Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case


why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
I know what perjury is. What is the specific perjury charge here

That Flynn admitted he lied to the FBI (and other crimes) under penalty of perjury, and then he took it back. (actually made a diametric claim)
...as does ANY criminal defendant who wants to withdraw his plea.



The difference is Flynn is trying to withdraw his plea AFTER CONVICTION.
Which is routinely done, especially when the prosecution failed to disclose and produce evidence of investigators trying to trap him.

Entrapment is definitely not what anyone is claiming happened.
Not before having those handwritten notes.

You're saying he can't make that argument now, after the prosecutorial misconduct of failure to disclose those notes comes to light?

It's over? No more defense?
No one is making the claim of entrapment now either. It’d be ridiculous.
The defense does not have to make any claim or defense until the prosecution rests at trial.

What do you think is supposed to happen? Defense lawyers are required to brief he court and all parties on their case-in-chief or defense before trial???

You don't seem to know how this shit works.

You’re being overly pendantic. The point is that the claim of entrapment is absurd. No one in their right mind would make that claim.

Powell has been making defenses of Flynn to tru to get his plea reversed. I don’t believe that was ever adjudicated. Part of reversing a plea may include making claims of innocence.
Both Powell and the DOJ report says he was entrapped.

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.
Flynn was communicating with Kislyak as a private citizen, thats the security threat.

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.
Flynn was communicating with Kislyak as a private citizen, thats the security threat.
How many times do I have to fucking say this. The presidential elect transition team is a legally recognized governmental entity since 1968. Once elections are over, foreign diplomats could give a fuck about the current administration, they get their foot in the door with the upcoming administration, which should be obvious to y’all because that current administration is only going to be making decisions for a few months. Obama was talking with foreign leaders and diplomats when he was still campaigning.
Are you telling me that any defendant who withdraws a guilty plea after entering the plea and answering the judge's question in the affirmative that he pleading guilty because he is guilty and for no other reason, should be prosecuted for perjury? Is that you position?

(this is a huge trap)


We are talking about changing their plea AFTER conviction. They are free to do so any time before that. After conviction is when it's too late.
You can withdraw a guilty plea up until sentencing.

But you have to give a good reason.
Prosecutorial misconduct isn't good enough for you?

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.
Flynn was communicating with Kislyak as a private citizen, thats the security threat.
ROFL! He was about to become the National Security Advisor, you fucking dumbass. There was no security threat. That's pure TDS propaganda.
You can withdraw a guilty plea up until sentencing.

But you have to give a good reason.
Before conviction, the plea can be withdrawn freely. After conviction, as you said, only upon showing of a good reason.

Even after sentencing it can be withdrawn, but only in the interest of justice. Such as proof of innocence, not prosecution errors.
Intentional withholding of exculpatory evidence isn't an error.

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.
Flynn was communicating with Kislyak as a private citizen, thats the security threat.
ROFL! He was about to become the National Security Advisor, you fucking dumbass. There was no security threat. That's pure TDS propaganda.
Michael Flynn has admitted to calling up Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak -- at the behest of other members of the incoming administration and likely the president himself -- and telling him not to worry about any U.S. retaliation against Russia for its election meddling, because when the Trump team took office they'd make it all go away. He might as well have said, "Tell Vlad thanks for the help. We've got his back."

How is this legal?

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.
Flynn was communicating with Kislyak as a private citizen, thats the security threat.
ROFL! He was about to become the National Security Advisor, you fucking dumbass. There was no security threat. That's pure TDS propaganda.
Michael Flynn has admitted to calling up Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak -- at the behest of other members of the incoming administration and likely the president himself -- and telling him not to worry about any U.S. retaliation against Russia for its election meddling, because when the Trump team took office they'd make it all go away. He might as well have said, "Tell Vlad thanks for the help. We've got his back."

How is this legal?
Because he is part of the transition team, Dummy.

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.
Flynn was communicating with Kislyak as a private citizen, thats the security threat.
ROFL! He was about to become the National Security Advisor, you fucking dumbass. There was no security threat. That's pure TDS propaganda.
Michael Flynn has admitted to calling up Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak -- at the behest of other members of the incoming administration and likely the president himself -- and telling him not to worry about any U.S. retaliation against Russia for its election meddling, because when the Trump team took office they'd make it all go away. He might as well have said, "Tell Vlad thanks for the help. We've got his back."

