Julian Assange coming for Clinton tomorrow.

Exclusive New Docs Throw Doubt on Julian Assange Rape Charges in Stockholm

Exclusive New Docs Throw Doubt on Julian Assange Rape Charges in Stockholm
No. That's just someone trying to defend him against the charges. Nothing more. He needs to have his day in court. He needs to be arrested and put on trial. Then, if he is innocent, he will be freed. Simple.

If he is ever forced out of his 'refuge' at the Ecuadorian Embassy he will be in very great danger....and I am not talking about the phoney rape charges.
Hopefully he would be in danger if he walked the streets. He should be in danger. He has put America and all Americans in danger. Are you so obtuse and/or partisan you don't see that?
Why Putin hates hillary: Why Putin hates Hillary
LMAO If Putin hates someone, that's a good thing. You idiots do not realize that Putin and Russia are the enemy of democracy, the West, and all that is good and decent.

Nonsense. Trump could work with Putin...there is no reason for us to be enemies...especially when both our enemies is China.
Trump could work with Putin? LMAO Putin would manipulate Trump and ruin America. Jeeze...you people are utterly amazing the way you see the world. Probably a result of your being anti-education: you are sick know nothings.
A new report claims that Clinton once proposed a military drone strike to take out Assange in a bid to silence WikiLeaks. Above, one of Clinton's aides sent an email with the subject line ‘an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks’

After Clinton allegedly proposed a drone strike, another solution was reportedly brought up to solve the WikiLeaks problem: place a bounty for Assange’s capture and extradition to the United States.

Figures discussed were in the area of $10million, according to TruePundit.

And following that meeting, one of Clinton’s top aides – Anne-Marie Slaughter, the State Department’s director of policy planning - wrote an email to Clinton, Clinton’s aides Huma Abedin and Jacob Sullivan as well as Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills with the subject line ‘an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks.’
Sounds like she would make a strong leader.

She as well as bill are corrupt to the core.....also very dangerous as she is apt to get us involved in a war with Russia.

Of special interest to you she banned Bill's love child(with a black lady)from the governors mansion in Arkansas and then concocted a phoney story about a dna test being administered which supposedly proved bill was not the father.

Re-Surfaced Sex Allegation Could Be Hillary Clinton's BIGGEST NIGHTMARE - The Political Insider
Neither Clinton is 'corrupt to the core.' Obviously the person who is corrupt is Trump: 3 divorces, 3 wives he cheated on, how many bankruptsies?, not paying taxes, lying about just about everything to do with his business and personal income and dealings, a loud mouthed, foul mouthed, bullying jackass who mocks people who are ill and people who are handicapped and anyone else he can mock.

This jackass does not belong in the White House.

You have been duped by the media...........now for some real truth.............................From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
Why Putin hates hillary: Why Putin hates Hillary
LMAO If Putin hates someone, that's a good thing. You idiots do not realize that Putin and Russia are the enemy of democracy, the West, and all that is good and decent.

Nonsense. Trump could work with Putin...there is no reason for us to be enemies...especially when both our enemies is China.
Trump could work with Putin? LMAO Putin would manipulate Trump and ruin America. Jeeze...you people are utterly amazing the way you see the world. Probably a result of your being anti-education: you are sick know nothings.

Can anyone say 'Naive'?

Erik Prince: Trump Is Right -- We Can Work with Putin to Defeat ‘Common Enemy’ of ‘Islamic Fascism’
Julian Assange Robin Hood of the Information Age and Pandora's Box | Truth Lies Deception and Coverups - Democracy Under Fire
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A new report claims that Clinton once proposed a military drone strike to take out Assange in a bid to silence WikiLeaks. Above, one of Clinton's aides sent an email with the subject line ‘an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks’

After Clinton allegedly proposed a drone strike, another solution was reportedly brought up to solve the WikiLeaks problem: place a bounty for Assange’s capture and extradition to the United States.

Figures discussed were in the area of $10million, according to TruePundit.

And following that meeting, one of Clinton’s top aides – Anne-Marie Slaughter, the State Department’s director of policy planning - wrote an email to Clinton, Clinton’s aides Huma Abedin and Jacob Sullivan as well as Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills with the subject line ‘an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks.’
Sounds like she would make a strong leader.

She as well as bill are corrupt to the core.....also very dangerous as she is apt to get us involved in a war with Russia.

Of special interest to you she banned Bill's love child(with a black lady)from the governors mansion in Arkansas and then concocted a phoney story about a dna test being administered which supposedly proved bill was not the father.

