Judge Warns "Mr. Trump" Not Commit Any Offenses Or Have Release Revoked

Yep, as long as the Biden's are free, Trump will be free. No worries. Infact if the Biden's weren't free (locked up), Trump would still be free, because the Biden's are the real deal, and not Mr. Trump.

If this nation allows (otherwise in regard to these matters), an innocent citizen to go to jail, and the true villains to go free, then we are done being a nation of justice completely.

We can thank the idea that we just had to have these crazy character's in America, finally being represented by the people and the government, although the people had since completely lost their way over the years, but that is just water running beneath the bridge anymore.

Now look at where we stand. Wonder if we'll ever get out of the mess that's been created, and has since exploited it all ?

The candidate's running for the Republican side, need to seriously consider their current surroundings and political atmosphere, and they need to think about their country before themselves. If they need to pause for 4 year's, and get behind Trump because of what they see happening to Trump, then they should throw their full weight behind him by signaling solid unity against the Democrat's and to be against what they are doing to the country.

Think about it, Trump was no threat to this country, but what have we seen since the Biden's took over ? We've seen the rich getting richer through exceedingly high interest rate hikes (pulling their investments out for the guaranteed interest to be made on their money instead of risk taking), but meanwhile the middle class begins dying on the vine because of APRs and high interest on everything they purchase now.... We got chaos in the streets, food prices out of this world high, and a lot of it is being caused by band wagon jumpers attempting to capitalize on the called for crisis by (gouging) the people when they didn't need too.

Not every single aspect of our free market economy is locked together, so why the super high prices across the entire board ??

Trump stood right there and warned us what would happen, but the people who are plagued with social issues in their families, and social issues created by the Democrat's, well they just plugged their noses and voted in hopes that their "social issues" would be addressed above all else that mattered in this country or in the world.

People like the Obama and the Biden saw this, and sadly they were voted in for that, and they instantly jumped into the fueling of that sort of bull shite that inturn went against everything else that mattered in this country or within the world. They are vote Hustler's, and they would probably throw their mother's under the bus if they had too for a vote, ohhh wait 🤔..... In one case I remember that happening.

We are no longer the beacon of hope for the world, but rather a dim red light that is luring people into a trap that is removing their souls in exchange for these cultural social constructs that theses characters have now since created and furiously protect. Beware and take caution ole God loving patriot's, because evil and it's demons have gained authority through our corrupted system now. Take heed, and be diligent in not biting the alluring Apple.

We are a beacon of hope for the world. That's why we have a problem with illegal immigrants.
Facts are facts and that's what the government deals with. Reality not fiction.
Yeah. The imminent danger of incandescent light bulbs and gas stoves are ‘phacts’.

“We can’t figure out who left cocaine in the White House. Dats a phact”
Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya, during trump’s arraignment hearing today, said - "Your most important condition of release is that you not commit a state, federal or local offense. If so, your release may be revoked. You may also face a longer sentence for having committed a crime while on release.”

She told Trump that “it is a crime to influence a juror or try to threaten or bribe a witness or retaliate against anyone connected to the case.”

Tread lightly donny boy.
The judge is a bitch.
Yeah. The imminent danger of incandescent light bulbs and gas stoves are ‘phacts’.

“We can’t figure out who left cocaine in the White House. Dats a phact”

In the area where tourists leave their cellphones?
Traitor Trump couldn't even get his wife to come with him to his arraignment. Not a single member of his family.

They were busy appearing on TV interviews defending him.

Where are the Biden family members who took their share of the millions of bribery funds? Why aren’t they speaking up?
We are a beacon of hope for the world. That's why we have a problem with illegal immigrants.
Well, no. The Dems / Marxists shine a beacon of “come get your free stuff” to the world.

The unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants is created by the Dems / Marxists and the Biden politburo. It’s not the American public that gives illegals drivers licenses and government benefits such as healthcare, welfare and free education. Public-school teachers pay union dues and those monies are a major source of political campaign contributions to the Dems / Marxists.

There is a direct connection between political power and the number of illegal immigrant children.

They were busy appearing on TV interviews defending him.

Where are the Biden family members who took their share of the millions of bribery funds? Why aren’t they speaking up?

Who was on TV defending Trump? Which family members?
In the area where tourists leave their cellphones?
You don’t want to admit that the Dems / Marxists initially tried the spin of “… the area used by the public”, when that lie quickly dissolved.

In the area of the most secure building in the country.
Well, no. The Dems / Marxists shine a beacon of “come get your free stuff” to the world.

The unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants is created by the Dems / Marxists and the Biden politburo. It’s not the American public that gives illegals drivers licenses and government benefits such as healthcare, welfare and free education. Public-school teachers pay union dues and those monies are a major source of political campaign contributions to the Dems / Marxists.

There is a direct connection between political power and the number of illegal immigrant children.

Fox news is just entertainment , they even admitted that when taken to court. It's not real.
You don’t want to admit that the Dems / Marxists initially tried the spin of “… the area used by the public”, when that lie quickly dissolved.

In the area of the most secure building in the country.
According to the Secret Service 500 people pass through that area. Think about that when you start making accusations.
Fox news is just entertainment , they even admitted that when taken to court. It's not real.
Your stuttering and mumbling is just entertainment. You admitted that with your lack of ability to address the topic.
According to the Secret Service 500 people pass through that area. Think about that when you start making accusations.
Was that according to the Secret Service clown show that never conducted a single interview?

Think about that when you defend incompetent fools.
Your stuttering and mumbling is just entertainment… fit those like you. You admitted that with your lack of ability to address the topic.
Immigration has been a problem since Regan gave millions of them amnesty. It has never been properly addressed until.now. Biden is really doing a great job cleaning up the disaster trump left him. At this rate the immigration courts will have it down to just a three month wait period in less than 5 years. Unless climate change continues to get worse then all bets are off because it won't be just thousands or millions desperately looking for new homes but billions.
Immigration has been a problem since Regan gave millions of them amnesty. It has never been properly addressed until.now. Biden is really doing a great job cleaning up the disaster trump left him. At this rate the immigration courts will have it down to just a three month wait period in less than 5 years. Unless climate change continues to get worse then all bets are off because it won't be just thousands of millions desperately looking for new homes but billions.
Yeah. Sloppy Joe is doing a great job on illegal immigration if you define a great job as flooding the country with illegals.

Who was on TV defending Trump? Which family members?
If you listened to news that presents the other side, Instead of your liberal propaganda channels, you‘d know.

All you’re doing with a question like that is showing how the liberal media is suppressing news in Trump’s defense.
Yeah. Sloppy Joe is doing a great job on illegal immigration if you define a great job as flooding the country with illegals.

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You expect instant results on something that's been terribly broken for 40 years..life doesn't happen that way. things are going in the right direction for a change. Even if all our people were working we still need over 10, 000,000 workers. Immigrants save themselves but they also save us everyday.
Unbelievable - the bias is intolerable and the case should be moved, and delayed until after the election.

She refused to call him President Trump.
Trump isn't president. He's just another defendant.

If you listened to news that presents the other side, Instead of your liberal propaganda channels, you‘d know.

All you’re doing with a question like that is showing how the liberal media is suppressing news in Trump’s defense.
Has Ivanka been on TV defending her father?
Trump isn't president. He's just another defendant.

It’s protocol - and simple respect - that former presidents retain that title. The judge demonstrated her contempt for the defendant.
Has Ivanka been on TV defending her father?
Ivanka was rarely heard from when her father was president. But other family members have INDEED been on TV defending their father against the Communist-style prosecution of political opponents.

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