doesn't work for the temp DOJ job anymore and does not work for Biden, he returned home to New York.

the DOJ has no say in any state prosecution, ever!

The only Trump cases the DOJ controls are the two federal indictments, the election subversion case, and the classified documents case, which Trump has succeeded in delaying both of those federal indictment cases.
But, but, but they have Giuliani-type alternate truths, alternate facts...
CoAngelo worked as a prosecutor in New York with Alvin Bragg before the DOJ hired him temporarily, and then he returned back to his home to work for New York State again....silly one!
Not true but even if it were so what?... he worked for Garland as a senior DOJ prosecutor.... he worked on the Tish James case and now he is with Bragg who had to have his arm twisted by Garland to even bring the case...
And lo and behold we are discovering that Fat Fani Willis met with Kamala Harris numerous times....
You Biden libs are very stupid but don't expect everyone else to be as dumb and gullible as you....
Matthew Colangelo... do not forget his name because we will hear it over and over again as President Trump's DOJ extracts revenge....
Reality -

Colangelo was the number 3 official at The Biden Justice Department

People do leave to go to NY - if they have a reason, one wouldn't just do that on a whim.

Giuliani did that because he had set his sights on being the mayor of NYC.

Colangelo did it to prosecute President Trump
Mr. Trump don't speak and stay at your seat and be here everyday... oh you say you are running for president to damn bad....
What kind of country acts like this with their former leaders?.... this is a sickness.... TDS is real and this judge has it bad...
He should be disbarred....
The kind with former leaders who are criminals?
Both Bragg and James were handpicked by the Democrats for the sole purpose of legally taking down Trump. Stalin would be proud of the Democrats.
Picked by VOTERS you mean.
I can understand how having actual voters decide things is troublesome for you.
Crimes that are past the statute of limitations?... hush money case???? man everyone can see what this is and who is running this BS and its Biden... he should be in a courtroom not Trump....
And when Justice prevails and it will one day we may see that happen....
If they are then a quick dismissal will come.
Not yet?
Then, OBVIOUSLY, you are dreaming.
I wouldn’t call it Braggs case, he decided against filing charges. It’s more Obama/Bidens case after they send Coangelo to file it
Obama hasn't been in office for 7 years.

Dante Derangement Syndrome.

Members like westwall, backagain and many others will enter threads deflecting, derailing, hijacking -- all in order to attack the legendary Dante. The contexts and arguments being made in any thread become irrelevant when they see this Dante. It's been amusing, but I long ago figured a herd immunity would settle in.

But twas not to be.

carry on

Poor the dainty. Narcissistic to a fault. But also delusional.

Refuting you, the dainty, has not a thing to do with any derangement syndrome over you.

Learn to consider and accept criticism of your sloppy thinking.

Now, despite your ongoing effort to make yourself the thread topic, I will endeavor to return this thing to the topic.

The Bragg case is an insidious effort to criminalize things which simply aren’t criminal. And it’s done purposefully for nothing more than partisan political reasons.

I know the dainty won’t actually consider or address the point. But it is still true that nothing about the persecutor’s legal “theory of the case” makes sense.

But one of the major problems he has created is this: let’s pretend that any business record was falsified. That’s a misdemeanor. To make it a felony, the persecution has to maintain (and does) that the commission of that misdemeanor was for the purpose of committing some “other” crime (or to conceal such other crime).

However, Persecutor Bragg merely chummed the waters at that point. He offered (largely off the record) a few hypotheticals about the “other” crime or crimes. Therefore, assuming some of the jurors agree that Trump’s “intent” was to commit Federal election fraud but other jurors instead speculate that Trump’s “intent” was to commit a state election law crime and yet others conclude that he had no intent to commit a crime but, instead, only wanted to conceal his purpose.

You could (under those circumstances) wind up with a non unanimous verdict. However, a unanimous verdict is a legal requirement.

Many of the TDS vermin don’t care. Whatever happens someday down the road on an appeal is of very little to no concern for them. Their agenda is much more immediate. A conviction — even one that comes despite the facts and the actual law — is all they care about. Why? Because it’s not about seeking justice. It’s all about partisan political persecution.
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I've gone on record saying it was enough for me to see Mr. Trump brought before justice. Any specific outcome matters less to me. There are general and nuanced arguments out there from many scholars, and armchair legal experts. On social media and places like usmb, I see the average person regurgitating key phrases (fed into their minds by ideological and political mouthpieces), like underlying crimes, predicate crimes, intent to defraud, election interference, all while ignoring any coherent arguments of legal and judicial interpretations of particular state or federal statutes.

This is a pretty damn good piece:

About a year ago, when Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, indicted former President Donald Trump, I was critical of the case and called it an embarrassment. I thought an array of legal problems would and should lead to long delays in federal courts.

After listening to Monday’s opening statement by prosecutors, I still think the Manhattan D.A. has made a historic mistake. Their vague allegation about “a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election” has me more concerned than ever about their unprecedented use of state law and their persistent avoidance of specifying an election crime or a valid theory of fraud.

The author of this opinion piece, JED HANDELSMAN SHUGERMAN, is highly regarded by fellows in his field of expertise. He is a co-author on an amicus brief in CREW v Trump. Shugerman is no ideological warrior, or political hack.

The irony Is the State and City of New York interfering with an election by prosecuting a candidate for election interference.
The more injustice meted out by these Soros funded Marxist Attorneys the more the cirizens more from the City and the State in droves.

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