Re-Surfaced Sex Allegation Could Be Hillary Clinton's BIGGEST NIGHTMARE - The Political Insider
Neither Clinton is 'corrupt to the core.' Obviously the person who is corrupt is Trump: 3 divorces, 3 wives he cheated on, how many bankruptsies?, not paying taxes, lying about just about everything to do with his business and personal income and dealings, a loud mouthed, foul mouthed, bullying jackass who mocks people who are ill and people who are handicapped and anyone else he can mock.

This jackass does not belong in the White House.

You have been duped by the media...........now for some real truth.............................From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
It isn't me who is being duped: it's you, moron. You will believe anything that is written, as long as it fits your agenda. You are incapable of thinking logically, reasonably and with an unbiased perspective. You're so fucking stupid you say anyone who doesn't swallow all the rightwing propaganda and bullshit you swallow is 'duped.' You're pathetic.
Why Putin hates hillary: Why Putin hates Hillary
LMAO If Putin hates someone, that's a good thing. You idiots do not realize that Putin and Russia are the enemy of democracy, the West, and all that is good and decent.

Nonsense. Trump could work with Putin...there is no reason for us to be enemies...especially when both our enemies is China.
Trump could work with Putin? LMAO Putin would manipulate Trump and ruin America. Jeeze...you people are utterly amazing the way you see the world. Probably a result of your being anti-education: you are sick know nothings.

Can anyone say 'Naive'?

Erik Prince: Trump Is Right -- We Can Work with Putin to Defeat ‘Common Enemy’ of ‘Islamic Fascism’
Julian Assange Robin Hood of the Information Age and Pandora's Box | Truth Lies Deception and Coverups - Democracy Under Fire
The entire West is against Putin. They know what he is. If Trump 'works with' Putin, first of all, Putin will manipulate the fool Trump no end. Second, Trump would alienate all of our allies, world wide. You actually think that would be good for America? You are a complete moron and fool.
A new report claims that Clinton once proposed a military drone strike to take out Assange in a bid to silence WikiLeaks. Above, one of Clinton's aides sent an email with the subject line ‘an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks’

After Clinton allegedly proposed a drone strike, another solution was reportedly brought up to solve the WikiLeaks problem: place a bounty for Assange’s capture and extradition to the United States.

Figures discussed were in the area of $10million, according to TruePundit.

And following that meeting, one of Clinton’s top aides – Anne-Marie Slaughter, the State Department’s director of policy planning - wrote an email to Clinton, Clinton’s aides Huma Abedin and Jacob Sullivan as well as Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills with the subject line ‘an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks.’
Sounds like she would make a strong leader.

She as well as bill are corrupt to the core.....also very dangerous as she is apt to get us involved in a war with Russia.

Of special interest to you she banned Bill's love child(with a black lady)from the governors mansion in Arkansas and then concocted a phoney story about a dna test being administered which supposedly proved bill was not the father.

Re-Surfaced Sex Allegation Could Be Hillary Clinton's BIGGEST NIGHTMARE - The Political Insider
Neither Clinton is 'corrupt to the core.' Obviously the person who is corrupt is Trump: 3 divorces, 3 wives he cheated on, how many bankruptsies?, not paying taxes, lying about just about everything to do with his business and personal income and dealings, a loud mouthed, foul mouthed, bullying jackass who mocks people who are ill and people who are handicapped and anyone else he can mock.

This jackass does not belong in the White House.

You have been duped by the media...........now for some real truth.............................From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
It isn't me who is being duped: it's you, moron. You will believe anything that is written, as long as it fits your agenda. You are incapable of thinking logically, reasonably and with an unbiased perspective. You're so fucking stupid you say anyone who doesn't swallow all the rightwing propaganda and bullshit you swallow is 'duped.' You're pathetic.

A new report claims that Clinton once proposed a military drone strike to take out Assange in a bid to silence WikiLeaks. Above, one of Clinton's aides sent an email with the subject line ‘an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks’

After Clinton allegedly proposed a drone strike, another solution was reportedly brought up to solve the WikiLeaks problem: place a bounty for Assange’s capture and extradition to the United States.

Figures discussed were in the area of $10million, according to TruePundit.

And following that meeting, one of Clinton’s top aides – Anne-Marie Slaughter, the State Department’s director of policy planning - wrote an email to Clinton, Clinton’s aides Huma Abedin and Jacob Sullivan as well as Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills with the subject line ‘an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks.’
Sounds like she would make a strong leader.

She as well as bill are corrupt to the core.....also very dangerous as she is apt to get us involved in a war with Russia.

Of special interest to you she banned Bill's love child(with a black lady)from the governors mansion in Arkansas and then concocted a phoney story about a dna test being administered which supposedly proved bill was not the father.