How is this legal?
Because he was a member of the incoming administration, you fucking dumbass. When has it ever been illegal? The Logan act has never been successfully prosecuted and is almost certainly unconstitutional.

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.
Flynn was communicating with Kislyak as a private citizen, thats the security threat.
ROFL! He was about to become the National Security Advisor, you fucking dumbass. There was no security threat. That's pure TDS propaganda.
Michael Flynn has admitted to calling up Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak -- at the behest of other members of the incoming administration and likely the president himself -- and telling him not to worry about any U.S. retaliation against Russia for its election meddling, because when the Trump team took office they'd make it all go away. He might as well have said, "Tell Vlad thanks for the help. We've got his back."

How is this legal?
WTF is your source here? You obviously copied and pasted, but didn’t take the extra 2 seconds to post the full article. My guess is, it’s a trash source, and it’s quoting someone whose clearly biased and paraphrasing what they wish Flynn said...which was asking Russia not to escalate.

Interesting note, apparently Sullivan can’t explain his actions to the appellate court, so he may be the first judge in history to hire a lawyer to do his job for him. This guy is supposedly a federal judge, I mean wtf, he can’t even give the slightest excuse on why he’s creating the power to prosecute for himself out of thin air. This is ridiculous

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.
Flynn was communicating with Kislyak as a private citizen, thats the security threat.
ROFL! He was about to become the National Security Advisor, you fucking dumbass. There was no security threat. That's pure TDS propaganda.
Michael Flynn has admitted to calling up Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak -- at the behest of other members of the incoming administration and likely the president himself -- and telling him not to worry about any U.S. retaliation against Russia for its election meddling, because when the Trump team took office they'd make it all go away. He might as well have said, "Tell Vlad thanks for the help. We've got his back."

How is this legal?
WTF is your source here? You obviously copied and pasted, but didn’t take the extra 2 seconds to post the full article. My guess is, it’s a trash source, and it’s quoting someone whose clearly biased and paraphrasing what they wish Flynn said...which was asking Russia not to escalate.

Interesting note, apparently Sullivan can’t explain his actions to the appellate court, so he may be the first judge in history to hire a lawyer to do his job for him. This guy is supposedly a federal judge, I mean wtf, he can’t even give the slightest excuse on why he’s creating the power to prosecute for himself out of thin air. This is ridiculous
listen carefully:`
So now Judge Sullivan has LAWYERED UP after he was ordered to explain his actions. Instead of simply complying, he lawyers up and shows he is determined to reject the DOJ's dropping the case & determined to punish Flynn.

Based on an agenda by Barrak Obama, to criminal manipulate the Constitutional process of voting, to take down a newly elected United States President, Flynn was targeted, set up, and taken down. He and his family lost EVERYTHING due to the criminal actions taken by people who should be in prison today.

And after learning all the crimes, corruption, withholding evidence, etc...committed by those who went after Flynn and destroyed him, Sullivan fighting SO HARD to punish Flynn more after the DOJ dropped the case shows Sullivan is a crooked SOB.

WTF is your source here? You obviously copied and pasted, but didn’t take the extra 2 seconds to post the full article. My guess is, it’s a trash source, and it’s quoting someone whose clearly biased and paraphrasing what they wish Flynn said...which was asking Russia not to escalate.

They won’t release the transcript of the call.

why did Obama know about Flynn's call with Kislyak before the acting AG knew?

i'm just asking questions as an honest citizen. i'm a journalist!
gosh I wonder why the President would be informed of a national security threat
We all know he wasn't any kind of a threat to National Security. He was only a threat to corrupt minions in the deep state.
Flynn was communicating with Kislyak as a private citizen, thats the security threat.
ROFL! He was about to become the National Security Advisor, you fucking dumbass. There was no security threat. That's pure TDS propaganda.
Michael Flynn has admitted to calling up Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak -- at the behest of other members of the incoming administration and likely the president himself -- and telling him not to worry about any U.S. retaliation against Russia for its election meddling, because when the Trump team took office they'd make it all go away. He might as well have said, "Tell Vlad thanks for the help. We've got his back."

