Julian Assange associate: It was a leak, not a hack and the DNC insider is NOT Russian

Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't the young man that was ambushed and murdered in DC believed to be one of the insiders?

Yes! You know, just another one of those strange coincidences when someone who could hurt Clinton ended up dead.
Hildabeast was so loose with her emails she deserved a good hacking…
I'm still waiting on that release by Assange that is going to put Hillary underneath the prison. Oh it never came?

Look I was glad to find out what I already thought was going on, that Hillary fucked over Bernie, but for Assange to lie out his ass like this? I can't wait for the evidence it was Russia... then Wikileaks will be pretty much ruined because they will no longer have any credibility.
Yes because Julian Assange is so trustworthy. I had no problem with him leaking info about DNC and Hilary. Public should be informed.

But are you going to tell me there's no corruption in the RNC? That their hands are squeaky clean? Why did Julian only release leaks on the DNC only? It seems like he has some issues with them solely which isn't serving the public's best interest.

It's like Julian was helping Trump to win.

The reason someone leaked info was because they thought it was wrong. We had the DNC trying to rig the election. Had someone in the RNC leaked info, the left would have been fine with that. I would have been just as disgusted.

Are you saying that Assange should have ignored the info? He had gone after Repubs in the past, which seems to indicate no favoritism for one side.

Hillary is radical and was going to go even further than Obama taking our country to the far left. I am glad she was stopped.

I don't think any politician is squeaky clean. But there is a big difference between playing the usual politics and actually planning something that will destroy the country. Hillary talked of open borders and one world government, which would have caused the U.S. to cease to exist. She said those things in speeches to Wall Street and the lib media never reported on any of it.

You want to talk about rigging, look at the way media selectively reported on things. They ran with unsubstantiated stories and kept it up after knowing full well they were false. And they ignored things that would have hurt Hillary.

Yes, the leaked information mattered. Getting a peek at what Hillary is actually like turned people off. Not like Trump's past and everything he's said and done hasn't been reported.
I'm still waiting on that release by Assange that is going to put Hillary underneath the prison. Oh it never came?

Look I was glad to find out what I already thought was going on, that Hillary fucked over Bernie, but for Assange to lie out his ass like this? I can't wait for the evidence it was Russia... then Wikileaks will be pretty much ruined because they will no longer have any credibility.
It's best for America that the Hildabeast will not be president...
I believe it to be a dnc member, Bernie supporter that caught wind of Hillary's shenanigans, and Podesta's lax computer security use led to the leaks. They were there for the taking.
This bullshit that Russia got Trump to win is the biggest "Is that a rabbit over there?" I've witnessed.

Credit: Earnest goes to camp.
I'm still waiting on that release by Assange that is going to put Hillary underneath the prison. Oh it never came?

Look I was glad to find out what I already thought was going on, that Hillary fucked over Bernie, but for Assange to lie out his ass like this? I can't wait for the evidence it was Russia... then Wikileaks will be pretty much ruined because they will no longer have any credibility.
It's best for America that the Hildabeast will not be president...

That has nothing to do with what I said. But ok? It would also be good for America if Trump wasn't President, but that doesn't stop his supporters from sucking Putin's dick or rubbing Assange's nut sack.
I'm still waiting on that release by Assange that is going to put Hillary underneath the prison. Oh it never came?

Look I was glad to find out what I already thought was going on, that Hillary fucked over Bernie, but for Assange to lie out his ass like this? I can't wait for the evidence it was Russia... then Wikileaks will be pretty much ruined because they will no longer have any credibility.
It's best for America that the Hildabeast will not be president...

That has nothing to do with what I said. But ok? It would also be good for America if Trump wasn't President, but that doesn't stop his supporters from sucking Putin's dick or rubbing Assange's nut sack.
There is no proof Russia had any influence on the election… Fact
Uh, buckeye . . . you dim wit . . . she is gone.

That's good.

Now we work on getting Trump gone.

That knock on the door up on the ground floor?

Better answer it, Jammie-boi - it's the Secret Service wanting further details of that little threat.

If you think that is a credible threat on Trump's life, I sure as fuck hope you never serve jury duty.
I'm still waiting on that release by Assange that is going to put Hillary underneath the prison. Oh it never came?

Look I was glad to find out what I already thought was going on, that Hillary fucked over Bernie, but for Assange to lie out his ass like this? I can't wait for the evidence it was Russia... then Wikileaks will be pretty much ruined because they will no longer have any credibility.
It's best for America that the Hildabeast will not be president...

That has nothing to do with what I said. But ok? It would also be good for America if Trump wasn't President, but that doesn't stop his supporters from sucking Putin's dick or rubbing Assange's nut sack.
There is no proof Russia had any influence on the election… Fact

Oh, you know more than the intelligence community in the U.S. and Europe? Good to know. Too bad you spend too much time posting here for that to be true.

You jack off to Trump's picture using a toupee as your whack-it rag... Fact.
As the fake news continues to push fiction, it's time to sit back and look at the facts. This latest story is growing legs, much like the "Hands up, don't shoot" lies or the one about how a video caused the Benghazi attacks. The lib media knows that if they repeat something often enough, people will believe it. They are using the same tactic to blame Russia for hurting Hillary during the election. It's meant to undermine Trump and take the blame away from the actions of Hillary and others in the Dem party. From her many scandals to the poor choices made by the DNC and Hillary's campaign, there are a lot of things they want to divert attention away from and this is nothing but a plan to paint Trump as some darling of the Russians.