Re-Surfaced Sex Allegation Could Be Hillary Clinton's BIGGEST NIGHTMARE - The Political Insider
Neither Clinton is 'corrupt to the core.' Obviously the person who is corrupt is Trump: 3 divorces, 3 wives he cheated on, how many bankruptsies?, not paying taxes, lying about just about everything to do with his business and personal income and dealings, a loud mouthed, foul mouthed, bullying jackass who mocks people who are ill and people who are handicapped and anyone else he can mock.

This jackass does not belong in the White House.

You have been duped by the media...........now for some real truth.............................From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
It isn't me who is being duped: it's you, moron. You will believe anything that is written, as long as it fits your agenda. You are incapable of thinking logically, reasonably and with an unbiased perspective. You're so fucking stupid you say anyone who doesn't swallow all the rightwing propaganda and bullshit you swallow is 'duped.' You're pathetic.

Calling me names does me no injury ..... It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my bones. ... Reason and free enquiry are the only effectual agents against error.
Why Putin hates hillary: Why Putin hates Hillary
LMAO If Putin hates someone, that's a good thing. You idiots do not realize that Putin and Russia are the enemy of democracy, the West, and all that is good and decent.

Nonsense. Trump could work with Putin...there is no reason for us to be enemies...especially when both our enemies is China.
Trump could work with Putin? LMAO Putin would manipulate Trump and ruin America. Jeeze...you people are utterly amazing the way you see the world. Probably a result of your being anti-education: you are sick know nothings.

Can anyone say 'Naive'?

Erik Prince: Trump Is Right -- We Can Work with Putin to Defeat ‘Common Enemy’ of ‘Islamic Fascism’
Julian Assange Robin Hood of the Information Age and Pandora's Box | Truth Lies Deception and Coverups - Democracy Under Fire
The entire West is against Putin. They know what he is. If Trump 'works with' Putin, first of all, Putin will manipulate the fool Trump no end. Second, Trump would alienate all of our allies, world wide. You actually think that would be good for America? You are a complete moron and fool.

The only ones against Putin is the Western Media....need I explain why that is the case?

Why the Western Media Pushes for War on Russia

  • It was 'very imp[ortant]' to review Clinton's phone-call schedule with her, Abedin cautioned an underling via email, because 'she's often confused'
  • The email comes from Judicial Watch, which obtained it through a FOIA lawsuit against the State Department
  • It also shows Clinton was asleep on a Saturday when the aide went to brief her on her schedule
  • The same aide tried to reach her four days after the Benghazi terror attacks, but Clinton had slept through a White House briefing

Read more: Huma Abedin warned colleagues Hillary Clinton was 'often confused' | Daily Mail Online
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Can Assange turn it around for Trump? Wikileaks boss WILL release 'damaging information' about Hillary tomorrow after initially cancelling 'October Surprise' speech from embassy balcony due to security concerns.

Julian Assange WILL make announcement via video amid rumors of 'October Surprise': WikiLeaks founder is 'due to release damaging information about Hillary Clinton' | Daily Mail Online

The programmed progressive bots will just ignore whatever it is. They could care less what laws Hillary has broken. I mean we are talking about people that stand by Islam every time there is a terror attack. In their minds she can never be as bad as Trump, even though he has never broken laws or betrayed the country. He represents what they hate most about America, he's a rich white guy that makes money by capitalism. If Hillary can help destroy white Christian and capitalist America, then nothing else matters.
What's great about this is......if the MOAB is big enough, the media will have to go big with it the way they had to go big when the blue dress became huge for Will J. Back then, every American knew 3 days later about the shit on the blue dress.

Funny as shit to watch the progressives heads exploding on this thread......its what keeps people coming back to this site........seeing complete meatheads like the miserable feminist bulldog Esmerelda shitting her bloomers!! :coffee:Fucking great!:funnyface:
Oct 2, 2016 - As The Feast of Trumpets starts

The video is fake: no other videos; it's a psy-op of type "to be later self-exposed" as "original publisher is a computer-generated imagery (CGI) specialist".

What the fake cloud "mocks"
The "cloud" is a CGI illuminati psy-op "mocking" the REAL 2016 October surprise.
In other words: NOT what Illuminati have for the human cattle but what God has for the illuminati, indeed centered on the Feast of Trumpets and Jerusalem.
Reduced to two numbers, 5777 and 1, what the illuminati could not imagine when they staged the "death of Osama Bin Laden" in May 2011, 36 years after their infiltrators got TOTAL control of Israel government:
- year 5777 would indeed start Ten Days of Awe before the Day of Atonement for Israel's the FIRST Jubilee year (after the first 49 cycle) with the whole of Jerusalem as capital.

Illuminati's October surprises for the human cattle: for day 4 they range from Assange's leaks to Russia's nuclear drills.

All in Blog
Signs of God at the Last Days of Evil on Earth: Jerusalem SKYQUAKE Feast of Last Trumpets Timing predicted by Last Prophet: Trum(pence) v Kaine

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