How is this legal?
WTF is your source here? You obviously copied and pasted, but didn’t take the extra 2 seconds to post the full article. My guess is, it’s a trash source, and it’s quoting someone whose clearly biased and paraphrasing what they wish Flynn said...which was asking Russia not to escalate.

Interesting note, apparently Sullivan can’t explain his actions to the appellate court, so he may be the first judge in history to hire a lawyer to do his job for him. This guy is supposedly a federal judge, I mean wtf, he can’t even give the slightest excuse on why he’s creating the power to prosecute for himself out of thin air. This is ridiculous
listen carefully:`

Oh Jesus, no wonder you say so much dumb shit. This guys a hack, remember the old saying “You could prosecute a ham sandwich in a grand jury”. Same thing that’s going on here with what this guy is picking and choosing to say. No, it was not Barr who initiated this. It was the prosecutor from muellers SCO, who initiated going after Flynn, kept it going as other SCO members parachuted out, and finally after the Brady evidence was released, decided to dismiss, he then asked Barr, who then agreed. So the facts blow apart the Barr playing wingman for trump narrative right there. Secondly, that Brady evidence we just discussed, turns out Sullivan has a standing order that everything anything always be turned over to the defense (meaning if he’s the judge, turn that shit over no matter what case). But in case of Flynn, he decided to go against his own standing order, denying Flynn’s team multiple times and when the prosecution came out empty handed, Sullivan himself used the excuse “stuff gets lost all the time”, even though it was clearly never an issue of stuff getting lost, it just was being turned over. So Sullivan is definitely the one acting politically, not Barr, as evidence by the fact Sullivan was breaking his own rules to try to get Flynn convicted over a completely legal and appropriate phone call.

And your boy in that video, boy did he leave a lot out on the Writ of Mandamus. An appellate court responds to these Writs at about a 1% clip. They most certainly don’t respond this fast. They did so because Sullivan’s actions are so bizarre and on the surface seemingly very biased (they are), the appellate ruling, while certainly humiliating for Sullivan, is a lifeline they threw out to him should he choose to take it. Instead of taking it and quietly slinking away from the newspapers and spotlight, he hires a lawyer...to argue judicial procedure...on his behalf...him being a circuit court judge...needs a lawyer...to explain how being a judge works. I guess the scuttlebutt in DC is that a close colleague of his implored him to hire a lawyer that’s a friendly face in the circuit courts so that he A. Doesn’t have to sign his name to the shit arguments he would attempt, he could say it’s the lawyer saying that not me, B. So he doesn’t say anything stupid to the appellate court and torpedo his career, even more.

I mean Sullivan is a hack of the 3rd kind. I know bias judges exist and usually secretly do bias things, but I expect them to attempt to hide the bias. He breaks his own standing order, tells Flynn he’s treasonous over a phone call asking Russia not to escalate, allows amicus briefings in a criminal matter, basically saying he doesn’t know how criminal law works in Latin, and only allows amicus briefings against Flynn, tries to help the mueller SCO suppress evidence...am I missing anything folks?
WTF is your source here? You obviously copied and pasted, but didn’t take the extra 2 seconds to post the full article. My guess is, it’s a trash source, and it’s quoting someone whose clearly biased and paraphrasing what they wish Flynn said...which was asking Russia not to escalate.

They won’t release the transcript of the call.
From what we’ve heard of what’s leaked, remember the leaks have been only stuff that paints the trump admin in a bad light, it’s Flynn asking Russia not to escalate, and to veto sanctions on Israel. If Flynn said something fucked up, even if it was out of context, it would’ve been leaked, just like everything else was at that time. And not wanting to release calls with foreign diplomats is understandable, we don’t want to set the precedent of putting diplomats private calls and laundry, dirty or clean, out there over political fights. That’s just no way to do foreign policy, I think both sides can agree on that. I’m shocked Ukrainian pres let us do it.
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It’s about the rule of law over dropping a case because the defendant has political connections, and that is what this whole thing really is. It is doubtful he will not drop it. But I am glad he is willing to hear things. The gross misconduct in this case is that of Barr.
Using the Sullivan precedent, maybe some Republican Judge can start bringing charges against Comey and Brennan

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