While lack of security of Hillary's State Dept. emails made it easy for foreign countries to find out what she was up to, in the case of the DNC emails that exposed the plan favoring Hillary over Bernie, it was an inside job. Not Russians. Not other hackers. It was a DNC insider who leaked information regarding the corruption.

And the left continue to claim that Russia was behind this and that they somehow hacked into paper ballots and machines that were not online. Incredible that anyone would buy that, yet there are people willing to believe anything.

"Murray, who is a close associate of Wikileaks head Julian Assange, explained it further on his website.

“As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two,” he wrote. “And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.”

It’s the reality that so many in the mainstream media ignore. It wasn’t about who leaked the emails. It was about what they said.

Assange himself vehemently denied Russia had any involvement in the hacks during an interview right before Election Day."

Julian Assange associate: It was a leak, not a hack and the DNC insider is NOT Russian
It doesn't matter to the zealots.

They're going to believe all of the negative and deny all of the positive, because that's what zealots do.

'Julian Assange associate: It was a leak, not a hack and the DNC insider is NOT Russian'

(..and he was murdered...er, killed)

Well, doesn't that just take all of the air out of the liberals' Conspiracy Theory? :p

Un-acceptable - there must be a scapegoat! Where the hell is that film-maker?
I'm still waiting on that release by Assange that is going to put Hillary underneath the prison. Oh it never came?

Look I was glad to find out what I already thought was going on, that Hillary fucked over Bernie, but for Assange to lie out his ass like this? I can't wait for the evidence it was Russia... then Wikileaks will be pretty much ruined because they will no longer have any credibility.
It's best for America that the Hildabeast will not be president...

That has nothing to do with what I said. But ok? It would also be good for America if Trump wasn't President, but that doesn't stop his supporters from sucking Putin's dick or rubbing Assange's nut sack.
There is no proof Russia had any influence on the election… Fact

Oh, you know more than the intelligence community in the U.S. and Europe? Good to know. Too bad you spend too much time posting here for that to be true.

You jack off to Trump's picture using a toupee as your whack-it rag... Fact.
Show us the absolute proof were Russia determined the result of the election?
I'm still waiting on that release by Assange that is going to put Hillary underneath the prison. Oh it never came?

Look I was glad to find out what I already thought was going on, that Hillary fucked over Bernie, but for Assange to lie out his ass like this? I can't wait for the evidence it was Russia... then Wikileaks will be pretty much ruined because they will no longer have any credibility.
It's best for America that the Hildabeast will not be president...

That has nothing to do with what I said. But ok? It would also be good for America if Trump wasn't President, but that doesn't stop his supporters from sucking Putin's dick or rubbing Assange's nut sack.
There is no proof Russia had any influence on the election… Fact

Oh, you know more than the intelligence community in the U.S. and Europe? Good to know. Too bad you spend too much time posting here for that to be true.

You jack off to Trump's picture using a toupee as your whack-it rag... Fact.
Show us the absolute proof were Russia determined the result of the election?

No, you don't get how reality works because you are a Trump supporter. You said:

There is no proof Russia had any influence on the election… Fact

Now, YOU prove there is no evidence. See that's how the real world works. You make a statement... then you provide PROOF to back it up. This is not Trump's world where you make a statement, and then you force someone else to provide proof that your statement is false. Otherwise I could say something like:

Rustic likes to fuck baked goods and then feed them to live stock.

Then everyone would HAVE to accept that statement as true until you provided proof that it was false.

Do you understand?
It's best for America that the Hildabeast will not be president...

That has nothing to do with what I said. But ok? It would also be good for America if Trump wasn't President, but that doesn't stop his supporters from sucking Putin's dick or rubbing Assange's nut sack.
There is no proof Russia had any influence on the election… Fact

Oh, you know more than the intelligence community in the U.S. and Europe? Good to know. Too bad you spend too much time posting here for that to be true.

You jack off to Trump's picture using a toupee as your whack-it rag... Fact.
Show us the absolute proof were Russia determined the result of the election?

No, you don't get how reality works because you are a Trump supporter. You said:

There is no proof Russia had any influence on the election… Fact

Now, YOU prove there is no evidence. See that's how the real world works. You make a statement... then you provide PROOF to back it up. This is not Trump's world where you make a statement, and then you force someone else to provide proof that your statement is false. Otherwise I could say something like:

Rustic likes to fuck baked goods and then feed them to live stock.

Then everyone would HAVE to accept that statement as true until you provided proof that it was false.

Do you understand?
No Proof?
Like I thought
That has nothing to do with what I said. But ok? It would also be good for America if Trump wasn't President, but that doesn't stop his supporters from sucking Putin's dick or rubbing Assange's nut sack.
There is no proof Russia had any influence on the election… Fact

Oh, you know more than the intelligence community in the U.S. and Europe? Good to know. Too bad you spend too much time posting here for that to be true.

You jack off to Trump's picture using a toupee as your whack-it rag... Fact.
Show us the absolute proof were Russia determined the result of the election?

No, you don't get how reality works because you are a Trump supporter. You said:

There is no proof Russia had any influence on the election… Fact

Now, YOU prove there is no evidence. See that's how the real world works. You make a statement... then you provide PROOF to back it up. This is not Trump's world where you make a statement, and then you force someone else to provide proof that your statement is false. Otherwise I could say something like:

Rustic likes to fuck baked goods and then feed them to live stock.

Then everyone would HAVE to accept that statement as true until you provided proof that it was false.

Do you understand?
No Proof?
Like I thought

As soon as I get CIA and FBI clearance to get a brief on their evidence I'll share it with you and the entire forum.

So where is your proof that you don't fuck baked goods and feed it to live stock? You're going to have to provide a link to a credible source. Now go!

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